1651 May 20.
[gap: illegible] or who only for some corrupt and carnall ends (as is to be feared) pretend to be otherwise to agre at dishonour of God, disparagement and hazard to the cause and worke wee are imployed in: I thinke it my duty to God, and all under my command to declare my opinion and dislike of such a practice as followes:
First, I judge it to be displeasing to God to joyne in such neere relations with the people of such abominations, persons whose principles have led them to the shedding of so much innocent bloud as they have done, which God in his righteous judgment is making a severe inquiry after, and hath called over this army principally to serve his Providence in that worke hitherto and blest them in it; and that any such should upon slight pretences of conviction or conversion in them goe to take such persons into the neerest bonds of relation so as to make them the objects of their love, who (while remaining in (or not being really brought off from) those false waies in which they have or do walke) are declared by the Lord to be a people of his wrath, I thinke it very unlawfull and sinfull.
Secondly, besides this, though ordinarily as a judgement upon such foule miscarriages this follows, that when persons will goe inconsiderately upon the forementioned slight pretences or any other of like nature to match with such, God many times suffers men who all the time before have beene faithfull to the worke in hand to be led aside by such temptations as they have thereby run themselves
into; either to the deserting or betraying of their trusts, or at least by such their practice renders them justly suspitious to be trusted with command by us when they have joyned themselves with those who are so much one, at least in their principles and affections [gap: illegible] them that are declared enemies to us and our cause; and though a reall change in the blind deluded people of this nation were to be wished and ought to be endeavoured by all good people (it being the joy and delight of any that God hath brought home to himselfe to see the like worke upon other mens hearts also, which frame of spirit I trust all Christians in this army have towards that people), yet that none be left to their owne misguided judgements, a thing they are so apt to be deceived as in these (where usually blinded affection rules judgements, which makes them take any pretence for a reall worke of God in the heart.) I therefore thinke fit to let all know that if any officer or souldier of this army shall marry with any of the women of this nation that are Papists or have lately been such, and whose change of religion is not or cannot be judged by fit persons, such as shall be appointed for that end, to flow from a reall worke of God upon their hearts convincing them of the falshood and evill of their owne waies and goodnesse and truth of that way they turne unto; or that (from any circumstances accompanying their action) it shall be judged to be but from corrupt and carnall ends that they have made this change, I say that any officer who marries any such shall thereby be judged and held uncapable of command or trust in this army; and for any souldier that marries any such, if he be a horseman he shall be dismounted and cashiered from horse service to serve only in foote service (if at all), and a footeman so married shall be cashiered from his foote service and to serve onely as a pionier and neither of them be held capable of preferment for the future unlesse God doe by a change wrought upon them (with those whom they have married) take off this reproach and so give us ground to restore them. And I desire all officers of this army and others under my command that they doe their utmost endeavour (in the use of all lawfull meanes) to prevent any such sinfull contract the issue of which can be no other then to provoke God to depart from us or testifie his displeasure against us some way or other, especially when such things come to passe from our neglecte or our not doing what comes us to do to hinder anything of this nature as much as in us lyes.Given at Waterford the first day of May 1651, H. Ireton.
These and other things necessary for the service thus and answerable ordered. His Ex: came to Clonmell from Waterford the 5 of May. Thither came also from Waterford the day following the Honourable the Commissioners for the Parliament, and the 10th at a Counsell of War was taken into consideration the way and entrance into our worke, wherein was debated: as whether his Ex: with this part of the army should make his passage over the Shannon about Limerick, considering the many difficulties appeareing in it. 2. Or whether his Lordship with the army should not rather march by the way of Vlster into Conaught, wherein were a waving of all the former difficulties. This was laid aside considering the length of the way and want of provisions, which in
Wednesday, May 21. Wee quartered about one mile from Kilaloe, that being on the other side of the Shanon, we on this.
Friday, 23. We removed yet neerer the Shanon. Castlehaven then at Kilaloe with horse and foote had [gap: illegible] and continued fortifying the bankes on the other side and in writings and high discourses expressed much confidence and resolution. Yet had he demolished the house at Kilaloe called the Bishops house lying on the county of Clare side of the Shanon, and part of it in the water and serving for a strong defence against any attempt by the foord there over the Shanon which is by it. The enemy had also burnt and destroyed many castles and places of strength in Thomond on that side of the Shanon and remote from us, and that when we but appeared on the other side of the Shanon wherein we found some footsteps of the Lords goeing before us in his terror.
Saturday, 24. We possessed a small island within the Shanon betweene our campe and Kilaloe; in it were some ruines of a stone building; here was placed a guard opposite to the enemies workes on the other side.
Monday, May 26. We planted some guns neere that island for cleereing the banckes and workes on the other side whence they plyed us with their small shot. There were also brought from Dromaneere some boats and cotts which with a guard we secured above Kilaloe; of them 2 cotts were drawne over land and putt into the water at the island mentioned. A cott is a kinde of vessell of one peece hollowed and some of them capable of thirty men. In all this, and by our worke there neere the water and by abundance of fagots daily brought thither and otherwaies, the enemy (and most of ours also) conceived his Ex: designed to have beene for getting over thereabout onely or principally. But his Lordship (therein gaining what he intended their apprehending it so) had his thoughts elsewhere workeing, haveing observed a place about 2 miles thence below the island much more commodious for that he purposed, and toward his worke there had his preparations in the adjoyning woods, by which and with what materialls were expected to be brought to us by Coll. Sankey from Clonmel there was hope of makeing our passage (in time) by a bridge over the Shanon. Yet in our whole worke and proceedings in it were found daily difficulties more then we could by our counsels or endeavors overcome, all things to our apprehensions moveing slowly and heavily to our no small discouragements. We were also much perplexed by our doubts and care of our freind whom before then was expected in Connaught of whom we had yet heard nothing, whereunto was added that this now related of Coll. Fitz Patricks besieging our garrison of Birh about 20 miles from us with a numerous party.
Wednesday, 28. This day therefore was by his Ex: appointed and set apart for seeking God that he would be pleased gratiously to afford us his presence and direct us in our way, walking hitherto in darknesse and professing to each other that we know not what to do: and that the Lord would make a way for those our freinds then (we hoped) marching but through an enemies country, whose suffrings had beene (probably) a check to our whole designe. This day was Major Morgan sent with a party of horse and dragoones for reenforcing those few the day before with Major Boughton for releiveing of Birh.
