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Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland

Author: Hugh Collier(?)

File Description

Ruth Canning

Donated by Ruth Canning

Electronic file prepared by Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork and
School of History

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 10455 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the Department of History at University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland & mdash;


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E600001-016

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Copyright lies with Ruth Canning. The text is reproduced here with her kind permission.


    Manuscript Source
  1. Dublin, P.R.O., SP 63/207(4), no. 3. Jul. 3, 1600. 'Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland'.
    Further reading: primary sources
  1. Hiram Morgan (ed), Dialogue of Silvynne and Peregrynne (S.P. 63/203, no. 119) (available on CELT).
  2. Ruth Canning (ed), Discourse on the mere Irish of Ireland (Oxford, Exeter College, MS 154, ff. 55–74) (available on CELT).
    The edition used for the digital edition
  1. Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland. Hugh Collier(?)Ruth Canning (ed), online publication [nine folios] CELTCork (2014)


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CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

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The text transcribed by Ruth Canning comprises nine folios.

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Names of persons (given names), and places are not tagged. Terms for cultural and social roles are not tagged. However, such changes are envisioned for a later edition.

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Profile Description

Created: Possibly by Hugh Collier (July 1600)

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Language: [EN] The text is in Elizabethan English.
Language: [LA] Some words are in anglicised Latin.

Revision History

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E600001-016

Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster in Ireland: Author: Hugh Collier(?)

Intelligences for her Majesty's services in the Province of Leinster, in Ireland (SP 63/207(4), no. 3. Jul. 3, 1600)

Prefatory Note

Written in 1600 from the perspective of an Irish-born Protestant, it is conceivable that this unsigned treatise, calendared in the State Papers, Ireland, was composed by Hugh Collier. Intended for Queen Elizabeth's guidance, this twenty-page document describes the many ills of Ireland, especially as they related to Leinster at the height of the Nine Years' War (1594–1603). In addition to reciting the crimes perpetrated by the Irish Catholic Confederacy and its less overt clerical and lay supporters, the author condemns the many corruptions and abuses committed by the crown army and administration in Ireland. In doing so, the author offers his suggestions for the remedy of these problems, insisting that both his experience and vested interest in Irish affairs render his advices honest and practical. Nevertheless, while proclaiming his own unswerving allegiance to the English crown, the author expresses deep reservations about the loyalties of many of his compatriots, particularly the Baron of Upper Ossory and Patrick Crossan, alias Crosby, whom he alleges were feigning loyalty while they bolstered the rebellion through various artifices. Addressing issues of religion, political policy, military service, and illegal trade, this treatise offers a great deal of insight into Irish affairs from the perspective of one who was of long experience in Ireland and well acquainted with both its natives and newcomers.

In transcribing the text below, I have been attentive to orthography and punctuation as it appears in the original document. The transcription has been checked by Hiram Morgan, and a more thorough analysis of both the text and the context from which it arose is intended in the near future.

Ruth A. Canning


ffirst it is to be noted that not aboue fyve yeares agoe, Woney Mc Rorey, the sonne of Rorey Oge, entered into Leix als. the Queenes Countie, onelie but with 13 men, by whome, then beganne the first Broyells in Leinster, and by degrees increased his strength by the negligence of the comaunders of her Majesty's forces there, and the favor of the Barron of Upper Ossorey, whose wiefe then and nowe beinge was the daughter of Omore, whereby all their children are of neere kynred to this Woney OMore, and that nation of Moores in rebellion.


It is to be noted that whenas the saide Woney Mc Rorey or anie of the Moores receaved anie woundes in skirmishes by thenglish, they were still healed & cherished in the Barrons howse and countrey.


It is to be noted, that the first twoe yeares of this Rebellion whatsoever spoyles, the Rebells tooke from the Subiectes, they were still kepte in the Barrons Countrey. And att the Lord Borroughes entraunce into that goverment by the Barrons meanes and Patrick Crossan als. Crosby (then beinge an Officer attendant on that State, as a penne man), their pardons were gotten without restitucion or satisfaccion of the Subiectes, or fyne to her Majestie, whereat Sir Warham Sentleger challenged them in Dublyn for Traytors as they were to be deemed, noe lesse then they.


Also it is to be noted that theis fyve yeares neither the Barron or his sonne or followers haue plotted for drawinge of anie bloud of theis Rebells or hindered their proceedinges, Albeyt his L. ever had three att his comaunde for euerie of them, vntill they were strengthened by the generall combynacion of Leinster Rebells.


{MS folio 9v} Also it is to be noted that this Traytor Woney Mc Rorey nor his can passe into the Earle of Ormonds countrey, Sir Charles OCarralls, and all westwardes, but onelie throughe this Barrons countrey, And neuerthelesse by his sufferance haue passed and retorned with their spoyles att pleasure.


Also it is to be noted, that this Barron could never be brought by the state or Earle of Ormond to consent that his countrey should be made sheir grownde, or to yeld vnto Civill goverment beinge but 40 myles from Dublyn, but hath ever spurned att their doinges and mocions to so good effectes.


Also yt is to be noted that the lykelhoodes are greate, and the common people of best insight into that gouernement, countrey and people, are perswaded, that in regarde of the longe contynued hatred with the Barron and his familie with the Moores haue borne to the house of Ormond, aswell for that the Earle challengeth a superyoritye over the Barons Countrey or customary dueties, and for the mutche blood he hath drawne vppon the Moores, that this Barron and Crossan were privye to the takinge of the Earle in that treacherous manner he was, hopinge for his lefe and libertie, the Earle not onelie would be willinge to disclayme all pretended challenge of comaundement over him and his. And her Majestie rather then she would loose him would be induced to yeld vpp her princely right vnto all Leax als. the Quenes Countrey therevnto restoringe the Moores (from whome yt was recovered) whereby the Barron and his with the Moores beinge of his childrens kinred, might haue a larger scoape in their proceedinges, and growe more powerfull over the Earles Countrye, and the adioyninge subiectes generallie. The troth whereof and other hidden evills (nowe shadowed) maie be the better beaten to light, by suche meanes as the Earle maie vse, as he maie be therevnto advysed by instruccions from hence, and in takinge into her Majesty's proteccion some choise persone of those Rebells, that by a faithfull Irish persone (in that nation interessed) can conninglie drawe the secrettes of theis treacherous driftes from them, partelie by rewarde, and partlie by a dissencion amonge them to be kindled, And also by disseveringe the Barron and Crossan, and their attendants here, vntill their seuerall examinacions maie be taken by one of knowledge of that Countrye, and by a searche therewithall to be made in their lodginges, for what wrytinges or other thinges maie be founde with them, and consequentlie by a further progression, by aucthoritie and pollicie of the State of Ireland. It beinge not doubted, but since the cominges into Englande, Letters haue so entercoursed betwene them and Irelande of advertisements or direccions, as maye discover vnsoundnes in them to the State, and out of their owne consciences (Yf anie feelinge they haue of an oathe especyally beinge taken vpon an old Portasse yf yt maye be, or the Bible of St Iheromes translacion whereof the Papistes are best conceited), but matter will fall out plentifully for vpholdinge the honor of the State therein, {MS folio 10r} seeinge they came not in vppon anie salffe conducte or proteccion from the State, but onelie of their owne accordes and imaginacions that their disloyalties are vndiscoverable, hopinge by obteyned suites the better to strengthen them selves for their bad intencions.


