Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 20bis


{MS folio 14v} (sic) Also yt is not one mans opinion, but saide of manie, that merchants haue founde a newe trade of traffique in transportinge of Beare from Bristoll and the Maritane Townes for Ireland. And that their caskes are separated in the middest, the one ende whereof conteyneth drincke, and the other powder, and some whiles all powder and matche, And to make the Barrell the more to be thoughte to conteyne all beare, yt shall haue a Bonge on the topp thereof, the which as the Marchaunts in this deceavinge manner of the officers of the Customes doe transporte, So do they issue the same in that manner into the countreys to the Rebells. And that, att this very instant there are 300 tonnes of wynes in Corke, which were bought onelie of hides and Tallowe had from the Rebells. It is therefore thought needefull, that severall choise discreete persones of Credicte, may be aucthorised to lye att Bristoll and Chester, especyallie at Bristoll fayer tymes of St Iames tide and St Paule, that vnsuspectedlie and secretlie maie gage and pierce all manner of Caske Vessells for better discovery of such dangerous traiterous instruments for the Rebells. And of them and their provisions to make presente ceasures to be disposed of att her Majesty's pleasure.