Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
Annals of the Four Masters (Author: [unknown])

Annal M1282


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1282. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-two.


Murtough Mac Murrough, King of Leinster, and Art, his brother, were slain by the English.


Taichleach, son of Mulrony O'Dowda, Lord of Tireragh, the most hospitable and warlike of his tribe in his time, was slain by Adam Cusack on the strand of Traigh Eothaile.


Lasarina, daughter of Cathal Crovderg O'Conor, the wife of Donell More O'Donnell, and the mother of Donnell Oge, head of the women of Leth-Chuinn, died.


Mathew O'Reilly, Lord of Muintir Maelmora, and Gilla-Isa Mac Tiernan usually called Gilla-Isa More, Chief of Teallach-Dunchadha, died.


Cathal, son of Gilla-na-naev O'Farrell, Lord of Annaly, died on Inis-Cuan


an island in the river of Cluain-lis-Becc-mic-Conla; and Geoffrey, son of Gilla-na-naev O'Farrell, assumed the lordship of Annaly after him.

Annal M1283


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1283. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-three.


Hugh Boy O'Neill, Lord of Kinel-Owen; head of the liberality and valour of the Irish; the most distinguished in the North for bestowing jewels and riches, the most formidable and victorious of his tribe in his time, and the worthy heir to the throne of Ireland; was slain by Mac Mahon (Brian) and the Oriels, and Gilla-Isa Roe, son of Donnell O'Reilly.


Teige, son of Donnell of Erris O'Conor, was wounded by the people of Leyny, and delivered up to Cathal O'Conor, and soon after this died of the effect of his wound.


Dublin and Christ's church were burned.

Annal M1284


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1284. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty four.


Maurice O'Conor, Bishop of Elphin, died, and Auliffe O'Tomalty was consecrated his successor; but he died soon after. Gilla-Isa, son of Liathanagh O'Conor, Abbot of Trinity Island in Lough Ree (of the Premonstratentian Order), was then elected to the bishopric of Elphin.



Donough O'Brien, Lord of Thomond, was slain by Turlough O'Brien.


Dowell, son of Manus O'Boyle, Chief of Cloch Chinnfaeladh, was slain by the people of O'Mulgeeha.


Mac-na-h-Oidhche Mac Dorcy, Chief of Kinel-Luachain, died.


Simon de Exeter was slain by Brien O'Flynn and the two sons of O'Flanagan, Dermot and Melaghlin; in consequence of which war and dissensions arose in Connaught. After this the English committed great depredations; but they restored the whole of the spoils to the family of Trinity Island and the monks of the abbey of Boyle.


The castle of Kilcolman was thrown down by Cathal, son of Conor Roe, King of Connaught.


Dunmore was burned by Fiachra O'Flynn.

Annal M1285


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1285. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-five.


Simon O'Rourke, Bishop of Breifny, died.


Rory O'Gara, Lord of Sliabh-Lugha, was slain by Mac Feorais Bermingham on Lough O'Gara.


Maurice Mael the Bald Fitzgerald died.



Henry Mac Gillafinnen died.


Manus O'Conor defeated Adam Cusack and the English of West Connaught at Easdara Ballysadare, where many persons were killed, and Colin Cusack, the brother of Adam, was taken prisoner.


Philip Mac Costello defeated the people of Manus O'Conor on Slieve Gamh, where many of Manus's people were slain.

Annal M1286


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1286. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-six.


A great army was led by the Earl of Ulster into Connaught; and many monasteries and churches throughout the province were destroyed by him. He obtained sway in every place through which he passed, and took the hostages



of all Connaught. He then brought the Connacians with him, and took the hostages of the Kinel-Connell and Kinel-Owen. He deposed Donnell, the son of Brian O'Neill, and gave the lordship to Niall Culanagh.


Philip Mac Costello died.

Annal M1287


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1287. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-seven.


Florence O'Gibellan, Archdeacon of Elphin, a distinguished philosopher, died.


Gilla-na-nóg O'Monahan, Lord of the Three Tuathas in the county of Roscommon, died.


Dermot Midheach i.e. the Meathian, son of Dermot, who was son of Maurice Mac Dermot, Lord of Sil-Mailruain, the best, oldest, and noblest man of his tribe, died.


Melaghlin, son of Tomaltagh Mageraghty, was slain by Turlough, the son of Owen O'Conor, to avenge the desertion of his Turlough's father by the aforementioned Tomaltagh.


Adam Cusack, Benmumhan, daughter of O'Kane, and Donnell O'Hanly, Chief of Kenel-Dofa in the county of Roscommon, died.

Annal M1288


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1288. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-eight.


Stephen, Archbishop of Tuam, died.


Michael Mac-an-t-Sair, Bishop of Clogher, died.


Manus, the son of Conor Roe O'Conor, with as many as he was able to muster of the Connacians and of the Hy-Briuin and Conmaicne, proceeded to


Ath-Slisean, where his brother Cathal, the King of Connaught, was stationed with his troops. A battle was fought between them, in which Cathal was taken prisoner, and his people were defeated. Manus then took forcible possession of the sovereignty of Connaught, and deposed his brother. A house was forcibly taken from the same Manus by Turlough, the son of Owen O'Conor, at Rossmore, where Manus and Niall Gealbhuidhe O'Conor were wounded. Ranall Mac Ranall, Chief of Muintir-Eolais, was slain on this occasion by one shot of an arrow. An army was led by Manus O'Conor, after his wounds were healed, against the Sil-Murray; and he obtained sway over them and took their hostages.


