Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Desmond Survey (Author: unknown)


¶1] {MS folio 19 verso}A generall Suruay of all such landes as are conteyned within the Country of Desmond as wel of such as were the Earle of Clancarties owne demeanes as of all other landes belonging to the Lords and others the freholders of the said Country with what dewties rentes and Cheifryes are customablye to be payed to the said earle out of the same, taken upon the report87 of the Sergeantes and officers of the saide Contrye.

¶2] Desmound is a parcel of the Countie of Kerry and is deuided into three Baronies and an half vz Magonny, Iuragha Dounkerran and the half baronye of Glanoroghto. In the Northe side yt is bounded by the river of the Mang which doth deuide Desmound from the rest of Kerry. The South part doth bound with certayne mountaynes of Bear and Bantry beginninge from Killmallockoshista88 and continuinge to O Leary and O donouans landes in the countie of Corke. The last part doth bound with the countie of Corcke in the mountayne of Sleughlogher and are deuided by the head of the ryver of the Black Water. The rest of Desmound is bounded with the mayne Ocean sea.

Here follows the general map of Kerry and Desmond {MS folio 20 recto},

Map of Kerry and Desmond

{MS folio 20 verso blank}.

¶3] {MS folio 21 recto}

The Earle of Clancartv his demeans whereof89 Part he died ceassed of vz.90

The Castle of the Pallice91 and Twogh grenoght92 with these parcells followinge belonginge to them nowe in the occupation of the Countesse of Clancartye and others vz.

Lismorgan93 Ahane
Farren—Cormocke these parcells conteyne seauen plowlandes
Rosnecarten two plowlandes
Dromkerry a plowlande
Cloneysty a plowlande
Keamcry a plowlande
Killowran three plowlandes
Kilclokeran94 a plowlande
Kippahylin a plowlande
Downkinan a plowlande
Crohane a plowlande
Aglasydonnin three plowlande
Ahado three plowlandes
Ballihare a plowlande
Muckennagh two plowlands
Lahard a plowlande.

¶4] Part in Florence mac Cartye his possession95 vz .

The Castle of the Logh with these sixe plowlandes vz. Erelahbeg and Mockrush96 a plowland
Ardogh a plowlande
Kilcloher a plowlande
Knockenour et Ballinshine a plowland
Carrickyphrean et Carehennane a plowland
Gortyninebrian and Dromyrourck a plowlande.

¶5] Part morgaged unto Sir Valentine Browne vz .

The Castle of Ballicarbry conteyninge one quarter Killelantir97 halfe a quarter Killantere98 halfe a quarter Comegognacaple99 conteyninge half a quarter.

¶6] {MS folio 21 verso}Part he disposed to his sonne Donell mac Carty vz.

These are parcells of the landes of the Pallice vz.
Coshglanouragh a quarter
Balllincarrig a quarter
Gortneclohe a plowlande
Ballitrasneh a plowlande
Anahile a plowlande
These are parcells of the lands of Castlelogh vz.
Kilegy and Canfaned conteyninge three plowlands
These are parcells of the landes of Ballicarbry vz.
Caheen a quarter
Clohanlinoghan half a quarter
Fermonyharnett100 di.101 quarter Ballihernyyrrah lyinge in the lland of Dariry conteyninge half a quarter.


¶7] Part morgaged to Mr. Denny and Mr. Humherton vz.

Kilbeg in the Island of Dariry with all other his interest to the landes in the said lland and Customes and duties within the riuer and hauen of Bealinche102.

¶8] Part he disposed to his base brother Donogh McCarty vz.

Tiraa conteyninge a quarter of lande beinge parcell of the landes belonginge103 to the Castle of Ballicarbry.

¶9] Fishings belonging to the earles castles104 ffishinge belonging to the castle of Pallice vz.

Part of the fishinge of Loghlene

Part of the fishinge of the riuer of the Laune

Part of the fishinges of Loghcare which are all in the possession of the Countesse of Clancarty.

¶10] ffishing belonginge to the castle of the Logh vz.

Part of the fishing of Loglene

Part of the fishinge of the river of the Fliske105 in Florence McCarties possession.

¶11] ffishinge belonging to the castle of Ballicarbry vz.

The fishinge in the hauen of Valencia in William Humberston and Thomas Denny gentlemens possession.

The fishinge in the hauen of Begennis106 in Nicholas Brownes possession.

The fishinge in part of the Golin107 and of the river of the Fartah possest by Donel McCarthy.

The fishinge of the Corrane and the ware108 possessed by one James Meaugh109 of Corcke Merchant by vertue of a morgage from the earle of Clancartye.

¶12] {MS folio 22 recto}

Landes clamed by the earle of Clancartye 110

Lateif, Bolus, Ballimacgilleneulan Killelelig conteyninge two quarters with all other the landes of Macgilleneulan111 in Glanurcan112 or els where possessed113 passed to the earle of Clancar by an Irishe deed.

The Castle and landes of Mashanaglashy in Muskry in the Countie of Corcke an ancyent mannor belonging to MacCarty more which he reserued when he gave the rest of Muskry to his sonne, to the end that is it shold happen in processe of tyme his sonnes successors should not yeild him signorye and obedience, that then he might vse that place as a ffort or ward house from whence he might punish and annoye such of that countrye as should rise and rebel against him and his successors, beinge MacCarty moores.

