Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Discovery and Recovery of Ireland with the Author's Apology (Author: Thomas Lee)

Part 3

The Apologie

{folio 1}{A man is to defend his words and his deedes.} As farr (right Honourable) as my slender skill will stretch there are but two thinges for any man to defend by Apologie; his wordes and his deedes forasmuch therefoe as my speeches and actions have beene both Canvised and Construed to the worst, and as yet (with such as knowe me not) doe hange in suspence. I have thought good (with your Honourable pardon) to sett downe with my pen this playne and true ensuinge Apologie: which (because I am noe scoller) will not appere soe well digested as it ought to bee, for that sometymes I shall speake with my frend, and against myne Enemye yet truly of both, upon my Credit and life, and as I respect your Honours favour.

{Defence of speach.} First therefore for my speeches, I do acknowledge that I cannot speake like a lawier, nor to please the humors of those whom I knowe to be Enemyes to her Majesties service, either directly or indirectly;{Direct and indirect hinderers of the Queens service.} directly, as those open and secret Traytors mencioned and noted in the treatise of discoverery. Indirectly, as some other whome I have touched allso there, who eyther through Cowardize, guiftes and bribes or want of knowledge do hinder the same her Majesties Service.{Bribers Enemies to good servitors.}

{Wordes though they be true may hurt the speaker.} I doe further acknowledge that my Speeches have donne myself great harme, and that {folio 2} the greatest matter my adversaryes could ever object against me was my wordes: And yet should I not have spoken in that which hath highly conserned her Majesties Service, and neerely touched my private estate; I had not lived to effect many great Services as I have don, nor to performe greater (which I may) if I live and be imployed.

But what a thinge is it that my speech (or any mans ells) may not somewhat be tollerated when it importeth her Majesties Honor and proffit;{He that is blamed for speaking for the Queene shall not be suffered to speake for himself.} And especiallie if they stand (as I doe) to justefie any thinge I speake or write, whatsoever they be, that doth speake or write any thinge in her Majesties behalf, and will avouch and prove it,{Ready to prove all.} deserveth (in my opinion) to be defended and not depressed. But since wordes helpe noe hurstes, nor pay noe debtes I will passe from speeches and proceed to the defence of my actions, which I must manifest,{Defence of actions many wayes.} partly by the intent and performance of my service, partly by discoveringe my Enemyes practises, and partly by the testimony of such as have bene acquaynted with most of my Courses in that kingdome. And lastly by comparinge the true meaninge of my plottes for service with their willfull malice or unskilfull Ignorance who did ever misconceave or misconstrue them.

{A man defending himself may perchance hurt another.} And if in defence of my owne innocence I shall nowe and then discover (by the way) some other mans guiltiness I humbly pray your Honours pardon therein, and that youe wilbe pleased to impute it to my wante of arte, I beinge not skilfull how to use better methode. And with your Honours most discrete {folio 3} consideration and accustomed patience to survay the sequell.

{Zeale to the Queenes service not hindred by imprisonment.} When I was prisoner in the Castle of Dublin such was my zeale to her Majesties Service, and the good I wished to the poore kingdome that I did not conceale any Credit, I had either with one Traytor or other, but I discovered it to the Counsell there, which doth apparantly prove that I have induced the greater wronge. For if I hadd been ill disposed towardes her Majesties Service, or had wished ill to her subjectes I could have concealed the credit I had with the Traytors and forborne the doing of any service, especially being in prison. But my service beinge then (as it is nowe, and ever shalbe life and all) her Majesties as I did that with a few horse and some foote, that her Majesties Councellors {Service done with a few that a 1000 durst not undertake.} and great Commaunders could not with all their Credites under two thousand, and a thousand was the least they would undertake the same withall. {A fort saved and soldiers releeved readie to sterve.} The forte in Lease was in great perill to be yielded to the traytors because the soldiers (who defended it) wanted meat and weare readie to starve. And durst not goe forth to forrage for feare of the Rebelles.

This forte being in this great extremitie and those in aucthoretye not knowinge how to relive it, they sent for me to come before them first thing they made knowne unto mee the state of that forte,{They imprison a servitor and aske counsell of him how to do service.} what extremity it was in, and how lickely to be lost for want of victualling seeing they did not knowe which way to relive it (which I did easely beleeve) because their mindes were never yet bent to knowe howe to doe any good service, espetiallye of soe great importance, as the vitttualing of this fort.

When they had delivered unto mee what {folio 4} extremite the fort stood in,{They entreat a prisoner to vituall a forte yet he to be still in prison.} then they intreated mee to take upon mee the vittualing thereof by what meanes I thought best which (if I did) they would take it for a speciall good service, and would requeit it, and I should have presently delivered unto mee what mony I would for the vittuales which I should put in, if it weare but for one mounth in which tyme the souldiers shoud be drawen together to put in a greater proportion for longer tyme: when they had delivered these speeches with many other,{As it was reason} I bethought myself of all their Complotts and the state wherein I stood, I considered with all if this fort should be lost; it would be a great hindrance to her Majesties Service in those partes, for if the traytors should gett it they would breake it and race it to the ground as they had done some other of importance which were taken from my charge; Yet I answered, that to take uppon mee the vittualinge of that fort, with {A man in prison hath neede of meanes.} my owne meanes which should relieve mee being a prisoner I would bee both, because they might construe it to my damage (as indeede they did) wherefore it was not fitt they should trust unto mee yet not with standinge in conclusion I undertooke the puttinge in of a monthes victualles uppon condition to have money for the same accordinge to the value when I had done: which they promised.{Money promised for vittayles.}

Whereupon I presently sent my man downe to my house which is within viij miles of the said fort, where I caused my servants to provide xx iiijtie of the best beeffes of myne ouwe,{Provision made readie for the forte.} or of my Tennantes with a proportion of sault and a dozen Barrells of my owne wheat. This provision of Beeffes, salt and wheat being readie, then to select such horsemen (of myne){A few horsemen to convey it.} as I did knowe fittest to goe presently with such directions as I sent unto them and convey this proportion of victualles and see it put into the fort, may horsemen (by the way) {folio 5} were mett by some souldiers of the Traytors and sett upon;{The horsemen sett uppon by the way.} divers of my men were hurt, and one of my horses killed;{The vittayles delivered into the fort.} yet not withstandinge my horsemen delivered all the said provision into the forte and returned bringinge backe a note under the handes of the Cheefe Commanders of the Forte that they had received those victuales (my men beinge returned to my house) sent me the note to Dublin thereby to receave the money due to me for the same, which I expected accordinge to promise.{The money promised for the victualles could not be gotten without a bribe.} But I was fayne to make great sute for it, yet could I not obtayne it without a bribe, though the same were smale; Thus the gifte of a bribe for my owne money for victuals and twentie weekes imprisonment in the Castle of Dublin without callinge me to my answare,{20 weekes imprisonment and never called to answer.} or lettinge me knowe what fault I had made, was the rewarde I had for doinge that service in savinge her Majesties forte {A good reward.} from the Enemy in that desperate extremety and for relieving the souldiers (that kept it) when they were ready to starve. I beesch your Honor to conceave that the perswasions of those corrupt officers of Ireland could not have induced mee to have effected that service,{Love to the Queenes service not to those officers.} but the discharge of my duty towardes her Highness and the savinge of a forte of soe great importance: But if these officers and great men of Ireland (which were at that tyme) had importuned my service, and that it had been in my power to have saved their lives (excepting only three){That sheweth how good they are.} I had done the worst service that ever man did if I had saved them, for settinge those three apart, it were noe great matter, what became of all the rest, soe as Ireland was well ridd of them, for then should that poore kingdome be moste happie.

