Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E580000-001

The Desmond Survey

Author: unknown

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

John A. Murphy

Electronic edition compiled by Emer Purcell

Additional editing by Emer Purcell

Proof corrections by Emer Purcell

Funded by University College, Cork via the Writers of Ireland Project.

2. Second draft, revised and corrected.

Extent of text: 122400 words


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Text ID Number: E580000-001

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This online edition is based on galley proofs (originally intended for print publication by the Irish Manuscripts Commission) prepared by Professor John A. Murphy. Additional editorial work and preparation of the text for online publication was completed by Emer Purcell. 121 galley proofs were scanned and proofed. Professor Murphy's editorial corrections were then integrated into the text. The footnotes were added and markup and structural analysis were completed. For reference purposes only page numbers were then inserted even though they were not present in the galley proofs. At present, the maps from the Petworth MS, Petworth House Archive, West Sussex Record Office, have been included in this online edition. CELT is grateful Lord Egremont for his kind permission to reproduce these maps.


    Clancarthy Manuscript sources
  1. Carew Manuscript 625, Lambeth Palace Library [Manuscript used in this edition. See Introduction for detailed discussion].
  2. Petworth Manscript, Petworth House Archive, West Sussex Record Office.
    Peyton and Desmond Survey sources
  1. M. 5039. P.R.O.I. (National Archives) Peyton Survey of Co. Limerick.
  2. M. 2759. P.R.O.I. (National Archives)Transcript of folios 122-143d of Peyton's Survey made by Tenison Groves.
  3. M. 5038. P.R.O.I. (National Archives) Co. Limerick portion of the Desmond Survey of 1856.
  4. M. 5037. P.R.O.I. (National Archives) Co. Kerry portion of Desmond Survey. Not included in this edition.
  5. Fragment of original Desmond Survey survives in form of two page Latin transcipt. Preserved in the P.R.O.I. (National Archives) Copy also in library of the Royal Society of the Antiquaries of Ireland.
    Clancarthy Survey Primary and secondary sources cited in text
  1. S. H. O'Grady (ed.), Pacata Hibernia: or, A history of the wars in Ireland during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, especially within the Province of Munster under the government of Sir George Carew, and compiled by his direction and appointment [II, 335-42.] (London, 1633)
  2. Fynes Moryson, An itinerary containing his ten yeeres travell through the twelve dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland and Ireland (London, 1617).
  3. James Simon, An essay towards an historical account of Irish coins: and of the currency of foregin [sic] monies in Ireland: With an appendix: containing several statutes, proclamations, patents, acts of state, and letters relating to the same (Dublin, 1749).
  4. Charles Smith, The ancient and present state of the county of Kerry. Containing a natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical description thereof (London, 1774).
  5. Henry J. Todd (ed), A Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace (London, 1812).
  6. James Hardiman, 'Ancient Irish Deeds and Writings, chiefly relating to Landed Property, from the twelfh to the seventeenth century', Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 15 (1828) 1-95.
  7. John Dymmok, 'A Treaties of Ireland', in: Tracts relating to Ireland, printed for the Irish Archaeological Society Vol. 2 (Dublin, 1843), pp 1-90.
  8. John O'Donovan (ed), Leabhar na g-ceart: or, the book of rights, now for the first time edited, with translation and notes (Dublin, 1847).
  9. Robert Kane, The industrial resources of Ireland (Dublin, 1844).
  10. Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, 6 (1854) 206-17
  11. Annon, 'Ancient Irish Income' in Ulster Journal of Archaeology 4 (1856), pp 241-252.
  12. Calendar of the state papers, relating to Ireland: of the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth, preserved in the State Paper Dept. of Her Majesty's Public Record Office (8 vols London, 1860-1912).
