Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition

Background details and bibliographic information

Rury and Darvorgilla

Author: James Clarence Mangan

File Description

D.J. O'Donoghue

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber , Ruth Murphy

Proof corrections by Ruth Murphy

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 3665 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

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Text ID Number: E840000-020

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This version from the Irish of M'Quillan appeared first in Conellan's edition of The Great Bardic Institution, 1857. (D.J. O'Donoghue.)


    Mangan's Works
  1. James Clarence Mangan, Ballad-Poetry of Ireland (Dublin: Duffy 1845).
  2. James Clarence Mangan, Specimens of the early native poetry of Ireland: in English metrical translations by Miss Brooke, Dr. Drummond, Samuel Ferguson, J. C. Mangan, T. Furlong, H. Grattan Curran, E. Walsh, J. D'Alton and J. Anster, with historical and biographical notices by Henry R. Montgomery (Dublin: James McGlashan; London: W.S. Orr and Co. 1846).
  3. James Clarence Mangan, The Book of Irish Ballads, ed. Denis Florence McCarthy (Dublin: J. Duffy 1846).
  4. James Clarence Mangan, Miscellany (Dublin: Celtic Society 1849).
  5. James Clarence Mangan, The poets and poetry of Munster: A selection of Irish songs by poets of the last century, with poetical translations by the late James Clarence Mangan, now for the first time published with the original music and biographical sketches of the authors 1st ed. (Dublin:John O'Daly 1849; Poole, England: Woodstock Books 1997).
  6. James Clarence Mangan, Romances and Ballads of Ireland, ed. Hercules Ellis (Dublin: J. Duffy 1850).
  7. James Clarence Mangan, The tribes of Ireland: a satire by Aenghus O'Daly; with poetical translation by the late James Clarence Mangan; together with an historical account of the family of O'Daly; and an introduction to the history of satire in Ireland by John O'Donovan (Dublin: John O'Daly 1852; Reprint Cork: Tower Books 1976).
  8. James Clarence Mangan, Poems by James Clarence Mangan, with biographical introduction by John Mitchel (New York: Haverty 1859).
  9. James Clarence Mangan, Anthologia Germanica; or a garland from the German poets and miscellaneous poems, 2 vols (Dublin: Duffy 1884).
  10. James Clarence Mangan, Essays in prose and verse by J. Clarence Mangan, ed. Charles P. Meehan. (Dublin: Duffy 1884).
  11. James Clarence Mangan, Irish and Other Poems: With a selection from his translations [The O'Connell Press Popular Library] (Dublin: O'Connell Press 1886).
  12. James Clarence Mangan, James Clarence Mangan, his selected poems; with a study by the editor, ed. Louise Imogen Guiney (London: Lamson, Wolffe & Co. 1897; Montana: Kessinger Publishing Co. 2007).
  13. James Clarence Mangan, Poems of James Clarence Mangan (many hitherto uncollected), ed. with preface and notes by D.J. O'Donoghue; introduction by John Mitchel (Dublin: O'Donoghue, 1903; Reprint New York: Johnson 1972).
  14. James Clarence Mangan, The prose writing of James Clarence Mangan, ed. D.J. O'Donoghue. (Dublin: O'Donoghue 1904).
  15. James Clarence Mangan, Autobiography edited from the manuscript by James Kilroy [Chapel Books Series] (Dublin: Dolmen Press 1968).
  16. James Clarence Mangan, Selected Poems of James Clarence Mangan, ed. Michael Smith with a foreword by Anthony Cronin (Dublin: Gallery Press 1973).
  17. James Clarence Mangan, The collected works of James Clarence Mangan: Poems Vol. 1 1818–1837, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1996).
  18. James Clarence Mangan, The collected works of James Clarence Mangan: Poems Vol. 2 1838–1844, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1996).
  19. James Clarence Mangan, The collected works of James Clarence Mangan: Poems Vol. 3 1845–1847, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1997).
  20. James Clarence Mangan, The collected works of James Clarence Mangan: Poems Vol. 4 1848–1912, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1997).
  21. James Clarence Mangan, Anthologia Germanica: Selection on a German Theme from the Verse of the Poet of Young Ireland (Ireland & Germany), ed. with an introduction by Brendan Clifford (London: Athol Books 2001).
  22. James Clarence Mangan, The collected works of James Clarence Mangan: Prose Vol. 1 1832–1839, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 2002).
  23. James Clarence Mangan, The collected works of James Clarence Mangan: Prose Vol. 2 1840–1882: correspondence, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 2002).
  24. James Clarence Mangan, Selected Poems of James Clarence Mangan, foreword by Terence Brown, ed. Jacques Chuto et al. (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, bicentenary ed. 2003).
  25. James Clarence Mangan, Poems, ed. with an introduction by David Wheatley (Oldcastle: Gallery Press 2003).
  26. James Clarence Mangan, Selected Prose of James Clarence Mangan. ed. Jacques Chuto, Peter van de Kamp (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, vicentenary ed. 2004).
  27. James Clarence Mangan, James Clarence Mangan: Selected writings, ed. with an introduction by Sean Ryder (Dublin: University College 2004).
