Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Discovery and Recovery of Ireland with the Author's Apology (Author: Thomas Lee)

Part 0


The Discouerye and Recouerye of Ireland with the Authors Apologye

The Epistle

After I had betaken my selfe (Right-honorable) to pen and paper to discover the present miserable estate of Ireland, with the moste best and spedy meanes to recover the same, I bethought me of the badd success of my former labours bestowed by her Majesties expresse commaundement, and delivered in a booke to her highenes at my beinge in Ingland, which booke (had it bene well observed) had prevented all those rebellious and trayterous warres, which have sithence happened: And beinge therewith discoraged I was moved to teare the papers of my travell in this, and committ them to the fire, the rather, for that I was to deale against many and mighty adversaryes, well graced and frended here, and my selfe likely to finde now (as I found then) many


enemyes and not one frend to assist and Cherrish my just and playne dealing, for even her Majesties moste gratious opinion hath been so alienated from mee, the suggestions of my enemies hathe prevailed against my true meaninge and sincere service. In which respect divers of my frends did perswade me, not to deale in those affaires of Ireland with my pen in any sorte, yet when I considered the calamitye of that kingdome, and the perrill wherein it standeth to be loste, if present succour be not provided; And that noe man (pardon I beseech you my bould presumption) knoweth better how to sett downe assured meanes for the recoverye thereof then my selfe; even such as weare never in any Princes tyme sence the first Conquest of the same, and without the which it is irrecoverable, but upon an excessive charge. And calling unto minde my love and duty to her Majestie together with a reporte which I have harde by divers auntient men, that the losse of one Towne (Callais) did helpe to shorten the life of Queene Mary and bethincking what greate greefe the losse of a kingdome (if Ireland should be loste) would bring to her Majestie which God (of his mercy) keepe ever farre from her, I sommoned againe my spirits to their taske with his resolution that though her Majestie and her Counsell should reject my endevours, my Enemies misconstrue them, and all the worlde neglect them: yet God seeing my zealous intent


to discharge my conscience towardes his Majestie my duety to my prince, and my love to my Country, would rewarde mee where noe imprisonment should hurte mee or slaunder annoy mee; Both of which I may as well expect nowe as heeretofore (though undeserved) for twentie yeares service and my bould writing that which soe highly consernes the state of this tyme to look unto. But for asmuch as I cannot trulye discover the Calamitie of Ireland, and the cause thereof, but I must touch some great personages and officers, yea perhapps some Counsellors there whose power and frends are able to depresse both me and the truthe, as heretofore they have done: Therein and therefore doe I appeale to your Honors patronage to Countenaunce this rude and unpollished discourse against the violant hatred and boisterous malice of my Enemyes, that it may passe and I may prove any thing I shall speake or write: Wherein if I fayle I aske noe favoar Protesting withall I doe not undertake this troublesome business for hate or grudge to any other persones, or to be revenged for many and great injuries received of them: but of meere Conscience towardes god, dutie to her Majestie and her honorable Counsell, and pittie of that distressed and oppressed kingdome. That her highnes and youe may noe longer bee abused in that service.

Another reason inciting mee to goe in this soe expedient busines is when I Consider her Majestie


and youe of her honorable Counsell do respect noe mans person or place, but will assoone punish the mightye as the meane, if they declyne in their duty, whereby I am encouraged to proceede and to spare none that either have abused or not used their authoritie and place under her Majestie as they ought; Devidinge this ensewinge discourse into three partes, namely the discoverye, and recoverye of Ireland, and an Apologie for myselfe, and my service; Humbly recommending the same to your honorable Consideration, wishing that these my poore labours might make Ireland soe happy, as to induce your Honor to become (next god and her Majestie) the immediate Author and meanes of her quietnes and reformation. In the meane ceason I besech you, yf in perusing this rude worke, any thing shall happen to displease you, either for matter or manner of the writinge; you will yet vouchsaffe, to passe it over and reade the rest, whereof some parte I trust will content you; yf not I shalbe sorie that you can reape noe delight, and that I have spent so much tyme, and lost soe much laboure. Soe in all humblenes I take my leave.
Humble att your Honours commaund,1