{folio 6}{Yet more service for a poore prisoner.} After I had done that service in victuallinge that forte they had presently another service for me, for the Traytors were burning, prayeing,and spoylinge of the poore subjectes even to the walls of Dublyn,{Rebells bould and busy.} and they could by noe meanes direct how anny service should be don against them.{Once again called.} Then sent they for me again before them saying that I sawe what grievous spoyles were executed uppon the poore subjectes in burninge and killinge them, if therefore I knew how to save the subjectes from burning and killing and doe anny service uppon the Traytors and would advise them therein it would be well taken at my handes and reckoned for spetiall good service.{Service the couler, but malice the drift.} I understood their drift in this that theire asking my advise was but to take advantage of me to overthrowe mee, and to confirme their {Never lookinge to the manner how it must be wronge.} former opinions that if I could prevaile by my credit soe farre with the traitors to save soe much people from burninge and spoilinge as then stood in peril. I was a dangerous man nevertheless (whatsoever sinister conceite they carried of mee) I considered with myselfe if I could doe soe great a service to her Majestie and soe charitable a deed to her distressed subjectes as to free them from that present calamitye I should but discharge parte of my dutie. And hereupon I tooke courage to adventure somethinge though I was assured the motion they made was but to circumvent mee, and this was my thought. {Who searcheth himself shall find such thoughts.} That if God were soe pleased that my innocent desire (to doe service to her Majestie and good to that Countrie) should minister matter to them to breake my necke, and that He would permitt their wicked purpose to take {folio 7} place to cutt mee off without cause, it was for my great sinnes and their owne great plague to followe, and that yet I would not leave my dutie to God, to her Majestie, and to my Countrie unperformed though it cost mee my lieffe,{The resolution of a Christian.} assuring myself however I were recompensed here I should receave a rewarde at God's handes in heaven, for my true meaninge, and sinceir service and, in this resolution I had like (absolutely) to have undertaken that desperat service. But upon better advisement I tould them if they would give me leave to sende my man unto these traytors abrode I did not thincke but I could stay their present furie. If not lett the souldiers (said I) be readie to goe with my man that shall guide them:{I thought they would as much respecte me in prison because they feared me at libertie.} and then I will undertake they shall doe good service upon those Traytors if they wilbe directed by my man.

This motion of mine they liked well and gave me their licence with libertie to use all the meanes I could (uppon myne owne adventure) but to give anie assurance for my mens goinge amongst the traytors (under their handes) they would not: onlie they gave theyr wordes they should be in noe daunger.{Subtilitie on the one side and simplicity on the other.}

I stood noe longer upon tearmes, but took their wordes, and soe parted from them into the Castle. I sent presently for one of my men, who was well knowen to the traytors the Sonnes of Fewgh Macc Hugh and other. I sent him with all speede to Phelim Mac Fewghe to let him {folio 8} know that I had libertie given mee to send my man to him, and to all parties as amongst those that I thought I hadd interest in.{Through their feare for that I had don against them before.} And although I had killed his father I willed him to be advised by me, and to cause his men to forbeare the burninge and spoilinge of the subjectes. Yf ever they did thincke to have favoure of her Majestie. And besides, (if he did not follow my Counsell herein) I would (if ever I came abroade) make an ende of him, as I did of his Father and he did knowe I could easilie doe it when my credit is afoote. He knewe moreover I should once come abroade (although I had great enemyes) for he allsoe knoweth I was freed from all touch of treason in {Except to kill traytors by treason.} all matters which conceived himself and his adherents anie wayes.

Uppon the delivery of his message to Felim Mac Fewgh he (in the presence of my man who is an Englishman and my surgeon){The better to be trusted} presentlie sent his messengers into all places to Command his Confederates to give over their burninge and spoilinge, which immediatelie they did.{The success of his message.} And for that your Honour may knowe I was the cause of savinge the subjectes of the Pale from being burned and spoyled. The Constable of the Castle gave me a small peece of money in Consideration of that bargain betwixt us, that I should for that give him a teston for everye house that should be burned by the traytors in those {folio 9} partes after foure dayes. Yet after this bargaine betwixt the Constable and mee it chaunced there were two or three houses burned.{Of no valure} The occasion came by the traytors forceinge of a bawne to fetche out the prey where two of them were slayne.{A walled place where cattell are kept all night for safety.} In revenge whereof they burned those houses. Soe as your Honor maybe pleased to note, if I had bene ill disposed I would not have bene soe carefull to have sent my man (in soe great daunger) about such a business. And whensoever my credit shalbe better than now it is (pardon me to presume a little){It is much but it is true.} there is noe man in Irelande can doe her Majestie that service which I can.

For when I sent my man to stay the spoilinge of her Majesties subjectes I doe not thincke but if I durst have drawen forth the soldiors (with my men),{Not in person but with those under my leadinge.} they should have don good service. Why doe I myself that wronge to say I durst not doe that was in mee all though I was a prisoner: when all men knewe (who doe knowe mee) that I dare bothe speake and doe anie thinge without feare;{As much as may become a man.} when it concerns her Majesties Honor and Service: yet this was my reason,{A reason grounded upon good consideration.} then to forebeare if my men should have drawen the soldiers into the traytors strength (where men must goe yf they thincke to doe service) if the soldiers should not have bestirred themselves in manlye manner but that the traytors should have overthrown them, then would my enemyes have said that I had betraid the Queenes soldiers and that (with {folio 10} {Which my enemys gaped for.} other opinions would have bein matter enough to have hanged me; therefore to avoide that daunger (and for noe other cause) did I forbeare doinge of that Service whilst I was a prisoner in the Castle of Dublin.

Some great officers of Ireland I thanke them were of opinion that I muste need be a traytor{A rash opinion.} because my lande was kepte inhabited the same lieeing amongst the traytors, true it is. I did keepe it inhabited which was noe wonder, for other did the like whose lande lay as ill as myne, yet they were accounted noe traytors.{The old proverb; one may better steale a horse then another looke on.} I will forbeare to name them because I shall be thought a harshe writer and it be too longe discourse to write all that I doe knowe of some other to prove them concealed traitors. Yea and farre worse then anie knowne traitor and soe I shrowde them, untill I be commanded to shew them, and will proceede to shew the reason of my landes kept inhabyted when I was in prison which I have partlie touched before, but thus much I thincke convenient to say further.{Namely forfeare.}

I kept my lands then inhabited as a great man of that kingdome doth keepe his, noe traytor durst burne or payr my Tenantes (although they were greatlie urged unto it){The reason my lands were inhabited.} because they knewe I was unjustlie imprisoned, and they were assured that in the ende I should come abroade; if then (in the meane season) they should spoyle or havocke anythinge of myne they were certain neither their force nor their frends could save their lives; for I would finde the meanes to cutt them off, whensover I should meete with them.{This is true in despight of them.} Thus for very feare and not for love or anie traitorous practise betwixt {folio 11} them and me they spared my tenants.