The Landes of Carrowcormock in Dowalla in the countie of Corke an114 ancyent mannor of Mac Carty moores reserued to the like vse that Mashanaglashy was etc.115

¶13] A note of such kinde116 of Rentes and duties as the Llordes and ffreholders in Desmound did customablie use to paye to the earle of Clancarty.

¶14] Garemsloaeg is a risinge vpon a warninge given of all the able men of the countrye euerye man to be furnished with sufficient weapon and three dayes victuals and for euery defalt to be fyned at a choyce cowe or117 xxs old money but such of the countrye as were his enemies would neyther pay nor yeald to any such fyne or risinge.


¶15] Sorren is a nightes meat vpon any such landes as the earle of Clancarty passeth through with his forces and companies and was an vncertayne charge and therefore not valued for the freeholders would not yeald to give any thinge in lieu thereof.

¶16] Sorrenmore is a certayne charge of meat which if the earle would not come in place for118 to spende yt yet there was a certayne knowne quantitie and number of quirrens of butter and Sroans of oatmeale paid yearelie therefor119 and every parcell of land was charged with his owne porcion which hath bene used tyme out of mynde.

¶17] Cuddy is a meales meat or a refection certaynelie knowne and is to be spent eyther at the freeholders house if the earle of Clancarty listed, or to be sent home to his house in certyne proportions of flesh, ag120 aquavitae, ale, hony, flower or els in lieu thereof at the freeholders choyce iij li viij s viij d

¶18] {MS folio 22 verso}Dowgollo was a certayne rent for dogges meate and hunsmen121 among the mountaynes of Desmound, and the lower countryes paid yt for horsemeat and dogges meat this rent of Dowgollo signifieth Blacke rent and all the freholders crye out upon yt, as imposed upon them by extorcion and stronge hande.

¶19] Gallogoloh were a certayne companye of foote soldiers beringe axes with whome the earle wold charge the country whensoever he would make warrs against the prince or the earle of Desmound or any other stronge Lord his neyghbor.

¶20] Kearnty a companye of light footmen that vpon like occasion the earle would charge the countrye with.

¶21] Rout a cesse for horsemeat122 for the earles or his wiues owne horses vpon the barony of Magonny.

¶22] Musteroun a charge of workemen put in upon the earles owne tennauntes both for their wages and victualls, for any worke or buildinge he would vndertake.

¶23] Canebeg was a smal spending that the earls wife had out of divers quarters in the countrye, and yt was knowne certayne what every quarter was charged with.

¶24] A Quirren of butter is a measure of a pottle or fower pounde.

¶25] A Sroan of oatmeale is a gallon and a half of oatenflower made of burnt oates and because that in the payment of the Sorren the quirren of butter and Sroan of meale are of like number I do value the quirren and sroan at vid str though in tymes past they were rated at iiijd str the quirren and a white groat the Sroan Folios 23 recto and verso, 24 recto and verso are blank. Then follows the folded and unnumbered map of ‘Glanoroghto’.

Map of Glanoroghto

¶26] {MS folio 25 recto}

These are freholders of the sept of the Mac Carties descended from Mac Cartie Mores house and were his frendes.123 Mac Finins landes.

The quarter of Ardtully lyinge in the halfe baronye of Glanoroghto paied yearlie to the earle of Clancarty for a rent called Dowgoll at iiij s and iij beaues val.124 per annum at xl s and for a rent cald Canebeg val. per annum xvi d ij whit groates et val. in toto per annum at . . . xlvs iiiid ii

¶27] The quarter of Oghtocrossy and Barnestoig lyinge in the half baronye of Glanoroghto paid yearelie to the earle of Clancarty for a rent called Dowgollo at iiij s str. and iij beaues val. per annum xl str. and for Canebeg at xvi d ij whit groates et val. in toto perannum. . . xlv s iiij d ij

¶28] The two quarters of Clanloghlen lyinge in the halfe baronye of Glanoroghto payed yearlye to the earle of Clancarty for Dowgollo at viiijs str. and vi beaues val per annum at iiijli str. and for


Canebeg at iiis i wh. gr. str. et val. in toto per annum . . . iiijli xis i. wh. gr.

¶29] The quarter of Glanly lying in the halfe baronye of Glanoroghto paied yearelie to the Earle of Clancarty for Dowgollo at iiij s str. and iij beaues et126 val. per annum xls str. and for Canebeg at xvid ij wh. gr. str. et val. in toto per annum . . . xlvs iijd ij wh. [gr.]

¶30] The quarter of the Creggy lying in the halfe barony of Glanoroghto paid yearlie to the earle of Clancarty for Dowgollo at iiij s str. and iij beaues val. per annum at xl s and tor Caneneg at xvi d ij wh. gr. str. et val. in toto per annum at . . . xlv s iiiij d ij wh. gr.

¶31] The quarter of Renurroune127 lyinge in the baronye of Iuragha was fre land not payinge any thinge to the earle of Clancarty but sute and service to his Court and rysing foorth agaynst his enemies . . . Nihil.

