Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 18

Friday, the 11th September.—Colonel Goor, with captain Van Esp, bridge-master, went to view anew the river, to find a place to cast over a bridge, and at his return made a report of it, upon which the general ordered all our pontoons to be ready this night, as also four twelve-pounders; two long six-pounders, and ten three-pounders, with fifty rounds of powder and ball, etc. To cover this new designed bridge, a battery for six pieces was ordered to be made to the right of all looking to the caussé on the other side the river, over which the enemies continually pass, and it is thought the battery will oblige them to go about eight miles round, to have communication with the town.