    Secondary Literature
  1. W. B. Yeats, 'Clarence Mangan, 1803–1849' [Irish Authors and Poets series]. In: Irish Fireside 12 March 1877; reprinted in John Frayne, Uncollected Prose of W. B Yeats, Vol. 1 (London: Macmillan 1970).
  2. W. B. Yeats, 'Clarence Mangan's Love Affair'. In: United Ireland 22 August 1891.
  3. D. J. O'Donoghue, Life and Writings of James Clarence Mangan (Edinburgh: Geddis; Dublin: M. H. Gill 1897).
  4. Ellen Shannon-Mangan, James Clarence Mangan: a biography (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1996).
  5. Henry Edward Cain, James Clarence Mangan and the Poe-Mangan question, A dissertation (Washington: Catholic University Press 1929).
  6. James Joyce, James Clarence Mangan: from St. Stephen's, Dublin, May, 1902 (Dublin: Ulysses Bookshop 1930).
  7. John D. Sheridan, Famous Irish lives: James Clarence Mangan (Dublin: Phoenix Publishing 1937).
  8. P. S. O'Hegarty, 'A bibliography of James Clarence Mangan'. In: Dublin Magazine 16 (1941) 56–61.
  9. Séamus Ó Casaide, 'James Clarence Mangan and his Meath relatives: new light on the poet's circumstances'. In: Father Matthew Record 35:6 (1941) 4–5.
  10. Roibeárd Ó Faracháin, 'James Clarence Mangan'. In: Thomas Davis and Young Ireland, ed. M. J. MacManus (Dublin: The Stationery Office 1945), 61–67.
  11. Marvin Magalaner, 'James Mangan and Joyce's Dedalus family'. In: Philological Quarterly (1952).
  12. Patrick Diskin, 'The poetry of James Clarence Mangan'. In: University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 2:1 (1960) 21–30.
  13. Rudolf Patrick Holzapfel, James Clarence Mangan: A Check-List Of Printed And Other Sources (Dublin: Scepter Publishing 1969).
  14. Jacques Chuto, 'Mangan's "Antique Deposit" in TCD Library'. In: Long Room 2 (1970) 38–39.
  15. James Kilroy, James Clarence Mangan (Lewisburg, N.J.: Bucknell University Press 1970).
  16. Jacques Chuto, 'Mangan and the "Irus Herfner" articles in the Dublin University Magazine'. In: Hermathena 106 (1971) 55–57.
  17. Henry J. Donaghy, James Clarence Mangan. [English Authors Series] (Macmillan Library Reference, 1974). James Liddy, 'An Introduction to the Poetry of James Mangan'. In: Lace Curtain 5 (1974) 55–56.
  18. John McCall, The life of James Clarence Mangan. (Dublin; T. D. Sullivan 1887; Blackrock: Carraig Books 1975).
  19. Jacques Chuto, 'Mangan, Petrie, O'Donovan and a few others: the poet and the scholars'. In: Irish University Review 6:2 (1976) 169–187.
  20. James Kilroy, 'Bibliography of Mangan'. In: Anglo-Irish Literature: A Review of Research, ed. Richard J. Finneran (New York: Modern Language Association 1976) 43–44.
  21. Robert Welch, ''In wreathed swell': James Clarence Mangan, translator from the Irish'. In: Éire-Ireland 11:2 (1976) 36–56.
  22. Peter MacMahon, 'James Clarence Mangan: the Irish language and the strange case of the tribes of Ireland'. In: Irish University Review 8:2 (1978) 209–222.
  23. Anthony Cronin, 'James Clarence Mangan: The Necessary Maudit'. In: Heritage Now: Irish Literature in the English Language (Dingle: Brandon 1982), 47–50.
  24. David Lloyd, 'Great gaps in Irish song: James Clarence Mangan and the ideology of the nationalist ballad'. In: Irish University Review 14 (1984) 178–190.
  25. Patrick Smith, James Clarence Mangan: the conscious victim. [Unpublished M.A. Thesis, Dept. of English, UCC, 1986].
  26. David Lloyd, Nationalism and minor literature: James Clarence Mangan and the emergence of Irish cultural nationalism [The new historicism: studies in cultural poetics, 3]. (Berkeley: California University Press 1987).
  27. Brendan Clifford, The Dubliner: the lives, times and writings of James Clarence Mangan (Belfast: Athol Books 1988).
  28. Ellen Shannon-Mangan, 'New letters from James Clarence Mangan to John O'Donovan'. In: Irish University Review 18 (1988) 207–214.
  29. Sean Ryder, 'Male autobiography and Irish cultural nationalism: John Mitchel and James Clarence Mangan'. In: The Irish Review 13 (1992-93) 70–77.
  30. Jacques Chuto, 'James Clarence Mangan and the Beauty of Hate'. In: Éire-Ireland 30: 2 (1995) 173–81.
  31. Heyward Ehrlich, 'Inventing patrimony: Joyce, Mangan, and the self-inventing self'. In: Joyce through the ages: a nonlinear view, ed. Michael Patrick Gillespie (Gainesville: University Press of Florida 1999).
  32. Jacques Chuto, James Clarence Mangan: a bibliography (Dublin: Irish Academic Press 1999).
  33. Anne MacCarthy, James Clarence Mangan, Edward Walsh and Nineteenth-century Irish literature in English [Studies in Irish Literature] (Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2000).
  34. David Lloyd, 'James Clarence Mangan's Oriental Translations and the Question of Origins'. In: Comparative Literature 38:1 (1986), 20–55.
  35. Dr. Elie Bouhereau, 'Mangan and the worst of woes'. In: Borderlands: essays on literature and medicine in honour of J.B. Lyons, ed. Davis Coakley and Mary O'Doherty (Dublin: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 2002).
  36. Peter van de Kamp, 'Hands off! Joyce and the Mangan in the Mac'. In: Costerus 147 (2003) 183–214.
James Clarence Mangan The Poems of James Clarence Mangan in , Ed. D.J. O'Donoghue The Poems of James Clarence Mangan (many hitherto uncollected). O'Donoghue & Co., 31 South Anne Street, Dublin, Ireland, (1967) page 56–60