Also yt is to be noted that this Barron is greatelie lead and Councelled in all his weightiest accions by this Patrick Crossan als. Crosby, who to worke his greater good by the Barrons countenance, like as to further the Barrons intencions by his insight into the Court of England, procured his L. (never here before) to come over, hopinge vnder collor of service offered to gett pay for men or other suites for the better strengtheninge of their faccion, and in very truth, but to robbe her Majestie of money and helpes vnmeete for them. And therefore, the meeter is yt, that their suites and mocions be suspended vntill the troth of theis proiects maie be ballanced by the Councell of both Realmes, and suche probacions thereon to be transmitted from thence by the serviceable meanes of the movent of this service, vppon Letters of direccion or referrment to the L. Deputie and Councell and the provinciall governors there. By which yt is well hoped and vndertaken by the intelligencer (nowe hastened over for performaunce of some specyall services, att the comaundement or direccion of the L. President of Mounster his honourableble Lorde and Master and of whome he seemeth to be well favoured) that greater services maie and will arrise for her highnes proffitt & strengthe, to the speedie endinge of this Rebellion, then in many yeares with thexpence of manie hundrethes of thowsandes in men and moneys is expectable by the ignoraunt sorte of this Intelligencers serviceablenes; Experience teachinge that meane men are often tymes the motives of services of highest natures howsoever in the wisedomes and powerfull meanes of the highest they maie be carryed and managed to all wished affects.


Also yt is to be noted that all the Barrons sonnes especyallie theldest (beinge helde for the most perillous men of those quarters although not in publicke accion) whiles the father maie be here, stayed in suspence of a contentfull retorne, vppon the fathers letters wilbe induced to repayre to the L. Deputie, for fayned or supposed enterteynement for kearne in pay, (after which all doe thirst, but will endevor with the least to deserve) or some other thinge, that maye be most desired of them. Wherevppon his house of best strength & conveniencie for service in stoppinge the passe of the Moores Connors Dempsies, and their adherents into Mounster (beinge seated vppon the skirts of the Moores in Leax) maie be deliuered to the Queenes handes for a warde or garrison there to be placed, (and that course faylinge) then may yt be taken as the Castell of Slego standinge betwene {MS folio 10v} Thomonde recte Tirconnell and Connaught provinces was by Sir Richard Bingham, which served to greate purpose vntill yt was surprysed by the warde yt selfe, whereof the greater parte were meere Irishe, that for an intended mischeife doe oftentymes serve without anie paye which they are content the Capteyne should putt vpp as his owne, where by as the Capteyne throughe his credulitie and cowetousnes covetousness lost his liefe. So did her Majestie her holde, that comaunded the Countrey, and was deliuered to Odonell, And as the old Earle of Kildare with his sonnes and Castell were att one very instante, By which pollicie all the dependers of that howse, (specyally the restlesse rebellinge Connors were defeated of their hopes and strengthes) and in a shorte space, the Pale, which was then vppon a generall revolte, was quieted and setled in peasable sorte, whiles the kingdome was in hazarde, with the Spanishe instant invasion in the Lorde Grayes goverment.


It is to be noted that the Barrons house neere the Abbey of Abbo frontinge vppon the Moores of Leax is also the passable way to the Earle of Ormonds countrye, Sir Charles Ocarrolls and all westwardes into Mounster. And beinge vnder the charge of a discrete comaunder, suche a one as hath traced and followed those Rebells into their fastnes (as ffoxes into their dennes) free from matche with the Irishrye, and other suspectfull causes of corrupcion (As for example Sir Francis Rush or Capteyn Charles Mountacute, beinge men of good noate for their vnderstandinge of those people and their strengthes are) Then would the countrye of Vpper Ossorey nowe beinge a very receptacle of rebells and all theefes with theire stealthes and spoyles, (from which all the surrounding rebells of the Pale are comforted and relieved), Soone would yt be made a Scourge to the infected people adioyninge, and a greater strengthe, against all the Rebellous nations in those partes to the vtter extinguishment of them and their adherents & saving of manie thowsands of lieves and moneys, and with noe encrease of charges or effusion of Bloode. Whereby also that countrey without present contradiction might be made sheir grownde to be governed with a Scheneschall or a Sheriff, as Wexford and other Counties were att the Conquestinge thereof by the Earle of Sussex and others, so to be contynued in all conformabilitye thence forwarde, for which there lyeth noe defence against the Barron and his, by reason of the precedent, and subsequent causes considerable by the wisest and highest. And noe imputacion of wronge therebye maie growe for the dishonor of our State, considering his boldnes was his warrant for cominge over vnprotected, and maie be easelie {MS folio 11r} proved to be within the compasse of treasons & fellonies accessorelie, and of the Statute for misprission most culpable for the losse of landes, and what els he maye accompte to be his.