¶32] The quarter of lande of Ballidouny, Coulgarruf Carecrehon Knocknefarnet128Ballispellane Cline and Tullagh conteyninge sixe plowlandes lyinge in the barony of Magonny is fre land paying nothing but sute and service to the Lords courte and risinges . . . Nihil.

¶33] The sixe first quarters lyinge in the halfe baronye of Glanoroghto did giue an vncertayne Sorren to the earles companyes when they passed through these landes into the countryes of Bear or Bantry or into the countye of Corcke. {MS folio 25 verso} There are goodlie-timber woods in those landes lyinge in the halfe baronye of Glanoroghto fit for shipp timber, pipe,129 staues and Clapboord130 and lye neere the portable riuer of Canmarra.131

There belonges also to these landes certayne fishinges upon the riuer of Roghto.

There is thought to be a Myne of tynne or lead vpon these landes.132 There breedes upon the woodes of these landes an Eyry or two of Goshaukes.133

Some of all such rent as is dewe out of these landes is . . . xiii li xiii s iiij d

¶34] Clan Donell Funs Landes

The quarter of the Datireouioil134 lyinge in the baronye of Iuragha doth paye yearlie for a certen Sorren at xl quirrens of butter and xl sroans of oten meal which valued at vi d str. the Quirren and Sroan val. per annum at xx s . also for Dowgollo at iiij s for Canebeg at xvi d ij wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xxv s iiij d ij. wh. [gr.].

¶35] The quarter of Lacarrow garruf and Lacarrow bristy lyinge in the barony of Iuragha doth yearelie pay for Sorren xltie quirrens of butter, xltie sroans of oatenmeal val. per annum xxs for Dowgollo iiijs for Canebeg xvid str. ij. wh. gr. et val. per annum in toto.

. . . xxvs iiijd ij wh. [gr.].

¶36] The quarter of Lismorogho and Carrownecorre135 lyinge in the barony of Iuragha doth pay yearelie for Sorren xltie quirrens of butter xltie sroans of oatmeal val. per annum xxs str. for Dowgollo iiijs for Canebeg xvid ij. wh. gr. str. et val. in toto per annum.

. . . xxvs iiijd ij wh. [gr.].

¶37] The quarter of Ballinehow and Kilognauin lyinge in the baronye of Iuragha doth pay yearelie for Sorren xltie quirrens of butter and xltie sroans of oatmeal val. per annum xxs str. for Dowgollo iiijs str. for Canebeg xvid ij wh: gr: str. et val. in toto per annum

. . . xxv s iiij d ij [wh. gr.].

¶38] The plowland of Listry lying in the baronie of Magonny payeth yearelie a beaf val xiij s iiij d a hog val. v s for Dowgollo xij quirrens of butter and xij sroans of oates at xij d le score at ij s str. and in money for Dowgollo viij d ii wh: gr: et val. in toto per annum

. . . xxvii s ij [wh. gr.].


¶39] {MS folio 26 recto} The plowlande of Killinromano lying in the baronye of Magonny payeth the third part of a beaf yearele et val. iiij s iiij d i wh: gr: str. the third part of an hog at xx d and in money vi s viij d also for Dowgollo at ix s i wh. gr. et val. per annum in toto.

. . . xxi s viij d ij wh. gr.

¶40] The plowlande of the Phaah136 lyinge in the baronye of Magonny payeth yearelie iiij beaues et val. per annum

. . . liij s iiij d .

¶41] The quarter of Ballinemah137 conteyning fiue plowlandes lying in the baronie of Magonny payeth yearlie a beafe val. xiii s iiij d str. also an hog val. v s and for the rent of Dowgollo for fiue plowlandes at ix s i wh. gr. the plowlande at xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr. et vas. per annum . . . iij li iij s viij d ij wh. gr.

¶42] The two plowlande of Gortneclohe138 lyinge in the baronye of Magonny paye yearelie two third partes of a beafe val. xiii s iiij d str.139 viij s viij d str. two thir140 partes of an hog iij s iiij d str. and for Dowgollo for two plowlands xviij s ij wh. gr. et vas. per annum . . . xxx s ij wh. gr.

¶43] The plowlande of Ardmelod in the Baronie of Magonny is fre land owing sute and seruice to the Lords court with risinge

. . . Nihil

Somma totalis annualis Redituum terre de Clandonellin

. . . xiiij li xv s viij d 1 wh. gr.141

¶44] Those landes that lye in the baronie of Iuragha haue part of the fishings vpon the riuer of the Fartagh.

Those other landes that lye in the baronye of Magonny haue some fishinge upon the riuer of the Guissidine

Those landes that ley in the baronie of Magonny were bounde to drawe with garrans142 the earle of Clancarties wine from the abbey of Killagha to the Garriduff in the Pallice, they were also bound to thatch the earle of Clancarties house in the Garriduff but no where els.