  13. Sir John Davies, 'A Discoverie of the State of Ireland' in A collection of Tracts and Treatises illustrative of the natural history, antiquities, and the political and social state of Ireland: at various periods prior to the present century (2 vols, Dublin, 1860) 1, pp 593-714.
  14. James Ware's, 'De Hibernia et Antiquitatibus Disquisitiones' in A collection of Tracts and Treatises illustrative of the natural history, antiquities, and the political and social state of Ireland: at various periods prior to the present century (2 vols, Dublin, 1860) 1, pp 149-405.
  15. T. D. Hardy & J. S. Brewer (eds), Report to the Right Honourable the Master of the Rolls upon the Carte and Carew papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries (London 1864).
  16. W. Maziere Brady (ed.), The McGillycuddy papers: a selection from the family archives of The McGillycuddy of the Reeks, with an introductory memoir, being a contribution to the history of the County of Kerry (London, 1867).
  17. Daniel MacCarthy Glas, The life and letters of Florence MacCarthy Reagh: tanist of Carbery, MacCarthy Mor, with some portion of "The history of the ancient families of the south of Ireland," compiled solely from unpublished documents in Her Majesty's State Paper Office by Daniel MacCarthy (London, 1867).
  18. J.S. Brewer & William Bullen (eds), Calendar of the Carew manuscripts: preserved in the Archiepiscopal library at Lambeth ... (6 vols. London 1867-73).
  19. Richard Caulfield (ed.), The council book of the Corporation of the city of Cork, from 1609 to 1643, and from 1690 to 1800 (Guildford, Surrey, 1876).
  20. General alphabetical index to the townlands and towns, parishes and baronies of Ireland: based on the Census of Ireland for the year 1851. Townland Index (1877 edition).
  21. Mary Agnes Hickson, Selections from Old Kerry records: historical and genealogical (London, 1872).
  22. Mervyn Archdall, Monasticon hibernicum; or, A history of the abbeys, priories, and other religious houses in Ireland. Edited, with extensive notes, by the Right Rev. Patrick F. Moran. (2 vols, Dublin, 1873-76).
  23. Sixth report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (London, 1877).
  24. Richard Bagwell, Ireland under the Tudors: with a succinct account of the earlier history, (3 vols, London, 1885) 3.
  25. Joseph Wright (ed.), The English dialect dictionary (London, 1898-1905).
  26. Calendar of the manuscripts of the most Hon. The Marquis of Salisbury (H.M.C. 10 vols) (London, 1899) 8.
  27. P. S. Dinneen, Focloir Gaedhilge agus Bearla: an Irish-English dictionary (ITS, Dublin, 1904).
  28. C. Litton Falkiner, Illustrations of Irish history and topography, mainly of the seventeenth century (London, 1904).
  29. Frederic Seebohm, The Tribal System in Wales (London, 1904).
  30. Robert Dunlop, 'Sixteenth Century Maps of Ireland', English Historical Review 20 (1905), 309-337.
  31. Nicholas Browne, 'Munster in A.D. 1597', J.C.H.A.S. 12 (1906), 54-68.
  32. Dictionary of the Irish language: based mainly on Old and Middle Irish materials/published by the Royal Irish Academy under the editorship of Carl J. S. Marstrander (Dublin, 1913-1976).
  33. Samuel Trant MacCarthy, The MacCarthys of Munster: the story of a great Irish sept (Dundalk, 1922).
  34. W. F. T. Butler, Gleanings from Irish history (London, 1925).
  35. Jeremiah King, County Kerry, past and present: a handbook to the local and family history of the county (Dublin, 1931).
  36. Robert C. Simington, The Civil survey, A.D. 1654-1656 (9 vols, Dublin, 1931-1961).
  37. Seamus Pender (ed.), A census of Ireland, circa 1659: with supplementary material from the poll money ordinances (1660-1661) (Dublin, 1939).
  38. Edward MacLysaght, (ed.), The Kenmare Manuscripts (Dublin, 1942).
  39. Pauline Henley, 'Notes on Irish Words in Spenser's Viewe of Ireland, Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society LVII (1952) pp 121-124.
  40. An Seabhac, 'Uí Ráthach. Ainmneacha na mBailte Fearainn sa Bharúntacht', Béaloideas 23 (1954), 3-69.
  41. Myles Dillon (ed.), Lebor na cert (ITS 46, London, 1962).
  42. John Andrews, Ireland in maps (Dublin, 1961).
  43. G. A. Hayes-McCoy, Ulster and other Irish maps, c. 1600 (Dublin, 1964).
  44. Irish patent rolls of James I (IMC, Dublin, 1966).
  45. R. H. M. Dolley & Gearóid MacNiocaill, 'Some Coin-names in Ceart Ui Neill', Studia Celtica 2 (1967) pp 119-124.