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

Pages 56–60.

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Profile Description

Created: by James Clarence Mangan (1857)

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [GA] Some words are in Irish, however some are in anglicised spelling.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E840000-020

Rury and Darvorgilla: Author: James Clarence Mangan


  1. Know ye the tale of the Prince of Oriel,
    Of Rury, last of his line of kings?
    I pen it here as a sad memorial
    Of how much woe reckless folly brings.
  2. Of a time that Rury rode woodwards, clothed
    In silk and gold, on a hunting chase
    He thought like thunder1 on his betrothed,
    And with clinched hand he smote his face.
  3. 'Fareer!2 Mabhron!3 Princess Darvorgilla!
    Forgive she will not a slight like this;
    But could she, dared she, I should be still a
    Base wretch to wed her for heaven's best bliss.'
  4. 'Fareer! Fareer! Princess Darvorgilla!
    She has four hundred young bowmen bold;
    But I—I love her, and would not spill a
    Drop of their blood for ten torques4 of gold.'
  5. 'Still, woe to all who provoke to slaughter!
    I count as nought, weighed with fame like mine,
    The birth and beauty of Cairtre's daughter;
    So, judge the sword between line and line!'
  6. 'Thou, therefore, Calbhach5, go call a muster,
    And wind the bugle by fort and dun!