¶45] Slughte ninerudris land 143

The quarter of Kileuterco144 in the baronie of Iluragha payeth yearlie iij beaues val. xl s for Dowgollo iiij s str. for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. str. for a certayn Sorren xltie quirrens of butter and xltie sroans of oatmeal xx s str. et val. per annum in toto

. . . iijli v s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶46] [{MS folio 26 verso} The quarter of Dromkereh lyinge in the baronie of Iuragha payeth yearlie iij beaues vas. at xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s str. for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. str. for a certayne Sorren xltie quirrens of butter and xltie sroans of otemeal val. xxs str. et val. in toto per annum

. . . iijli vs iiijd ij wh. gr.

¶47] The halfe quarter of Canburren and the half quarter of Termonirrah145 paye yearlie iij beaues et val. xls str. and for Dowgollo at iiijs str. for Canebeg xvid ij wh. gr. str. for a certayne Sorren xltie quirrens of butter and xltie sroans of oatemeal val. xxs str. et val. per annum

. . . iijli vs iiij d ij wh. gr.

Somma totallis annualis redituum harum terrarum val.

. . . ix li xvi s viij d


¶48] These landes haue certayne fishinges and Ilandes upon Lochleigh and in the riuer of the Finne.146

¶49] Slught Donell bric147 alias Mac tege ne toughs148 land vz.

The baronie149 quarter of Seskenan150 lyinge in the baronie of Yuragha doth paye yearelie iij beaues val. xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s str. for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xlvs iiijd ij wh. gr.

¶50] The quarter of Coremore151 and Ballihernymore beinge in the Ilande of Dariry alias Bealinche lying in the barony of Iuragha payeth yearlie iii beaues vas. xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s str. for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. et val. in toto per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij w.g.

¶51] The half quarter of Glanlim in the Iland of Dariry lying in the baronie of Iuragha payeth yearelie a beafe and an halfe val. xx s str. for Dowgollo ij s str. for Canebeg viij d i wh. gr. str. et val. per annum.

. . . xxij s iiij d ij w.g.152

¶52] The quarter of Cho153 Clohanmaccuin and Comeegognacaple lyinge in the baronie of Iuragha payeth yearle iij beaues val. at xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s str. for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. str. et val. per annum

. . .xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

Somma totallis annuallis redituum harum terrarum val.

. . .vij li xix s iiij d wh. gr.154

Here follows the map of the ‘Iland of Dariry’ ({MS folio 27 recto})

Map of Iland and Dariry

{MS folio 27 blank}

¶53] {MS folio 28 recto}Slught Finn Duffs lands of Ardcanagh

The quarter of Knockhornoght155 conteyninge fiue plowlands lying in the baronie of Magonny payeth yearlie xij quirrens of butter and xij sroans of oatemeal out of euerie plouland val. at vi s le plowland et in toto xxx s also viij d ij wh. gr. a plowland et val. in toto iiij s iiij d i. wh. gr. str. and fortie sheafes of oates in a plowland et val. in toto156 x s all which val. per annum

. . . xl iiij s iiij d i. wh. gr.

¶54] The two ploulands of Ardcanaght are fre land lyinge by North the riuer of the Mang vpon the which yt hath some fishinges and is charged with a Cheifry to the earle of Desmound

. . . Nihil

Somme157 tot158 anualis reddituum harum terrarum val. . . . xl iiij s iiij d i. wh. gr.

¶55] Slught Niddins land Vz.

The quarter of Niddin lyinge in the halfe baronie Glanoroghto paieth yearlie iij beaues val. xls, and for Dowgollo iiijs str. for Canebeg xvid ij wh. gr. str. besides a share of a Sorren with Gortagas159 et val.

. . . xlvs iiijd ij wh. gr.

¶56] The quarter of Killasserah160 lying in the half baronie of Glanoroghto payeth yearelie iij beaues val. xl s and for Dowgollo iiij s for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. besides a share of a Sorren with Gortagas et val. per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

Somma tot161 annualis reddituum harum terrarum val.

. . . iiij li xi s 1 wh. gr.


¶57] These landes haue reasonable good woodes vpon them and some fishinges vpon the riuer of Roghto.

¶58] Clan tege Rettaghs162 land vz.

The quarter of Dromdagour lying in the baronie163 half baronie of Glanoroghto payeth yearelie iij beaues val. xl s str. and for Dowgollo iiij s for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. str.164 payeth with Gortagas et val. per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

Somma totalis annualis reddituum harum terrarum val.

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶59] These ar freholders of the septes of the Mac Carties and others for the most part descended out of Mac Carties house and were his ancient ennemies165

{MS folio 28 verso}

Slughte Cormock of Dounguills landes 166

The quarter of Kilurly lyinge in the baronie of Iuragha paies yearlie iij beaues at xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s str. for Canebeg xvi d ij wh: gr. et val. per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶60] The quarter of Kippah and Srowgrene lyinge in the baronie of Iuragha paies yearelie iij beaues val. xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s str, for Canebeg xvi d ij. wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶61] The quarter of Corebeg167 et Brinemikane168 in the Iland of Dariry in the baronie of Yuragha payes yearelie iii beaues val. xl s for Dowgollo iiij s for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶62] The quarter and half of Coul Finne169 and Feuhma in the Iland of Dariry in the baronie of Yuragha pay yerlie iiij beaues di170 iij li str. for Dowgollo vi s for Canebeg iij s i wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . iij li ix s i wh. gr.

