Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 14


It is also to be noted, that the Romishe Legative Busshops and Preistes which are harboured and mainteyned of the best sorte of the Corporacions in Ireland (whome they will not, nor dare not gainsaye for conscience or proffitt) are principall purveyors and procurers of all needefull thinges for the on settinge and vp holdinge of Rebellions in Ireland, not onelie in sendinge but also in carrieng into the countreys some whiles to suche as are in Rebellion and other whiles to their secrett supporters, (for without suche their Rebellions can not longe stande on foote) in woodden Caskes powder, Leade, bothe vncast, and cast in Bulletts, pistolles, Murryons, and suche like, Aquavite, Wynes and other victuallinge helpes, In steede whereof, they retorne from thennemies, hydes, Talloughe, corne beefes and spoyles, of all kindes, gotten from the Subiectes, and spare not to saye, that without so doinge, and enterchannginge of comodities of the Townes and Countreys they are not able to holde vpp the common charge of their estates publicke, and private. ffor the better goverment therefore of suche Townes and holdinge the people in awfulnes to observe suche penall Lawes as doe highlie concerne them for preservacion of their liefes and charters, It is wished that her Majesty's most honourableble Councell, may please to appointe some knight or other persone of Accompt (there garrisonned) to be Accessors or superintendents to and over the Mayors and heades of those corporacions for the better execucion of suche orders as from tyme to tyme maie be directed vnto them from the States of both Realmes, especyallie for surprysinge, and bringinge to the Lawe those Romishe Wolves that beinge of them selves as base in birth as wicked in condicions, doe carrye the titles of Archbushopps Bushops Abbottes, by seuerall aucthorities of Legattes and Sublegats from the Pope, and doe not cease to chase and dryve before them into actuall Rebellion, the Laicall people (as sheepe to their destruccions), that would and cannot live att rest, by the force of their poisonfull Bulles of Excommunicacions and absolucions, (as therein borne in hande to deserve heaven,) Of whome the nomber is nowe growne to be greater then there are able and willinge preachers of the gospell of both {MS folio 12v} nations in that Realme; Yea and with to muche greife to be spoken of all sortes of that Countrey birth, that for displeasinge of them, will or dare be called protestauntes, especyallie publicklie to praye for the Queenes Majestie and overthrowe of Tyrone; Muche lesse anie soe faithfull to be founde, that will for openlie blasphemminge our savyor Christe, and scandalizing her most excellent Majestie and Councell, in their prudent courses of goverments, (per scapulas) bringe suche Traitors coram Aucthoritatem habente for their convincements, and chastizementes, whereby yt is so come to passe, as in contempte of god and the Prince, the Maiors or Soueraignes of the Townes will either walke all the Sermon tyme with their fellowshipp or comynaltie, abouts the Church Yarde, or be att masse in greater assemblies with their Iesuitts, then to afforde their presences and hearinges, Albeit for so doinge the Pope and his Cononistes were wonte to graunte them dispensacions for the tymes of their maiestracies. Thus yt nowe therefore sorteth the tyme, as by the powerfulnes of the Trinitie in heaven, in the vnitie of the Churche which was in kinge Edwards daies and manie yeares of her Majesty's amonge that Rebellous and Idolatrous nation, there were not to be founde Six noted Papistes in Dublyn, there are not nowe to be founde of Christes churche in all that kingdome sixscore natives that will performe the dueties of a Religious Subiecte to god and her Majesty's Lawes, and hartelie wishe that her highnes prosperous yeares maie be multiplied to the comforte of his Saincts. The falte whereof (by figure called Translatio criminis over muche vsed by the cheifest for Ecclesiasticall, and civill gouerment in Ireland) hath bene over groselie laide vppon the States men of England, whose instruccions (saye they) by the vulgers, are, dare pacem in diebus nostris, by temporisinge, and not wrestlinge with that people for feare of rebellinge; By which, the Irishry haue taken the more harte att grasse, as farre as they maie, to shake of thenglishe goverment, And yet maie sooner be reduced to their former course of obedience by sendinge over suche englishe Bandogges or rather able & worthie Preachers of the gospell for integritie in doctryne and liefe, as maie be able to allure and recover the people from the poisonfull charmes vsed by the Romanists, and putt those Romishe wolves to flight, for by barkinge of dogges and staves of the sheppards, the wolves are manie tymes lett of their purpose saieth Sainct Iherome.