Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 13


It is further to be considered, that in sufferinge this Baron or Crosby or anie other of the Irishry (especyally by oathe tyed to this combynacion of rebellion) to make their provisions of powder, and all other emptions for the warres in London, (where best choise for price and goodnes is to be had) as comonlie they haue done vppon their dispatches from Courte, and in the marytane porte Townes of Chester and Bristoll (Like as Tyrone Florence Mc Carthy Donell Cavenagh als. Spainarde and others did without restrainte) And att their homes beinge tooke their opportunities to convert all to the damage of her Majestie and subiectes of both Realmes. ffor prevencion therefore of the like, It is earnestlie wished that yt might be so ordered by aucthorytie of the State, that noe Londoner maie sell anie warlicke provision vnto anie knowne Irishe man, or others followinge the warres, before he haue entred into bonde with securytie to her Majesty's vse by some persone (well reputed for his integretie and experience of that country for the partes and names of the people in that behalfe to be aucthorised for the well vsinge thereof. And what shalbe founde after publicacion or notice thereof transportable for Ireland, to be confiscat to the common provision for the Warres. And vppon the arryvall thereof in Ireland, that the merchaunts or other buyers, shall present the same in their kindes or a scedle (sic) thereof vnto the state or Provinciall governor thereof by him to be lycensed for sellinge or disposinge thereof for gayne or private vses, as best maie be for the defence {MS folio 12r} and least offence of the Prince and subiectes. ffor doubted it is not, that before and after the Rebellions begonne in Ireland, their provisions and supplies are made in London and Townes of best choise in Englande, partelie by helpes of their countrey men, (dwellers here) and others of all sortes vnwittinge and vnskilled of their treacherous intencions, vntill they be produced into open accions, and by their kynred and best acquayntaunces of the Corporacions in Ireland, some as simple as doves, and others as subtill as serpents, are made the instruments of their strengthes to the infinite damage of their countrye and them selves, and vntill remedye maie be herein founde, Rebellions will never ceasse and be att an ende in Ireland.