Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 12


Also it is to be noted that as he hath bene the occasion by his vniust provocacions, and wronges of the revolte of many of the subiects of the Irishry, So he greivously provocated thenglish inhabyters of Mariborogh forte in Leax, and princypall gentlemen of that countrey, (who were her Majesty's cheife stayes and props for that goverment against the Moores) to leave their holdings and abate their strengthes, vnder collor of seruice doinge to the State for his livings sake and manie others. And att length beinge wearyed and frustrated of his hopes he betooke him selfe to Mounster to worke the ruine, and expulcion of thenglish vndertakers there, att Desmonds rebellion, by whome he looked {MS folio 18r} to be advaunced, who for his better assistaunce was seconded by the Rebellous route of the Moores Tyrrell and others, whome he a little before had lefte to followe him.