Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland (Author: Hugh Collier(?))

paragraph 8


Also yt is to be noted that this Barron is greatelie lead and Councelled in all his weightiest accions by this Patrick Crossan als. Crosby, who to worke his greater good by the Barrons countenance, like as to further the Barrons intencions by his insight into the Court of England, procured his L. (never here before) to come over, hopinge vnder collor of service offered to gett pay for men or other suites for the better strengtheninge of their faccion, and in very truth, but to robbe her Majestie of money and helpes vnmeete for them. And therefore, the meeter is yt, that their suites and mocions be suspended vntill the troth of theis proiects maie be ballanced by the Councell of both Realmes, and suche probacions thereon to be transmitted from thence by the serviceable meanes of the movent of this service, vppon Letters of direccion or referrment to the L. Deputie and Councell and the provinciall governors there. By which yt is well hoped and vndertaken by the intelligencer (nowe hastened over for performaunce of some specyall services, att the comaundement or direccion of the L. President of Mounster his honourableble Lorde and Master and of whome he seemeth to be well favoured) that greater services maie and will arrise for her highnes proffitt & strengthe, to the speedie endinge of this Rebellion, then in many yeares with thexpence of manie hundrethes of thowsandes in men and moneys is expectable by the ignoraunt sorte of this Intelligencers serviceablenes; Experience teachinge that meane men are often tymes the motives of services of highest natures howsoever in the wisedomes and powerfull meanes of the highest they maie be carryed and managed to all wished affects.