Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 2


Also for that aswell in the same Barrons house and countrey or Vpper Ossorey as other places in Mounster with the L. ffitz Morris called the Barron of Lixsnawe and his sonne in lawe called Donell OSolovan, he hath bene conversant with Archer the Popes Legatt, and others that from the Pope impetrated Busshopprickes with comission to styrre vpp this generall rebellion, by whome yt is constantlie affirmed he hath bene reconcyled to the favor of the Pope which could not be without renouncinge and abiuringe all alleageaunce to her sacred Majestie his most naturall and Lawfull Prince. And by dispensacion before hand receaved of all periuries and other execrable crymes thence forwarde to be done by him, that might sett forwarde this Rebllion, and to the settinge vpp of the Romish religion and forren goverment, and vtter extirpating of thenglish nation and Religion vnder which he was trayned vp & fostered {MS folio 16v} by the favor of Englishe men namelie Mr Alexander Cosby and Mr Bowen, and by whome he was preferred to the services of Officers to that State vnder whome he gott the habytt and facultie of a penne man, And yett (most like vnto that vnaturall foule which praieth vppon that byrde which kindelie fedd her) hath sought their destruccions by the particularities followinge.