Now they dare not offende that other great personage by burninge or prayinge uppon his landes, living alonge the mountains side as they doe, his poore neighbors have all the goodes taken from them and driven through his landes yet his tenantes loose not anie thinge.{Yet this is nothing.}

Though his landes lie in a daungerous place and are inhabited in safetie and peace; yet who dare say that his lord is a traytor:{Yet this carrieth as great resemblance as any man els.} Or that there is a greate league betwixt him and the traitors; But the traytors of those mountaines forbeare him and his Tenantes (as I here sett downe) for feare;{Not for feare of his learninge but for feare of his authority.} not because he is a learned man but for that he is a speciall officer who can crosse their pardons, when there is sute made to save their lives, if they spoile his landes. Besides (by his other place of highe authoritye) he can keepe them from beinge pardoned.{There is the cause of forebearance.}

{The ace of harts in wickedness.} Over and besides those two greate helpes he hath alsoe a thirde viz Fewgh Mac Hughes late wife the widow Rose O Toole whom oftentymes he graceth with the name of Cosen, a trustie instrument and follower of his, and by him, she is maintained. She goes often to the mountains to those traytors (who are her brothers and sonnes in lawe){A trustie intelligencer.} carryenge to them newes and admonishing them that they ought to have a great care not to offend this great Lord and to give straight commaunde to their men and to the straingers amongst them that they doe not spoile his landes nor hurte his Tenantes. This I affirme for truth by the waye that all those partes of Ireland{A note moste true.} are the worse through {folio 12} this female favourite of his Lordship Fewgh Mac Hughes wife who beares herself so bould on his favors, that she is not afraide (amongst those whome she supposeth annie thinge to affect the traytors proceedings){She never prayeth better.} openlie to pray for the good successe of Tyrone and her brothers the traitorous Tooles; never prayinge for her Majestie who did most graciouslie pardon her lyfe condemned to death for treason,{A pardon is bestowed.} yet this be a fitt woman to be countenanced by a man of his place I humblie referre it to your honourable Consideration.

{A third helpe above all.} Yet are not those all the helpes this man hath to save his landes and tenantes and to uphold his Credit but he hath also his witt which doth as farre passe that of Machiavell as English St Pauls passeth Irish St. Patrickes.{That is as farre from London to Dublin.}

But if he were debarred from all these meanes that is if he were discharged from all high temporall offices (though he were never imprisoned as I was) and leave him onlie to his learninge and his witt, they will leave his tenantes and those whome he careth for, even as little as they did mee and mine.{Neither of both could defend him or his.}

{A comparative reason.} For since I had my libertie (after that wronge and longe imprisonment) the traytors percevyinge my enemies credit growne greater than it was before, and myself to be neglected, yea and all commaunde (even of my owne soldiers) taken from mee (the cause I leave to their reporte who did enlarge mee) and havinge assurance given them by protestations and great oaths (I spare to speake by whom).{By some good frendes belike} Yea and that they were {folio 13} warranted I shoulde have noe power to resist them much lesse to hurte or revenge myself upon them for anie damage they should doe unto mee which themselves well perceived by the takinge my souldiers from mee. The Rebells immediatelie (even as they were willed and directed){What they should doe els.} spoiled and prayed all my tenantes kilinge many of my men,{Such is their tyranny.} and hanging up little children even in the presence of the Marshall Sir Christopher Blunt, who was then lyeinge at my house, yet unable to defende me, and what was saved then was taken sence. They took awaye all myne owne goods which weare in their power to carrie away, leavinge mee nothinge but my bare castle to shroude my head in.{They will joyne with such as soon as they can.}

Even soe will they serve this late recited Lord if he should be displaced from his great offices:{Leave him smale authoritie and they will leave him no wealth.} whereby your Honor may perceive that an Irishman will spare noe Englishman's goodes for feare onely.

{A most honourable letter.} In tyme of my imprisonment in the Castle of Dublin (which was three quarters of a yeare) there was a most honourable letter sent from your Honor and the rest of her Highnes Counsell here on my behalfe. In which letter Her Majesties pleasure was signified that the Lords Justices and the rest there should have great respect unto mee for my service{A gracious opinion.} for that her Majestie would not easilie be induced (upon anie traytors informaction) to believe that I would be a traytor knowinge that I had drawen too much bloud (of the Irish) for me to trust them and in the said letter they were willed to be well advised how they {folio 14} {A caveat for them.} did deale with mee and that they should signifie the cause unto her Majestie and your lordships and receave aunswere backe againe from hence before they should proceede anie further against mee.{There is the regard they have of their superiors.} This letter stoode mee in noe more steede than yf it had bene the meanest yeomans letter of England. Nay rather it did me lesse good; for had not this letter bene sent from the lordes of the Counsell here I should sooner have had my libertie there. The fault of that letter was in the direction:{In their construction of the superscription.} which was to the two Lord Justices and to the Earle of Ormond joyntlie. That conjunction brede my Confusion. For if one of them would have enlarged me (as I was persuaded he would) the other two would not give their consent.{Justice in the one, malice in the other.} Then when two of them would join together the thirde would not. {For their pleasures.} And in this manner was I kept in prison three monethes after the receipt of that letter. In the ende the two Lordes Justices joyninge together in the absence of the thirde, gave me libertie (uppon greate bondes) to walke in the towne of Dublyn but further they would not graunt me till the Earle of Ormonds cominge which was in short tyme. Then had I libertie {There are none better in Ireland.} (uppon spetiall good sureties) to goe to my house, or anywhere els, soe I departed not out of the lande. My sureties were the best knightes, and greatest men of the Pale: their bondes and myne two thousand poundes.

I went downe to my house, which (as I have before expressed) standeth amongst the moste daungerous traytors of that province, when I came home I had conference with divers of my honest frends. {folio 15} Yea and conference with divers traytors even with some of the Cheefe, whereby I founde that her Majestie (pardon mee for givinge it such a tearme) was like to be merely cosoned of her Kingdome of Ireland,{And is yet deceaved in that kingdome; the more shame for them.} which was to be betrayed, even by those, in whome her Highnes did repose the most trust: To sett downe how, or by whome perticulerley would be to troublesome and tedious, except your Honour or her Majestie please to Commaunde me.

When I had gathered as much as I could possiblie learne for the tyme, I considered with myself what way might be the best to prevent that vile practise intended against her Majesties Crowne and dignitie, and against the poore subjectes of Ireland, and how I might save my oune lyfe and my poore frend James FitzPiers till a better tyme,{For or cases here a lyke in hazard.} and the Cominge of some honourable governor thither, from hence for standinge as I did in the midst of all these traytors havinge noe means either to save my life or to defende my goods but be sure to lose both,{It is then tyme for men to bethincke themselves.} and my frends state standinge as ill as myne, after a many meetings hee and I devised a plott how to save us both which I have thought good here to note in particular.

And first for the Conference I had with many of the traytors in whome I presumed to have some interest,{Interest by some revoltes who had led keirne under me.} and with some who had bene leaders under me of my light foote men, whome I indevored to induce agayne unto me to joyne with me in good service, as they had don heretofore. All which did aunswere mee in this rude manner followinge.

{A rud Irish aunswere.} Wouldest thou have us to come and depend {folio 16} uppon thee, and to serve with thee as we have done when it is not in thy power to doe us any good? Noe nor to keepe us from death or imprisonment: thou seeth for all thy service thou couldst not keepe thyself out of prison, but wast committed for a traytor:{In asmuch as they had bene under me.} But because we love thee and would have thee live till a better tyme, when thou mayest doe us more good then now then Canest, we wish thee to be ruled by us and likewise thy frend James Fitzpiers,{In their love they revealed this.} if not youe will be both slayne, ye cannot have your lives, for thou seeth thou hast no manner of Creditt, not soe much as the Commanders of thy owne souldiers;{Belike they knewe more than I suspected.} therefore follow our Counsell, give over thy bandes of horse and foote that the generall Commaunder may have nothinge to doe with thee, and (soe perhaps) thou mayest be safe, as thou shalt here ere it be longe Sir Richard Bingham is sent for to Kilkennye,{The forte in Lease.} when he comes he shall be imployed to victuall the forte which if he doe he is like never to returne home for if woe doe not kill him,{The plott was layed.} there be those that come alonge with him, will kill him.