  46. R. H. M. Dolley, 'Elizabethan Bungal', British Numismatic Journal 26 (1967).
  47. W. J. Smith (ed), Herbert correspondence: the sixteenth and seventeenth century letters of the Herberts of Chirbury, Powis Castle, and Dolguog, formerly at Powis Castle in Montgomeryshire (Cardiff, Dublin, 1968).
  48. Eileen McCracken, The Irish woods since Tudor Times: distribution and exploitation (Newtown Abbot, 1971).
    Additional Primary and secondary sources cited in Peyton and Desmond Surveys
  1. Edmund Campion, Two histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity (Dublin, 1633).
  2. Charles Smith, The ancient and present state of the county of Kerry, being a natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical description thereof (Dublin 1756, repr. 1761; repr. Dublin, 1969).
  3. Desiderata curiosa hibernica: or, a select collection of state papers: consisting of royal instructions, directions, dispatches, and letters; to which are added, some historical tracts: the whole illustrating and opening the political systems of the chief governors and government of Ireland, during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, James the First, and Charles the First, (Dublin, 1772).
  4. John O'Donovan (ed. & tr.), Annala Rioghachta Eireann: Annals of the kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from MSS in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy and of Trinity College Dublin with a translation and copious notes (7 vols, Dublin 1848–51) 3.
  5. W. H. Hardinge, 'On Manuscript Mapped Townland Surveys in Ireland', Proc. R.I.A., 8 (1860).
  6. Alexander B. Grosart (ed.), The complete works in verse and prose of Edmund Spenser. (London [Private Circulation], 1882).
  7. Patrick Power, The place-names of Decies, (London, 1907).
  8. W.M. Hennessy, 'Desmond Inquisition of 1584', Kerry Archaeological Magazine, 4 (April 1910), pp. 213-26, and 5 (October 1910), pp. 263-79.
  9. The complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom: extant, extinct, or dormant. By G.E.C; New edition revised and much enlarged, edited by the Hon. Vicary Gibbs (London, 1910-98).
  10. Herbert Wood, A guide to the records deposited in the Public Record Office of Ireland, (Dublin, 1919).
  11. Sir Henry Lyttleton Lyster Denny, A handbook of county Kerry family history, compiled for the archaeological group of the County Kerry Society (London, 1923).
  12. Paul J. O'Flynn, The book of the Galtees and the Golden Vein: a border history of Tipperary, Limerick and Cork, (Dublin, 1926).
  13. John Begley, The diocese of Limerick in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, (Dublin, 1927).
  14. An Seabhac, Triocha-céad Chorca Dhuibhne: i tiomargadh ar a log-ainmneacha agus ar sheanchas a ghabhann leo san mar aon le sloinnte agus ainannencha daoine/ an Seabhac, [pseud.], [Pádraig O'Siochfhradha]. (Baile Átha Cliath: Ar n-a fhoillsiú ag Comhlucht Oideachais na h-Éireann do An Cumann le Béaloideas Éireann, 1938-1939).
  15. N.B. White, (ed.), Extents of Irish monastic possessions, 1540-1541: from manuscripts in the Public record office, London, (Dublin, 1943).
  16. Theobald Stapleton, The "Catechismus" of Theobald Stapleton. Reproduced at the Ordnance Survey, (Dublin. 1945).
  17. James Hogan & N. McN. O'Farrell, (eds), The Walsingham letter-book, or, Register of Ireland, May 1578 to December 1579, (Dublin, 1959).
  18. D.A. Binchy, 'The old name of Charleville, Co. Cork', Éigse 10, (1962-63) 211-235.
  19. R.J. Hayes, (ed.), Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization, (Boston, 1965).
  20. Liam Ó Buachalla, 'An early fourteenth-century placename list for Anglo-Norman Cork', Dinnseanchas 2.1 (1966) 1-50.
  21. Maps and Plans in the Public Record Office, I (British Isles, c. 1410-1860), (London, 1967).
  22. William Petty, Hiberniae delineatio [cartographic material]: atlas of Ireland (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1968).
  23. Aubrey Gwynn & R. Neville Hadcock (eds), Medieval religious houses: Ireland, (Harlow, 1970).
    General Reading list
  1. H.F. Hore & J. Graves (eds), The social state of the southern and eastern counties of Ireland in the 16th century (Dublin, 1870).
  2. R. Dunlop, 'The plantation of Munster, 1584-89', English Historical Review, 3 (1888).
