Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Diary of a Tour in 1732 through parts of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland (Author: John Loveday)

Entry 16

Sunday, 18. — Limerick is encompass'd by ye Shannon, ye chief River of Ireland, which divides it's Stream, & embraces it. The City is divided into 2 parts, ye English and ye Irish Town. The Walls seem to be of different Ages, on part of 'em a very fine & exceeding wide Walk; Great Vessels, says Boate, (p. 11.) may come up to ye very Walls. Limerick chiefly consists of one Street, of no great Width, & is for ye most part Stone-building. St Munchin's, & St John's, ye only Churches besides ye Cathedral; in ye Chancel of ye former, which was heretofore ye Cathedral founded by St Munchin ye 1st Bishop of Limerick, is a Monument for Bishop Smith's Lady &c. just South of ye Altar; ye Bishop was bury'd here since, but as yet there is no Epitaph for Him. Smith built an house hard by, which Bishop Burscough, his immediate Successor, rents of His Executors; for ye Palace has these many years been leas'd-out, & is now ye Sign of ye 3 Tuns.32 St Mary's, ye Cathedral is a large ancient Pile, it's Pillars large & inelegant, as usual here. In ye Choir are Galleries & Pews, ye Pulpit standing at ye upper end before ye Altar. North of ye Altar is a very large & stately Monument erected for an Earl of Thomond & his Lady, His Effigies defaced. Opposite to it, on ye South is ye recumbent Effigies on a rais'd Tomb (which is of much later Date & has an Inscription on it) of Bishop Cornelius O'Dea, who resign'd his Bishoprick in 1426, & dy'd in 1434. It is Alabaster, & ye people are continually cutting of it for ye Bloody-Flux. The Hymns only were chanted here both M. & E. A Parish sit in ye Choir, whose Church stood where ye Hospital is now; ye Dean will not suffer Them to contribute anything towards ye repair of ye Cathedral. Mr Bendon ye present Dean; his


Revenue, near 400 £ per Annum. Ye Bishop's 1800 £ per Annum. In ye Vestry, which is also us'd for a Chapter-house, is a Latin Inscription in old Irish Capitals, inserted in ye Wall; & there are other gravestones. No Monument for any Bishop but ye abovemention'd, tho' Ware informs Us that more were bury'd here. The Bishop of Limerick has also ye Title of Ardfert & Aghadoe. The Vicars Choral have no Houses, but Others have built upon their Ground, & pay 'em ground-rent. There is no Library here now. The Barracks are at ye ruin'd Castle.