Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E680002-001

The journal of John Stevens, containing a brief account of the war in Ireland, 1689–1691

Author: John Stevens

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Robert H. Murray

Electronic edition compiled and proof-read by Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork

2. Second draft.

Extent of text: 119770 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland —

(2010) (2016)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E680002-001


Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.



    Manuscript source
  1. London, British Library, Add. 36296.
  2. London, British Library, Lansdowne MSS. 828, ff. 10, 10 b, 11 (contains introduction)
    Books by John Stevens
  1. John Stevens, A Journal of my Travels since the Revolution containing a brief account of all the War in Ireland, ed. by R. H. Murray (Oxford 1912) [London: British Library, Add. Ms. 36,296].
    Further Reading: a Selection
  1. Gerard Boate, Ireland's Naturall History, London 1652. Chetham Society. Reprinted as 'Gerard Boate's natural history of Ireland', edited, with an introduction, by Thomas E. Jordan (New York 2006).
  2. George Walker, A true account of the siege of London-Derry (London 1689).
  3. An Account of the town and castle of Charlemont in Ireland, besieg'd by a detached body of the Duke of Schombergs army under the command of Lieutenant General Douglas (London 1689).
  4. George Story, A true and impartial history of the most material occurrences in the kingdom of Ireland during the last two years: by an eye-witness (=An impartial history of the wars of Ireland, Part 1) (London 1691).
  5. George Story, A continuation of the impartial history of the wars of Ireland (London 1693).
  6. Laurence Eachard, An Exact Description of Ireland (London 1691).
  7. Anon., An exact journal of the victorious progress of Their Majesties forces under the command of Gen. Ginckle, this summer in Ireland: giving a particular account of the several skirmishes, battles, sieges and surrenders of Athlone, Galloway, Slego, &c. together with the total defeat of the Irish at Agrim and Thomond-Bridge: and lastly of the capitulation and surrender of Limerick. (London: Printed for Randolph Taylor near Stationer's Hall, 1691).
  8. Nicholas Bernard, The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda: to which is added, A true account of the siege of London-derry (Dublin 1736).
  9. Robert Parker (of the Royal Regiment of Foot in Ireland), Memoirs of the Military Transactions in Ireland (...) from 1683 to 1718. Published by his son (Dublin 1746).
  10. W. Harris, History of the Life and Reign of William III. (Dublin 1749).
  11. Thomas Burke (de Burgho), Hibernia Dominicana: sive historia provinciae Hiberniae Ordinis Praedicatorum [...] (Coloniae Agrippinae (= Cologne) 1762).
  12. Mémoires du maréchal de Berwick, écrits par lui-même (...) (Paris 1778).
  13. William Tighe, Statistical Survey of the County of Kilkenny (Dublin 1802).
  14. John Nichols, Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century: comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, Printer, F. S. A. and many of his learned friends (. . .), 9 volumes (London 1812–1816).
  15. Rev. J. S. Clarke (ed.), The Life of King James the Second, King of England, etc., collected out of the Memoirs writ of his own Hand, 2 volumes (London 1816).
  16. G. S., Two unpublished diaries connected with the battle of the Boyne, one entitled "Bonnivert's Journey" taken from the Sloane Mss. (Brit. Mus.) and the other from the autobiography of Rev. Rowland Davis, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (1:4 1856) 77–95; 169
  17. Charles O'Kelly, Macariae Excidium, or the destruction of Cyprus, ed. J. C. O'Callaghan, 1850. [An allegory of the war from the Gaelic Irish point of view.]
  18. J. D'Alton, King James' s Irish Army List, 1689 (Dublin 1861).
  19. Onno Klopp, Der Fall de Hauses Stuart und die Succession des Hauses Hannover in Gross-Britannien und Irland (Vienna 1875–1888).
  20. P. W. Joyce, A Social History of Ancient Ireland. 2 volumes. (New York, London, and Bombay 1903).
  21. The memoirs of Ann, Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe, bart., 1600–72, reprinted from the original MS. in the possession of Mr. Evelyn John Fanshawe of Parsloes, (London 1907).
  22. Demetrius Charles Boulger, The Battle of the Boyne: together with an account based on French and other unpublished records of the war in Ireland (1688–1691) and of the formation of the Irish brigade (...) France (London: Seeker 1911).
  23. Robert H. Murray, Revolutionary Ireland and its Settlement (London 1911).
  24. Robert H. Murray, The diary of Bonnivert, 1690, (giving an account of the Jacobite War), PRIA 30, sect. C, 331–341, January 1913 [Available online at CELT].
  25. Robert H. Murray, Ireland, 1603–1714 (London 1920).
  26. J. M. Flood, The sieges of Limerick, 1690–91; a narrative based on contemporary sources. (Limerick: Limerick Leader, 1944).
  27. R. B. McDowell, 'The problem of religious dissent in Ireland, 1660–1740'. Bulletin, Irish Committee of Historical Sciences 40 (1945).
  28. J. G. Simms, Williamite peace tactics, 1690-1, Irish Historical Studies 8:32 (1952/53) 303–23.
  29. J. Jordan, 'Würtemberg at Limerick, 1690'. Studies; an Irish quarterly review, 43 (1954) 219–225.
  30. J(ohn) G(erard) Simms, 'The surrender of Limerick, 1691'. Irish Sword, 2:1 (1954) 23–28.
  31. Constantia Maxwell, The stranger in Ireland: from the reign of Elizabeth to the Great Famine (London 1954).
  32. J. G. Simms, The Williamite confiscation in Ireland, 1690–1703 (London: Faber and Faber 1956).
  33. J. G. Simms, 'Eye-witnesses of the Boyne'. Irish Sword, 6:22 (1963–4) 16–27.
  34. J. G. Simms, 'The siege of Derry (1689)'. Irish Sword, 6:25 (1963–4) 221–33.
  35. J. G. Simms, The Jacobite Parliament of 1689 (Dundalk: Dundalgan 1966).
  36. J. G. Simms, The siege of Derry (Dublin: APCK 1966).
  37. J. G. Simms, Jacobite Ireland 1685-91 (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1969).
  38. Liam Cox, The Williamite war in Westmeath and Ginkle's march to Athlone, Irish Sword 9 (1970) 308–317.
  39. F.G. James, Ireland in the Empire, 1688-1770: a history of Ireland from the Williamite wars to the eve of the American Revolution (Cambridge MA 1973).
  40. Michael Hewson, Robert Stearne's diary of the Williamite campaign, An Cosantóir 33 (1977) 49–53.
  41. Sheila Mulloy, 'French eye-witness of the Boyne', Irish Sword 15 (1982) 105–111.
  42. J. G. Simms, War and politics in Ireland: 1649–1730; edited by D.W. Hayton and Gerard O'Brien. London: Hambledon, 1986.
  43. Patrick Macrory, The siege of Derry (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1988).
  44. Peter McCartney, The siege of Derry 1689 (Derry: Guildhall Press, 1988).
  45. D. Murtagh, H. Murtagh, 'The Irish Jacobite army, 1689–91', Irish Sword, 18 (1990) 32–48.
  46. P. W. Joyce, The origin and history of Irish names of places. [Facsimile of the original edition in 3 volumes published 1869–1913.] With a new introductory essay on P.W. Joyce by Mainchín Seoighe. Dublin: Éamonn de Búrca for Edmund Burke 1995.
  47. John McVeagh (ed.), Irish Travel Writing. A Bibliography. (Dublin 1996).
  48. Ian McBride, he siege of Derry in Ulster Protestant mythology (Dublin 1997).
  49. William Kelly (ed.), The sieges of Derry. (Dublin: Four Courts 2001).
  50. Michael Sheane, The great siege (Ilfracombe 2002).
  51. Michael Sheane, King William's victory: the Battle of the Boyne (Ilfracombe 2006).
  52. John Childs, The Williamite wars in Ireland, 1688–91 (London 2007).
  53. Matthew Glozier and David Onnekink (eds.), War, religion and service: Huguenot soldiering, 1685–1713 (Aldershot 2007).
  54. C. J. Woods, Travellers' accounts as source material for Irish historians (Dublin 2009).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. The journal of John Stevens, containing a brief account of the war in Ireland, 1689–1691. John StevensRobert H. Murray (ed), First edition [lxiv+241 pages; appendix, index; bibliography; one map.] Clarendon Press Oxford (1912)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text covers the author's introduction and pp 1–216 of the volume. The editor's footnotes are included. Where they contain tabular information, the presentation of the electronic edition may differ slightly for technical reasons, but all information given is preserved unless otherwise indicated.