{Such Counsell as they conceaved, such they delivered out of their affection.} For James Fitzpiers, to save himself, and to doe thee good, lett him doe as we doe, soe shall he save his life, and steede thee, and defende and keepe up thy land, and doe thou depend (as thou dorst) appon the State, if thou doe not like this then gett thee into Englande till thy creditt be better,{The combination revealed} for we assure thee all the Lordes and auncient gentlemen of Ireland are on our side, and all those that are Irishmen aboute one great man (whom thou knowest) or tyed by oath and marriage {folio 17} unto us to be our frends,{How they stead one another} and to helpe us to all necessaries that is in their power to serve our turne, and soe in lyke sorte are we tyed unto them to have a great care of their estate, that none that followes us spoile any of them or theirs.{traytors have care one of another.}

{The tale continueth and the Lord Mongarrett named.} And for my Lord Mongarrett who is now not with us, thou shalt see (within these eight daies) hee shalbe protected to have conference with his frends, and to serve our turnes, both himself and his men with those thinges which he now wanteth, and withall he added, I canne assure thee he came very barely out into action for a Lord. And within short tyme thou shalt see the Lord of Cayer and the Lord Roch will be forth{Lord of Cayer and Lord Roch will out as well as Mongarrett} because they will bringe all their idle men that follow them to take parte, knowinge that they canne have pardon when they list{soe saieth the Discoverye.} and their Idle men shall stay with us to ease their owne Charge and steade them the more. Therefore is it not better to have thy frend abroade,{The traytors would teach us witt.} and thou to save thyself and he to save thy turney (being amongst us) as our frends (do us) that are amongst youe.{A secret revealed unawares.} For our frends amongst youe doe us more good than all those that are forth in action with us, for without their helpe we were undone.

{Instruction received, advertisement was presentlye dispatched.} Soe soone as I had hearde all this I made noe longer stay with them, but withall speede I could I sent presently a letter to the Lordes Justices, advertisinge and advisinge them (if they respected the good of all the subjectes about Dublyn) to stay Sir Richard Bingham from going to Kilkennie, for if he went he should be slayne,{A good warninge for Sir Richard.} as the Marshal was at Blackwater, because there was a plott layd to kill him, which could not be prevented if he undertook {folio 18} {It stood in hazarde.} that journey, besides I did finde how her Majesties kingdome was betrayed, and that in such sorte as they could not helpe, unlesse there were some other Course taken to prevent the imenent daunger. To this effect I wrote my letter, and as soone as I had sent away my messenger I sent for James Fitzpiers to come unto mee.{Men in a quandarie will aske Counsell of their friends} After much conference and divers meetings repeatinge what we both had lerned and what he in particular had harde, we stoode in great doubt to be destroyed and slayne by the rebells,{As we had cause.} dwellinge as we did in the verie mouth of traytors havinge noe manner of Countenaunce by the State either to defende ourselves or to doe her Majestie Service. In this ambiguitie we stayed but a while, but we concluded (betwixt ourselves) to sett downe a plott for service,{Men in extremitie are not to stand gazinge in the mischeefes but to seeke redress.} and to tender it to the Lordes Justices which if the Lordshippes and some other of the Counsell did like then would we proceede with our determinacion, and not otherwise.{Nothinge without warrant.} After this Complottinge of this matter, James had occasion to parley with the Lord Mongarrett and with Owney Mac Rorye for the settinge at libertie of one of his Unckles called Lutterell who was then prisoner with them.{His unckles case required it.} In which parley he told Mongarrett and Owney Mac Rowrye what an enemy one great man in the worlde was to him the said James and unto me. Therefore if he the said Lord Mongarrett with Owney Mac Rowrie,{To sound the traytors and to drawe them to their damage.} and the rest of the principall traytors would be all sworne that whensoever he the sayd James should enter into such Action to doe as they did, and as Tyrone did they would give him good {folio 19} assurance themselves and procure Tyrone soe to doe,{This was his shadowe and yet he might doubt the substaunce.} and that he might be safe from beinge betrayed by them (or any of theirs) unto some great man, or any of his, because he held him to be his great Enemye.{James did articulate with the traytors to sound them and to lymite their oath to Tyrone.} Alsoe that they would tye themselves by oath noe more unto Tyrone then he should tye himself to them, that was, that whensoever her Majestie shoulde send an Honourable man to followe the warres uppon them, then in shorte tyme after his landinge, all they there present, and Tyrone allsoe should (with all speed) make their repaire to Dublyn to tender their submission: And if Tyrone should refuse soe to doe, then they to leave of their combinacion and without him to goe unto the said Honourable man,{A good Article.} the new Lord Deputye and submitt themselves. An other parte of the oath which he required them to be sworne unto was, that they should be absolutely tied to be ruled by me, and to follow such directions as I shall send or bringe unto them,{As he and I had complotted for their reducement to obedience.} at the saide Honourable man his coming. And in the meanspace, if either the forte or Stratbaillie in Lease should be at any tyme in their power that they should yet deliver them to him,{That he might deliver them to the State.} and not to kepe them in their power, but that James should have them delivered unto him, and they sworne not to breake them.{Which had bene great losse.} The reason of his demande was because he was like to loose all his landes and Castells that stoode betwixt the river Barrow and the Cittie of Dublyn.{This was his coulor to cause their consent to his demaund.} And the {folio 20} cause they shoulde tye themselves in this sort unto mee was for that I want to give over my Company in show{But they thought in deede} because I would not serve upon them, and be Commaunded by that first noted great Lorde, supposed Enemy to us both. All these condicions (by the said James thus propounded){He deliver'd them to his bent.} they weare contented to tye themselves unto, whensoever we should come to take their parte. And when myself should give over my Company{Indeed they had noe likinge.} they would carefully keepe what I had,{I should have soldiers to beat them.} and be bound to Come in and be at the newe deputies disposinge.

{The meaninge of this complott explained.} The substance of all this plot was, this James Fitzpiers should have gone on with the combinacion. And he should have carried all the idle men of Leinster to assiste him,{The drift was to cutt off all the Idle rebels rogues of Leinster.} and if Feawgh Mac Hughes sonnes and Donogh Spaingh would not have sent their idle men to have followed him and the Moores, I would have taken uppon me to have bene guide,{Those that had not gone with James I meant? to have undertaken.} to those Capteins and soldiers that remayned with Sir Richard Bingham and without entertaynment to have followed that warre upon Fewghes sonne, if they would not {folio 21} have bene absolutelie directed by Sir Richard which I believe they would because otherwise they knew they should soone have bene undon.{It should not have booted to stand out; his L'ships taske.} And then the Earle of Ormond had bene lefte to the prosecution of them, and all other traytors (that should take part with the Moores on the futher side of the Barrowe, and on that side of Leinster.{The more they had had.} And as the rebells should have gone strongly on the Moores side, soe the Earle of Ormond{For his power} to have bene strengthened with the Irish bandes, and the English bandes (soe many as the state should have thought fitt) and the rest to have remayned with Sir Richard about Dublin. If this plot had gone on and James stoode out either Mongarrett and James had overthrowne the Earle of Ormond, which I {Els his destiny or pollicye had bene bad.} thincke had been impossible (he havinge such strength as then he had) or els he had cutt of all them and all the traytors two Moores because then of necessitie they must have fought, soe had all the rest of Leinster bene saved which is now overthrowne.{However none had died but Irish.}

This plot thus thought of by myself and James Fitzpiers, and in our opinion (had it bene followed) would have sorted to good service. I went presentlye up to Dublin to make it knowne to Sir Robert Gardner and Sir Richard Bingham{In hope this good service would have bene well accepted, as to the most worthie.} to see how they would like of it; if they misliked, then both James and myself to goe on with what other service they should direct us unto.