It is to be noted howe daungerous it may be to suffer this Barron and Crossan, to frequent highest places and personages in Courte from whence (in an overbeleevinge of their pretended seruiceable myndes and meanes of seruice doinge in an vndermyndinge or circumventinge sorte of the best natures of English Attendants on her princelie Majestie,) they maie so muche learne by pryenge into the secrettes of both goverments and forreyn as neither Englishe can or for modesties sake will desier to knowe, whereby (as spyders comonlie make their webs faster and salfer over the chaire of State then vnder) they retorne better enhabled to lay a foundacion of their Rebellions in the Courte yt selfe, or before their home beinges, then ever before they could haue bene. ffor seldome or never is the naturall Irishe (especyally formerlie charmed and stronge in conscience by the Popes Legattes) better affected after his beinge in the Courte of Englande, then before, but of manie tryalls (a malo in peins) is everie of theire intencions and progressions. And all good tornes don to them by the Prince and States men, are but strengtheninge of their malevolent myndes to actions of rebellion, and conceaved or taken by them, as done, for feare they should rebell, and for peace offereinges, thereby takinge occasion the more of rebellinge; which worde (feare) vsed heretofore over publicklie by waye of instruccions for savinge of her Majesty's purse, hath emboldened the Irishry the more to rebell, Like vnto vypers, which often doe endaunger theire forsterers, and whose ill natures are not wonne with anie good tornes haue done; ffor that improbitas nullo flectitur obsequio. In thinckinge also, that one Irishman will faithfully for his pay serve vpon an other, (where blood hath not bene formerlie drawne in factions by one vpon another), and the greater parte englishe in mixture vnder an englishe leader, is as straunge, as to see one wolfe to hunte another, when the sheepe are in way: for Corvus non Corvum vellicat.


It is to be noted that in geving pay to the Baron or anie other Irishe Cheifetaine (especyallie footemen) were most daungerous, as by thexamples of Tyrone, Capteyn Tyrell and manie others, whose naked vnexpert followers of the like sorte of the Moores and Connors that were trayned vpp vnder Sir William Stanley and other englishe leaders in the lowe countreys and else where, {MS folio 11v} vppon the Queenes charges and furnished to all purposes, torned their faces in deepest distresse vnsuspectedlie against her Majestie and subiectes, thereby more annoyenge, endamaginge, and crossinge, the accions and proceedinges of the goverment, then otherwise they could possiblie haue done, for in like sorte the Baron can raise vpp a bande of as very rascall Rebells as the Moores are, without anie pay of them desired, but onelie by yeldinge them his countenance and credict, who (beinge armed and disciplyned for the warres) doe intende to robbe the Queenes Majestie of her money and habilaments for warre, and therewithall to ronne into rebellion. And lesse hurtfull ys it, and maie be in all tymes to geve paie to the Irishrye for horse, then foote, for that the charges is greater to them to gett horses, and by abatement of strengthes in their purses, their prydes are somuche lessoned, and horsemen, cannot be so well harboured in the woodes with their spoyles and stealthes as the footemen maie, and (servinge for their pay) may be transferred to anie other places occasionedlie in the discrecion of the generall or commaunder, and be att all camaundements more ready, then thenglish horsemen may be, not so well strengthened of their owne to keepe their horses stronge and serviceable as the Irishry are.


It is further to be considered, that in sufferinge this Baron or Crosby or anie other of the Irishry (especyally by oathe tyed to this combynacion of rebellion) to make their provisions of powder, and all other emptions for the warres in London, (where best choise for price and goodnes is to be had) as comonlie they haue done vppon their dispatches from Courte, and in the marytane porte Townes of Chester and Bristoll (Like as Tyrone Florence Mc Carthy Donell Cavenagh als. Spainarde and others did without restrainte) And att their homes beinge tooke their opportunities to convert all to the damage of her Majestie and subiectes of both Realmes. ffor prevencion therefore of the like, It is earnestlie wished that yt might be so ordered by aucthorytie of the State, that noe Londoner maie sell anie warlicke provision vnto anie knowne Irishe man, or others followinge the warres, before he haue entred into bonde with securytie to her Majesty's vse by some persone (well reputed for his integretie and experience of that country for the partes and names of the people in that behalfe to be aucthorised for the well vsinge thereof. And what shalbe founde after publicacion or notice thereof transportable for Ireland, to be confiscat to the common provision for the Warres. And vppon the arryvall thereof in Ireland, that the merchaunts or other buyers, shall present the same in their kindes or a scedle (sic) thereof vnto the state or Provinciall governor thereof by him to be lycensed for sellinge or disposinge thereof for gayne or private vses, as best maie be for the defence {MS folio 12r} and least offence of the Prince and subiectes. ffor doubted it is not, that before and after the Rebellions begonne in Ireland, their provisions and supplies are made in London and Townes of best choise in Englande, partelie by helpes of their countrey men, (dwellers here) and others of all sortes vnwittinge and vnskilled of their treacherous intencions, vntill they be produced into open accions, and by their kynred and best acquayntaunces of the Corporacions in Ireland, some as simple as doves, and others as subtill as serpents, are made the instruments of their strengthes to the infinite damage of their countrye and them selves, and vntill remedye maie be herein founde, Rebellions will never ceasse and be att an ende in Ireland.


