Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 22


Also yt is to be noted that her Majestie may att her pleasure dissolve all the charters and liberties of the Cities and Corporacions for aydinge the Rebells and succoringe the Popes Legattes, which rather then they will loose, they will willingly yeld to mainteyne of their owne charges in paye, or att least victualled, some a hundreth, some more, and some others fewer soldyors, alwaies garrisonned with them, aswell in peace as Warres for repressinge of their sodeyne rysinges. The noble men also, and stronger of the best sorte, yf they would vnite their forces togeather might without paye or men from her Majestie (by them of late more then ever desired,) suppresse and cutt of their neighbouringe rebells in their begynnings to make head, which they nowe thincke, they are not bounde to doe, so longe as they passe by them, and doe not dampnifie them or them or theirs, caringe not for others hurtes, albeit their spoyells be carryed through their countreys.