Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 11

Friday, the 4th September.—Colonel Goor took Major Sehtundt and Mr. Cock, battery-masters, to show them the ground where our new batteries were designed; but before they began, the generals also gave their opinions to make them on a rising ground to the right of some old houses, where last year we had four pieces of cannon, to shoot into the island. Orders were given for the unloading and sending to the camp several necessaries for the artillery, and a way was made from the ships straight to the general's quarters, by which we avoided going about a bog. This night we began our new batteries with about seven hundred workmen; it was about midnight before we got them to work, this place being above two miles from the camp. Some little disorders happened this night by a false alarm, the regiments of Verner and Meath not being at their post to cover the pioneers, which the general took very ill. This put the whole army under arms, and great detachments of both horse and foot were sent towards the right. The general and duke of Wirtemberg continued in the works till midnight.