Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Tale of a Tub (Author: Jonathan Swift)

chapter 1



A Tale of a Tub. Written for the universal Improvement of Mankind. Diu multumque desideratum. To which is added, an Account of a Battle between the Ancient and Modern Books in St. James's Library; with the Author's Apology, and explanatory Notes.

Basyma cacabassa eanaa, irraumista diarbada caëota bafobor camelanthii.’’

Iren., Lib. I. c. 18.


—Juvatque novos decerpere flores, insignemque meo capiti petere inde coronam, unde prius nulli velarint tempora Musae.’’

Lucret., I. 928.

—Ridentem dicere verum Quid vetat?’’

Horace, Sat. I. 1, 26.