¶63] These landes pay an uncertayne Sorren to the earle of Clancarty when he shal passe through their landes. Part of the fishinges of the riuer of Fartagh and ils the hauen of Bealinche171 belongs to them.

¶64] The two quarters and a halfe of Dounguil 1 plowland Lismac-finin 1 plowland Corbally 1 plowland Ballyberane one plowland Dromen 1 plowland Anglont 1 plowland Dromanahin172 1 plowland Doweh173 ij plowlands lyinge in the baronie of Magonny do paye yearelie vij beaues and a halfe v li and for Dowgollo out of the Doweh ijs et val. per annum

. . . vli ijs.

¶65] The halfe quarter of Kilmore lyinge in the baronie of Magonny paies yearelie xxiiij quirrens of butter and xxiiij sroans of otenmeale val. xij s and fowre score sheafes of oates val iiij s str. and money viij d ij wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xvis viijd ij w. g.


Somma totalis annualis reddituum harum terrarum val. at

. . . xvili iiijs viijd.

¶66] These landes lyinge in the baronie of Magonny haue good salmon fishings vpon the riuer of the Careh and the Logh Careh and also vpon the riuer of the Laune.

{MS folio 29 recto and verso, blank}

[Here follows the folded-in map of ‘Magonny’ with the MS folio number 30 and in addition in the top left hand corner the figure 4 (the fourth map?)]

{MS folio number 30}

Map of magonny

¶67] {MS folio 31 recto} Clan Dermondes landes

The quarter of Gortagas lyinge in the halfe baronie of Glanoroghto paies yearelie iij beaues val. at xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s for Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶68] The quarter of Coremore174 lyinge in the halfe baronie of Glanoroghto paies yearelie iij beaues val. xl s str. for Dowgollo iiij s for Canebeg xvid ij wh. gr. et val. per annum

. . . xlvs iiijd ij wh. gr.

¶69] The quarter of Balligriffin175 in the halfe baronie of Glanoroghto paies yearlie iij beaues val. xls for Dowgollo iiijs for Canebeg xvid ij wh. gr.

. . . xlv s iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶70] The quarter of Kilmichell176 and Killinne in the halfe baronie of Glanoroghto paies yearlie iij beaues xl s str for Dowgollo iiij s for Canebeg xvi d ij w. g.

¶71] These landes did beare there177 porcion of an vncertayne Sorren when the earle of Clancartie passed through the countrye.

Part of the fishinges of the Roghto and of the riuer of Canmarra belongs to them. There are goodlie timber woodes vpon them.

¶72] 178 The quarter of Kilmacowen179 lyinge in Bear in the Countie of Corcke paies yearelie for Dowgollo iiijs and part of an180 vncertayne Sorren et val. per annum.

. . . iiij s .

¶73] The quarter of Nyinche lying in Bear in the countie of Corckk paies yearelie for Dowgollo iiij s and part of an vncertaine Sorren et val. per annum

. . . iiijs .

¶74] The quarter of Ballicastlane lying in Bear in the countie of Corcke paies yearlie for Dowgollo iiij s and part of an vncertayne Sorren et val.

. . . iiijs.

¶75] The quarter of Derikiuin181 lyinge in Bear in the countie of Corcke paies yearelie for Dowgollo at iiij s and part of an vncertayne Sorren

. . . iiijs .

¶76] These landes lye commodiouslie for fishinge vpon Bearhauen

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val.

. . . ixli xviiis ij wh. gr.


¶77] {MS folio 31 verso} Clan Donell Roes Land

The landes of Clandonell ro amounto182 viij quarters di.183 lyinge in the baronie of Bantry in the countie of Corcke paies yearlie xxtie ounces of siluer at ijs ij wh. gr. str. le ounce et val. per annum

. . . xliiijs iiij wh. gr.

¶78] These landes did yeald two vncertaine Sorrens when the earle did184 of Clancartie did passe to and fro among them.

These landes are fallen to her Majestie and are part of the vndertakers lande185

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val.

. . . xliiii s iiij wh. gr.

¶79] Slught Owen More of Coshmangs lande

The seauen quarters in Muskryloger186 vz Gortnegan Senaghro Gortderg Rahmore Kilcoan Duffcarrig Lisnegan ar lying in the baronie of Magonny and pay for Dowgollo iiij s a quarter and were otherewise free from all charges et vat. per annum

. . . xxviii s .

¶80] The two quarters of Baslekan Taur and Laugher lyinge in the baronie of Yuragha pay yearlie for Dowgollo viii s str. and ar otherwise fre vat. per annum

. . . xs, viiid 187

¶81] These two quarters lyinge in Yuragha ioyne upon the riuer of the Corrane and with the hauen of Ballinskellig.

¶82] 188 The rest of the landes of Coshmang which are ten quarters and a half of chargeable landes and a thirde part ar189 lyinge in the baronie of Magonny and did paye yearlie a Cuddy or refection of a sopper and breakefast for the earle of Clancartie and his companie, or els in lieu thereof fiue markes old money which amounteth to iiij li viij s viij d ij w. g. also for a Sorren clx quirrens of butter and clx sroans of oatmeale vat. iiij s for Dowgollo after the rate of xij quirrens and xij sroans to the plowland ther190 being xltie plowlandes yt riseth to cccclxxx quirrens of butter and cccclxxx sroans of oatmeal val. xij li str. also Viij d ij wh. gr. in euerie plowland of xltie val. xxxv s iiij d 191 str. also xltie sheaves of oates out of euerie plowland of xl plowlands at xij d le score val. iiij li so that all the rent of thes 192 landes chargeable val. per annum

. . . xxvj li iiij s ij wh. gr.

