Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
A Seasonable Caveat Against Popery (Author: William Penn)

A Questionary Postscript.

I Here subjoyn these few following Queries, which if the Romanists will franckly answer, and with that grave sincerity that becomes so weighty an Affair; we may easily know where abouts they are.

1st Whether we ought to believe and accept any Principle, as fundamentally True and Orthodox, that is not laid down, and avoucht to be such by evident Scripture, and the most pure and primitive Tradition?

If they say, we ought, let them tell us out of what Scripture we may read it; but if we ought not ——Then.

2dly Whether the Doctrine of papal infallibility of Transubstantiation; of the Sacrifice of the Mass; of Images; of Auricular Confessions; of Indulgences; of Prayers for the Dead; of Purgatory; of Prayers in Latine; of their whole Ecclesiastical Government, and pretended Religious Orders, be allowed or recommended as Matter of Christian Faith, and Discipline by Scripture and Antiquity?

If they are not to be found there, why should any be so absurd as to receive them? If they are taken thence, let them assign us the places both in Scripture and primative Antiquity; for the first three hundred years after Christ (and in some particulars much more) are wholly silent in the matter, any farther then to furnish us with pregnant Instances against those idle Dotages, and gross Superstitions But,

3dly Whether in case they could not be conformed to, they would allow a Tolleration (were they powerful)?


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4thly Whether in case they should say YES, we ought to believe them? Since its one of their most sacred Maxims, Not to keep Faith with Hereticks; as was seen in the case of those of the Alpine Valleys, J. Hus. &c. and in that they have in all Ages brought so great Deluge of Blood upon the European World.

5thly Whether it be the Interest of the English Nation to subject her self to a Popish Yoak? Considering the incomparable Bloody Massacres of that sort of men in several Reigns, with the spiritual Tyranny she would bring upon her self, which must end in the drayning of her People to enrich the Papacy, who makes it a fundamental Maxim, That the Enriching of the Church (or rather the impovering of the people) is the Securing of it: For seculars being impoverisht, as of old, the Church Party will have the Treasury, and consequently the tryumphing Power in her hands, which brings to the antient Arrogancy of Popes, viz. Setting their Feet upon the Necks of Princes.

6thly and Lastly, Whether the Design of Popery be not an utter destruction of all true and sollid Religion, and the introduction of Formality and Superstition, to the insecuring of civil Authority, and putting the Peoples Judgment into the Priests Inquisition? Since the most ignorant and carless, or the most vitious and prophane, are generally found to be their Proselites; Their Religion (by reason of its latitude in point of Indulgence) being an open Sanctuary to refuge all loose and deboist Livers.