Cominge to Dublyn, and soe unto {folio 22} the Marshall I had noe tyme to impart this plott unto them but was presently hastened out of the towne, and commaunded to send for James Fitzpiers{Sodenlie dispatched out upon service.} to be readie to meete the Marshall with her Majesties Forces at Naas which was the next day after I came to towne. And goinge to the Lord Justice Sir Robert Gardner, he beinge then in earnest talke in his garden stayinge there a tyme, in came the Bishope of Miathe;{A Councellor.} he and I talked together. I tould him what I had learned, and how her Majestie was abused in her service,{Revealing brieflie to him what was proposed to have bene opened to the rest.} and Ireland in great hazarde; I tould him alsoe what course I would runn (if it were soe thought fitt by the state). And prayed him to acquaint the Lordes Justices, the Marshall, and the Treasurer therewith, and none of the rest for if the plott were approved by them,{Soe I gathered by lyke accidents past.} if the rest did know it, it would be prevented. It is too longe to write the speeches that passed betwixt the Bishopp and me. He goinge from me (as I thought) nothinge dislikinge what I had tolde him.{A shallowe construction for soe deepe a scoller.} I found afterwardes he Construed my honest playne meaninge after such a manner and delivered to the Lords Justices and to all the rest{Because he woulde have sounded the meaninge and noted his simplicitye.} (savinge to Sir Richard Bingham) after such a fashion that they uppon his speeches supposed I had an intent to be a traytor and to practize with the traytors onlye to kill the Generall of the Forces,{A charitable Conceite.} that then was, and soe to joyne myself with Tyrone and the other Rebells whereupon (beinge readie to goe {folio 23} into the Countrie with such directions as the Marshall over night had given me) I was sent for and cominge before them they all began to looke stranglye uppon mee and did fall to question with mee whether I said this and that to the Lord Bishop of Miethe,{Thankes to my Lord of Miethe.} and wheather I and James Fitzpiers had plotted that wherewith he had acquainted them. I answered I did say almost as much as he had delivered and prayed him to make it knowne unto them, uppon thies my speeches without anye more questions, to prison I muste:{For devisinge to cutt of Idle Rebells.} for they saide I had committed treason, and they might not conceale it and thus immediately was I Committed to the Castle.{He knewe not what to thinke when such service was so taken.} I beinge thus suddenly imprisoned James Fitzpiers stoode upon his guarde and betooke himself to the Castle of Athye.

{As if he had bene a traytor.} The soldiers weare instantly sent they ther to take that Castle of Athye but his men would not deliver it.{A tearme in Ireland when a man stands upon his safetye.} By which meanes he was inforced to stand on his keepinge the more in that then had offended the lawe for not deliveringe the Castle unto the Souldiers which weare sent which Castle hindered the said Souldiers from passinge over a bridge nere unto the same.

The soldiers returned without getting the Castle which newes cominge to Dublyn I was sent for before the Lordes and the rest, who called me I know not how many traytors sainge I had cawsed James Fitzpiers to goe owte,{I spake not with him nor he intended soe.} soe for that tyme they dismissed me, wherein two dayes after {folio 24} they sent for me againe at which tyme they did article with mee, what answeare I made unto them, I refer mee to that which they certified hither in writinge,{A reference to their certificate sent hither.} which I am sure they stretched to all purposes and advantages which they could (by lawe) to cutt mee of. And did leave oute whatsoever might be avaylable for me to discover the truth of my honest and trewe meaninge.

{Dissmissinge rather from their presence for I was prisoner before.} Within shorte tyme after my Committinge (when theye perceived their owne error that by reason of James his standinge uppon his guard, the service was unperformed) they sent for me againe and spoke unto me to send unto James Fitzpiers to see if he wolde come in:{They wanted helpe once more.} And although he had done lewdly in with holdinge the aforesayde Castle they {Protection is the packhorse.} proffered him their protection soe as he would but come and speake with them; I toulde them I would not undertake his cominge in except they would send an absolute protection without the usual provisoes; that, they refused to doe but they sent him a protection with the usual provisoes,{As they intended towardes him so he accepted their protection.} unto the which (in verie truth) he tooke exception because it was but colorably sent to deceive him as they had (in his conceipte) don other who had the like.

{Se howe their ignorance put the Queene to charge.}

His refusal of the protection caused them presently to follow him with the forces to the number of two thousand footemen and horsemen lying at the Naas, who did noe other service but follow this James{They pursue a subject that traytors may thryve.} and suffered the Traytors within two miles to inhabit their dwellings and kepe up there plowinge {folio 25} and never went into their strength to offend them.

And whereas they often tymes called me traytor affirminge it was I who put oute James Fitzpiers they did me wrong for I will prove it was some of the Counsell there,{Yf he weare one} who made him a traytor by committinge of me,{As he seemed by standinge on his guard.} whome if they had not committed he had never been a traitor: And yet I must Confesse, if they had liked of the plott (wherewith I purposed to have acquainted them) he (havinge the Counsells approbacion thereunto){Which argued neither of us had any ill intent.} would have stoode of and gone in showe as a traytor with the rest of that combynacions: Whereby he might have don the Queen a Speciall good service.

And to show that this James Fitzpiers had noe Trayterous intent, he beinge oute and amongst the Rebells,{He was fayne to fly to them to save his lyfe.} and (as it was supposed) one of them, yet was he never at the prayinge, burninge, or spoilyne of any of her Majesties subjectes, but indevaoured himself (even with extreme hazard of his lyfe) to have don as excellent peece of service which was this.

{The Traytors purpose.} All the traytors of Leynster purposed to drawe all their forces together to destroy all the subjects betwixt Dublin and the Naas and when the soldiors shoulde come to the rescue, to sett upon them, and overthrow them; This purpose of the Traytors beinge fully resolved uppon, and he made therewith thoroughlie (by them) acquainted, and by themselves put in trust, to be a spetiall director of that stratagem: He sent to the Castle of Dublyn to me to give me notice of it, willinge me to acquainte Sir Richard Bingham, the Marshall withall, to the end that the soldiers might be in readiness, he sent word moreover of the certaine daye, and the tyme of the day, viz at noune at which tyme he would drawe all the Traitors into the plaine, within two myles of Naas at which tyme and to which place he came with all the principall Traitors of Leynster namely{His purpose was to have good store of them slayne.} {folio 26} Fewghe Mac Hughes soones Donogh Spaniogh, Owney Mac Rorye, and all the sonnes who were in the whole nomber aboute one thousand fightinge men. Her Majesties souldiers in the Naas were fifteene hundredth foote, and two hundredth horse.{Our Armye and theirs mett.} Both parties mett in such a place and such a manner as (yf the Soldiers had done like men) the traytors had there bene overthrown.{A disgrace to English soldiors.} Fewe or none could have escaped. But the fighte was soe vilelye handled by our souldiers that with smale hurt on either side they parted. And because your Honor may the better discover how easilye the Traytors might have been all put to the sworde (excepte some fewe who knew the Countrye verie perfectly){The place of their meeting was of advantage for us as well as the ods in nomber.} may it please you to understand that the place where they mett was a faire plaine farr from wood and bogg. And the Souldiers were brought to heamne in the Traytors. Now when the odds in nomber consisteth on our side the place soe playne and of such advantage, that both horse and foote may come to fight at once, and yet let the tratytors escape what expectacion can there be of any great service in the Traitors strength or fastnes?{They that lett them scape there will never hurt them in their fastnes.} Their boggs, their woodes, their Glynnes and their straightes? Unles such Captains and Commanders be appointed as will and dare fighte roundly with them in deed. Thus did this gentleman James Fitzpiers drawe all those Traytors thither (as I have noted) to the end to have had them all overthrowne.{There was the end of his drifte.}

