Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 27

Sunday, the 20th September.—Early this morning our bridge was finished. There arrived some wagons from Dublin and Carrick with ammunition, but the carquasses from Carrick are not yet come, though it is now above ten days since colonel Goor sent orders for them. Lieutenant-general Scravemoer, colonel Goor and I went down to our artillery ships, over against which, at the foot of the hills, the enemies' horse yesterday were encamped. The masters of the vessels say they marched early this morning towards Six-mile-bridge, and a deserter says they took six days' bread with them. It was observed that about a thousand foot marched with them. The long boats sent back to get their provisions are not yet returned. However this did not hinder our own artillery boats from loading several cannon and mortars.