An army was led by the Red Earl, Richard, son of Walter Earl of Ulster, son of Richard, son of William the Conqueror, against Connaught; and he arrived at Roscommon, where Manus, the son of Conor Roe, King of Connaught, Fitzgerald, and the people of the king, then were, all of whom assembled together, and openly defied the Earl to pass beyond that place; so that the Earl adopted the resolution of quitting that country, and he then dispersed his forces.

Annal M1289


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1289. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred eighty-nine.


Miles, Bishop of Conmaicne, that is, the English bishop, and Simon O'Finnaghty, Erenagh of Elphin, died.



Matthew O'Sgingin, chief historian of Ireland, died.


Teige O'Flanagan, Chief of Clann-Chathail, died.


An army was led by Richard Tuite, the English of Meath, and Manus O'Conor, King of Connaught, against O'Melaghlin, who assembled his people to oppose them, and marched to Crois-Shliabh, in their vicinity. A battle was fought between them, in which Richard Tuite, i.e. the Great Baron, with his kinsmen, and Siecus Jacques O'Kelly were slain.


Fiachra O'Flynn, Chief of Sil-Maelruain, the most hospitable and expert at arms of all the chiefs of Connaught, went to form an alliance with the English by marriage, but was treacherously slain by the son of Richard Finn the Fair Burke, Mac William, and Mac Feorais Bermingham.


An army was led by Mac Feorais Bermingham and the English, into Leinster, against Calvagh O'Conor; and a battle was fought between them, in which the English were defeated, and Meyler de Exeter and many others of the English were slain; they were also deprived of many horses and other spoils.


Annal M1290


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1290. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred ninety.


O'Sedaghan, Bishop of Kilmacduagh, died.


Carbry O'Melaghlin, King of Meath, the most noble-deeded youth in Ireland in his time, was slain by Mac Coghlan.


An army was led by Donnell, the son of Brian O'Neill, into Kinel-Owen, whence he expelled Niall Culanagh O'Neill, and he himself then assumed the lordship of Kinel-Owen by force of arms.


Hugh, son of Donnell Oge O'Donnell, was deposed by his own brother, Turlough O'Donnell, aided by his mother's tribe, i.e. the Clann-Donnell Mac Donnells of Scotland, and many other gallowglasses; and he himself assumed the lordship by force.

Annal M1291


THE AGE OF CHRIST, 1291. The Age of Christ, one thousand two hundred ninety-one.


Edru Magrath, Abbot of the monastery of the Blessed Trinity in Lough Key, died.


Turlough, the son of Owen O'Conor, the most hospitable, most expert at arms, and most victorious man of his time in Ireland, was slain by Niall Gealbhuidhe O'Conor.



Conor O'Dowda (i.e. Conor Conallagh), Lord of Hy-Fiachrach, was drowned in the Shannon.


Congalagh Mageoghegan, Chief of Kinel-Fiachach, died.


An army was led by Richard Burke, Earl of Ulster, usually called the Red Earl, into Kinel-Owen, where he deposed Donnell, son of Brian O'Neill, and installed Niall Culanagh O'Neill in his place; but after the Earl had left the country, Niall Culanagh was slain. This deed, however, was not a fortunate one for Donnell; for Brian, son of Hugh Boy O'Neill, was inaugurated, by the influence of the said Earl, by Mac Martin and Mac Eoin, and the other Donnell was banished from Tyrone.


An army was led by the Earl into Tirconnell against Turlough, son of Donnell Oge, and plundered the country, as well ecclesiastical as lay property. He then proceeded to Elphin in Connaught, and the Connacians rendered him their hostages.


An insurrection was raised by Cathal O'Conor, Niall Gealbhuidhe O'Conor, and their English and Irish adherents, to dethrone Manus O'Conor. They gave battle to each other at Cuil-Maile, where Cathal was wounded, and Murrough, son of Teige O'Conor, and many others not enumerated here, were killed. Manus was defeated, and secretly effected his escape, after having been deprived of many of his horses. After Cathal had been wounded, his people, and those of Niall Gealbhuidhe, committed great depredations in Carbury. As to Manus O'Conor, being aided by the Sil-Murray, his own servants of trust, and the English of Roscommon, who came to his assistance on the day after his defeat, he went in pursuit of the preys, and came up with them at Srath-an-fherain, and at Aenach, where he deprived them of the prey; but Niall made his escape by dint of valour and prowess. Thomas Mac Costello was slain, and his brother, David Mac Costello, taken prisoner, and afterwards killed while in captivity. Many others of the army, both English and Irish, were slain or disabled. Niall afterwards returned to the country on terms of peace, and his own lands were restored to him; but great complaints and dissensions occurring between them, Niall thought fit to leave the country.


Brian O'Flynn O'Lyn, Lord of Hy-Tuirtre died.



A great depredation was committed by Manus O'Conor upon Niall Gealbhuidhe.


Hugh O'Fallon was killed (or died).