Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 21


And seinge the want of due execucion of the Lawes of that Realme of late yeares hath bene a principall cause of theis endlesse Rebellions, especyally since her Majesty's Ecclesiasticall comission for thecclesiasticall goverment hath bene either abusivelie by corrupcion or other respective causes not executed for cherishinge the better sorte and chastizing of the worse. And in former tymes yt was vsed as a brydle to hold in the ill affected from breakinge out to farre. And by noe other meanes may theis Rome ronninge fugitives and entercourses betwene Rome, Spaine and Ireland be traced out, and discouered for their apprehensions and conviccions in course of the Lawes. And by experience it is seene that by example of one executed by the halter more are deterred and wrought vnto conformablenes, then by the losse of 1000, with the sworde or bulletts in a skirmishe, (for so they hold their lieves honorablie loste to their animacion,) therein to persist and encrease their nombers, As for the reprochefulnes of the other, yt is the more avoided, in regarde, the more that by their lawfull conviccions the Prince is intytled and often bettered to and by their landes and goodes, and their families and oftespringes not onelie are defaced, but also their whole strengthes and hopes thereby extinguished. It is nowe therefore wished that the worde of liefe and the sworde of death with a concurring course of Iustice of the Lawe, and mercye of the Prince in suche cases extendable, maye haue more equall and free coherency and passage without respecte of persones through out that lande, then hath bene vsed. And whiles {MS folio 15r} the Townes are garrisoned with soldyors ready to assist the Officers of State in thexecucion of their offices in the administracion of the Lawes, that those Ecclesiasticall Maiestrates maie be quickened by Letters from hence to establishe an orderlie course of preachinge and celebracion of devyne service, throughout all Corporacions and Civill partes of that Realme, and to compell the Laicall sorte to be thereof hearers and participaters, and against the obstinate to proceede Secundum iuris exigentiam, which to doe, of late yeares, the comon people spared not to say, they durst not, in respecte of her Majesty's weake forces to maister and compell the Citezens to yelde to the aucthorytie of State, As also, that of the Maiestrates yt hath bene groselie geven forth, that by specyall instruccions from Englande, they were restrayned from medlinge with their consciences, for feare thereby they should take occasion of Rebellinge and putt her Majestie to greater charges, but rather in all thinges to temporise with them which worde (feare) and overlonge temporisinge driftes say all men of best vnderstandinge of the goverment of that cursed obstinate people, (that are not won, or to be gouerned with Lenitye or forbearances) hath occasioned them like to stubborne yonge horses, that feare not, (so they haue their willes of their ryders) to breake their owne neckes, to ronne out further and further into this extremitie of Rebellion to the hazarde of one Realme, and vnspeakeable greevaunce of the other. Therefore as the neglect of the lawes with greate cares in former tymes made and ordeyned, hath geven the wounde and cause of this Rebellion, so may the tymelie execucion thereof provyde a salve to cure the same, be yt never soe deadlie in practisinge this devyne precept Primum querite regnum dei et omnia vobis adiicientur.