Thursday, 29. His Ex: by letters from Capt. Branly from aboard his ship in the Shanon was certified of his being possessed of Sir Tege Mac Mahons castle in Thomond on the other side of the Shanon and neere it; that he had fortified it and repulsed the enemy attempting the recovering it. This was our first footing on the other side of the Shanon and was joyfully received of us as an earnest of what the Lord would doe in his due time for perfecting his worke by us. Herein was an occasion given for some debate whether it were not adviseable to send part of the army about to be that way ferried over into
June, Lord's day, 1. Our spies this day returning brought us the first certaine intelligence of the Lord June. President of Conaught and the Commissarys Generall being in Conaught, that they were therein well advanced, haveing slipt by Clanricards army laid to stop their passage, of whom by a neerer and unexpected way they gained ground and were there come betweene Clanricards army and us, to the generall amazement of all Conaught all fleeing before them, and that Clanricard was following and ours hastening to Portumny, the place by his Ex: appointed them. As in this we had the comfort of freinds well-being (whereof we had been till then very solicitous) so had we heerein as it were a call from God to be up and doing.
Monday, June 2. About breake of day Capt. Draper (of Coll. Sadlers regiment) ordered by his Ex: to fall downe the river with 3 files of firelockes, and to passe to the opposite shore at Brians bridge, resolutely performed his worke and notwithstanding the opposition made he gained the house on the other side. The castle also in the water was possessed by others appointed to that worke. Those first landing were ordered to fasten long ropes or cables to the shoare whereby boats might be towed over, which was done and was of great use for our speedy passing over, so as within an houre we had landed 500 men on Thomond side of the water. The enemy at first with some horse and foote gave opposition but by the loud shoutings of our men from the other side and sounding of trumpets and dischargeing our great shot, and by shot made from the castle and house last taken, it pleased God to strike such terror into their
Tuesday, June 3. Wee marched toward Limerick. In our way thither and neere it we heard much
Wednesday, June 4. His Lordship had orderd a party of horse and foote to ly at distance on the other side of Limerick. These were reenforced by Collonel Sankey's party this day come to us from Clonmell. By him we heard of supplies of men then landed at Waterford.
Thursday, June 5. His Excellency received letters (his first) from the Lord President of Conaught, certifying his then being at Portumny, the place appointed him, that Clanricards forces were drawing towards him, and desireing farther orders from his Excellency. I shall heerein give a breife of the proceedings of that army, hitherto that the way of Gods providence ordering them to our time and worke may be observed to his glory. The Commissary-Generall takeing the charge of the 400 Leinster horse ordered by his Excellency, (as before page) to joyne with the Lord President of Conaught, the 1 of May he marched from Dundalke in the county of Louth (the way into Ulster), the 3d they quarterd at Newton in the Co: of Tirone. There they met the Colrane regiment of foote, and thither came the Lord President to meet the Commissary-Generall, both thence going to Londonderry. The 5th they marched neere Strabane. The 9th to Barnesmoore (a mountaine, for the most part either bogge or rock, and in either respect of difficult passage). Heere met them more horse and foote. The 10th marching over Barnesmoore they quartered short of Dungall; the 11th short of Balishanon. The 12th they marched over the river of Balishanon where they continued 4 daies. Thither came the Lord President with a party of horse and foote. Thence the 17th they marched within 6 miles of Sligoe, where they continued 2 daies. The 20th they passed the river of Sligoe, where they rested 5 daies expecting the comming upp of
June: Monday, 9. This day we landed some gunns and morter peeces out of the shipping.
Tuesday, June 10. Wee heard of a defeate given Muskrey by our forces commanded by the Lord of Broghill. We heard alsoe that Carigouholt in Thomond, belonging to Sir Daniell O Bryen, was possessed by ours. This day was Sir Hardress Waller sent from the leagure for ordering the recruits lately landed at Waterford. Captain Vernon went also, intending for England, the fruites of whose negotiations with the Parliament after found to a generall advantage.
Wednesday, 11. There was a conuoy sent with provisions for the armie in Conaught, whereof they had bin in great want, their provisions being to be boated at Killaloe were thence carried to Portumny.
Fryday, 13. This day was set apart for prayseing the Lord for his mercyes to us in bringing us over the Shanon, and for his goodnes to vs and to our freinds in Conaught, which, wheresoever remembered, even in a very dyary, it deserveth more then the bare mentioneing of it, all the parts of that worke being full of God, and his ffotesteps fownd in every motion of it, and all of it soe his that nothing of it could be ascribed to our councell or power for ordering or carrying on all thinges as wee had [gap: blank] his providence ordeined and done for vs. I cannot therefore (at leaste for my selfe), but lay by mee some particulars herein observable to the glory of his name, and the stirring vp our hearts in praiseing him, and for trusting in him in all things concerning vs for the future. When wee consider 1. The obstructions wee fownd in our councels before our setting fourth, and since, and that notwithstanding many meetings for seeking the Lord, wherein hee seemed not to answere vs, in all which wee parted noe way satisfyed, but that wee fownd nothing to trust vnto or what to resolue vpon but in all things to trust ourselves and our worke to God's disposeing, for I observed theis our councells to end all in the negatiue what wee should not doe, nothing materially concluded in the affirmative what to doe, and sometymes wishing we had resolved and ordered some things otherwaies then they were, particularly wishing we had sent more force for reinforceing our party marching through Conaught to [gap: illegible] in it resolved [gap: illegible] but God disposed all for the better, and in all our councells and wayes wee weere as Abraham following the Lord ourselves not well knowing whither to goe or whither to fix, goeing or rather being carried on in the right way sucesfully. 2. Considering the obstructions fownd in our worke and in our preparations to it: 1. Altogeather fayling of that on which wee depended, the tymely comeing vnto vs of those materialls expected for our flote bridge, on which our passage seemed then to vs depending, but God ordered our worke for vs without that whereby the praies was more to his name the lesse was seene in the worke of man or of meanes. 2. As for those materialls for our worke which were at hand, they notwithstanding
Nor let the coming on of our freinds seeme little in our eyes considering bow farre tbey came, and in how great wants and notwithstanding the preparations of the enemie after them, yet God bringing them through all difficulties to the place and worke desired and carrying them on in it successfully. And that which puts the value of a choice mercy on all this is that it was given in return of prayers, God in this manifesting evidently his acceptance, and owning the desiers (such as they were) of his poore servants, for on our seekeing him the 28th May followed that heape of mercies one on the necke of another before observed and theise particularly now mentioned; not for any thing or work in our persons or workes, but of his free grace and mercy to us his unworthy servants. To him, therefore, we desire to give the glorie alone of all things done for us. In that by his Excellency published for prayseing God in theise particulars we finde much more to this purpose to which I resserve myselfe giving it at large being full of piety and not to be forgotten while these things are remembered.10
