Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E590001-004
A brief Declaration of the Government of Ireland
Author: Thomas Lee
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
John CurryElectronic edition compiled by Beatrix FärberProof corrections by Beatrix Färber
2. Second draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text: 18000 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of the History Department, University College Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland (2009) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E590001-004
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Source- Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS. F. 4. 20, no. 652.
- Oxford Huntington Library Ellesmere MS 1731.
- London, British Library L 34313 no. 2.
- Dublin, National Library of Ireland, 1750.
- Gonville & Caius College Cambridge MS 150, part III
- Washington DC, Folger Shakespeare Library, MS add. 586, no. 3.
Printed primary sources- John Lodge (ed.), Desiderata Curiosa Hibernica vol. 1 (1772), 87150.
- John Curry (ed.), An Historical and Critical Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to the settlement under King William; with the state of the Irish Catholics, from that settlement to the relaxation of the Popery Laws, in the year 1778. Extracted from parliamentary records, state acts, and other authentic materials. London: Robinson; Murray. 2 volumes 1786: vol 2, Appendix 1 pp 295326. [Reprinted Dublin 1810 in one volume, 587609.]
Secondary sources- E. K. Chambers, Sir Henry Lee: An Elizabethan Portrait (Oxford 1936). Chapter 8 relates to his cousin Tom Lee.
- 'Irish costume in two portraits', Irish Sword 3 (1957), 4446. (One portrait is of Thomas Lee).
- James P. Myers, 'Early English Colonial Experiences in Ireland: Captain Thomas Lee and Sir John Davies', Éire-Ireland 23:1 (1988) 821.
- Hiram Morgan, 'Tom Lee: the posing peacemaker', in: Brendan Bradshaw, Andrew Hadfield & Willy Maley (eds), Representing Ireland: Literature and the origins of conflict, 15341660 (Cambridge 1993) 132165.
- Hiram Morgan, Tyrone's Rebellion: The outbreak of the Nine Years War in Tudor Ireland, Royal Historical Society Studies in History 67 (Woodbridge 1993).
- Hiram Morgan, 'Hugh O'Neill and the Nine Years' War in Tudor Ireland', The Historical Journal 36 (1993) 2137.
- Ann Rosalind Jones, Peter Stallybrass (eds.), Renaissance Clothing and the Materials of Memory (Cambridge 2000) 5052.
- A. L. Rowse, The Expansion of Elizabethan England, (University of Wisconsin Press 2003). See chapter 4, Ireland: colonisation and conquest; esp. 130134.
- R. W. Dudley Edwards, Mary O'Dowd, Sources for Modern Irish History 15341641 (Cambridge 2003) 99.
- J. J. N. McGurk, DNB entry on 'Lee, Thomas (1551/21601)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004.
The edition used in the digital edition- John Curry, A brief Declaration of the Government of Ireland; opening many corruptions in the same; discovering the discontentments of the Irishry; and the causes moving those expected troubles: and shewing means how to establish quietness in that kingdom honourably, to your majesty's profit, without any encrease of charge. in An Historical and Critical Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland [...]. , Dublin, R. Connolly, 70 Thomas St. (Reprint 1810) volume 1page 587609
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The present text covers pages 587609 in Appendix 1.
Editorial Declaration
Text has been proof-read twice and parsed using SGMLS.
The electronic text represents the edited text; the hardcopy editor has modernised the late sixteenth-century spelling to contemporary standards. Text supplied from Curiosa Hibernica is marked resp="CHib"; and that pagination is indicated using mls tags.
There is no direct speech.
Soft hyphens are silently removed. When a hyphenated word (and subsequent punctuation mark) crosses a page-break, this break is marked after the completion of the word (and punctuation mark).
div0=the letter. Paragraphs are marked; page-breaks are marked pb n="".
Standard Values
Dates are standardized in the ISO form yyyy-mm-dd.
Names of persons (given names), places and group names are not tagged.
Canonical References
This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the letter.
Profile Description
Created: by Captain Thomas Lee
Use of language
Language: [EN] The text is in late sixteenth-century English (spelling modernised by the editor).
Revision History