When the Rebells had recovered their places of strength and safety and weare quit from the soldiers and at rest; they began to expostulate and quarrell with James,{James his purpose suspected by the Rebells.} sainge that he had drawn them into that daunger where yf the Queenes Capteines and soldiers had bene men, they had bene overthrowne every Mother's Sonne. Addinge further they would be better advised before they would trust him or anny man els, so farr againe.{Thus they threatened him.} And for him (except he would presently put somethinge in action which might make him as odious to the State as themselves) they would be avenged on him for that pracktis. Soe that, by drawinge the traytors into the aforesayde dainger James had brought himself into most desperate peril,{He stoode between 2 daingers.} for on the one side he feared leaste the traytors would betray him to his supposed enemye, the Cheefe Commaunder of the State, (as they ment indeede) on the other side the State (by miscontruinge his good meaninge) stood offended.

{folio 27}So that of necessitye he being not able to sustayne the displeasure of the State and of the Traytors incensed malice both at once,{Such was the extremitie of his state.} was inforced to doe somewhat of himselfe to hold his Credytt which the Rebells because the State neglected him, Nay more her Majesties forces were sent to pursue him: To be shorte he undertooke to praye and spoyle the Naas upon a night when most parte of the Souldiers who laye in Garrison{To regaine their opinion.} were drawne fourth upon some service yet were there three hundred lefte to guard the towne, he entered with two hundredth tooke the praye of cattell out of the middest of the Towne some Fewe of the Souldyers and some ffewe of his men were slayne and (very much against his will) his followers fyred some fewe thatched houses; this was all this gentleman did in person which was only donne to save his lyfe{little worth.} and Credytt amongst the Traytors, to the end he might be the more able and readye to doe some spetiall good service;{He had paide for his purpose els in plottinge the service afore mentioned.} when a deputye should come before the traytors (whoe are very subtile) should fynde his dryfte.

That this intent was such the followinge may give testimony I had beene devysinge and with good deliberacion settinge downe a plot to drawe all the Traytors of Leinster to one head against a daye when her Majesties Army should have come unto my house.{Another plott which approveth his to be so ment.} The Couler was to have donne some service in Lease and thereabouts. This James Fitzpiers beinge therewith made acquainted and directed by me had gotten unto him to his Castle of Athye Oneye Macc Rorie that Captayne Rebel of Lease in polleyce (as it were) to withstand the Queenes Forces, who were to come that way verie stronglye, and thereupon it stood, the Rebells in hand to Contracte there power to resist, his Counsell was accepted. The place which was by me thought fyttest James had induced them to make choyces of where to fight with the Armye and the manner howe the fight should have been handled{Thus farre that plott succeeded.} {folio 28} which (had it succeeded) should have cutt of at the leaste, a Thousand Rebells, espetially of the most notorious traytors Companyes which were sent from Tyrone as Tyrell and others.{Then had it proved a good plott.}

{The place of service} The place for this execution should have benne the place of the traytors owne strength or fastnes: as they call yt, where (by the meanes I had devised) they should have soe benne engaged and in the girth, as by our footmen, cominge before them and our horsemen behinde them, they should no way have escaped espetially the straungers those northern Traytors which were amongst them. But this plott succeeded not for by reason of the great store of Raigne that fell before; the Ryver of Barrowe did soe overflowe as the Armyes could not meete. And belike some nowe doubte or jelousye of James Fitzpiers his constancye unto them was risen in the Traytors imaginacion{heare it failed by accident} {and even that suspition made it distrusted.} for Oneye Mac Rorye who had lyen with James but even the night before the two forces should have mett, did secretly steale from him and soe their power was dispearsed and they not easely to be found.

{Though this fell not out I did other present good service.} Nevertheless for approbacion of my owne loyaltye and true service (though this aforesaid sorted not to that Issue which by all covertures yt was likelye it should), yet this I effected which (howsoever it be commonly received all men who knowe Ireland will affirme to be good service viz I caused iiij principall men) who then stood out, whereof one was but in showe, but the other in deed) simply to come in unto the state, and submytt themselves to her Majesties mercye, namely James Fitzpiers, who delivered up the Castle of Athie, and all this other castles to her Majesties use.{Four spetiall men who stood out came in by my meanes.} Donough Spaniola, Brian Mac Donough Cavanagh and Walther Macc Edmond, Captain of Galliglasse and {folio 29} their submission was soe sincere as they have ever since done her Majestie good service.{Soe they came in to some purpose.}

After this the forte in Lease was once more in greate distresse for want of victuals her Majesties Armye then in Mounster xl tie myles at leaste from thence, the men in the forte were 600 foote and 25 horsemen, yet durst not they once yusse forth to fetch their victualls which were left nere unto my house that as within viij myles of the same, but were ready to quytt the forte and leave it to the Enemye, I beinge then where the Queenes Armye was in Mounster I was called and the victuallinge of the said forte referred to my oune discretion and meanes, with promys (yf I should doe yt) to be well thought of for yt. To be shorte I undertooke to doe my good will, though {For no man only assure it.} absolutely I could assure nothinge for I had noe forces allowed me savinge xxx horses to guard me through my greatest enemye his Cuntry with which I adventured and came (I thanke God) safe home unto my house.{I meane a private enemye.}

{Garrans are horses for common use of plough, and carte and carridge.} As soon as possible I could after my cominge home I caused iij xx (30) Garrans (which are the meanes sorte of horses used to ploughe and carridye etc) of my owne to carry victualls to that forte I provided alsoe Twelve beeves and (havinge all this in readynes){The Captaine Rebell there.} I sent into Lease to Onye Macc Rorye to lett him knowe that I had taken upon me the victualing of the said forte, and therefore I wished him to looke carefulllye unto yt,{This premptorie message was sent.} that the said victualls should not be spoyled or intercepted by the waye, yf they were lett him looke to be serverely {folio 30} prosecuted for yt, and never to fynde favour yf he weare taken or yf he did suffer his trayne of Confederate of Traytors to take yt, I would be Revenged, for I would make spetiall suyte that my service might be imployed upon him (as I wishe in deede it might be). And soe that instant service of victuallinge the Forte I would doe yt in dispight of him if he would not otherwise suffer the provisions to passe; for I had forces ready to Commaunde the safe Conducte thereof (which in truth I had not though I made that bragge) this message delivered by my man: Owney returned this aunswere that the victuals and the beafes should passe; safely to the forte, and because he would be sure yt should not be interrupted or spoyled by the straungers that were within, he himself would undertake to guard yt, and soe yt safely put into the forte which accordinge to his promise he performed.{He did not this for love.}

{This little service saved the Queene great charges.} Thus did I with my owne pryvate servauntes victual that forte when the Commaund of my souldiers was taken from me, even as I had caused the same to be victualled before when I was prisoner at both which tymes yt the fort could not by force have benne Relieved under a thousand men at the leaste, for they were wont to use 2000{my enemyes credit is so much better than myne.} yet neither theres nor all my travayle and studdye in complottinge, strategems of great Consequences for her Highnes service could reobtayne me the Commaund of my souldiers whereby I might have donne her Majestie greater service.