By the Deputie Generall of Ireland.Forasmuch as it hath pleased the Lord, notwithstanding our utter unworthinesse and manifold great provocations, for his owne name's sake and for the glory of his mercy and grace to his people concerned in this cause, still to carry on the worke entrusted in the hands of his poore servants and to give many speciall testimonies of his presence still continuing with us, and of his mercy and favour still extended and enlarged towards us in giving such safe free and ready passage with the army over the Shannon, and that so early in the yeare as that the summer season for the remaining part of our worke is not lost or spent (as probably it might have beene) in striving for our passage, so seasonably when our being longer withheld at that distance from our shipping would suddainly have spent the small stores of bread, corne, and salt, etc., which wee had or could get above Limerick, and have brought us either into extremity and difficulty of subsistance, or into necessity (for want of a subsistence there) to have desisted from the attempting of our passage in those most hopefull places, and for supply of necessaries to have come downe to our shipping on the other side the river without a passage over it; and considering that it hath pleased God to do this in answer to the weake, worthlesse, and (almost) faithlesse prayers of his poore servants in doing it so as it might appeare to be the worke of his hands, and that his wisedome and power might be manifest in it and nothing of man or the creature in doeing it by poore, inconsiderate meanes (by the attempt first of a very few men in 2 or 3 boats or cotts) and making it (even with such meanes) so easy and safe to us though at a place as the first and principle attempt was where we had no foord neere, and the materialls for the floate bridge intended not yet come and therein exceeding our weake faith or expectations, who in the attempt did not hope or aime at more then to gaine and secure (if God pleased) a small footing on this side the river, under shelter of which we might make
and put over a bridge in time against great opposition expected; but God was pleased above and beyond our faith by such small meanes and weake force used, (namely the sounding of trumpets and shouts) to strike by a strange working of his spirit such terror into the heartes of the enemy as that they who a little before had vainely and proudly boasted their coming with confident resolution to receave us, and had used soe much industry in their workes against us, and for a time shewed so much confidence to oppose us yet suddenly and causelesseley quitted their workes and guardes, by which they might probably and hopefully have withstood us against the best preparation we could make and all the means we could use, and run away in distraction and confusion, dissipateing and scattering themselves severall waies and leaving us many armes with ammunition and some of their best accomodation behinde them, and all passages open and free to come over at such leasure as we did where we found it difficult enough to get over when no opposition was left against us; and considering that we know not nor could heare any thing certaine concerning the condition or posture of our freinds under the Lord President of Conaught, nor they of us, yet it pleased God (who is every where present and seeth and overuleth all things) so to dispose of our counsells and intentions as that wee (ignorantly or unwittingly) pitcht upon that time for our attempt when those our freinds (though wee know it not) were come on through Conaght, so farre this way as gave the enemie here before us some feare and apprehension of their coming downe hither upon their backs (though no such thing was intended) so as the season we were guided to attempt in was just when that apprehension contributed to their terror and fright before us. Considering also how strongly and with an high hand it hath pleased God to bring forth and carry on those our freinds from such a distance quite through a countrey so entirely possest by the enemy, and notwithstanding the numerous army that was drawne together from many parts to oppose or attend their motion (whereof we know the enemy over against us at Kilaloe so vaunted and boasted) and to bring them through all difficulties (without any losse or prejudice) to the places and businesses intended and desired hath given sudainely into their hands Loghreagh, Portumny, and diverse other places of consequence and further advantage, and that (as it were) in the face of the enemies grand army. In which proceedings, though we understand not particularly the severall passages and circumstances wherein the Lords hand appeared, yet we finde the effects full of mercy to them and us and advantage to our common worke; and looking at the length and difficulties of their way and march and at the advantages the enemy had against them (and might have had more both in numbers and posture for opposition and otherwise), we have abundant cause to acknowledge that the Lord hath gratiously led, guided, encouraged and blest them; and that the men of might (on the other part) have not found their hands, but he hath taken away from them the hearts of men, stupified or terrified their spirits, distracted, infatuated, and confounded their councells and daily breaking and dividing them amongst themselves and doth all the workes of them and us his poore servants for (when we doe litle and deserve lesse) leading us in waies we know not, still neerer to the end of our worke: and soe giving us comfortable and hopefull encouragements to the strengthening of our hearts and hands in what remaines, and sweet testimonies that
he is yet with us, and pardones and accepts us with evident assurance that he will not be wanting to us while in any measure we follow and trust him, and for as much, lastly, as he hath pleased to bring us to this place and posture of accommodation with provisions and necessaryes from our shipping and here to give us (in respect of the nature of the present business before us) much freedome and oportunity of time to minde and seeke and acknowledge him in these things. I earnestly desire that the consideration of them may be set home upon all hearts amongst us that are capable thereof, and that all such officers and others who have any hearts to God wards in this worke may be stirred up, and would stir up and invoke one another to a due sense of these things, and take all opportunities and use with freedome and leisure God gives us, to meete, conferre, pray, and sing praises together in relation thereunto; particularly I doe for that purpose appoint to morrow (being Friday the 13th inst., to be set apart and kept throughout this camp and the adjacent quarters and garrisons that can have notice of it) as a day for publique thankesgiving and acknowledgment to the Lord of his faithfulnesse of all his people concerned with or in this cause, his mercy and favour to us his unworthy servants, and his glorious power, wisedome, and justice to the enemies appeareing in these his dealings and outgoings before mentioned, and in the many successes hee hath further given to severall parties of ours as at Burr and neere it to the partie that came immediately before the army hither to our small party sent over before us into the west partes of this county of Thomond and to our forces in the co: of Corke, Tiperary and elsewhere whereof we have heard and do heare daily comfortable tideings. And to stir up one another and humbly seeke to God that with theise experiences and considerations of his wisedome and power before us, and of his goodnesse towards us, we may (through his grace) have a right sense and impression of them upon our hearts (so as to owne and acknowledge him alone therein and not to be lifted up in any conceit of our selves above our enemies and from the sense of his power and presence so neere at hand may be kept humble under the consideration of our unworthiness and great provocations and in trembling and feare before him to declare, abominate, and oppose these evill practices amongst us that are so unworthy of him and unsuitable to his presence or dishonorable to his name, and may be provoked to answer his mercies with suiteable fruits and improvements of them and not to be left to the deadness and corruption of our hearts, which would pervert and deprave them all to his dishonour and our owne hurt. And that we may still goe on in his name and strength alone and in faith answerable to such experiences and so may find his continued presence and blessings with us in what remaines to be done to the greater glory of his name, and rejoyceing of his people.H. Ireton.
Saturday, June 14. His Ex: this day sumoned Limerick. A battery of 28 guns being prepared against the castle on Thomond bridge they began to play; 2 morter peices placed neere that battery began now also to play. A slate of an house in the towne cast of of by a morter shott killed a child in a woman's armes, that child being coffind and buried
Lord's day, June 15. Our battery of guns and morter peeces continued to play, those at the castle on the bridge, theise into the towne. There was another batterie for guns made neerer the castle, and guns drawne to the castle below the island, and more foote sent thither comanded by Coll. Totthill.
