Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 8

Tuesday, the first of September.— The general sent very early this morning for colonel Goor, and ordered him to re-embark all our heavy cannon, mortars, tools, ammunitions, etc., keeping only ashore the field pieces, with a proportion of powder and ball, for a battle. The artillery consulted the sea captains, and it was concluded that in three days this might be incompassed. The artillery ships not being able to receive any other loading than what they brought, the general ordered all the long boats of the fleet to receive in our cannon; etc., to be transported on board the several men-of-war lying down twelve miles from hence. Towards night the general sent orders that six mortars and nine twenty-four pounders should be left in battery till further orders; the rest was sent towards the ships. One hundred men of Foulk's regiment were sent this night to assist the embarkation.