Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: E500000-001

A View of the present State of Ireland

Author: Edmund Spenser

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Funded by University College, Cork, Ireland and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the Ireland Funds

2. Second draft, revised and corrected.

Proof corrections by Katrina Bonner , Ruth Murphy

Extent of text: 66220 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: A project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland —

(2003) (2010)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: E500001-001

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available from the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


This edition is based on the HTML text in Renascence Editions published by Richard Bear ( and copyrighted at the University of Oregon, January 1997. It is reproduced here with Richard Bear's kind permission.


  1. Alexander B. Grosart (ed.), The complete works in verse and prose of Edmund Spenser. (London 1882).
  2. W. L. Renwick (ed.), A View of the Present State of Ireland by Edmund Spenser. (London 1934).
  3. Rudolf Gottfried (ed.), The Works of Edmund Spenser: a variorum edition. 11 vols. (Baltimore 1932–49) vol. 9, The Prose Works.
  4. Andrew Hadfield and Willy Maley (eds.), Edmund Spenser. A View of the State of Ireland. From the first printed edition (1633). (Oxford 1997). Includes guide to further reading.
    Secondary literature
  1. Frederic Ives Carpenter, A Reference Guide to Edmund Spenser. (Chicago 1923).
  2. Pauline Henley, Spenser in Ireland. (Cork 1928).
  3. Alexander C. Judson, Spenser in Southern Ireland. (Bloomington, Indiana 1933).
  4. Eamonn Grennan, Language and politics: a note on some metaphors in Spenser's 'A View of the Present State of Ireland'. In: Spenser Studies 3. (1982) 99–110.
  5. Kenneth Gross, Mythmaking in Hibernia: A View of the Present State of Ireland. In: Spenserian Poetics: Idolatry, Iconoclasm, and Magic. (Ithaca, New York 1985) 78–109.
  6. Ciarán Brady, Spenser's Irish Crisis: Humanism and Experience in the 1590s. In: Past and Present 111 (May 1986) 17–49.
  7. Nicholas Canny and A. Pagden (eds.), Identity Formation in Ireland: The Emergence of the Anglo-Irish. In: Colonial Identity in the Atlantic World, 1500–1800. (Princeton, New Jersey 1987) 159–212.
  8. Patricia Coughlan (ed.), Spenser and Ireland: an interdisciplinary perspective. (Cork 1989).
  9. Albert Charles Hamilton (ed.), The Spenser Encyclopedia. (Toronto 1990).
  10. Jean Brink, Constructing A View of the Present State of Ireland. In: Spenser Studies 11. (1990) 203–228.
  11. Brendan Bradshaw, Andrew Hadfield and Willy Maley (eds.), Representing Ireland: literature and the origins of conflict, 1534–1660. (Cambridge 1993).
  12. Bernhard Klein, 'And quickly make that, which was nothing at all': English national identity and the mapping of Ireland. In: Nationalismus und Subjektivität, Mitteilungen Beiheft 2. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Zentrum zur Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit. (Frankfurt am Main 1995) 200–226.
  13. Anne Fogarty (ed.), Spenser in Ireland: 'The Faerie Queene' 1596–1996. (Dublin 1996).
  14. Andrew Hadfield, Spenser's Irish Experience: Wild Fruit and Salvage Soyl. (Oxford 1997).
  15. Willy Maley, Salvaging Spenser: Colonialism, Culture and Identity. (London 1997).
  16. David Edwards, Spenser's View and Martial Law in Ireland, in: Hiram Morgan (ed.) Political Ideology in Ireland, 1541–1641 (Dublin 1999) 127–157.
  17. Nicholas Canny, Making Ireland British 1580–1650. (Oxford 2001) 1–58; esp. 42–55.
    The editions used in the digital edition
  1. A View of the present state of Ireland. Alexander B. Grosart (ed), First editionPrivately printedLondon (1894)


Project Description


Sampling Declaration

Only the editor's text is retained. Richard Bear prepared his HTML edition "from the text found in Grosart [1894] and checked with Renwick's edition of the Rawlinson MS [Scholartis, 1934]."

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read once and parsed.


The electronic text represents the edited text.


There are no quotations.


The practice of the textual editor is adhered to. There are no soft hyphens.


div0=the dialogue. Page-breaks are not indicated.


Names of persons, places and organisations are tagged.

Canonical References

The n attribute of each text in this corpus carries a unique identifying number for the whole text.

The title of the text is held as the first head element within each text.

div0 is reserved for the text (whether in one volume or many).

The numbered metrical lines provide a canonical reference.

Profile Description

Created: By Edmund Spenser. (1596)

Use of language

Language: [EN] Text in Elizabethan English.
Language: [LA] Some words and phrases are in Latin.
Language: [GA] Some words are in Irish.

Revision History