Monday, 16. By a great shott made at the castle below the island 3 of the enemy being slaine and others wounded the rest betooke themselves to their cotts, but being shot at by our musqueteers they came to the shoare, who were after put to the sword: of these there were 14. This being done by command from Coll. Totthill, they having quarter given by the souldiers, he was at a Martiall Court put therefore from his commaund.11. We possessed the castle, which was a place of good consequence. Two other mortar peeces (4 in all) played into the towne together; of these the greatest carrieing a shell weighing 200 weight was split in dischargeing but without hurt to any about it. This day was a returne made out of the towne by a drum to that summons sent the 14th, they desireing to treat and that Commissioners might be to that end appointed, and hostages given for securing the Commissioners and a cessation during the treaty.
Tuesday, 17. This day the Leivetenant Generall returned to the head quarters with his party, which had beene sent to joine with the Lord President, he hearing that the enemie had gone toward Ballinesloe bridge, he with 700 of his horse and the Comissary Generall with the like number of his and the Lord President, and with some foote followed them; but the enemy fleeing before them past hope of being by ours overtaken, ours returned having first taken the castles of Malogh and Mote in the county of Galway. The Leivetenant Generall taking leave of the Lord President he was in his returne affronted by those in the castle of Gortinse belonging to Sir Roger Shaghnus, trusting to the strength of the place; our horse and dragoones notwithstanding their not haveing any thing but their armes convenient for a storme yet forced the place after
Wednesday, June 18. A returne was given to that desired by the towne concerning the treaty that it was accepted of, but without a cessation or giveing of hostages, the word of the State being in this case alwaies held sufficient. And the towne haveing given the names of 6 Comrs (of which were 2 for the souldiers, 2 for the citty, and 2 for theire cleargy), his Ex: assented to the sending the like number, and the treaty to begin the next day at a tent provided for the Commissioners. Our bridge at Castle Connell being of wood and fixed, was finished over the Shanon, but it being of too great a distance for a lyne of communication with our party on the other side of Limerick, therefore was it ordered that a floate bridge should be made neere the castle, below the island lately taken. Some of the people of the city haveing beene by the Governor put out of the towne his Ex: ordered that they should be sent back, and declaring in wryteing to the Governor that any thenceforth so falling into our hands should be otherwise dealt withall. But he refuseing to accept of those sent back and continuing to send out more his Ex: commanded 4 of them to be knockt in the head as exemplary to others, but through mistake of orders all the others (about 40), were put to the sword, an act much disgusted by his Ex: and others of the army, yet nothing moveing with the Governour who ceased notwithstanding after so to disburden the place of such.
Thursday, 19. This day the Comissioners for the treaty met. Haveing battered and attempted the possessing ourselves of the castle on the bridge, and our ladders proveing short we drewe downe gunns for a further battry there and this night layed many fagots under the wall of it in order there unto allarumd the towne in severall places.
Saturday, 21. Wee stormed and forced and possessed the castle on the bridge, where we found 3 barrels of powder there layed for blowing up the place; and strange it was that it tooke not effect, considering that the same had beene layed and that ours entred with the casting in hand granadoes before them. The guns from that called the Kings Castle playing on the bridge tower, our guns played on them and dismounted one of them. Major Talbott, Governor of Clare Castle, haueing treated with his Ex: by one
Monday, June 23. It was thought adviseable to attempt the takeing of the island called the King's Island on which the city of Limerick stood which the enemy had in a good parte fortified. The attempt was to be made by boates and part of the float bridge for carrying over horse and men; 2 of the boates passeing over hastily before they could be seconded and landing about 80 men the enemie fell on them in multitudes putting all to the sword but one, which so discouraged those who were to follow that the designe was wholy laid by.
Tuesday 24. This was a day for humiliation, bewayeling the sins of the army which might occasion that the Lord's displeasure against us.
Wednesday, 25. This day we heard of the Lord President's being possessed of the Castle of Athlone, this being the most considerable passe with a bridge over the Shannon betweene Leinster and Conaught, whereby our forces in both provinces had on all occasions a lyne of communication. His Excellency heareing that his men slaine in attempting the island 12 were soe vsed, after quarter, hee therfore sent a trumpetter into Lymbrick to inquire of it, and vntill he were satisfyed therein suspending the treaty.
Fryday, 27. The Major-Generall returned to the head quarters from Waterford, bringing to us 2500 men, new recruits there lately landed. Then also did wee heare of 2000 men more comeing out of England, and that there was landed at Waterford £4000 and 4000 arms. There came to the army 10,000 from Waterford.
This document, from A Copy of Conditions ... Major Brian Smith (pg. 244), imperfect in the Diary, is here given in full from A Letter from the Lord Deputy-General of Ireland, unto the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Parliament of England; concerning the Rendition of the City of Limerick: together with the Articles formerly offered, and the Articles upon which the same was Surrendred: as also a Particular of the persons excepted, the Ammunition and Ordnance in the Town delivered upon the Surrender of the said City. Friday the 28th of November, 1651. Ordered by the Parliament, That the Letter from the Deputy-General of Ireland, and Articles, together with the Particulars inclosed, be forthwith Printed and Published; and read by the Ministers on the day appointed for Thanks to be given in the several Congregations. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti. London, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England, 1651
The Diary is here resumed after the chasm at page 241, ante.
July.[gap: blank] safely conducted thither by him into the city. And whereas Colonell Sankey was within 2 miles of that party of Dwyer's or diverting him, there was a prisoner of ours released by O Dwyer, who going to Colonell Sankey told him that Fitzpatrick was marched away, it being hoped he would immediately follow him (Fitz Patrick being the principall by him looked after.) But Collonel Sankey understanding withall that Collonel O Dwyer was so neare, he fell into his quarters unlocked for, killing many and dispersing the whole party with the losse of the most of their armes. O'Dwyre himselfe escaped narrowly and thereby was that designe by the goodnesse and providence of God disappointed. Captain Walch, an active rebell on whom they in Limerick much depended for assistance, was there taken and this day brought to the head quarters, by Collonel Sankey. This day we heard of our losse of Karrigahilt, in Thomond, taken from us by Col. Roch. This night, about 11 of the clock, a flame of fire passed over Limerick, giving that light by which one might reade. It moved from the north-east, continuing about halfe a quarter of an hower.
Friday, July 18. By the last intercepted letters out of Limerick, the enemy in Conaught being invited to a speedy conjunction for relieveing of that place and David Roch and Murtogh Bryon, with theire forces in Thomond, haveing taken our garrison
Saturday, July 19. His Excellency with the Lieutenant-Generall marched from the leagure, with about 2000 foote and 12 troupes of horse and 8 troopes of dragoones, into the county of Clare, according to the resolution the day before taken. The Major-generall comaunded here. This day we heard of a party of Vlster men coming into the county of Clare for joyning with Roch and Bryan. The Major-Generall removed the head quarters to the other side of Singland beyond the chappell, putting into the fort part of Collonel Stubbord's Regiment.
