Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Travels of Joseph Woods, Architect and Botanist, in 1809 (Author: Joseph Woods)

entry 46

On Monday afternoon 2nd October I got into the mail to pay a second visit to Cork. I observed a beautiful valley & the situations of 2 Gentlemen's seats struck me as particularly fine. Col. Bagwell's grounds195 occupy a rich flat bottom ornamented with noble trees — the Suire winding among them and immediately bounded by a heathy mountain where the union of heath & furze produced the richest colouring imaginable. At Lord Donoughmore's196 [p. 163] a wider and more even valley afforded a scene with not so striking a character. I arrived at Cork about 1/2 past 3 in the morning.

My first call was at Reuben Harvey's, brother to the Gentleman to whom I had been [p. 164] so much indebted at Limerick197 & I accepted his invitation to take up my residence with him.