It is also to be noted, that the Romishe Legative Busshops and Preistes which are harboured and mainteyned of the best sorte of the Corporacions in Ireland (whome they will not, nor dare not gainsaye for conscience or proffitt) are principall purveyors and procurers of all needefull thinges for the on settinge and vp holdinge of Rebellions in Ireland, not onelie in sendinge but also in carrieng into the countreys some whiles to suche as are in Rebellion and other whiles to their secrett supporters, (for without suche their Rebellions can not longe stande on foote) in woodden Caskes powder, Leade, bothe vncast, and cast in Bulletts, pistolles, Murryons, and suche like, Aquavite, Wynes and other victuallinge helpes, In steede whereof, they retorne from thennemies, hydes, Talloughe, corne beefes and spoyles, of all kindes, gotten from the Subiectes, and spare not to saye, that without so doinge, and enterchannginge of comodities of the Townes and Countreys they are not able to holde vpp the common charge of their estates publicke, and private. ffor the better goverment therefore of suche Townes and holdinge the people in awfulnes to observe suche penall Lawes as doe highlie concerne them for preservacion of their liefes and charters, It is wished that her Majesty's most honourableble Councell, may please to appointe some knight or other persone of Accompt (there garrisonned) to be Accessors or superintendents to and over the Mayors and heades of those corporacions for the better execucion of suche orders as from tyme to tyme maie be directed vnto them from the States of both Realmes, especyallie for surprysinge, and bringinge to the Lawe those Romishe Wolves that beinge of them selves as base in birth as wicked in condicions, doe carrye the titles of Archbushopps Bushops Abbottes, by seuerall aucthorities of Legattes and Sublegats from the Pope, and doe not cease to chase and dryve before them into actuall Rebellion, the Laicall people (as sheepe to their destruccions), that would and cannot live att rest, by the force of their poisonfull Bulles of Excommunicacions and absolucions, (as therein borne in hande to deserve heaven,) Of whome the nomber is nowe growne to be greater then there are able and willinge preachers of the gospell of both {MS folio 12v} nations in that Realme; Yea and with to muche greife to be spoken of all sortes of that Countrey birth, that for displeasinge of them, will or dare be called protestauntes, especyallie publicklie to praye for the Queenes Majestie and overthrowe of Tyrone; Muche lesse anie soe faithfull to be founde, that will for openlie blasphemminge our savyor Christe, and scandalizing her most excellent Majestie and Councell, in their prudent courses of goverments, (per scapulas) bringe suche Traitors coram Aucthoritatem habente for their convincements, and chastizementes, whereby yt is so come to passe, as in contempte of god and the Prince, the Maiors or Soueraignes of the Townes will either walke all the Sermon tyme with their fellowshipp or comynaltie, abouts the Church Yarde, or be att masse in greater assemblies with their Iesuitts, then to afforde their presences and hearinges, Albeit for so doinge the Pope and his Cononistes were wonte to graunte them dispensacions for the tymes of their maiestracies. Thus yt nowe therefore sorteth the tyme, as by the powerfulnes of the Trinitie in heaven, in the vnitie of the Churche which was in kinge Edwards daies and manie yeares of her Majesty's amonge that Rebellous and Idolatrous nation, there were not to be founde Six noted Papistes in Dublyn, there are not nowe to be founde of Christes churche in all that kingdome sixscore natives that will performe the dueties of a Religious Subiecte to god and her Majesty's Lawes, and hartelie wishe that her highnes prosperous yeares maie be multiplied to the comforte of his Saincts. The falte whereof (by figure called Translatio criminis over muche vsed by the cheifest for Ecclesiasticall, and civill gouerment in Ireland) hath bene over groselie laide vppon the States men of England, whose instruccions (saye they) by the vulgers, are, dare pacem in diebus nostris, by temporisinge, and not wrestlinge with that people for feare of rebellinge; By which, the Irishry haue taken the more harte att grasse, as farre as they maie, to shake of thenglishe goverment, And yet maie sooner be reduced to their former course of obedience by sendinge over suche englishe Bandogges or rather able & worthie Preachers of the gospell for integritie in doctryne and liefe, as maie be able to allure and recover the people from the poisonfull charmes vsed by the Romanists, and putt those Romishe wolves to flight, for by barkinge of dogges and staves of the sheppards, the wolves are manie tymes lett of their purpose saieth Sainct Iherome.


Also yt is to be noted, that in Ireland there are not Tenne Bushopps and 20 Preachers worthie that function, as able Paulistines to comforte the consciences of the best affected {MS folio 13r} Englishe and Irishe, albeyt her highnes geveth pay to 16. And in swarmes of Irishe Bees, there are to be founde far more Iesuitts, sometymes in one of the Citties disguisedlie, whome the people honor for halfe godds. And like Saulistines doe raunge over the Countreys garded and followed with hundrethes of shott and horsse. And yt is not to be denyed, that one of that sorte, can putt forth more Subiectes into Rebellion, (as sheepe to their destruccions,) then by the extencion of her Majesty's powerfull sworde Ecclesiasticall and martiall, maie be recalled or suppressed in manie yeares. ffor lessoninge therefore of which nomber of the most impostinate members, that are in both churches and common weales of England & Irelande. It is wished that publicke notice be made through out the Pale and portes, that whatsoever persones shall thenceforth harbour or succor anie suche Romanists pretendinge to haue Legatiue or Apostolick aucthoritie from the Church of Rome, that they and their Abettors shalbe deemed and adiudged as culpable and punishable accordinge to a Statute made Anno 34 (as it is supposed) Henry 8 intitled an acte restoringe to the Crowne the auncient Iurisdiccion over the estate Ecclesiasticall, and abolishinge of all forreyne power; the due execucion whereof, vntill of latter yeares helde that people in suche awfull obedience, as is vsed in England. And for the better encouragement and stirringe vpp of seruice doers vppon them, that some promised rewarde maie be proclaymed, to suche as will discouer apprehende & bringe before the governour of that Province or nexte Councellor of State, anie such Legatt, Sublegatt, Bushops, Abbotts, Pryors, or Seminaries proportionable to their degrees and callings more and lesse, and to enioye the one moytie of suche goodes as they maie be knowne to have and wynne besides some certentie out of her Majesty's purse. So will theis Romishe bees, hasten as faste to their forren hyves, as they came in swarmes thence, or els be shortened by the sworde or halter, the cuttinge of one of which sorte maie be helde for better seruice, then a thowsande of the multitude, that would and cannot for their allurements, live att rest by their ploughes and faculties.


Also the sooner it is to be thought, that theis Capitall Rebells wilbe shortened, and the Realme reduced to tranquilitie, and so to be contynued, yf yt maie be ordered that for every Province one faithfull english persone maie be aucthorised for searchinge of all Shippes and Barkes as shall come and goe, and the persones {MS folio 13v} therein beinge to examyne, and all other meanes to vse that maie be for beatinge to light all suche fugitives Romanists to be further proceeded against as the lawes of that Realme doe require. And in like manner for all sedicous bookes or wrytinges betwene England and Ireland, that maie passe, directed especiallie vnto anie Irishe natives. And their fyndinges to bringe to the State, whereof matter of service maie be gathered, for thereby will suche fyrebrandes of this Rebellion, nowe broken out into a more daungerous flame (then ever) be the sooner discovered & extinguished, and manie a hollowe harte, and secrett well willer and further of this Rebellion, wilbe laide open in both Realmes. ffor tyme and truthe prevayle over all comminge, And saieth Quintilian, there is noe vayle but wilbe discovered and Pena vnius metus erit multorum.