Lords Day, 20. By letters from the Lord of Broghill was certified that Muskery was advanceing, being 2500 foote and 700 horse, and that he intended a conjunction with FitzPatrick's forces, and by force or diversion to make way for the reliefe of Limerick, expecting probably the concurrence of the Thomond forces. This his letter was by the Major-Generall sent to his Excellency.
Tuesday, 22. His Excellency returned to the head quarters with some horse and foote, leaveing the Lord Generall in Thomond with 7 troopes of horse and 8 of dragoones and 1200 foote, for attending the enemies motions, and for securing our remote garrisons.
Wednesday, 23. The enemy in Limerick sallied with some horse and foote, but they were beaten back, ours both horse and foote readily answering the alarum. Herein by the blessing of God his Excellency escaped narrowly. His Lordship, with other principall officers, were then laying out a new fort when the enemy so sallied, there not being workes or guards betweene them and the party so sallying neere them; but God otherwise disposed it, diverting the danger and carrying the enemy another way, they not seeing theire advantages. By letters from the Lord of Broghill was certified his falling into Muskery's quarters, there killing and taking some and dispersing that party; and by letters from the Lord President of 17th from Gallway was certified the towne was shut upon one side by forts, which finished, he supposed (he said) to passe the river on the other side. We heard that the enemy in Thomond had on the Lt. Genlls advancing burnt Carrigahilt, and that they were gathering theire party to ingage the Lt. Genll
Friday, July 25. The Lieutenant Generall returned to the head quarters; of whom we had theise particulars, that he relieved the garrison of Carrigahilt, besieged by the enemy, and [gap: illegible]ing it a place within the land and remote and not easily to be relieved, he drew up the garrison and blew up the castle. That in his returne, heareing of the enemyes drawing together at a passe neere Enis, he fell into their quarters, killed many, tooke some prisoners and pursued the rest 3 or 4 miles. Among others was there slaine Connor Brian, of Lymenaugh in the county of Clare, a Coll of horse, the most considerable person in the county, although not acting in cheife, he was much lamented in the countrey, and his cutting off gaue a stop to the proceeding of the enemy and did breake that regiment of horse commanded by him.
Saturday, 26. A woman was taken this night endeavouring to goe into Limerick on Thomond side, she being at the fort there and supposing it belonged to her party. Shee desired to be admitted to the Governors presence, Major Genll O Neale, and being brought into the fort and finding her error she laboured to recall herselfe; but fearing torture (there threatned) she confessed she was sent the day before from Quin in the county of Clare by Coll Roch to tell the Governor of Limerick that on the 27th a party should be about six-mile-bridge (six miles from Limerick) desireing instruction how to order the reliefe there attending him, and ordering her if shee could not passe into Limerick, to returne with what intelligence she observed. This spie was hanged for feare of giving further intelligence.13
Lord's Day, 27. Our provisions growing short so as some weekes past the allowance for bread for the souldiers, but it pleased God, who never has left us in extremities, to send us supplies by sea. Wee heard that Fitz Patrick's party were in the mountaines of Agherlow in the Galtyne, and that by joyning with Muskery they intended releiving them of Limerick on the one side and them of Thomond on the other side endeavouring the like. From Gallway we heard that 1500 Ulsters being admitted into Galway the rest of the Ulster forces were withdrawne thence, and that there were no publique stores in the towne; that we having possessed and in some sort fortified an island on the other side of Gallway, beeing at low water passable, the enemy had fallen on them and taken the place and killed 55 of our men. We heard also that Major Merideth of Sir Thomas Jones his Regt. was sent into Thomond to attend the enemy there. From aboarde we heard that Coll. Popham was with 40 sayle before Dunkirk which is beseiged by the Spaniard by land with 4000 men; that Coll. Blake had taken the Castle of the Isle of Man; and that our forces in Scotland gave a blow to the enemy. This day by letters from the Lord of Broghill, dated the 26th, we heard that with his small party hunting after Muskery then come to an head and hastning for a conjunction with Fitzpatrickes
Monday, July 28. The great wants of the army before Galloway in respect of provisions being represented to his Ex: it was ordered that a proportion of our store should be sent to them by sea. Coll. Sankey this day marched from us with ii troupes of horse and dragoones for following Fitz patrick, who was said to be gathering in order to a conjunction with Muskeries scattered forces. This day we heard that Sir Theo. Jones was come out of Westmeath in Conaught with some forces, and that the 27 instant he would be at Loughreagh with about 100 horse and dragoones there expecting orders from his Ex.
Tuesday, 29. Orders were sent to Sir Theo. Jones that he should hinder all he might Ferall's conjunction, and his Ulster forces with the forces of the co. of Clare, that
August; Friday, 1. Wee heard that Fitz Patricke had surprised our garrison of Melik on the Shannon about 4 miles from the Birh. That there was not so much as a sentry found awake: and that all in it were put to the sword, the governor only excepted. By letters from the Commissary Generall, of the 29 past, from Galloway was certified that a garrison being received into the towne, the rest of the fresh forces were drawen away towards Ballin and Conge in Conaught; that there designe was supposed for relieving Limericke; that Sir Theo. Jones, with 12 troopes of horse and dragoones, was there falling into the co. of Clare, following David Roch and his party; that this side of Galloway was shut up with 3 forts, 13 redoubts, which were almost defenseable, and that Coll. Russells regiment was to be therein quartered; that Clanricard was in the feild, and that Ferrall was governor of the Vlster armie and Phillip Mac Hugh O Rely assistant to him. Wee heard also that the enemy had a designe upon our garrison of Nenagh in lower Ormond; that the 30th past about 500 foote, and 3 troopes of horse had over night placed themselves comodiously neere the Castle intending on the letting downe the bridge next day to fall into the place; that by speciall providence of God, he watching over us when we sleepe and diverting evills which we see not, Capt. Ayres returning toward the head quarters from Galloway, ferrying over at Portumny, and about breake of day appeared neare Nenagh, the enemy discovering him ranne away, supposing his forces were more then indecde they were whereby the place was preserved.
Lords Day, August 3. Some of the inhabitants out of Limerick to escape ferried out on Thomond side; some were slaine and the rest back. By a letter from ours before Galloway we heard of the Commissary Generall takeing Menlogh, a castle near Galloway; that the souldiers being 4 were prisoners of war, officers at mercy; that Fitzpatrick about Melick became numerous by many out of Conaught repaireing to him; that Dungan and Ferrall were labouring a conjunction; that Sir Theo. Jones was attending Fitz Patrick; that the Lord President having settled the workes before Galloway intended to draw off towards Athlone for attending the enemies motions. This day his Ex. by a dispatch to the Lord President of Conaught certified him what by intelligence he understood of the enemies designes, that they intended the sending 500 horse to joyne with the Clare forces, who were about 2000 foote, that by them intending the reliefe of Limerick; and that the forces of Conaught were principally designed for ingageing him the Lord President. That therefore Collonel Hewson was ordered to draw downe with his forces towards Athlone and further
Monday, August 4. We intercepted letters from Limerick desireing supplies; also some going into Limerick from Coll. Roch to the Governor promissing within 5 nights to be neare with reliefe. This letter was dated July 31st, and that the same night there should be a signe given by him from Glanne grosse, a mountain in Thomond towardes Limerick. We thereupon strengthened our guards towards Foybee passe with more horse and dragoones. We understood also of more forces and moneyes landed at Waterford, and more expected; the Scotch rout was also confirmed.