{MS folio 32 recto blank}

[Then follows the map of ‘Yvragha’, folded in, numbered 33 and (when spread out) occupying a space corresponding to {MS folio 32 verso} and {MS folio 33 recto}

{MS folio 33 verso blank}

¶83] {MS folio 34 recto}The two quarters of Ne farrennecareh193 lyinge in the baronie of Magonny are altogether fre from the earl of Clancarty and do yearlie pay to the abbay of Killala194 at xls . These landes ly upon the riuer of the Mang on the North side hauing some fishing195 There are two quarters di.196 dispersed among the other landes which were fre landes and bore no imposition

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val.

. . . xxviiili ijs viijd ii w. g.

¶84] The landes are fallen to her Majastie by the attaindre of the freholders and are part of the vndertakers landes.


¶85] Odonogho Moors land vz .

The landes197 of Onaught Odonogho conteyninge a xi quarters and an half which amount to xlv plowlandes lying in the baronie of Magonny paid yearlie a Cuddy or refection or in lieu thereof fiue markes half face val. iiijli viijs viijd wh. gr. str. also for Dowgollo xij quirrens of butter and xij sroans198 of oatmeal out of euerie plowlande in xlv which amounteth to a199 dxl quirrens of butter and to a200 dxl sroans of oatmeal val. xiijli xs, also viijd ij wh. gr. out of euery plowland val. xls also fortie sheaues of oates out of euery plowland of xlv val. iiijl xs et val. per annum

. . . xxiiijli viijs viijd ij

¶86] These landes ar fallen to her Majestie by the attaindre of the ffreholders and ar part of the undertakers landes.

There ar diuers diue201 timber woodes upon these landes but no meanes to make commoditie of them by reason that they lie in such remote mountaines.

There belonges part of the fishinge of the Laun and of Loghlene unto these landes and also part of the riuer of the Flisk202 and divers others smal brookes and Loghes203.

Also the Glans of Barenesna which are remote and vnaccessable but with much paines in time of feare.

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val.

. . . xxiiij li viij s viij d ij wh. gr.

¶87] {MS folio 34 verso} Odonogho Glanflisks lands

The landes of Glanslisk204 amounting to fiue quarters of land which conteines xxtie plowlands lyinge in the baronie of Magonny doth paie yearlie xxvis viijd str.205 and iiij barrens of bear206 or ale val. xiij s iiij d str. et val. per annum at

. . . xls.

¶88] There are excellent Ashen trees for pikes in this land, an Eyrye or two of Goshauks207 and diuers fishinges upon the Flisk

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val. at

. . . xls

¶89] Slught Murris lands

The quarter of Killine208 Kiluenan Bealamalah Ballinprior and Bealamalagh beg conteyninge iiij ploulandes and a half209 lyinge in the baronie of Magonny paid yearlie xi s i wh. g: a plowland which out of iiij plowlands amounteth to xliiijs iiij wh. gr. also xij quirren of butter and xij sroans a plouland which amounteth to xlviij quirrens and xlviij sroans val. xxiiijs xltie> sheaues of oates a plowland val. viij s, also in money in euery plowland viij d ij wh. gr. val. iij s iiijd ij et val. per annum

. . . iiijli .

¶90] There belonges to these landes certaine fishinges of Salmon and pearl210 vpon the Laune.

Somma totalis anualis redituum harum terrarum val. at. . . iiijli .

¶91] These are the septes of the O Suliuans and were commonlie at warre with the earle of Clancar and alwayes sought his weakninge.211 O Sulliuan Moores lands 212

These eigh213 quarters and an half vz. Dromed Kilmackerin, Carrowclanloghlen, Canneh Malen Come214 Kilemelagh215 Killonchaa and Ardcoste lying in the baronie of Yuragha pay yearelie for a


Sorrenmore ccxl quirrens of butter and ccxl sroans of oatmeal val. vi li str. and for Dowgollo iiij s a a216 quarter val. xxxiiij s et val. per annum

. . . viili xiiij s

¶92] These iij quarters and half vz Dounkerran217 Gortewollin Cappagh ro et Cappaghnecoshe lyinge in the baronie of Dounkerran paye yearlie for Dowgollo xiiij s for Canebeg vs iiijd 1 wh. g218 besides an219 vncertayne Sorren et val

. . . xixs iiij d i wh. gr.

{MS folio 35 recto blank}

[Then follows the map of Dounkerran, folded in, numbered 36 and (when spread out) occupying a space corresponding to {MS folio 35 verso} and {MS folio 36 recto}.

{MS folio 36 verso blank}

¶93] {MS folio 37 recto}The two quarters of Slught mac Cragh lying in the baronie of Downkerran paye yearelie for Dowgollo viij s and for Canebeg iij s i wh. gr. et val. per annum at

. . . xis i wh. gr.

