Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 9


Also howe Conell Omore and his brother were sett att libertie by the meanes of the saide Crossan, like as others of the Moores and Tyrrells followers, att what tymes they were charged with treasons, {MS folio 17v} This Crossans plotts were ever corrupte and foule, tendinge to the good of him selfe, and the Irishrye, and to the overthrowe of the Englishe without conscience or shame att any dishonor, or hurt, that the State, or his englishe best supporters, might take by his wicked doinges and odyous course of liefe. And doubted he is not, duringe his beinge here to haue sent intelligences vnto his freindes in Ireland, either nowe in action, orels to as bad as they from one to another to be conveyed, in prevencion of some good intendements by the State by whome he pretendeth to be here employed by the specyall favor and good opinion of his serviceablenes conceaued by one of this honorable Councell. Wherefore good maie ensue, by causinge a presente searche to be made in his lodginge, for what scriptes maie be there founde and likewise in the Barrons, and order taken for interceptinge of theires and all others letters directed vnto all Irish men in Ireland by choise men of vnderstanding of that Countrey aswell att Bristoll, and all the portes westwards as att Chester, and those Maritane Coastes. And likewise in Dublyn & Waterford duringe theis doubtfull tymes to contynue, as att other tymes the like hath bene done.