Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 16

Wednesday, the 9th September.—By break of day all our batteries of cannon and mortars played, and the breach on the wall augmented very much. We endeavoured to ruin an earthwork of the enemies, on which were planted three pieces of cannon, but the distance was so great, and our not shooting in front with it could not hinder their annoying us. They also brought three pieces of cannon to the right of the town, which flanked the breach and river. The general this day spent his time with the rest of the generals on the batteries, and a kind of council of war was held about the passing this part of the river into the island, which met with so many difficulties that it is believed it will not be attempted, but rather keep to our first resolutions of cannonading and bombarding the town, and after that pass into the county of Clare. Advice is come of more stores on the road from Athlone.