Editorial Declaration


Text proofread twice at CELT.


Non-standard spellings of personal names and place names are standardised using the reg attribute within the corresponding name tags. Other place-names are tagged. Outdated spellings are encoded orig, with the reg attribute indicating the normalised spelling. Where the hardcopy has phrases in uppercase, in the electronic edition these are encoded in emph tags and normalised to mixed case. Encoding is subject to revision.


Direct speech is tagged q.


Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, this break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the book; div1=the part. The subsections are structured by entries given in chronological order; paragraphs are marked; page-breaks are marked pb n="". The editor's introduction is contained in an unnumbered div in the front matter.

Standard Values

The dates are those given by Stevens. For his variation between 'old style' (st. vet.) and 'new style' (st. no.) see footnote on p. 17. The format given here is the ISO form, yyyy-mm-dd.


Place-names, group and personal names are not tagged. Words, terms, and phrases from other languages are tagged.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the book.

Profile Description

Created: By John Stevens Date range: 1689–1691.

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [FR] Many words and phrases in the footnotes are in French.
Language: [ES] Some words and phrases are in Spanish.
Language: [PT] A phrase is in Portuguese.
Language: [LA] Some words and phrases are in Latin.
Language: [IT] A word is in Italian.
Language: [GA] A word is in Irish (in anglicised spelling).

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