It is also to be noted, that as the Popes vncontradicted course helde by his Legatts in Irelande by swearinge of those natives vnto this generall combynacion hath wounded and vnsetled the consciences of manie from their wonted obediences to god and her Majestie. And doubted yt is not, that this Barron and Crossan, haue bene receaved to the proteccion of the Churche of Rome, and thereby are as professed votaries to the Pope as others by suche byndinges as the Legatt Archer could make vppon them; Expedient therefore were yt, or att least noe waie hurtefull as it is thought of the vulger sorte of Subiectes, (so farre as yt maye so please her highnes and Councell) that a tryall of their duetiefulnes and integrities were made of this Barron and Crossan, and all others in their degrees of Irish suiters for takinge of the oathe of her Majesty's supremacie and associacion to her Majestie for repressinge this Rebellion, and furtheringe all other causes importinge the good and salfetie of her Majesties sacred liefe imperiall crowne and dignitie over both Realmes and persons Ecclesiasticall and Laicall; And that obseruacion maie be hadd of all Irishe hearers of Sermons preached in her Majesty's chappell and devyne service on suche sondaies and holiedaies as they shall preferre their suites to be hearde att the Councel table, with notice geven them that their dispatches shalbe more or lesse favourable to be accordinglie notifyed to their countrey men, hereby shall either her Majestie wynne and drawe vnto her, more professors of the gospell, and observers of her highnes proceedinges, or be rydd of manie importunate suiters which attribute all favors afforded them from the State vnto pleasinges and holdinges of them in from rebellinge for feare of charges, and doe convert the same by manie tryalls had, to their strengtheninges of bad intencions and preiudice {MS folio 14r} of her Majestie and Subiectes infinitelie. And by proofe to be made presentlie, yt will appeare, that some of them, (especyally suiters for moneys demaunded and ordered for corporacions) will rather leave behynde them their suites (graunted), then with suche condicions to accepte them or vndertake the apprehension or discovery of anie suche Legatts or Iesuitts, albeyt they be openlie conversant with the heades of their corporacions or will gaynsaye them in raylinge vppon our gracyous Soveraigne and goverment over them helde, and so longe as they are so succoured, noe probability maie lye for the reformacion or recovery of the desperate estate of Ireland.


Also it is to be considered that by suche power, as a father (loyall to his Prince,) may haue over a naturall borne sonne, the Barron maie duringe his here beinge, and likewise Crossan, vse suche meanes by their sonnes kynred and followers, as Archer (by whome manie of the nobilitie and stronger sorte, haue bene carried into Rebellion) maie be easelie surprized & brought to the Lorde Deputie, which service might be taken for recompensable to manie his disloyalties, whereas otherwise he and they cannot be deemed and helde for sounde subiectes and Lovers of their naturall Prince (from whome they desier good) for that true love saieth St Gregorie is ever seene by the deedes. And well yt is to be proved (yf soe impudent they maie be to denie yt) that att his late beinge in Vpper Ossorey, and since his cominge thence, the Barons house hath bene the meetinge place for that and other Legattes and trayterous preistes, for stirringe vpp of some vnto Rebellion, and reconcylinge of others att iarres and controuersies, which in theis daies by theire pollicies are soone taken vpp, and not suffred to proceede vnto a setled faction, as in former tymes they haue bene wrought, to the overthrowe of them selves.


It is also to be noted that by order taken for oversight and a Registrye to be kepte of all suche warlicke provision as is yerelie made in London, and Maritane (sic) Townes, that not onelie will the Rebells meanes for the Warres be discouered but also theire hopes be soone abated before and after their rebellions, howe, when, and where, the same is vented and yssued, and what stoare maye be in remayne vnspente in tymes of warre and peace for the supply of her Majesty's wants (yf occasion should serve in those partes,) as often yt hath don. And also wherein and by whose neglecte or corrupcion her Majestie maie happen to haue bene defrauded in her highnes customes in both Realmes.


Also yt is not doubted, yf by the Barrons plotts or his sonnes, or Crossans (which moste easelie of them maie be done) but that Archer the Popes Legatt would be soone taken in the walled Townes and best howses of Accompte in the Pale, for whose deliuerance the Earle of Ormonds ransome, or greater, would be yelded by the Rebells, yea and out of the better sorte, or other seruice of equall importaunce.


{MS folio 14v} (sic) Also yt is not one mans opinion, but saide of manie, that merchants haue founde a newe trade of traffique in transportinge of Beare from Bristoll and the Maritane Townes for Ireland. And that their caskes are separated in the middest, the one ende whereof conteyneth drincke, and the other powder, and some whiles all powder and matche, And to make the Barrell the more to be thoughte to conteyne all beare, yt shall haue a Bonge on the topp thereof, the which as the Marchaunts in this deceavinge manner of the officers of the Customes doe transporte, So do they issue the same in that manner into the countreys to the Rebells. And that, att this very instant there are 300 tonnes of wynes in Corke, which were bought onelie of hides and Tallowe had from the Rebells. It is therefore thought needefull, that severall choise discreete persones of Credicte, may be aucthorised to lye att Bristoll and Chester, especyallie at Bristoll fayer tymes of St Iames tide and St Paule, that vnsuspectedlie and secretlie maie gage and pierce all manner of Caske Vessells for better discovery of such dangerous traiterous instruments for the Rebells. And of them and their provisions to make presente ceasures to be disposed of att her Majesty's pleasure.


And seinge the want of due execucion of the Lawes of that Realme of late yeares hath bene a principall cause of theis endlesse Rebellions, especyally since her Majesty's Ecclesiasticall comission for thecclesiasticall goverment hath bene either abusivelie by corrupcion or other respective causes not executed for cherishinge the better sorte and chastizing of the worse. And in former tymes yt was vsed as a brydle to hold in the ill affected from breakinge out to farre. And by noe other meanes may theis Rome ronninge fugitives and entercourses betwene Rome, Spaine and Ireland be traced out, and discouered for their apprehensions and conviccions in course of the Lawes. And by experience it is seene that by example of one executed by the halter more are deterred and wrought vnto conformablenes, then by the losse of 1000, with the sworde or bulletts in a skirmishe, (for so they hold their lieves honorablie loste to their animacion,) therein to persist and encrease their nombers, As for the reprochefulnes of the other, yt is the more avoided, in regarde, the more that by their lawfull conviccions the Prince is intytled and often bettered to and by their landes and goodes, and their families and oftespringes not onelie are defaced, but also their whole strengthes and hopes thereby extinguished. It is nowe therefore wished that the worde of liefe and the sworde of death with a concurring course of Iustice of the Lawe, and mercye of the Prince in suche cases extendable, maye haue more equall and free coherency and passage without respecte of persones through out that lande, then hath bene vsed. And whiles {MS folio 15r} the Townes are garrisoned with soldyors ready to assist the Officers of State in thexecucion of their offices in the administracion of the Lawes, that those Ecclesiasticall Maiestrates maie be quickened by Letters from hence to establishe an orderlie course of preachinge and celebracion of devyne service, throughout all Corporacions and Civill partes of that Realme, and to compell the Laicall sorte to be thereof hearers and participaters, and against the obstinate to proceede Secundum iuris exigentiam, which to doe, of late yeares, the comon people spared not to say, they durst not, in respecte of her Majesty's weake forces to maister and compell the Citezens to yelde to the aucthorytie of State, As also, that of the Maiestrates yt hath bene groselie geven forth, that by specyall instruccions from Englande, they were restrayned from medlinge with their consciences, for feare thereby they should take occasion of Rebellinge and putt her Majestie to greater charges, but rather in all thinges to temporise with them which worde (feare) and overlonge temporisinge driftes say all men of best vnderstandinge of the goverment of that cursed obstinate people, (that are not won, or to be gouerned with Lenitye or forbearances) hath occasioned them like to stubborne yonge horses, that feare not, (so they haue their willes of their ryders) to breake their owne neckes, to ronne out further and further into this extremitie of Rebellion to the hazarde of one Realme, and vnspeakeable greevaunce of the other. Therefore as the neglect of the lawes with greate cares in former tymes made and ordeyned, hath geven the wounde and cause of this Rebellion, so may the tymelie execucion thereof provyde a salve to cure the same, be yt never soe deadlie in practisinge this devyne precept Primum querite regnum dei et omnia vobis adiicientur.


