Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E590001-003

Hugh O'Neill's War aims

Author: Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

R.B. McDowell

Funded by University College, Cork and
Writers of Ireland II Project

1. First draft, revised and corrected.

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber and Benjamin Hazard

Extent of text: 1655 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E590001-003

Availability [RESTRICTED]

The electronic edition has been made available with the kind permission of the editor.

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


  1. Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, 1599–1600 (London 1899) 279–281.
    Further Reading: a Selection
  1. By the King: although the offences committed against the Queene our sister deceased, and the honour of her estate by the Earle of Tyrone, ... Imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, Printer to the King's most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Dom. 1603.
  2. By the King: a proclamation touching the earles of Tyrone and Tyrconnell. Imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie, Anno Domini 1607.
  3. Thomas Gainsford, The true and exemplary and remarkable history of the Earle of Tirone (London 1619).
  4. Fynes Moryson, An itinerary, containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland & Ireland. 4 vols. Printed at the University Press by Robert Maclehose & Company Ltd. for James Maclehose and Sons, Publishers to the University of Glasgow, 1907–908. [Reprint of 1617 edition.]
  5. John Mitchel, The life and times of Aodh O'Neill, prince of Ulster; called by the English Hugh, earl of Tyrone (Dublin 1845). [Several times reprinted.]
  6. Charles Meehan, The Fate and Fortunes of Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone, and Rory O'Donel, earl of Tyrconnel: their flight from Ireland, their vicissitudes abroad, and their death in exile (New York 1868).
  7. Tadhg Ó Cianáin, The flight of the earls; edited from the author's manuscript, with translation and notes, by Rev. Paul Walsh. Dublin, 1916.
  8. J. K. Graham, 'The early life of Hugh O'Neill'. Bulletin, Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies, 1 (1939).
  9. Sean O'Faolain, The great O'Neill. A biography of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, 1550–1616. London: Longmans Green, 1942.
  10. L. W. Henry, 'The earl of Essex and Ireland, 1599'. Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, 32:85 (1959) 1–23.
  11. Hiram Morgan, Tyrone's rebellion: the outbreak of the nine years' war in Tudor Ireland (Royal Historical Society, Studies in History, 67). Woodbridge: Boydell, 1993.
  12. John McCavitt, 'The political background to the Ulster plantation, 1607–1620'. In: Brian Mac Cuarta (ed.), Ulster, 1641: aspects of the rising (Belfast: Queen's University of Belfast, Institute of Irish Studies, 1993) 7–23; 188–192.
  13. Hiram Morgan, 'Faith and fatherland or queen and country? an unpublished exchange between O'Neill and the state at the height of the Nine Years War'. Dúiche Néill 9 (1994) 9–65.
  14. Andrew Hadfield; John McVeagh (eds.), Strangers to that land: British perceptions of Ireland from the Reformation to the famine (Ulster Editions and Monographs, 5). Gerards Cross: Smythe, 1994.
  15. Murray Smith, 'Flight of the earls? Changing views on O'Neill's departure from Ireland'. History Ireland, 4:1 (1996) 17–20.
  16. Micheline Kerney Walsh, An exile of Ireland: Hugh O'Neill, prince of Ulster. Blackrock (County Dublin): Four Courts, 1996.
  17. Francesca Loverci, 'Dall'isola d'Irlanda a quella di Utopia. Propaganda politica sui due fronti negli anni della rivolta di Hugh O'Neill (1595–1603)'. Clio: rivista trimestrale di studi storici 34 (1998) 377–386.
  18. David M. Gardiner, '"These are not the thinges men live by now a days": Sir John Harington's visit to the O'Neill, 1599'. Cahiers Élisabéthains, 55 (1999) 1–16.
  19. Henry A. Jefferies, 'Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone, c.1550–1616'. In: Charles Dillon; Henry A. Jefferies; William Nolan (eds.), Tyrone: history and society (Dublin: Geography Publications, 2000) 181–232.
  20. Nicholas Canny, Making Ireland British 1580–1650. (Oxford 2001).
  21. John McCavitt, The flight of the earls. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2002.
  22. Nicholas Canny, 'Taking sides in early modern Ireland : the case of Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone'. In: Vincent P. Carey; Ute Lotz-Heumann (eds.), Taking sides? colonial and confessional mentalities in early modern Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts, 2003).
  23. Charles Guénot, Comte de Tyrone, ou, L'Irlande et le protestantisme au XVI Siècle. Tours: Mame, 1867.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Irish Historical Documents 1172–1922. Edmund Curtis and R. B. McDowell (ed), First [1 volume; ix + 311 pp] Barnes & NobleLondon and New York (1943; reprinted 1968)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

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This text covers pp. 119–120.

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Profile Description

Created: By Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyronne (1599)

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Language: [EN] The text has been rendered in Modern English.

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