Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Tale of a Tub (Author: Jonathan Swift)

chapter 4


Since the writing of this, which was about a year ago, a prostitute bookseller has published a foolish paper, under the name of Notes on the Tale of a Tub, with some Account of the Author: and, with an insolence which I suppose is punishable by law, has presumed to assign certain names. It will be enough for the author to assure the world, that the writer of that paper is utterly wrong in all his conjectures upon that affair. The author farther asserts, that the whole work is entirely of one hand, which every reader of judgment will easily discover; the gentleman who gave the copy to the bookseller being a friend of the author, and using no other liberties besides that of expunging certain passages where now the chasms appear under the name of desiderata. But, if any person will prove his claim to three lines in the whole book, let him step forth and tell his name and titles; upon which, the bookseller shall have orders to prefix them to the next edition, and the claimant shall thenceforward be acknowledged the undisputed author.

  1. A Character of the present Set of Wits in this Island
  2. A panegyrical Essay upon the Number Three
  3. A Dissertation upon the principal Productions of Grub-street
  4. Lectures upon a Dissection of Human Nature
  5. A Panegyric upon the World
  6. An analytical Discourse upon Zeal, histori-theo-physi-logically considered
  7. A general History of Ears
  8. A modest Defence of the Proceedings of the Rabble in all ages
  9. ADescription of the Kingdom of Absurdities22

  10. p.48

  11. A Voyage into England, by a Person of Quality in Terra Australis Incognita,23 translated from the Original.
  12. A critical Essay upon the Art of Canting, philosophically, physically, and musically considered.