Also yt is to be noted that her Majestie may att her pleasure dissolve all the charters and liberties of the Cities and Corporacions for aydinge the Rebells and succoringe the Popes Legattes, which rather then they will loose, they will willingly yeld to mainteyne of their owne charges in paye, or att least victualled, some a hundreth, some more, and some others fewer soldyors, alwaies garrisonned with them, aswell in peace as Warres for repressinge of their sodeyne rysinges. The noble men also, and stronger of the best sorte, yf they would vnite their forces togeather might without paye or men from her Majestie (by them of late more then ever desired,) suppresse and cutt of their neighbouringe rebells in their begynnings to make head, which they nowe thincke, they are not bounde to doe, so longe as they passe by them, and doe not dampnifie them or them or theirs, caringe not for others hurtes, albeit their spoyells be carryed through their countreys.


Also seeinge the nomber of preachers in all Ireland cannot make of that countrey birth 8 knowne able persons, and of the Englishe not 16 (beinge noe proportionable nomber of workemen for the Lords vyneyard in so greate a harvest,) And that countrey hath stoare of competent {MS folio 15v} livinges vsurped either by knowne massinge preistes or meere Laycall persones. And in Englande there are manie aswell of highest degree in the Churche as inferriors which longe haue reaped ecclesiasticall proffittes from thence, makinge noe conscience howe manie livinges they maie also gett in Englande and here doe remayne without anie purpose of retorninge thither or to surrender to suche as would willinglie goe from the vniuersities and other places of Englande for want of maintenaunce (not able to make suche vse as they should and would of their learninges and guiftes for the worshipp of god, and the good of their prince countrey and them selves). It is therefore the more wished in godds behalfe her Majesty's and Subiectes of both Realmes, that yt might be ordered from her highnes, that all suche persons as will not repayre within some convenient tyme to be prefixed vnto Irelande there to discharge their dueties of their pasturall charge, att least, to be resident (as in safety they may) in some of the walled Townes of garrysonned, That then the same livinges in Irelande they shalbe made to resigne in Englande to be bestowed on suche as shalbe willinge to goe over for their resigned livinges, and there discharge their dueties to god and their Prince, accordinge to their guiftes. And likewise that euerie corporacion there may be compelled to mainteyne one Preacher of their common contribucion as every garrison or regiment over a thowsande maie an another by a daies pay of every one in the yeare (as in former tymes hath ben don) which will arryse to a compotent stipend and yet nothinge hurte the common soldyor, to be therein contynued vntill peace maie be setled in the countrey. And that livinges maye be otherwise provyded for them more certen and perpetuall, By whose diligent travells in preaching and instructinge of the ignoraunt vulger sorte, that haue not vnderstanding guiftes alike to discerne betwene truth and falsehood beinge of nature inclyned to doe anie evell (especyally wherevnto they are camaunded by aucthoritie of the Churche of Rome), they wilbe sooner reduced to their wonted conformities, especyally beinge brought to hearinge (as thereby halfe won) And the Romish wolves finding their courses and passages so stopped by such english Bandogges, or more godly and learned Preachers then they are able to contradicte or reprehend for sinceritie of liefe and doctrine, ayded by the aucthoritie of the State, and her Majesty's garresons att hande readye to take holde of them and their favorittes, and supporters, they will soone abandon those places, And suche as by the halter and sworde shall not be cutt of, will hasten as fast to their Nursseries in Rome and Rhemes, as ever they flocked thether to seeke the subvercion of that goverment, and to transferre yt to others.


It is also to be noted that yf anie of the Irishrie shalbe so conformable to what maie be required of them in the Courte of Englande for Ecclesiasticall or civill obedience to the Lawes, or for seruice doinge that to strengthen them selves the more against their envyers att home for so doinge, they will practize to allure and stirre vpp others all they maye for doinge of the like, So as fewe begynners brought on in Court, may be the drawers on of manie in their Countries, And {MS folio 16r} by denyenge suche lawfull and fitt motions, they haue the lesse cause to repyne or grudge, for beinge turned backe emptie handed and denyed of their suites, seeinge thereby their leives and whole estates are vppon the pleasure of the Prince, ffor vnto every suche maye yt be properlie saide, sat habes quod vitam habes. And by suche honorable proceedinges helde by the State here, the governors and Comissioners for Civill and ecclesiasticall gouerments in Ireland wilbe stirred vpp and encouraged to like imitacion, vppon whome abusivelie the figure Translatio criminis hath bene overlonge and often vsed in their honorable wisedomes to be considered of.


ffirst for his vnsoundnes in bodye (whose very breath is able to corrupte the soundest, as his croked witt is able to deceave the wisest) ffor that att his last beinge here a suiter, he gott the frenche disease, (for reverence not to be named) of a marryed woman whome he kepte att Westminster and St Gyles in the feildes, and was for the same laide in dyett, and vnder cure, whome he also carried over with him and kepte in his owne house in Ireland openly with his wiefe like as other women in most shamefull adulterous manner, by whome his body grewe to be the more corrupted.


