Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E700001-026
The Blunderful Blunder of Blunders
Author: Jonathan Swift
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
Funded by University College, Cork
1. First draft
Proof corrections by Beatrix Färber
Extent of text: 2805 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College Cork.
College Road, Cork, Ireland (2020) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E700001-026
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
This text has sometimes been ascribed to Thomas Sheridan.
Editions and secondary literature- An excellent bibliography covering many aspects of Jonathan Swift's Life, his writings, and criticism, compiled by Lee Jaffe, is available at
- J. Bowles Daly (ed.), Ireland in the days of Dean Swift, Irish tracts 17201734. (London 1887).
- Frederick Ryland (ed.), Swift's Journal to Stella, A.D. 17101713. (London 1897).
- Temple Scott (ed.), A tale of a tub, and other early works. (London 1897).
- Frederick Falkiner, Essays on the portraits of Swift: Swift and Stella. (London 1908).
- C. M. Webster, Swift's Tale of a Tub compared with Earlier Satires of the Puritans. Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 47/1 (March 1932) 171178.
- Basil Williams, Stanhope. A Study in Eighteenth-Century War and Diplomacy. (Oxford 1932).
- Stephen L. Gwynn, The life and friendships of Dean Swift. (London 1933).
- Stanley Lane-Poole (ed.), Selections from the prose writings of Jonathan Swift with a preface and notes. (London 1933).
- Ricardo Quintana, The mind and art of Jonathan Swift. (Oxford 1936).
- Louis A. Landa, Swift's Economic Views and Mercantilism, English Literary History 10/4 (December 1943) 310335.
- R. Wyse Jackson, Swift and his circle. (Dublin 1945).
- Herbert Davis, The Satire of Jonathan Swift (New York 1947).
- Martin Price, Swift's rhetorical art. (New York 1953).
- Colin J. Horne (ed), Swift on his Age. Selected Prose and Verse (London 1953).
- Robert C. Elliott, Swift and Dr Eachard. Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 69/5 (December 1954) 12501257.
- John Middleton Murry, Jonathan Swift: A Critical Biography. (London 1954).
- John Middleton Murry, Swift. (London: Published for the British Council and the National Book League 1955).
- Kathleen Williams, Swift and the age of compromise. (London 1959).
- John M. Bullitt, Jonathan Swift and the anatomy of satire: a study of satiric technique. (Harvard 1961).
- Charles Allen Beaumont, Swift's Classical Devices (Athens, University of Georgia Press, 1961).
- Philip Harth, Swift and Anglican Rationalism: The Religious Background of 'A Tale of a Tub' (Chicago, University of Chicago Press 1961).
- Sybil Le Brocquy, Cadenus: a reassessment in the light of new evidence of the relationship between Swift, Stella and Vanessa (Dublin 1962).
- Harold Williams (ed.), The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. (Oxford 196365).
- Milton Voigt, Swift and the Twentieth Century (Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1964).
- Herbert J. Davis (ed.), Jonathan Swift: essays on his satire and other studies. (New York 1964).
- Herbert J. Davis (ed.), Gulliver's Travels. [based on the Faulkner edition, Dublin 1735] (Oxford 1965).
- Herbert J. Davis (ed.), Swift: poetical works. (New York 1967).
- R. B. McDowell, 'Swift as a political thinker'. In: Roger Joseph McHugh and Philip Edwards, Jonathan Swift: 16671967, a Dublin tercentenary tribute (Dublin 1967). 176186.
- Brian Vickers (ed.), The world of Jonathan Swift: essays for the tercentenary. (Oxford 1968).
- Kathleen Williams, Jonathan Swift. (London 1968).
- Morris Golden, The self observed: Swift, Johnson, Wordsworth. (Baltimore 1972.)
- Jane M. Snyder, The meaning of 'Musaeo contingens cuncta lepore', Lucretius 1.934, Classical World 66 (1973) 330334.
- Claude Julien Rawson, Gulliver and the gentle reader: studies in Swift and our time. (London and Boston 1973).
- A. L. Rowse, Jonathan Swift, major prophet. (London 1975).
- Alexander Norman Jeffares, Jonathan Swift. (London 1976).
- Clive T. Probyn, Jonathan Swift: the contemporary background. (Manchester 1978).
- Clive T. Probyn (ed.), The art of Jonathan Swift. (London 1978).
- Irvin Ehrenpreis, Swift: The man, his works, and the age (three volumes). (London 196283).
- David M. Vieth (ed.), Essential articles for the study of Jonathan Swift's poetry. (Hamden 1984).
- James A. Downie, Jonathan Swift, political writer. (London 1985).
- Frederik N. Smith (ed.), The genres of Gulliver's travels. (London 1990).
- James Kelly, 'Jonathan Swift and the Irish Economy in the 1720s', Eighteenth-century Ireland: Iris an dá chultúr 6 (1991) 736.