Tuesday, 5. We begun our worke near Foybee passe; also more forces were sent for reenforceing the guard on Thomond side of the towne.
Wednesday, 6. Collonel Sankey with his party came to the head quarters. Collonel Ingoldesby with a considerable party of horse and dragoones was commanded out towards the 6 mile bridge for discovering the enemy said to be in a body in the co. of Clare.
Thursday, 7th. We heard that the treasure landed at Waterford was £50,000; that there were brought thither 500 barrels of powder, 6000 barrels of wheat, 7000 muskets by the care and sollicitation of Capt. Vernon, and that a vessell with wheat and rye of 200 tunnes was coming to the leagure; and for particulars of the Scotch rout before mentioned, we heard that there were of them 2000 slaine and 500 taken prisoners; we heard also that 5 troopes of horse and 1000 foote of the enemy were gathered at Agerthlow about Cullen, and that Capt. Godfrey had fallen into their quarters and killed 20 and tooke 100 horse and armes from them. The Lieutenant Generall riding this day from the leagure to Loghgurre with only 4 horse, having ordered a party of horse to attend him and expecting them to follow him, he set forward, but haveing by a Scout timely discovered about 30 of the enemyes horse ready to fall on, he retyred, and they pursuing 2 miles, but by the blessing of God escaped that danger to the great joy of the army. This night by vollies of shott we triumphed for our victory in Scotland, the particulars whereof were now brought to us. By some out of Limerick we heard of the sicknesses there encreasing, 24 buried in a morning; that they wanted great shot, and for supplying of small shot they had untiled the Earle of Thomond's house. Out of Thomond we heard that the 5th instant Coll. David Roch and Murtogh O Bryan with their forces, about 2500, marched from Ennis to Downemoyhill between the 2 counties of Clare and Galloway; that this day they intended to be at Feakeill; that yesterday they had sent to enquire of Fitz-Patrickes condition and posture, and what side of the Shannon he was on.
September. At our leaving our quarters this day we left a troupe of horse who with the foote and dragoones of Cloghanaboy were to secure a boate with provisions and sicke men untill the next tide, which being on ground through negligence had been otherwise in danger of the enemy in Clare Castle. This day a party of horse and dragoones in our new garrison of Clonrone on the other side of Clare Castle appearing before Clare, the enemy sallied in number about 150, ours retiring for advantage, and the enemy pursuing, we charged them and killed and tooke about 40, among whom was Capt. Lalor, who charged Coll. White, (late Governor of Clare) for conferring with his Ex. (Aug. 25). In this the Castle of Clare found what they might after expect of those our new garrisons, their neighbours. By orders from his Ex: this party quartered on Thomond side of the flote bridge.
Friday, 5. We passed the flote bridge, the foote quartering apart from the rest of the army untill further orders. In this expedition was our party before Limerick secured from the attempts of the enemy, and the hopes of the beseiged at present disappointed as to supplies from theirs on this side; thereby was the enemy in the co: of Clare dispersed, and many persons therein considerable brought under contribution who till then held out, and either would not or durst not by reason of the enemies power submitt to us; and by it had we the advantage of placing convenient garrisons in that county where was laid a force of about 500 horse and dragoones, and as many foote, for answering all motions of the enemy there, and for repressing the oppression of the country by those in Clare Castle, and for securing our contributions [gap: illegible]ining intelligence as occasion should require, which was [gap: illegible] those respects very consid[gap: illegible]. At a [gap: illegible] this day it was debated [gap: illegible] of foote now marched [gap: illegible] a comaunded party should be ordered, whether to be disposed into their respective regiments. It was resolved that they should holde as they were (comaunded by Coll. Stubbards), and to encampe apart as a loose party, ready to answer all occasions. 2dly, Whether this party should be sent to Galloway for that service, it was resolved in the negative, the worke here being conceived the principall, and it being necessary that there should be a force at hand ready for opposeing any thing to be by the enemy attempted on either hand of us. It was farther debated whether our workes before this place should be in way of approaches which was for
Monday, September 8. September. His Excellency went this day to Bunratty, belonging to the Earl of Thomond, which lying on the Shannon was conceived fit to be fortified. There was laid Captain Preston with his troope of horse and a foote company. This place was very convenient for baking and making and laying up provisions for the army and other garrisons thereabout. Some labouring to passe out of Limerick were by our guards on Thomond side met withall and putt to the sword. A party of the enemies horse commanded by Lt. Coll. Fitzgerard doing much hurt in [gap: blank] in the co. of Corke were the 21st past by a small party of ours drawen together out of Corke and Youghall slaine and wounded, and 500 cowes and some prisoners rescued. Soone after night fall was a torch or fire put out on the top of the highest tower in Limerick given as a signall to those from whom they expected releife.
Tuesday, 9. Coll. Sankey with his party and with the treasure coming by land from Waterford came this day to the head quarters.
Wednesday, 10. We heard that Collonel Bourke was come into the county of Clare for raising forces there. They gave it out that Clanricard had dismissed his army for 15 dayes. Thus were the country reports, but by letters of the 5 instant to his Ex: from the Comissary Generall then about Athlone, it was to this purpose certified, that Clanricards party, being then become co[gap: illegible] was about Ballilege [gap: illegible] Conaught side of the Shannon that [gap: illegible] the Comissary Generall and Coll. Hewson [gap: illegible] appointed to attend them marching toward them, Clanricards whole party dispersed notwithstanding great advantages of places almost inaccessible; that Coll. Bourke fled into Conaught with the party of that province, and was by ours pursued 12 miles; that Dungan with the Leinster forces fled into the Kings Co: whom he, the Comissary Generall, and Sir Theo: Jones was then pursuing; that the Ulster forces ran into their owne country not farre of; that Clanricard with the Earls of Castlehaven and Westmeath had by boate at Ballilege slipt to James Towne in the co. of Letrym, and that ours were possessed of the castle of Ballilege, wherein were placed 50 musqueteers. It is a place of good consequence being the onely passe on the Shannon between Athlone and Jamestowne.
Thursday, 11. We were certified of Coll. O Dwyer's and the other rebels in the co. of Tiperary drawing to a generall rendevouz at a place called Glangarow, where Muskery was expected to meete him.
Friday, 12. Coll. Sankey, with 7 troopes of horse and 4 of dragoonos, was sent from the army to attend that enemy.