Also for that aswell in the same Barrons house and countrey or Vpper Ossorey as other places in Mounster with the L. ffitz Morris called the Barron of Lixsnawe and his sonne in lawe called Donell OSolovan, he hath bene conversant with Archer the Popes Legatt, and others that from the Pope impetrated Busshopprickes with comission to styrre vpp this generall rebellion, by whome yt is constantlie affirmed he hath bene reconcyled to the favor of the Pope which could not be without renouncinge and abiuringe all alleageaunce to her sacred Majestie his most naturall and Lawfull Prince. And by dispensacion before hand receaved of all periuries and other execrable crymes thence forwarde to be done by him, that might sett forwarde this Rebllion, and to the settinge vpp of the Romish religion and forren goverment, and vtter extirpating of thenglish nation and Religion vnder which he was trayned vp & fostered {MS folio 16v} by the favor of Englishe men namelie Mr Alexander Cosby and Mr Bowen, and by whome he was preferred to the services of Officers to that State vnder whome he gott the habytt and facultie of a penne man, And yett (most like vnto that vnaturall foule which praieth vppon that byrde which kindelie fedd her) hath sought their destruccions by the particularities followinge.


Also it is to be noted that this Crossans father was a Rymer called a Barde or a compounder of suche rymes as may be for extollinge and magnifyenge of the Moores, by whome he had his maintenaunce, and for the basenes of his scepte and progenie beinge ashamed of his owne name, when he was in Mr Cosbyes house called him selfe Crosby, descended by the mother side of a base nation called Mc Wye the daughter of a Brogemaker, And as the bardes may att their pleasures tell fables for their owne purposes, So his father deryved his wiefe from the kinred of the Barrons wiefe beinge the daughter of old OMore, and consequentlie her children and the Moores generally to be made as his children of kynred, And by them to the Rebell Capteyn Tirrell, and the Desmond nowe in action also. The Desmond in the Tower, the Barron of Lixsnawe als. ffitz Morrice, the knight of the Kerrey, and others the cheife of the Rebells in Mounster and Leinster, with whome he hath made his creditt very greate, and by them, through out all the Rebells in Ireland. And therefore vnfitt to live in the secrettes of States, whereinto he will prye by vndermynding of greate persones vnder collor of seruice for her Majestie not for anie intended benefytt or good vnto her highnes or the subiectes, but for his owne private advauncement, and the raysinge of some Irish spyder for the vtter ruin of all suche good subiectes, as his might and witt may practise evill vppon.


Also yt is to be noted, that when as for his manifould lewde prancks aswell in defraudinge of her Majestie wherein he was putt in truste, as the English gentlemen of Leax vnder whome he was fostered, he was by them complayned of to the State in Ireland and by their letters crossed in his suites in England, and soe retorned emptie handed disgraced and diseased by his lewde liefe and so beinge wearied out of his native countrey of Leax was driven to betake him selfe to Mounster in the begynninge of this Revolte where he contynued amonge them in the nature of a Rebell from the 8 th of October beinge the begyning of that Rebellion by the aydes of capten Tyrrell, O More, and those of Leinster, and contynued vntill the last of Marche following without anie hurte to him, or his brother with their wieves and families or comapnie keepers, or losse of cattells or goodes.


{MS folio 17r} Also yt is to be noted that all this while he lived vnder the Patronage and proteccion of the Traitor the Barron of Lixsnawe and so remayned all his horses, and stoode Mares for breede, Cattells, goodes and money, which were and are falselie kepte for him by the direccion of this Barron and OSolovans sonne Donnell whiles he was conversaunt with them and the Popes Legatts, and tooke his parte of masses att his pleasure, althoughe in religion he maye be an Atheist. And for what he had in Leinster by Rorey O More and that nation ys kepte for his safelie there.


Also it is to be noted that this Crossan gott this favor all shewed him by the specyall comaunde and appointement of this Capteyne Tyrrell and Owney Omore cheife generalls of the forces of the Irishe invaders of Mounster against her Majesty's liege Subiectes whereof they called this Patrick Crossan to be none, but a specyall reliever of their faction. And therefore his safe conducte, and proteccion was comaunded to be proclaymed, throughout all the Rebells of Irelande by the cheife Comaunders, whereof the rest tooke notice, whose goodes are nowe kepte more safe by them, then in tyme of peace, for his encrease of wealth. And thereof yf anie English should fortune by prayes makinge to cease vppon anie thereof, then vnder collor of beinge a subiecte, he would hope to fynde meanes to be restored by the State therevnto.


Also it is to be noted, that when greate matters were expected by the Rebells in Mounster att the Earle of Essex his landinge in Irelande, This Crossan was vsed for a fitt spye for the Rebelles to descrye his forces and intencions. And therefore was safe conducted by this Barron of Lixsnawe to Mc Donogh, and by him to Sir Thomas Norrys the Lord President att Mallowe, So as thence his conducte was from Rebell to Rebell to Dublyn and all places as his busines did serve him without controllment. And kepte a Castell of the Barron of Lixsnawes as his owne called the Castle of Adart in Clonmorish.


Also it is to be noted that Capten Tyrrell beinge prisoner for Treason in the grate of the Castell of Dublyn by this Crossans indirecte meanes and abused creditt with the L. Deputie and Councell then beinge, was released and sett att libertie, and yt is not vnlyke, but by bonde he or others doe stande as yett charged for his alleageance and forthcominge to her Majestie which for her Majesty's proffitt would be looked after, which Tyrrell became the firste and most daungerous Rebell in Leinster, and was the founder of the rebellion Mounster.


Also howe Conell Omore and his brother were sett att libertie by the meanes of the saide Crossan, like as others of the Moores and Tyrrells followers, att what tymes they were charged with treasons, {MS folio 17v} This Crossans plotts were ever corrupte and foule, tendinge to the good of him selfe, and the Irishrye, and to the overthrowe of the Englishe without conscience or shame att any dishonor, or hurt, that the State, or his englishe best supporters, might take by his wicked doinges and odyous course of liefe. And doubted he is not, duringe his beinge here to haue sent intelligences vnto his freindes in Ireland, either nowe in action, orels to as bad as they from one to another to be conveyed, in prevencion of some good intendements by the State by whome he pretendeth to be here employed by the specyall favor and good opinion of his serviceablenes conceaued by one of this honorable Councell. Wherefore good maie ensue, by causinge a presente searche to be made in his lodginge, for what scriptes maie be there founde and likewise in the Barrons, and order taken for interceptinge of theires and all others letters directed vnto all Irish men in Ireland by choise men of vnderstanding of that Countrey aswell att Bristoll, and all the portes westwards as att Chester, and those Maritane Coastes. And likewise in Dublyn & Waterford duringe theis doubtfull tymes to contynue, as att other tymes the like hath bene done.