  3. P. O'Sullivan Beare, Ireland under Elizabeth, ed. M. Byrne (London, 1903).
  4. G. O'Brien, The economic history of Ireland in the 17th century (Dublin, 1919).
  5. D. B. Quinn, 'A discourse of Ireland (c. 1599): a sidelight on English colonial policy', Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 47 C (1942).
  6. D. B. Quinn, 'Ireland and 16th century European expansion', Historical Studies, 1 (1958).
  7. D. B. Quinn, 'The Munster Plantation: problems and opportunities', J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 71 (1966).
  8. J. H. Andrews, 'Geography and government in Elizabethan Ireland', in N. Stephens & R. Glasscock (eds), Irish Geographical Studies (Belfast, 1970).
  9. K. Nicholls, Gaelic and Gaelicised Ireland (London, 1972).
  10. K. Nicholls, Land, Law and Society in sixteenth-century Ireland (O'Donnell Lecture, 1976).
  11. N. P. Canny, The Elizabethan conquest of Ireland (Hassocks, 1976).
  12. N. P. Canny, 'The permissive frontier: social control in English settlements in Ireland and Virginia, 1550-1650', in K. R. Andrews et al (eds), The Westward enterprise (Liverpool, 1978).
  13. A. J. Sheehan, 'The population of the Plantation of Munster: Quinn reconsidered', J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 87 (1982).
  14. A. J. Sheehan, 'Official reaction to native land claims in the plantation of Munster', Irish Historical Studies, 92 (1983).
  15. Henry A. Jefferies, 'Desmond: the early years & the career of Cormac Mac Carthy', J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 88 (1983) 81-99.
  16. Henry A. Jefferies, 'Desmond before the Norman invasion: a political study', J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 89 (1984) 12-32.
  17. Michael MacCarthy-Morrogh, The Munster Plantation: English migration to southern Ireland, 1583-1641 (Oxford, 1986).
  18. Brian C. Donovan & David Edwards (eds) British sources for Irish history, 1485-1641: a guide to manuscripts in local, regional and specialised repositories in England, Scotland and Wales (IMC, Dublin, 1997).
  19. Hiram Morgan, Political ideology in Ireland, 1541-1641 (Dublin, 1999).
  20. Paul MacCotter, 'The cantreds of Desmond', J Cork Hist Archaeol Soc, 105 (2000) 49-68.
  21. Patrick J. Duffy, David Edwards, & Elizabeth FitzPatrick (eds), Gaelic Ireland, c.1250-c.1650: land, lordship, and settlement (Dublin, 2001).
  22. David Edwards, (eds), Regions and rulers in Ireland, 1100-1650: Essays for Kenneth Nicholls (Dublin, 2004).
  23. Anthony M. McCormack, 'The social and economic consequences of the Desmond rebellion of 1579-83' Irish Historical Studies, 133 (2004) 1-15.
  24. Anthony M. McCormack, The Earldom of Desmond, 1463-1583: the decline and crisis of a feudal lordship (Dublin, 2005).
  25. David Edwards, Pádraig Lenihan & Clodagh Tait, (eds), Age of atrocity: violence and political conflict in early modern Ireland (Dublin, 2007).
  26. Paul MacCotter, Medieval Ireland: territorial, political and economic divisions (Dublin, 2008).
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. The Desmond Survey. John A. Murphy (ed), Unpublished ()


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

Online edition is based on galley proofs of text prepared by John A. Murphy.

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Text has been checked and proofread twice.


The electronic text is based on the galley proofs. Editorial corrections to the galley proofs by John A. Murphy have been integrated into the text.


When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a line break, the break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word. There are no instances of hyphenated words crossing a page break.


Names of persons (given names), places and group names are not tagged. Index of Personal and Place-names and Subject Index to the Clancarthy Survey have been included.

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Profile Description

Created: By one or more unknown authors. Date range: 1580-1600.

Use of language

Language: [EN] The text is in English.
Language: [GA] Some words are in Irish.
Language: [LA] Some words are in Latin.
Language: [FR] Some words are in French.
Language: [ON] One term is Old Norse.

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