Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: D301016
Wie das Schwein des Sohnes der Stummen zerlegt wurde
Author: [unknown]
Background details and bibliographic information
File Description
Electronic edition compiled by Angela Naujoks
Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project
1. First draft, revised and corrected.
Extent of text: 4040 words
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland (2002) (2008) Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: D301016
Availability [RESTRICTED]
Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.
Manuscript sources for Scéla Mucce Meic Dathó- Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 1339 (H 2. 18, Book of Leinster).
- Dublin, Trinity College Library, H. 3.18 pp. 743-748.
- British Library, Harley MS. 5280, fol. 40r-42r (old pagination; fol 50, 52, 53r, rec pag.)
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson B. 512, fol 105 v 2-108 r 2.
- Edinburgh National Library of Scotland, MS. XXXVI. fol. 86-91v.
- Dublin, Trinity College Library, pp. 37-50.
Editions- Ernst Windisch, Die Geschichte vom Schweine des Mac Dáthó. Irish text, with glossary, 1880 Ir. Texte I 93 sqq.
- Facsimile of the Royal Irish Academy, pp. 111 sqq.
- Nora Kershaw Chadwick, An Early Irish Reader, Cambridge, 1927.
- Annie M. Scarre, published in Anecdota from Ir. MSS. V, 8 sqq.
Translations- Louis Duvau, Histoire du cochon de Mac Datho. Translation into French [Reprinted from Revue Archéologique VIII. 338-45, 1886.] In: H. D'Arbois de Jubainville, L'épopée celtique en Irlande 1892 [French].
- Kuno Meyer, Hibernica Minora (Anecdota Oxoniensia), Oxford, 1894. Text from Rawlinson B. 512 fol. 105b, with translation [English].
- Rudolf Thurneysen, Wie das Schwein des Sohnes der Stummen zerlegt wurde, Sagen aus dem alten Irland, Berlin 1901; reprinted in: Renate Brendel (ed.), Keltische Sagen aus dem alten Irland, VMA-Verlag Wiesbaden 1987; and in: Renate Brendel (ed.), Keltische Sagen, Insel Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main 1991 [German].
- A. H. Leahy, Mac Datho's Boar, Heroic Romances of Ireland, Vol. I, 1905 [English prose and verse].
- Georges Dottin, L'histoire du cochon de Mac Datho, L'épopée irlandaise, Paris 1926, 67-76 [French].
- Nora Chadwick, The story of Mac Dathó's pig, An early Irish reader, Cambridge 1927, 16-24 [English].
- T. Bolelli, Storie del porco di Mac Dathó, Pisa 1946 [Italian].
- J. E. Caerwyn Williams, Chwedl mochyn Mac Dathó, Welsh Anvil 4 (1952) 118-126 [Welsh].
- Robert T. Meyer, A re-reading of Rawlinson B 512, f. 105b2-108a2, Trivium 1 (1966) 183f [English].
- Jeffrey Gantz, The Tale of Macc Da Thó's Pig, Early Irish Myths and Sagas, Harmondsworth 1981, 179-187 [English].
- Maartje Draak and F. de Jong, Het zwijn van Mac Dathó, Van helden, elfen en dichters. De oudste verhalen uit Ierland, Amsterdam 1979, 92-103 [Dutch].
Secondary literature- Whitley Stokes, The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindsenchas (31-83) (p. 63 Mag Léna) text from the Rennes MS. ff.90-125, Revue Celtique XVI(1895).
- Whitley Stokes, The Prose Tales in the Rennes Dindsenchas 272-336 (p. 311 poem in praise of Mac Dathó's pig) Revue Celtique XV 311 sq (1895).
- Eugene O'Curry, Battle of Magh Léna, pp. 15 sq. (contains version found in the Book of Lecan fol. 517r,) (note) and reprinted in Ir. Texte I 112.
- Edward Gwynn, Metrical Dindshenchas IV 192, 194 (edition of poem in praise of Mac Dathó's pig) (Dublin 1924).
- William Sayers, Conall's Welcome to Cét in the Old Irish Scéla Mucce Meic Dathó, Florilegium 4 (1982) 100-108.
- Kim McCone, Scéla Muicce Meic Dá Thó, Léachtaí Cholm Cille 14 (1983) 5-38.
- Caoimhín Breatnach, The Early Modern Version of Scéla Mucce Meic Da ThóTempus, Locus, Persona et Causa Scribendi, Ériu 41 (1990) 37-60.
- William Sayers, Serial Defamation in Two Medieval Tales: The Icelandic Ólkofra Tháttr and the Irish Scéla Mucce Meic Dathó, Oral Tradition 6/1 (1991) 35-57.
- James W. Gleasure, The Rawlinson B512 Version of Scéla Mucce Meic Dathó Revisited, Scottish Gaelic Studies 17 (1996) 143-145.
- Erich Poppe, Scéla Muicce Meic Da Thó Revisited, Studia Celtica Japonica 9 (1997) 1-9.
The edition used in the digital edition- Keltische Sagen aus dem alten Irland. Rudolf Thurneysen First edition [5-16 pages] VMA VerlagWiesbaden (Nachdruck 1987)
Project Description
CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts
Sampling Declaration
The present text represents pages 5-16 of the volume.
Editorial Declaration
Text has been checked and proofread once. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.
There is no normalization.
When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page break, the break is marked after the completion of the
hyphenated word.
Personal names and place names have not been tagged. Quotes have been rendered Q. Poems and
passages of rhetoric speech have been treated as embedded texts.
Profile Description
Created: Translation by Rudolf Thurneysen.
Use of language
Language: [DE] The text is in German.
Revision History
- (2008-09-23)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- Keywords added; file validated; new wordcount made.
- (2008-07-18)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- Div0 modified, content of 'langUsage' revised, minor modifications made to header.
- (2005-08-25)
Julianne Nyhan (ed.)
- Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion
- (2005-08-04T14:18:39+0100)
Peter Flynn (conversion)
- Converted to XML
- (2002-06-27)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- New HTML file created.
- (2002-06-26)
Angela Naujoks (ed.)
- Proofing of webfile.
- (2002-06-26)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
- Header updated; HTML file created.
- (2002-06-26)
Angela Naujoks (ed.)
- First proofing.
- (2002-06-18)
Angela Naujoks (ed.)
- Text keyed into template of Irish version; structural markup adapted.