Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 9


Also yt is to be noted that all the Barrons sonnes especyallie theldest (beinge helde for the most perillous men of those quarters although not in publicke accion) whiles the father maie be here, stayed in suspence of a contentfull retorne, vppon the fathers letters wilbe induced to repayre to the L. Deputie, for fayned or supposed enterteynement for kearne in pay, (after which all doe thirst, but will endevor with the least to deserve) or some other thinge, that maye be most desired of them. Wherevppon his house of best strength & conveniencie for service in stoppinge the passe of the Moores Connors Dempsies, and their adherents into Mounster (beinge seated vppon the skirts of the Moores in Leax) maie be deliuered to the Queenes handes for a warde or garrison there to be placed, (and that course faylinge) then may yt be taken as the Castell of Slego standinge betwene {MS folio 10v} Thomonde recte Tirconnell and Connaught provinces was by Sir Richard Bingham, which served to greate purpose vntill yt was surprysed by the warde yt selfe, whereof the greater parte were meere Irishe, that for an intended mischeife doe oftentymes serve without anie paye which they are content the Capteyne should putt vpp as his owne, where by as the Capteyne throughe his credulitie and cowetousnes covetousness lost his liefe. So did her Majestie her holde, that comaunded the Countrey, and was deliuered to Odonell, And as the old Earle of Kildare with his sonnes and Castell were att one very instante, By which pollicie all the dependers of that howse, (specyally the restlesse rebellinge Connors were defeated of their hopes and strengthes) and in a shorte space, the Pale, which was then vppon a generall revolte, was quieted and setled in peasable sorte, whiles the kingdome was in hazarde, with the Spanishe instant invasion in the Lorde Grayes goverment.