Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Diary of a Tour in 1732 through parts of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland (Author: John Loveday)

Entry 6

Thursday, 8. — From Brea to Caterlogh, in ye County of Caterlogh, 6 Miles; to Leighlin bridge, at ye Savage's Arms, 5 Miles. We went by Grange Milner, Sir John St. Leger's, a puisnè Judge here; (v. Swift, xxi. 149.) We saw Him at Brea, & He gave Us an invitation to dinner; beyond his house, We pass'd over a Ford, which bought Us into ye Queen's County; for some time ye Road lay on ye Right of ye Barrow, which We cross'd, over a bridge just by Caterlogh, & then ye River flow'd on ye Right. This Bridge brought Us into ye County of Caterlogh, by contraction (& it is so pronounced) Carlogh. The Miles were of ye longest. The bridge at Leighlin is over ye Barrow.