{Another good service donne by my meanes with few men.} After this I tooke upon me to be guyde unto the then Marshall who with my viij hundredth men only entred (by my guydinge) a place in Lease called Slemarge which is the Cheifest place of the Traytors strength in all that Cuntrye. And before his going thither {folio 31} he did victuall the aforesaid forte in Lease with that number of Eight hundredth souldiers where two thousand at the least were wont to be imployed.

{The Rebells lost so much in 2 years before.} In that journey to Slemarge the souldiors had the prayinge burninge and spoylinge of the Traytors to theire benefytt and the Marshall did in that journey more with those eight hundredth than that great Commaunder noted in the Discoverey ever did in two yeares before with Twoe Thousand, for he never went into those partes once to disquiet the traytors although the same be next adjoinyinge to his owne landes.{A token, he never purposed their hurte.}

My place in those services was but to execute the office of a base person which was to be guyde to the souldyers of other men, myselfe not haveinge one man of my oune {A signe of desire to service} there in paye. And yet myselfe and James Fitzpiers had twoe hundredth of our owne pryvate servauntes and followers betwixt us there to assiste that service. In Revenge whereof the Traytors Mores{which were not in paye.} (I thank them) drew their forces together, prayed and tooke away all that I had in my absence.{A man may lyve to repente.}

{Modestie stayned by Injurye} I could have beene contented (in modestie) to have concealed their services as I doe many other of myne which are of such spetialel ymportance; but that my enemyes doe presse soe upon mee with false Suggestions and untrue informations, some of them affirminge, that my affection is suche towardes Oneye Mac Rorye, the Cheife Commaunder of the Rebells the Moores of Lease as I would not willingly be {folio 32} commaunded to serve againste him which slaunder yf my Actions before mencioned may not serve sufficiently to dispose lett my offer which (I protest to God and your Honour is zealous and unfayned).{Yf passed service will not lett this present offer satisffye.} Satisfye the worke and this yt is.

Yf I should be thought worthye of Imployment and to be enabled to followe him and his Adherentes yf I leave him and them until they shalbe slayne, bannyshed, or brought into Subjection and unfayned obedyence, or ells lose my lyfe in the prosecution. Then lett me loose my Credytt forever.{And the same shallbe as readyly performed as proferred.}

For assurance hereof I appeale unto the testimonye of Sir William Russell who givinge me his honourable warrant and direction (he beinge Lord Deputye) whether I did them soe pursue and prosecute the principale{A good witness of true service.} Traytors in his province of Leinster as I did eyther staye expell them out of their Cuntrye or bringe them to obedience, yea and to doe her Majestie service yf yt were his Lordships pleasure.

{This might be as well mistaken as the rest.} Howsoever another peece of service of myne hath benne mistaken or misconstrued, which was my goinge into the North to the Arch Traytor Tyrone. Yet I knowe it was to great purpose, yf use be made thereof:{Not done by deceipte but by direction.} And for my owne defence I affirme for trueth that I went not without the knowlidge and licence of a Commaunder of good place the Marshall that then was; Duringe whose abode at my house I had intelligence that Certayne Messengers which came from Tyrone into Lease had reported that Tyrone was exceedinge desirous of speake with me havinge (as they said) {folio 33} Matter of Importance to impart with me; whereof I shall make relation to the State, wherewith he would not truste any other person for feare of misreportinge{Which caused that journey.} his speeches nor commit the same to paper{For there are such reportes.} because his letters (as was supposed) were still sent into Spayne whereupon the Marshall sent me unto him.

{A shrewde turne is soone bruted.} As I was going thitherwards I heard newes of the overthrow of Sir Conyers Clifforde which put me to some doubte whether it were my best to goe forward to Tyrone or not for I imagined though he were peradventure well disposed before that base overthrowe of Sir Conyers the hearinge of that might happily alter his mynde, yet at the last I resolved (since I was cominge within one dayes journey of him){As his proude mynde may be inconstant.} to goe on to know the reason of his desire to speake with me when I came unto him after he had welcomed me.{One of Tyrone's discourses.} He spake his mynde in divers matters first in Commendacion of his Savage slaves & discommendacon of our English souldyers,{On mockery or scorne.} who would so basely be beaten by them; next of the multitude of their Confederates and of how strongly he was to be assisted.{A second bravinge discourse of Tyrones.} Then what conditions he would the State should performe unto him els he would still goe on with his warres.{A thirde Audacious speeche of the Traytor.} Lastly he would perswade me to have been Advysed and ruled by him and made me many great offers;{A fourth foolish offer in the light of his Arrogansye.} to be Shorte his discourses were soe base and to soe vile a purpose as I was vexed at my harte to heare them,{To conclude all his discourses were no beter.} and cursed myself that ever I had knowe him because I found him quyte changed from his former disposition and possessed with insolencye and Arrogancye.{His haughtie humor hath carried him beyond all honestie.}

But that which most of all grieved me {folio 34} {3 thinges specially grieved me and a 4th amazed me, being in bed with him} were three thinges wherewith he acquainted mee lyinge in bed with him and a ffourth thinge which he shewed me in the morninge aftere we were upp.

{1 thinge that greaved. Yt were good such intelligences were knowen.} The first was that nothinge was determined against him in England (were it never so secret) but he had notice thereof as soone as the Lord deputye.

{2 thinges: he had some frende there belike.} The second was that he had the lyke intelligence what was donne at the Counsell table in Ireland.

{3. I am partlie of his mynde.} The third was that one great Lord of that Realme had as much neede of frendes as he hymself.

{The 4th which amazed me because that business was but then in Question.} The fourth which he shewed me in the morninge was a letter butt from whom he neither would tell me, nor suffer me to see the name of the wryter but the letter did importe the presente purpose of the State and how they had Resolved Immediately to prosecute him; These thinges were the more grrevious unto me because I was assured they were noe meane persons from whom he had all these intelligences.{And who dares mistrust the mightie frend of Ireland.}

{Another heavye wronge that I have undergon.} Nowe for Conclusyson whereas I have benne thought somuch to affecte his person (though I doe hath his proceedings) as willingly I would not be employed in service against him and that even this last recyted Journye of myne hath benne aggravated against me beyond all Compasse, eyther of trueth or any of my purposes, I doe heare (all protestacions sett apart) in all humbleness make the same offer touchinge him that I have heartofore donne Concerning Onye Mac Rorye which is:{And will be readye to performe that against both.}

{At her Majesties and Your Honours pleasure.} Yf I shallbe thought worthye of imployment into Ulster although my house doe stand in the middest of Leinster (as I have made often mention). And that I have there great meanes whereby to doe her Majestie good service,{Often recited before.} both against the Moores and {folio 35} Conners of Lease and Ophaly and against those of the Glynnes in the Bernes Cuntry,{I am fytted for them all havinge the prefixed portion of souldiers.} and other places in that province yet (as I say) yf I shalbe thought worthye and inabled with Credytt and meanes to prosecute service against that Archtraytor Tyrone. I will (by God's helpe) undertake not only the settinge of all those{If others refused and I Commaunded.} borderinge garrysons by mee sett downe in the treatise of Recoverye in dispyte of him, and all the great Traytors his Confederates (yea and that in convenient tyme) yf my poore Counsell may be allowed therein (but I will by God's assistance) followe the warres upon him in such sorte as I will eyether take him, expell him, kill him, or inforce him to submytt himselfe to her Majesties mercye,{Which of these both shall best please her Majestie and your Honor.} or to bringe him in, soe as he may have her Highnes warrant to come and goe safe: which I suppose would be good service, for soe might hee happily Reveale matter of great consequence for the good of both the Kingdomes of England and Ireland.{Lett him chase soe we had hym.} The performances hereof must stand upon the number and meanes of my inablinge, and the Credytt whearein I shalbe used and employed and yf these twoe fayle me not yf I fayle in the accomplishment of these service or Cheifest of them, or ells loose my lyfe in the prosecution then lett my lyfe awnswere my defaultes in another kynde.{Who offers more can hardlye performe yt.}

