Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E600001-003

Documents on Thomas Walker's plot against Tyrone in 1601

Author: Thomas Walker

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färbertext transcribed and edited by Hiram MorganProof corrections by Hiram Morgan

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 4930 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the History Department, University College Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E600001-003

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


Acknowledgement: Hiram Morgan of University College Cork has been funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences to write a biography of Hugh O'Neill. It is contracted in the Royal Irish Academy's Judging Irish Historical Figures series.


  1. UK National Archives, SP63/209, no. 42, Lord Deputy Mountjoy to Sir Robert Cecil, 23 August 1601. 2 pages.
  2. UK National Archives, SP63/209, no. 42 (a); Thomas Walker to Lord Deputy Mountjoy, 22 August 1601. 1 page.
  3. Hatfield House, Cecil Papers 88/121-2, Thomas Walker's narrative, written to Sir Robert Cecil. 4 pages. 1601. Published with the permission of the Marquis of Salisbury.
  1. Fynes Moryson, 'The rebellion of the earl of Tyrone' in: An Itinerary (London 1617).
  2. R. P. Mahaffy (ed.), Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, 1601–3 (London 1912).
  3. Ramsay Colles, History of Ulster from the earliest times to the present day (London 1919).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. . [7 pages.] For publication details, see preamble. ()


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text.


There is no direct speech.


Soft hyphens are silently removed.


div0=the documents; div1=the individual letter; page-breaks are marked pb n="".


Dates are tagged.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the Letter.

Profile Description

Created: by Thomas Walker and Lord Deputy Mountjoy (1601)

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in seventeenth-century English; spelling is modernized.

Revision History