Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: D100039

Geschichten von Cano mac Gartnáin

Author: Rudolf Thurneysen

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Electronic edition compiled by Angela Naujoks , Beatrix Färber

Funded by University College, Cork and
Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project

2. Second draft.

Extent of text: 5200 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(2001) (2011)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: D100039

Availability [RESTRICTED]

Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


Hardcopy copyright lies with the School of Celtic Studies (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies).


    Manuscript sources
  1. Dublin, Trinity College Library, 1318 olim H. 2. 16 al. Yellow Book of Lecan, pp. 128a–132b; 14th century.
  2. Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, Ms. B IV 2 (No. 1080), written by Michael O'Clery in 1627/28, containing the poem in lines 450–497.
  1. Kuno Meyer, Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin. From Yellow Book of Lecan, col. 786 (p. 128a). Anecdota from Irish Manuscripts. I. Halle, 1907, 1-15.
  1. Rudolf Thurneysen, Eine irische Parallele zur Tristan-Sage, Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 43 (1924) 385–402.
  2. Rudolf Thurneysen, Addenda and corrigenda, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 16 (1926) 280–82.
    Secondary literature and reviews
  1. J. Loth, Un parallèle au roman de Tristan en irlandais au Xe siècle, Acad. des Inscr. et Belles-Lettres. Comptes Rendus, 1924, 122–134.
  2. Myles Dillon, The Wooing of Becfhola and the Stories of Cano, son of Gartnán. In: Modern Philology 43 (1945) 11–17.
  3. P. L. Henry, A passage in Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin. In: Ériu 20 (1966) 222–26.
  4. Review of Binchy's edition: Gearóid Mac Eoin, in: Studia Hibernica 4 (1964) 244–49.
  5. Review of Binchy's edition: Pádraig Ó Fiannachta, in: Éigse 11 (1964/66) pt.1, 76–79; 156 [corr.]
  6. Review of Binchy's edition: Rachel Bromwich, in: Studia Celtica 1 (1966) 152–155.
  7. Review of Binchy's edition: E. Bachellery, in: Études Celtiques 11 (1964/67) fasc. 2, 1966/67 522–26.
  8. James Carney, The so-called 'Lament of Créidhe'. In: Éigse 13 (1969/70) 227–242.
  9. Corrections to Thurneysen's edition: Michael O'Brien, inÉriu 11 (1932) 86f., 158; Ériu 12 (1938) 244.
  10. Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, The theme of ainmne in Scéla Cano Meic Gartnáin, Celtica 15 (1983) 78–87.
  11. Tomás Ó Cathasaigh, The Rhetoric of Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin, in: Sages, Saints and Storytellers. Celtic Studies in Honour of Professor James Carney, edited by Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Liam Breatnach and Kim McCone (Maynooth 1989) 233–250.
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Rudolf Thurneysen Eine irische Parallele zur Tristan-Sage in Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie. Volume 43, Halle/Saale, Max Niemeyer (1924) page 385–402


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Sampling Declaration

The present text represents pages 388–400 of the Thurneysen's translation.

Editorial Declaration


Text has been checked and proofread twice. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.


The text is the edited text.


When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page break or line break, the break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the saga; div1=the section; sections are numbered; page breaks are marked pb n="".


Personal and group names and place names have not been tagged. Quotes have been rendered q.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV1 element to represent the section.

Profile Description

Created: By Rudolf Thurneysen (c. 1923)

Use of language

Language: [DE] The translation is in German
Language: [GA] Some words and phrases retained from original Old Irish.
Language: [LA] dixit occurs twice, finitonce.

Revision History