In the morning I bespoke a chaise to Gort & went to breakfast at [? J] Brown's and then walked down to the Shore. The tide was in & I did not find much among [p. 141] the rejictamenta. The beach is stony with a mixture of sand. The stones are granite (some of them with green waxy veins) and other primitive stones mixed with fragments of the common grey Limestone of the country. Many of the former are very beautiful. Their origin is probably to be sought in Connemara. On my return I learnt that no chaise was to be had tho it had been promised me in the morning. I was therefore oblige[d] to content myself with repeated promises that it should be ready at five o'clock next morning & in the meantime amused myself with walking about the town with Mr Brown, the weather not inviting us to a further excursion. The streets are narrow and dirty but they contain some fine & singular old houses unlike anything I have seen elsewhere. In one of them the old richly ornamented w[indo]ws have been modernised with a very happy effect. The Cathedral172 is also a fine