Saturday, September 13. This day we had by returnes of our spies and otherwaies confirmations of these gatherings mentioned; particularly that Coll. O Dwyer had 600 horse and 1500 foote rendevouzed at Cullenagh, and that Muskery with his horse was expected all in order to the reliefe of Limerick. This night was a fire shewd in Limerick as formerly (the 8 inst).
Lords day, 14. This night was the like fire shewed in the same place. Some attempts to breake out on Thomond side of the towne, being by our guns covered, were forced backe, the [gap: illegible] some passed by us.
Monday, 15. Captain Godfrey, of Coll. Sankey's regiment (a very active officer), and Capt. Cuffe with his troope of dragoones were set upon by 300 of the enemies horse at disadvantage, and being overpowered ours were routed, 13 were slaine, 22 taken besides the officers.
Wednesday, 17. We had intelligence that 3 troopes and some foot of the enemy lay between Cullen and the Abbey of Owney toward Limerick; also that 8 troopes and 15 companies with colours were in the west end of the Galtynwoods, where was theire gathering. By one come out of Limerick we heard that (the 12 inst), it was an assembly in the city debated to treate with us; 2 parts of 3 were for a present treaty, but the rest being, although the fewer, yet the more leading (countenanced by their factious clergie, and the souldiery) prevailed so as that for 14 daies from that time they should forbeare treating in that time expecting reliefe. We heard also that there had beene a plot laid for betraying of Clonmell, which in the discovery of it was prevented. It was informed that Coll. O Brien was that night before within 5 miles of Kilaloe with 500 foote stript (as their manner is when they are upon some nimble and sodaine designe). Thereupon was Capt. Allen (Adjutant Generall of the horse) sent that night with 200 horse and 300 nimble foote towards the place where they might probably be found; but this proved a false allarum, our party returning without discovering any enemy, but in a wood they found a new leather bagge with about 20 pound of good powder.
Thursday, 18. We received intelligence that the Lord Broghill attending Muskerie's motions and thereupon advancing with his forces, Muskery retired and disperst. That the Lord of Broghill was burning Muskeries country in Carbry in the co. of
October 27. By letters out of Conaught we found that our garrison of Ballilege on the Shanon, taken by ours the last moneth (mentioned Sept. 10), was delivered to the enemy upon summons, for which some were to be accomptable. The enemy burnt the castle and deserted it. We then also received Clanricards summons to the Sherives of the respective counties for a Generall Assembly at James Towne in the county of Letrim on the 6 of the next moneth for the reasons therein expressed which summons is in these words:
After our hearty comendations: The last Generall Assembly held at Lough Reagh having adjourned unto the 6 day of November next, which through eminent occasions and at the request of the officers of the army hath beene appointed sooner, but by reason of slenderness of apparance and power of the enemy was disappointed from concluding any thing upon the weighty affaires they had to debate, and adjourned unto the said day first appointed. We have thought fit therefore to renue and appoint the meeting of the said assembly at James Town upon the said 6 day of November next at 10 of the clock in the forenoone. And do hereby pray and require that you will under your owne hand and seale return unto the said Generall Assembly at the time and place aforesaid either the former persons returned from the co: of Gallway and Corporations therein or 2 other able and lawfully elected persons by the inhabitants of every burrough of the said co: there to sit and vote in all matters to be debated by the said Assembly; and if the power of the enemy will not permitt such Generall meetings, you are to cause the said election to be made and returned in the best manner you may, and to give notice unto the persons by you to be returned as aforesaid not to faile in the said hower. The rather that we have to communicate unto the said Assembly as well a dispatch lately received by us of a transaction made and concluded with the Duke of Loraine for the releife of this Kingdome, as also severall matters relating to and concerning the said agreement and other matters of much importance to his
Majesties service and the good of this nation, which (least any interruption may be given us by the enemy) wee intend shall be hastened as farre as in us lies, the results to be there taken, entered upon and debated the first day of the Session have resolved to avoid the dangers of a long session to hasten as farr as in us lies the results to be there taken. And so we bid you heartily farewell, and remaineYour loving friend Clanrickard. At Aghanure, the 10th of October, 1651.
Four of the Limerick Commissioners being detained as hostages the other 2 were sent back into the city for reporting the conclusion made with them. His Ex: now recalled those of ours sent into the towne on the cessation, by whom wee were given to understand that some principall officers within had on Thursday last at night possessed themselues of John's Gate, turning 2 guns there on the city and reserving that port for us to be delivered to us if by the malignant party within the treaty were hindered, declaring that if this day all were concluded they would deliver up the place unto us. This was altogether without our knowledge and this hastened the conclusion of the businesse more then did our batteries or force intended, which (we after found) would have beene an obstinate resistance very difficult and hazardous to us. Thus had God without us and without our knowledge prepared our way for us, in a way more to his glory and the good of his servants. According to the articles we tooke possession of John's gate and of the Milne towre this day.
These Articles, imperfect in the Clarendon MS., are here riven from A Letter from the Lord Deputy-General of Ireland upon the Surrender of Limerick, 1651. See ante, p. 241.
- That the City of Limerick, with the Castle, and all places of strength in the City be surrendred into the hands of the said Deputy General of Ireland, for the use of the Parliament and Common-wealth of England, upon, or before the twenty ninth day of October instant at noon, together with all the Ordnance, Arms, Ammunition, and other furniture of War therein, and all the Goods of any kinde not allowed by the ensuing Articles to be carried away or kept by the owners, and this without waste, spoil, or embezlement. And the full possession of John's Gate and Priors Mill shall be delivered unto the said Deputy General or such Guards as they shall appoint (not exceeding an hundred men for Johns Gate) this day by Sunset; and for performance hereof, the above named Lieutenant-Colonel Piers Lacy, Lieutenant-Colonel Donogh O Brien, Alderman Dominick White, and Nicholas
Haley, Esquire, shall remain as Hostages with the said Deputy-General, until the Surrender of the said City.- That in consideration thereof, all persons now in the City (except such as are hereafter excepted) shall have Quarter for their Lives, liberty of their persons, their Cloathes, Money, and other Goods, so as to be free from Pillage, Plunder, or other hostile violence in their Persons or Goods during their continuance under the said Deputies safe Conduct or Protection, by vertue of the ensuing Articles respectively: But whereas through the practices of some persons more eminent and active then the rest, both amongst the Clergy, Military-Officers, the Citizens, and other sorts of men within the large Conditions formerly tendred for Surrender, have been rejected. The subsequent occasions or opportunities for timely making of Conditions neglected and avoided, the dispositions and desires of many persons within to that purpose, is opposed, resisted and restrained, and the generality of the people partly deluded and deceived (to the keeping of them in vain expectations of relief from one time to another) and partly over-awed, or enforced by their power to concur and contribute this long to the obstinate holding out of the place; therefore the persons hereafter named, viz. Major General Hay Hugo Oniel, the Governor, Major-General Purcel, Sir Jeffry Galway, Lieutenant-Colonel Lacy, Captain George Wolf, Captain Lieutenant Sexton, the Bishop of Limerick, the Bishop of Emley, John Quillin, a Dominican Friar, David Roch, a Dominican Friar, Captain Laurence Welsh, a Priest, Francis Wolf, a Franciscan Friar, Philip O Diepe Dwyer, Priest, Alderman Dominick Fanning, Alderman Thomas Stretch, Alderman Jordan Roch, Edmund Roch, Burgess, David Rocheford, Burgess, Sir Richard Everard, Doctor Higgin, Maurice Baggot of Baggotstown, and Jeffry Barron being, as aforesaid the Principals appearing in such Practices in this Siege, and the holding out so long; as also Evan the Welch Soldier who ran into Limerick; and all other persons that have been employed, and come into the City as Spies since the Fourth day of June last, shall be excepted and excluded from any benefit of this Article, or any other Articles ensuing, and such of them as can be found within the Garrison, shall be rendred up at Mercy upon the Surrender of the City: And any such persons as shall be found to hide or conceal any of the said excepted persons, or be privy to their Concealment or attempt of Escape, and not discover, and do their best endeavor to prevent the same, shall thereby be understood to have forfeited the benefit of these Articles to themselves; but otherwise, none shall lose that benefit for other mens default in their Concealment or escape, or for the not rendring of them up as aforesaid.