    When stains shall tarnish our house's lustre,
    Then sets in darkness the noonday sun!'
  7. But Calbhach answered—'Light need to do so!
    Behold the noblest of heroes here!
    What foe confronts us, I reck not whoso,
    Shall flee before us like hunted deer!'
  8. Spake Rury then—'Calbhach, as thou willest!
    But see, old man, there be brief delay—
    For this chill parle is of all things chillest,
    And my fleet courser must now away!'
  9. 'Yet though thou march with thy legions townwards,
    Well armed for ambush or treacherous fray,
    Still see they point their bare weapons downwards,
    As those of warriors averse to slay!'
  10. Now, when the clansmen were armed and mounted,
    The aged Calbhach gave way to fears;
    For, foot and horsemen, they barely counted
    A hundred cross-bows and forty spears.
  11. And thus exclaimed he—'My soul is shaken!
    We die the death, not of men, but slaves;
    We sleep the sleep from which none awaken,
    And scorn shall point at our tombless graves!'
  12. Then out spake Fergal—'A charge so weighty
    As this, O Rury, thou shouldst not throw
    On a drivelling dotard of eight-and-eighty,
    Whose arm is nerveless for spear or bow!'
  13. But Rury answered—'Away! To-morrow
    Myself will stand in Traghvally6 town;
    But, come what may come, this day I borrow
    To hunt through Glafna the brown deer down!'

  14. p.58

  15. So, through the night, unto grey Traghvally,
    The feeble Ceann led his hosts along;
    But faint and heart-sore, they could not rally,
    So deeply Rury had wrought them wrong.
  16. Now, when the Princess beheld advancing
    Her lover's troops with their arms reversed
    In lieu of broadswords and chargers prancing,
    She felt her heart's hopes were dead and hearsed.
  17. And on her knees to her ireful father
    She prayed—'O father, let this pass by;
    War not against the brave Rury! Rather
    Pierce this fond bosom and let me die!'
  18. But Cairtre rose in volcanic fury,
    And so he spake—'By the might of God,
    I hold no terms with this craven Rury
    Till he or I lie below the sod!'
  19. 'Thou shameless child! Thou, alike unworthy
    Of him, thy father, who speaks thee thus,
    And her, my Mhearb7, who in sorrow bore thee,
    Wilt thou dishonour thyself and us?'
  20. 'Behold! I march with my serried bowmen—
    Four hundred thine and a thousand mine;
    I march to crush these degraded foemen,
    Who gorge the ravens ere day decline!'
  21. Meet now both armies in mortal struggle,
    The spears are shivered, the javelins fly;
    But what strange terror, what mental juggle,
    Be those that speak out of Calbhach's eye?

  22. p.59

  23. It is—it must be, some spell Satanic,
    That masters him and his gallant host.
    Woe, woe the day! An inglorious panic
    O'erpowers the legions—and all is lost!
  24. Woe, woe that day, and that hour of carnage!
    Too well they witness to Fergal's truth!
    Too well in bloodiest appeal they warn Age
    Not lightly thus to match swords with Youth!
  25. When Rury reached, in the red of morning,
    The battle-ground, it was he who felt
    The dreadful weight of this ghastly warning,
    And what a blow had o'ernight been dealt!
  26. So, glancing round him, and sadly groaning,
    He pierced his breast with his noble blade;
    Thus all too mournfully mis-atoning
    For that black ruin his word had made.
  27. But hear ye further! When Cairtre's daughter
    Saw what a fate had o'erta'en her Brave,
    Her eyes became as twin founts of water,
    Her heart again as a darker grave.
  28. Clasp now thy lover, unhappy maiden!
    But, see! thy sire tears thine arms away,
    And in a dungeon, all anguish laden,
    Shalt thou be cast ere the shut of day.
  29. But what shall be in the sad years coming
    Thy doom? I know not, but guess too well
    That sunlight never shall trace thee roaming
    Ayond the gloom of thy sunken cell!

  30. p.60

  31. This is the tale of the Prince of Oriel
    And Darvorgilla, both sprung of Kings!
    I trace it here as a dark memorial
    Of how much woe thoughtless folly brings.