- Joseph McMinn (ed.), Swift's Irish pamphlets. (Gerrards Cross 1991).
- Kenneth Craven, Jonathan Swift and the Millennium of Madness (Leyden/New York/Cologne 1992).
- Richard H. Rodino, Hermann J. Real (eds), Reading Swift: Papers from the Second Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift (Munich: Fink 1993).
- Robert Mahony, Jonathan Swift: the Irish identity. (Yale 1995).
- Christopher Fox, Walking Naboth's vineyards: new studies of Swift (University of Notre Dame Ward-Philips lectures in English language and literature, Vol. 13). (Notre Dame/Indiana 1995).
- Claude Rawson (ed.), Jonathan Swift: a collection of critical essays. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jeresey, 1995).
- Michael Stanley, Famous Dubliners: W.B. Yeats, James Joyce, Jonathan Swift, Wolfe Tone, Oscar Wilde, Edward Carson. (Dublin 1996).
- Daniel Carey, 'Swift among the freethinkers'. Eighteenth-century Ireland: Iris an dá chultúr, 12 (1997) 8999.
- Victoria Glendinning, Jonathan Swift. (London 1998).
- Aileen Douglas; Patrick Kelly; Ian Campbell Ross, (eds.). Locating Swift: essays from Dublin on the 250th anniversary of the death of Jonathan Swift, 16671745. (Dublin 1998).
- Bruce Arnold, Swift: an illustrated life. (Dublin 1999).
- Nigel Wood (ed.), Jonathan Swift. (London and New York 1999).
- Christopher J. Fauske, Jonathan Swift and the Church of Ireland, 171024 (Portland/Oregon 2001).
- David George Boyce; Robert Eccleshall; Vincent Geoghegan (eds.), Political discourse in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Ireland. (Basingstoke and New York 2001).
- Ann Cline Kelly, Jonathan Swift and popular culture: myth, media and the man. (Basingstoke 2002).
- Dirk F. Passmann and Heinz J. Vienken, The library and reading of Jonathan Swift: a bio-bibliographical handbook. 4 vols. (Frankfurt 2003).
- Mark McDayter, 'The haunting of St James's Library: librarians, literature, and The Battle of the Books'. Huntington Library Quarterly, 66:12 (2003) 126.
- Frank T. Boyle, 'Jonathan Swift' [A companion to satire]. In: Ruben Quintero (ed.), A companion to satire (Oxford 2007) 196211.
- Harry Whitaker, C. U. M. Smith and Stanley Finger (eds.), Explorations of the Brain, Mind and Medicine in the Writings of Jonathan Swift. Springer (US) 2007.
- David Oakleaf, A political biography of Jonathan Swift (London 2008).
- John Martin, The man himself: a life of Jonathan Swift, with an introduction and occasional commentary by John Partridge. (United Kingdom: Authors On Line for Anglia Publishing, 2009).
- Wayne Hudson, The English deists: studies in early Enlightenment (London 2009).
- Claude Rawson and Ian Higgins (eds), The essential writings of Jonathan Swift: authoritative texts, contexts, criticism (New York/London: Norton, 2010).
- Brean Hammond, Jonathan Swift (Dublin/Portland, Oregon: Irish Academic Press, 2010).
- Joseph McMinn, Jonathan Swift and the arts (Newark: University of Delaware Press, 2010).
- Stephen Karian, Jonathan Swift in print and manuscript (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).
- Ruben Quintero (ed), A companion to satire: ancient and modern (Malden, Mass. 2011).
- Pat Rogers, Documenting eighteenth century satire: Pope, Swift, Gay, and Arbuthnot in historical context (Newcastle 2011).
- Denis Donoghue, Irish Essays (Cambridge 2011).
- Daniel Cook (ed), The lives of Jonathan Swift. 3 vols. (London 2011).
- Christopher Fauske, A Political Biography of William King (London 2011).
- Barry Markovsky, 'Jonathan Swift: political satire and the public sphere', in: Christofer Edling and Jens Rydgren (eds), Sociological insights of great thinkers: sociology through literature, philosophy, and science (Santa Barbara, Calif. 2011).
- Samuel Johnson, Selected poetry and prose. Edited with an introduction and notes by Frank Brady and W. K. Wimsatt. (Berkeley 1977), 45051.
The edition used in the digital edition- An unpublished astronomical treatise by the Irish monk Dicuil. Jonathan Swift Second edition [14 pages] sold by T. BickertonLondon (1721)
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The text covers pages 514.
Editorial Declaration
The text has been proof-read twice.
The electronic text represents the edited text, with its original spelling.
Direct speech is rendered q.
When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a line break, the break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.
div0=the satire. Paragraphs are marked; page-breaks are marked pb n="".
Names of persons and titles of works are not tagged.
Profile Description
Created: By Jonathan Swift
Use of language
Language: [EN] The whole text is in English.
Language: [LA] A quote is in Latin.
Revision History