Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 24

Thursday, the 17th September.— We began our new bridge into the island, where Cromwell's fort was when Ireton blocked this place up. The general de Ginkel and major-general Tettau chose this place as the most convenient, being assured of a good ford over the other stream for horse. The first water took all our pontoons up, so that we were forced to make a bridge of boats for the foot to pass over. But the ford, upon a second trial, was judged to be so bad as not to be made use of, by reason of the unevenness of the ground, and great stones that were there; so that it is thought a third removal will be made of the bridge. Orders came for two twelve-pounders, two six-pounders, and ten three-pounders, with ammunition, tools, etc., to be in readiness near the place where the bridge is now, which was done.