Also it is to be considered howe this Crossan to cosen the Queenes Subiectes especyally in Leax vndertooke for rewarde promised to passe vnder the broade seale severall patents, which in abuse of her Majesty's meaninge for the which there were expresse wordes, he passed them with suche flawes and defectes in leavinge out princypall wordes for ffee simple and ffee farme, as those graunts were good but for terme of liefe, to thende when his tyme served him, he might passe the right of the reuercion thereof to him selfe from suche as succeeded them for little or nothinge.


Also the saide Crossan beinge deputie for her Majestie vnder Sir Ieoffrey ffenton, surveyor generall for Ireland corruptlie surveyed all thinges to the least value for her Majesty's proffitt, and att his owne rates passed sondry landes to his owne vse. And to make a false semblance of service to the state, he colorablie intytled her Majestie to the nomber of 40 peeces of lande, parte whereof he passed to his owne vse, deceavinge her Majestie, and vndoinge the Subiectes, whereof dyvers tooke occasion to ioyne to the Rebells in Mounster.


Also it is to be noted that as he hath bene the occasion by his vniust provocacions, and wronges of the revolte of many of the subiects of the Irishry, So he greivously provocated thenglish inhabyters of Mariborogh forte in Leax, and princypall gentlemen of that countrey, (who were her Majesty's cheife stayes and props for that goverment against the Moores) to leave their holdings and abate their strengthes, vnder collor of seruice doinge to the State for his livings sake and manie others. And att length beinge wearyed and frustrated of his hopes he betooke him selfe to Mounster to worke the ruine, and expulcion of thenglish vndertakers there, att Desmonds rebellion, by whome he looked {MS folio 18r} to be advaunced, who for his better assistaunce was seconded by the Rebellous route of the Moores Tyrrell and others, whome he a little before had lefte to followe him.


Also yt is to be noted that greate suspicion is conceaved of Capten Thomas Leas integritie to the State by his overmuche familiarytie with the Barron and Crossan, who are thought before hande to be made privye of the Earles takinge. ffor as they all are knowne enemyes to the Earle, for that he hath longe disfavoured them for severall occasions, so hath yt bene malicyously bruted in Englande, most improbable and vnpossible to be true, (whereof they, especyally the saide Lea) are helde to be the aucthors thereof, that to avoyde comminge to England, to aunswere capitall matters, wherewith the saide Lea hath charged his L. as yt is pretended, he should rather choose to putt him selfe into the Rebells handes, for beatinge to light the growndes or hedes of which foule scandalls raised of envye to withdrawe her most excellent Majesty's princely inclynacion for his redempcion, whiles the noble man is in distresse. It is wished some honourableble course maie be taken.


Also consideringe that the saide Lea was the worker out of the Marshallseas Brian Moore, And when he had the charge of his conduction over to the State in Ireland, he suffered him to retorne freelie home into Leax, where noe sooner beinge, but he raised vpp all the Moores to Rebellion, whome to represse and to pursue, the saide Capten, in having pay for men, It hath bene heretofore certefyed by the Earle and others of greate credytt, that he counterhunted with them campinge neere togeather, after false skirmishes, and by ronninge messengers from the one to the other, (yea and personall parliances) the saide Capteyne in familyer manner receaved for sendinge for, beefes, horses, and suche like from the Rebells, sendinge them also Aquavite, wyne, and what might be spared of thenglish provision, And notwithstandinge he hath bene therewithall charged, yett hath he founde suche freinds in Englande, as the Lawe could never take hold of him by anie determined course of tryalls for suche his outrages on either syde of the Seas, from whence as he is pursued for iustice, he flyeth from the one to the other, so as the Lawes can take noe hold of him for her Majesty's behalfe and greived subiectes thereby the more animated to doe the like, and to breake into Rebellion, whereby the lesse creditt is to be given him for what he chargeth others, or service maie be by him vndertaken, especyally the Moores of whome for trayninge them vpp in warres, and sharinge with them in spoyells, they are better conceipted then of anie english man livinge.


{MS folio 18v} Also yt is to be noted, that this Captens Barbarous Crueltie in byndinge an Irishman named Obyrne vnto a May poll, and in gevinge his horse and furniture vnto one of his followers, for thrustinge out bothe of his eyes, when as her Majestie had receaved him into her highnes proteccion and putt him into paye vnder Capteyn Charles Mountacutes service att the blacke water. By which meanes many of the Byrnes and Tooles brake out into Rebellion, not knowinge whereon to resolve for their salfeties of liefes, seeinge also the Capteyn then openlie saide, that her Majesty's proteccion should geve him his liefe, but not serve for his eyes. ffor which and manie other odious crymes certefyed againste him from the State in Irelande vnreformed. It is wished for the better satisfyenge of the better sorte of that greived nation of the Irishry, that some exampler course should be taken in Ireland, and not forever to escape vnpunished by his highe freindes for his greater encouragement to abuse and wronge other subiectes, especyally to be of the Barrons and the Moores vngodly faction.


All which daungerous misdemeanors in dregrees of treason fellonies and misprizons, as they haue bene laide open by a duetifull Irish seruitor in zeale of his countreys reformacion without any cause of particuler hatred or Envye to the parties herein touched, or hope of rewarde or gayne more then as one interessed in the publicke good of his Countrye. And for the present is hastened over to the State in Ireland for some specyall services by him vndertaken and imposed vppon him. So for satisfyenge of his honest request, which for godds cause, her Majesty's, and the common good of England might not be denyed by the like zeale of an Englishe Seruitor, was yt thought meete by him that the substaunce of their conferences as they then passed in manie things concurringe with his owne knowledge might be sett downe in writing and consequentlie deliuered to the most honourableble Pryvie Councell of Englande, ffor suche course to be taken for the manifestacion of what maie seeme doubtfull & expedient for the honor of her princelie Majestie and perpetuall good of both Realmes, as thalmightie shall putt into their godlie & honourableble myndes, wherevnto the duetiefull endevors, both of the movent & promovent of this seruice shalbe no lesse ready to the hazard of their liefes, then in the good pleasures of her Majesty's privye Councell maie be required of them by such assistaunce & furtheringe meanes of letters to the State & Provinciall gouerment of Ireland as shalbe agreable to the weight & necessitie of the seruice, who most humbly beg pardon & the favorablest construccion for what maie be herein thought amisse. And as duetie byndeth them, they will pray for the preseruacion of her most sacred Majestie & all the most honourableble LL.s & others of her highnes Privye Councell & amp;c. the thirde of Iuly 1600.