- That all Officers, Soldiers and other persons now in the City (not excepted in the last precedent Article) shall also have liberty to march away with their Cloathes, Bag and Baggage, Money, and all other their Goods of what kinde soever, except Arms, Ammunition, and other Utensils of War (carrying nothing but their own) to what place or places they shall choose respectively within the Dominion of Ireland, not being a Garison for the Parliament (all the Field Officers of Horse and Foot, and Captains of Horse, with their Horses, Pistols and Swords, and other the Commissioned-Officers with their Swords onely) And shall have Three Moneths time after the Surrender to remove any Goods of their own, that they shall not
think fit sooner to carry with them; and such of them as shall choose to go to any Garisons, or Parties of the Enemy, shall have Convoy or safe conduct for that purpose, for such time as shall be requisite for their march, at the rate of Ten miles a day, and shall have Cariages and provision allowed from the Countrey at the usual rates.- That such of the Citizens and Inhabitants interested in the City, as are not excepted in the second Article, and shall not presently march away as aforesaid, but desire to continue longer in the City, shall (upon application for that purpose to the said Deputy Generall, or the chief Officer commanding in Limerick after the Surrender) have License given them to stay, either for such further time as the said Deputy General, or the said chief Officer present shall finde convenient, or until further warning given them to depart; and in case of such License given till further warning, shall have Four moneths time allowed from and after such warning, for the removal of themselves and their Families and Six moneths for the removal of their Goods, and during such further time limited, or in case of reference to further warning, during their continuance there to the time of warning given; and for the said Four moneths and Six moneths after respectively, shall be protected in their Families and Goods from all Injury and Violence, and at any time as they shall desire within the said space or spaces respectively shall have liberty and safe conduct for the removal of themselves, their Families and Goods, to any place or places within this Dominion, not being garisoned for the Parliament as aforesaid; and if they shall not be admitted to reside elswhere in protection within this Dominion, they shall have liberty, for themselves, their Wives, Children and Goods, to pass beyond the Seas; Provided that they pay their due proportion of what Taxes and other Contribution shall be charged upon the City, from the day of the Surrender to the day of the removal, in due proportion with other places in Ireland, and behave themselves as becometh: And such of the said Citizens and Inhabitants as having not License to stay until further warning, shall within a moneth after the Surrender be ordered to depart, shall have the same benefit of the Third Article, as those that march away immediately upon the Surrender.
- That all such persons now in the City, as shall desire to live peaceably under protection, and submit to the Parliament of England (except the persons excepted in the second Article aforegoing, and except all Clergy-men, Priests and Friars of any Order) shall upon their application to that purpose, have License and protection to live quietly at any such place or places within this Dominion as they shall desire, and the said Deputy General finde convenient to admit; but such Protection shall not be understood to extend either to the assuring of them in the enjoyment of their Lands or other Hereditaments; or to the granting of other Indempnity or Freedom from any Question or Prosecution to Justice in a Judicial way, for any Crimes they may be guilty of, except to such persons as shall be found fit to have that Mercy and Favor expresly granted to them, or to others for a certain time to be limited for that purpose; but to such as shall have protection for a limited time, either Citizens or others, it is intended they shall be freed from any Suit or Censure in the Civil Judicature for things done in relation to the War during the time limited.
Memorandum, As to the fourth Article aforegoing, it is intended, That the Citizens (not excepted against within a Moneth) may tarry (without particular Application) and have Four Moneths after warning given to remove themselves and Families, and six moneths to carry away their Goods.
Memorandum, Also that all Soldiers or other persons, not excepted in the third Article, who through Sickness are disabled to remove themselves at present, shall have liberty to march away when they shall recover, and have equal benefit with others in their Conditions respectively; And that from twelve of the Clock this day, there shall be Cessation of all acts of Hostility on either part, but the persons Besieged not to come without the Walls or Island, saving into Johns Grate, until the time limited for Surrender, without License from the other part respectively.
And lastly it is agreed, That no person shall be understood to forfeit the benefit of any the Articles for another mans Breach thereof, unless he be found to be consenting thereto, or privy to it, without discovering or endeavoring to prevent it, provided this extend not to Indempnifie the Hostages in case of failer or Surrender. In Testimony whereof, the parties first above mentioned have Interchangeably set to their Hands and Seals the day and year first above written.15
Bar: Stacpol. Domi: White. Nic: Haly. Hen: O Bryan. Piers Lacy. John Bagot.
Tuesday, October 28th. Out of the co: of Clare was thus certified: That Coll. Murtogh O Brien and Coll. Bourke lay at Balliturry; that theire forces were 1600 foote and 250 horse; that Coll. David Roch [gap: illegible] and that we had garrisoned towne of Inchinglin in Thomond. Out of Kerry we heard that the Lord of Muskery had letters from Clanricard concerning the Duke of Loraine; that there upon he tooke boate and hastened to Gallway where Clanricard was. At a Councell of warre it was this day debated and voted (1) that part of the army should before further service. 2. That that part of the army should march into the co: of Clare to fortifie the towne of Enis, and thence to march to Gallway if it should be found necessary according as should be the returne from the Lord President of Conaught to his Ex: letters to that purpose. His Ex: ordered the forces to be quartered in Limerick and in the quarters about Cashel, and the remnant of this army being 21 companies and [gap: blank] troopes of horse and dragoones to be for the marching party. His Lordship also ordered that party of our workes towards Limerick to be slighted and after the whole workes as it should be necessary.