Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: D301022A

Der Streit um das Heldenstück

Author: Rudolf Thurneysen

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Beatrix Färber

Proof corrections by Sara Sponholz, Freie Universität Berlin

Funded by School of History, University College, Cork

1. First draft.

Extent of text: 11000 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland.—


Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: D301022A

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Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript sources
  1. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 E 25 (Lebor na hUidre), p 99b–112b; for a description of the MS, see Kathleen Mulchrone, et al. Catalogue of Irish Manuscripts in the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin 1926–70) 3367–3379.
  2. For other versions of the tale, see bibliography in CELT file G301022, Fled Bricrenn.
  1. Ernst Windisch, Fled Bricrend, 'Das Fest des Bricriu', in: Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch (Leipzig 1880). Text of Lebor na hUidre, p. 99, with readings of Egerton 93, fol. 20, MS 1336 (olim H 3. 17), col. 683, and notes.
  2. George Henderson, Fled Bricrend (ITS: London 1899). An early Gaelic saga from older MSS in the Book of Dun Cow, by Moelmuiri mac mic Cuinn na mBocht of the Culdees at Clonmacnois, edited with English translation, introduction and notes [LU 99b1–112b48].
  3. Richard Irvine Best and Osborn Bergin, Lebor na hUidre. Book of the Dun Cow. (Dublin 1929, repr. 1992) [For Old Irish text on p. 246, fol. 99b–112b, see CELT file G301900]. Basically it corresponds to Fled Bricrenn. The version from the Codex Vossianus (G301022) however is a different one.
  4. For editions of other versions of the tale, see bibliography in CELT file G301022, Fled Bricrenn.
    Translations (all versions)
  1. Henri D'Arbois de Jubainville, L'épopée celtique en Irlande, Tome premier (Cours de Litt. Celtique V), 'Festin de Bricriu', Paris 1892, 81–146 (French).
  2. Rudolf Thurneysen, Sagen aus dem alten Irland, 'Der Streit um das Heldenstück', Berlin 1901, 25–57 (German); repr. as 'Der Streit um das Heldenstück' Leipzig und Weimar 1984; repr. as 'Keltische Sagen aus dem alten Irland. Der Streit um das Heldenstück', Wiesbaden 1987, 30–65 (LU version).
  3. Tom Peete Cross & Harris Slover Clark, Ancient Irish Tales, New York 1969.
  4. G. Agrati and M. L. Magini, La saga irlandese di Cu Chulainn, 'Il festino de Bricriu', Milano 1982 (Italian).
  5. Maartje Draak and F. de Jong, 'Het feestgelag van Bricriu', Amsterdam 1986 (Dutch).
  6. Jeffrey Gantz, Briciu's Feast, in: Early Irish Myths and Sagas, London/New York 1981 219–255 (English).
    Select bibliography
  1. Heinrich Zimmer, Keltische studien 5. Über den compilatorischen charakter der irischen sagentexte im sogenannten Lebor na hUidre. 6 Fled Bricrend, Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 28 (1887) 623–661.
  2. Ludwig Christian Stern, Le manuscrit irlandais de Leide, Revue Celtique 13 (1892) 1–31.
  3. Rudolf Thurneysen, Zu irischen Texten. Die Überlieferung der Fled Bricrend, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 4 (1903) 193–207.
  4. Rudolf Thurneysen, Allerei Irisches, 6 Die Interpolation von Fled Bricrend in LU, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 10 (1915) 440–444.
  5. Rudolf Thurneysen, Die irische Helden- und Königsage bis zum siebzehnten Jahrhundert, Teil I, (Halle/Saale 1921) 447–450 [Manuscript transmission and versions].
  6. Henri Gaidoz, Cúchullainn, Béowulf et Hercule, inquantenaire de l'École Practique des Hautes Études, (Paris 1921) 131–156.
  7. R. S. Loomis, 'On the Cennach ind ruanada episode', Modern Language Association of America, Publ. 48 (1933) 1000–1035.
  8. Alice Buchanan, The Irish framework of Gawain and the Green Knight, in Modern Language Association of America, Publ. XVII (1933) 315–338.
  9. M. A. O'Brien, Fled Bricrenn, in: Irish Sagas, ed. by Myles Dillon, Dublin: Stationery Office, 1958, 66–78 (Republished Cork: Mercier Press, 1968, reprinted 1970).
  10. Françoise Le Roux, Le Maison du roi, Ogham 18 (1966) 510–11. (Notes d'histoire des religions (15) 43.
  11. B. K. Martin, Old Irish literature and European antiquity, in: Aspects of Celtic literature, (Sydney 1970) 9–24.
  12. Proinsias Mac Cana, Celtic Mythology, London 1970.
  13. Gearóid Ó Murchadha, Saga and Myth in ancient Ireland, Cork 1971.
  14. William Sayers, "úath mac Imomain (Fled Bricrend), Othinn, and Why the Green Knight is Green", Mankind Quarterly 30 (1990) 307–316.
  15. Kaarina Hollo, The feast of Bricriu and the exile of the sons of Dóel Dermait, Emania 10 (1992) 18–24.
  16. B. K. Martin, The Medieval Irish Stories about Bricriu's Feast and Mac Dátho's Pig, Parergon: Bulletin of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 10/1 (1992) 71–93.
  17. Kaarina Hollo, A Context for Fled Bricrenn ocus Loinges Mac nDuíl Dermait, in: Ulidia: Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Ulster Cycle of Tales, Belfast and Emain Macha (1994), ed. by J. P. Mallory and Gerard Stockman, Belfast: December Publications, 1994, 91–98.
  18. Edgar M. Slotkin, 'More on modified narrative repetition in Fled Bricrenn', in: Ildánach ildírech. A Festschrift for Proinsias Mac Cana, ed. by John Carey, John T. Koch, and Pierre-Yves Lambert, (Andover and Aberystwyth: 1999) 231–244.
  19. Petra S. Hellmuth, The Role of Cú Roi in Fled Bricrenn, in: Fled Bricrenn: Reassessments, Pádraig Ó Riain (ed.), Irish Texts Society, Subsidiary Series, 10. (Dublin 2000) 56–69.
  20. Pádraig Ó Riain, ed. Fled Bricrenn: Reassessments. Irish Texts Society, Subsidiary Series 10. Dublin: Irish Texts Society, 2000.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Keltische Sagen aus dem alten Irland. Rudolf Thurneysen Reprint [30–65 pages] VMA VerlagWiesbaden (1987)


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text represents pages 30–65 of the volume.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked and proofread twice.


The electronic text represents the edited text.


Direct speech is marked q.


When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page break, the break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the saga; div1=the section. Page-breaks, and paragraphs are marked.


Personal names and place names have not been tagged. Poems and passages of rhetoric speech have been treated as embedded texts.

Profile Description

Created: Rudolf Thurneysen. (1901)

Use of language

Language: [DE] The text is in German.
Language: [GA] The original title is in Old Irish.

Revision History