¶94] The quarter of the Lackin et Dromcuineh220 in the baronie of Downkerran pay yearlie for Dowgollo iiij s and for Canebeg xvi d ij wh gr et val. per annum at

. . . vs iiij d ij wh. gr.

¶95] The quarter of Coulmagort lying in the baronie of Downkerran paies yearlie a Cuddy or a refection or in lieu thereof fiue markes halface221 which commeth to iiij li viii s viij d et val. p. an.222 ij et val.

. . . iiij li viii s viij d ij w g.

¶96] The landes and Castle of Dounlo lying in the baronie of Dounkerran paies yearlie a Sorren of cxx quirrens of butter and cxx sroans of oatmeal et val. at

. . . iiili .

¶97] The fiue quarters of Dounlo lyinge in the baronie of Dounkerran paies yearlie lxxij quirrens of butter and lxxij sroans the quarter which amounteth to ccclx quirrens of butter and to ccclx sroans of oatmeale val. ix li str. also lxvij sheaues of oates out of euerie ploulande and iiij plowlands to the quarter amounteth to cclxviij sheaues in the quarter so that fiue quarters pay one thousand cccxltie sheaues of oates et val. iij li vij s also out of euery quarter in money iiij s iiij d 1 wh. gr et val. xvij s viii d i wh. gr.223 str. et val. per annum

. . . xiijli iiijs viijd 1 w g.

¶98] The two quarters of Glancare224 lying in the baronie of Dounkerran paies yearlie iiij s a quarter of Dowgollo et val. per annum

. . . viijs .

¶99] The iiij quarters of Glanuehe lyinge in the baronie of Dounkerran payes yearelie for Dowgollo iiij s a quarter et val. xvi s and for Canebeg viii d ij wh: gr. a quarter et val. iij s iiij d ij w. g. et val. per annum at

. . . xixs iiijd ij wh. gr.

¶100] The two quarters of Lateif Bolus Ballimacgilleneulan225 and Killelelig lyinge in the baronie of Yuragha pay yearelie for Dowgollo iiij s a quarter val.226 also for Canebeg viii d ij w. g. a quarter val. xx d i wh: gr. et val. per annum

. . . ixs viij d i wh. gr.


¶101] These two last quarters ly neare the hauen of Bealinche and haue some part of the fishinges thereaboates.

The landes of Dounlo haue diuers fishinges vpon the riuer of the Laurie and there is oftentimes pearle227 gathered.{MS folio 37 verso} The landes of Dounkerran and Cappahnecoshe lye vpon the riuer et hauen of Canmarra and haue diners good fishinges therein as also at Sleunecollo good tymber. The eight quarters of Dromed etc. haue good fishinges vpon the riuer Finne.228

Somma totalis annualis reddituum harum terrarum val. at

. . . xxxijli is i wh. gr.

¶102] Mac Gillecuddehs Lands

The Castle and iiij plowlands of Bodomesmin lying in the baronie of Dounkerran payes yearlie iiij beaues et val. per annum

. . . liij s iiij d .

¶103] The landes of Slughtmacrury in Twogh Clanihe being xij plowlands and an half lying in the barome of Dounkerran paye yearlie for Dowgollo xviij quirrens of butter and xviij sroans of oatmeale a plowland which amounteth in the whole unto ccxxv quirrens of butter and to ccxxv sroans of oatmeal et val. v li, xij s vi d str also lx sheaues of oates out of a plowland which amounteth to vij cl sheaues et val. xxxvijs vid str also for a cuddy or refection viij quirrens of butter and viij sroans of oatmeale on a plowland which amounteth to c quirrens of butter and c sroans of oatmeal et val. ls str also vpon Coulro229 besides a share in al other duties in money xl s i. wh.g. also viij d ij wh. gr. vpon euerie plowland val. xi s i wh: gr. et val. per annum at

. . . xi li ij ij wh. gr.

¶104] 230The quarter of Careogerrane lying in the half baronie of Glanoroghto paied yearlie to the earle of Clancarty xviij beaues. these landes lye vpon the riuer Roghto et val. per annum

. . . xij li .

¶105] The fiue quarters vz. Lomanah Caredonelmore, Darah, Coed et Bracarah Cappaghrush et Goulan lying in the baronie of Dounkerran pay yearlie for a Dowgollo iiij s the quarter et val. xx s for Canebeg in the quarter xvi d ij w.g. val. vij s viij d i wh: gr. with an vncertaine Sorren et val. per annum xxvij231

. . . xxvij s viij d i wh. gr.

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val at

. . . xxvij li iij s iiij d .

¶106] The landes of B232Bodomismin233 and Slughtmcrury 234 lye neare the riuer of the Laurie and haue fishinges therein: the fiue quarters of Lomanah etc. called commonlie Bordonine235 lye vpon the baye of Dounkerran and haue good fishing there.

