Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1345


Kalends of Jan: on 3rd feria, 27th of the moon, A.D. 1345-8.


Cathal Ua Fergail, chief of Muiianter-hAnghaile, died.


War arose between Fergal Mac Diarmata and Ruaidhri, son of Cathal, son of Andrew, and the fortress of Mac Diarmata was burned by the son of


Cathal. Mac Diarmata mustered Connacht and they proceeded after the son of Cathal, and no attempt was made to oppose them until they reached the fortress of the son of Cathal, namely, Baile-in-muta. And it was quickly burned, both stone structure and wooden house, and they took what was there of hostages with them, including the son of Ua Ruairc, and they went themselves safe to their houses.


Niall Ua Dumnaill was slain by Maghnus Ua Domnaill.


Mail-Shechlainn Mag Oirechtaigh, chief of Muinter-Radhuibh, emperor of generosity and guarantor of hospitality and protector of benevolence, rested in Christ. And the heart of wisdom and learning broke of grief for the fair chieftain, so that it cannot progress after the loss of him.


Donnchadh Mag Bradaigh, chief of Cuil-Brighdin, died.


Gilla-na-naem Ua Cianain, abbot of Lis-gabhail, died on the 2nd of the Ides 12th of August.