{The last accion to be defended in this Apologie in writinge} The last of my accions, which at this tyme I purpose to defende (by this poore Rude appologye) is my writinge whereunto (yt may be) some exceptions wilbe taken.{Objection.} Sayinge that I doe wryte over sharpely or slaunderously of the great Commaunders, officers and Captaynes of Irelande whereunto I awnswere,{Aunswere.} yf I should wryte otherwise than I doe,{And that were not convenient} I should abuse Your honour and wronge myselfe by utteringe an untruth. Or yf I should wryte more sparinglye of those who deserve a vehement reprehention I should seeme dishonest in smotheringe up their enormityes.{and yet were partialitie}

{folio 36}Besydes it would not incense her Majestie nor incite your Honours to inflict punishment upon the deservers,{It would be too dull to move.} be yt they or myselfe. But wrytinge as I doe her Highnes may (in Justice) make an example of one of us yf I slander them I deserve punnyshment, if I wryte but the trueth it is pitty to spare the greatest offendor be he never soe great a personage.{It standeth all upon the tryalle which I desire to be speedye.} Therein shall her Majesties greatnes and Justice be both seene at once and the example will doe more good in Ireland then a great number of Souldiers sent against the base and savage Rebells.

Againe though I have without vaunte doune manye respective services with my travell and my worde,{Though it be rude yet it is right} yet this delivered with my penne, is (by many degrees) above them all, espetially yf that wretched land might yet be soe happye,{I feare it be not.} as that God would be pleased Her Majesties and your Honours of her Counsell should vouchsafe in favour to respecte these poore Indevours of my wrytinge. Then should Ireland be right happye and England should taste the benefyte of her peace.

Yf Your Honour shall not be satisfied by this my Apologie that all my speeches, wrytinges and other accions, yea and my uttermost indevours have not allways tended to the true service of Her Majestie and my Cuntrye. And that I have done nothinge but that all other well deservinge servitors have and needes must doe;{If all this will not suffice to satisfye then this is my petition.} Then lett me humblie intreate you that letters may be sent to the Lord Deputye to Commaund him to send strict Commission unto those Countyes (of Leinster) where my service hath benne most imployed, by the space of Twentie yeares gevinge expresse order and Authoritye to the Sherifes to examine the best gentlemen {folio 37} and other of the said Countrie upon their oaths to deliver their knowlidge and opinions in theis poyntes followinge.{Or yf any other meanes may thoroughly sift me I desire yt.}

{The 1 first Interrogation to trie me.} First whether I myselfe have bene an extortioner or geven my officers and Souldiers under my charge libertye or Countenaunce or sufferaunce (to my knowlidge) to extorte any thinge from any good Subjecte.

{The Second, The Third, The fourth, The fifth, The sixth} Wheather I have beene a mayntayner or incorager of Traytors; and theeves in any of their pernitious actions, but whether I have not donne Justice to any of Her Highnes good subjectes when they have Complayned, or have beene a winker at stealtherers or receivers of stolen goodes at any time, a Taker of brybes eyther in one respecte or other. Or yf I either did take uppon mee the prosecution of any Traytors, and did not performe good service.{the seventh.} Or whether I have suffered any subjectes to sustayne losse or injurye and have not (to my uttermost power) sought redress and remedye. Yea though I were not commaunded or required thereunto. If I be found guiltye in any of the aforesaid crymes or blame worthye for neglectinge anye of these good offices heare mentioned.{A liberall offer made by free Innocence} Then without all favour or regarde lett me be overthrown in Credytt and reputacion forever.{as my Conscience knoweth I am} But yf I stand cleared of all this then I trust your Honour wilbe a meane that my Credytt may with her Majestie in some sorte be repaired. That my enemyes to their griefe maye knowe and my injuries have benne comforte may knowe, that my iniuries have benne too manye and to manyfeste.{which without any merit of myne Justice itselfe will afforde.}

{folio 38}{A reasonable petition.} Howsoever it shall fall out, my humble earnest desyre is to be brought in question and try all by Justice of lawe, that yf I have well merited, I may be well esteemed, yf otherwise that I may paye the pryce of my trespass with my liefe for yt shalbe a thousand tymes lesse griefe{The worlde is full of variable opinions.} to me to suffer death than to lyfe in the worlde in this disgraceful maner. And yf your Honour wilbe the good meane to effect one of these for me I shall ever rest yours humbly devoted in love and faithfull service.

Certaine matters of spetiall moment doe yet remayne to be handled which the shortnes of the tyme and your Honours longe expectacion of this homelye discourse doe abridge{A matter worth hearinge.} namelye nowe one thousand footemen may doe her Majestie better service than three thousand are nowe able to performe and yet all one chardge unto Her Highnes and every noble man, gentleman, and other of the better sorte,{Not soe strange as trewe.} shall herewith bee encouraged to sett up their restes and engage their estates to followe that Course of warre whereunto they must for their own benefitt (in some sorte) be imposed and the same beinge by them once undertaken they must of necessitye doe her Majestie great service.{And they will not be unwillinge.}

{In the recoverrye and the people be readie to performe it.} And whereas I have sett doune meanes how to hold all Ireland in order and obedience (after the same shalbe reformed) without chardge to her Majestie. So would I in lyke sorte yf eyther tyme would permytt or Your Honor encourage or Commaund me, take upon me to sett downe such assured meanes as I would be allwayes readye to performe for the recovery of two partes of Leynster, the one without chardge, and the other with small chardge, and prefixe a tyme Certayne for the performance.{If any man have offered the lyke then this cometh too late; yf not I will performe this.} By which meanes I would undertake to put way English gentlemen nowe expulsed by the Rebells out of Lease into his owne dwellinge. {folio 39} And this with a small chardge.

{I thinke fewe will offer this and performe yt as I will.} The other without Chardge, shalbe to prosecute the Mountayne Traytors the sonnes of Fewh Macc Hugh and other the partakers in the Bernes Cuntrye which will ease the expence of xij Thousand pounds by the yeare, wherewith her Majestie is nowe chardged for the prosecution of those Rebells and their complices, which chardge is likelye to continue very longe, unless this Course shall happen by me to be undertaken.{12000 li. yearly charge to the Queene to be saved by yt.} For I doe and may confidently avouche yt that noe man in Ireland (Lord or other) hath the like meanes that I have for that service.{The reason I may best offer yt, and effect yt.}

{Suche cannot be honest} For the final Conclusion of this whole booke and all matters therein Contayned because I would not thought or termed a libeller or a wryter of letters that will desire to have them kept secrett for that I would not be willingely knowne. Or such a one as shall suggest matters of Importance against any man and would not be supposed the Avoucher thereof, to shun all those Tytles and termes of scandall and slaunder.{which were cowardly slaunder} I am hereunto willingly subscribe my name, as he who is moste readye to prove and approve any matter therein mencioned{In token they are trewe.} and as readye to adventure my lyfe for performance of any of those Actions, for service by me heare sett downe,{Because I dare and knowe howe.} upon any Traytor whatsoever, espetially against that greatest and most pernitious Traytor Tyrone;{For the love I bare to him.} and so Cravinge pardon for the wronges of the plot and rudeness of the styles I take humble Leave.7