¶107] {MS folio 38 recto}Mac Crehons Landes

The two plowlandes of Kilcrinery and the half plouland of Laharren lyinge in the baronie of Magonny pay yearelie for a Cuddy or refection a beaf val. xiij s iiij d a hog val. v s in money viij s, for Dowgollo xxx quirrens of butter and xxxtie sroans of oatmeal a plowland which amounteth to lxxv quirrens of butter and lxxv sroans of oatmeal et val. xxxvij s vi d and xltie sheaues of otes a plowland which amounteth to C sheaues et val. v s str et val. per annum

. . . iii li viij s x d .


¶108] These fiue quarters and half vz. Letter Rinecarah Kilkeuerah, Dagarran236 et Rineardogh, Da237 Kilcomanan et Derin, Ballimanah et Killoeh lying in the baronie of Yuragha do yearlie pay for a Cuddy or refection iiij li viij s viij d and in money iiij s iiij d i. wh. gr., and for Dowgollo of iiij s a quarter val. xxij s . also vpon a parcel of lande called Caresiuin for a Canebeg xvi d ij wh. gr. et val.

. . . v li xvi s viij d .

¶109] These landes haue fishinges in the riuers of Dowglas238 Golin and in the hauen of Bealinche

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val. at

. . . ix li v s vi d .

¶110] 2390 sulliuans Beares Landes

The Castle of Bearhauen did pay a Cuddy to thearle240 of Clancartie and all his company for two dayes241 and two nightes once in vij years

. . . Nihill.

¶111] Tenne quarters in the countrye of Bear of Oswiliuans landes paid for a Dowgollo iiijs a quarter and an vncertaine Sorren et val.

. . .xl s .

¶112] These landes lye by Bearhauen and the Dorses where the xcellent242 fishinges are much haunted by the western men of England.

¶113] ffower quarters of MacFinin duffs landes pay for Dowgollo iiij s a quarter and part of an vncertayne Sorren. And these landes ly by the bay Dounkerran243 and the hauen of Ahgrom et val. at

. . . xvi s .

¶114] {MS folio 38 verso}Clanlauras Landes

ffiue quarters in244 Clanlauras245 pay for a Dowgollo iiij s a quarter and an vncertaine Sorren et val. per annum

. . .xx s .

¶115] The Sept of Clanlauras were bound to guard the earle of Clancarties cariages when he went in any excursion and for that the eldest of that Sept had of dewtie the best dish of meat that was sett before the earle when he was at meat during the Journey.

¶116] 0 Linche Landes

The iij quarters and half of Couleh Kilkateren and Carechim246 lying in the baronie of Bear did yearlie paye a Sorren or in lieu thereof xviij ounzes val. ij s ij wh. gr. le oz et val. per annum at

. . .xl s .

¶117] O donogans Land

The two quarters and half of Carrowdonigan,247 Kilmanneh248 et Knocknegourgal249 lyinge in the baronie of the beare did yeare250 pay a Sorren or in lieu thereof xviij ounces val. ij s ij wh, gr. le oz et val. per annum at

. . . xl s

Somma totalis anualis reddituum harum terrarum val. at

. . . vij li xvi s 251.


¶118] The Priory of Ballinskellig 252

The Priory of Bellinskellig lying in the baronie of Yuragha did pay the earle of Clancartie for his land yearelie a Sorren which was in the Priors choyce to pay or fiue markes halface253 which is val. per annum at

. . . iiij li viij s viij d 254

¶119] The Priory of Enisfallen

The Priory of Enisfallen lyinge in the baronie of Magonny did pay yearelie to the earle of Clancartie a Cuddy or refection or fiue markes halface money which was ath255 Priors choyce et val. per annum

. . . iiij li viij s viij d .

¶120] The Archdeaconrie of Ahado

The Archdeacon of Ahado in the baronie of Magonny did yeald out of his luinges to the earle of Clancartie a Cuddy or refection or fiue markes halface money256 yearlie which was at the Archdeacons257 choice et val. per annum

. . . iiij li viij s viij d .

¶121] The Abbey of Killaha The Abbey of Killaha258 in the baronie of Magonny did yeald out of his liuinges to the earle of Clancartie a cuddy or refection or in lieu thereof fiue markes halface, at the Abbotes choice et val.

. . . iiij li viij s viij d

¶122] {MS folio 39 recto}The Abbey of Ahamore 259

The Abbey of Ahamore lyinge in the baronie of Dounkerran did yeald out of fiue quarters of land a beafe a quarter et val. at

. . . iij li vi s viij d .

¶123] The Sorrens of Dowalla 260

The earle of Clancartie had fower Sorrens dewe yearlie in the country of Dowalla in the countie of Cork for the which when the gentlemen of the countrye were vnwillinge the earle should come vnto them especiallie when victualls were scant, they would compound with his officers and send money in lieu thereof to them: the gentlemen vpon whom the said Sorrens were dewe is Mac Donagh Chief Lord of Dowalla O Kalloghan paide another. Mac Auleif paid the third O Keif paid the fourth and none of them were261 compounded for vnder vi li xiij s iiij d et val. per annum at

. . . xxvj li xiiis iiij d

Somma totalis of all the sorrens Cuddies et refections vall.

. . . xlvij li xiiij s viij d

262Somma totalis omnium Reddituum exeunt263 ex supradictis terris annuatim val.264

. . . cclxvj li v s.

xd ij wh. gr.