Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Contemporary Diary of Siege of Limerick, 1691 (Author: Colonel Michael Richards)

diary-entry 5

Saturday, the 29th August.—The prince of Hesse with his party and cannon, returned to the camp. The artillery ships being now come nigher into a little canal, we begin to discharge the ammunition and other little necessities; the place of landing being very marshy, it will be difficult to land the heavy cannon and mortars of eighteen inches thereabouts. The general having ordered that the batteries for cannon should be begun, for the cannon and mortars nigh or on the line of contravallation to bombard the place, five hundred men are ordered for the said work. Colonel Goor has this night ordered the continuation of discharging the vessels, and that the cannon and mortars be drawn to their several batteries now in hand; the line of communication, forts, and retrenchments are continued against the town.