Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1187


Kalends of Jan. on 5th feria, 18th of the moon, A.D. 1187.


Ruaidhri Ua [F]laithbertaigh, king of Cenel-Eogain, was killed on a foray in Tir-Conaill.


The Rock of Loch Ce was burned at mid-day, where was drowned and burned the daughter of Ua Eidhin, wife of Conchobair Mac Diarmata, king of Magh-Luirg. And seven hundred, or something more, both men and women, were burned and drowned in the space of one hour therein.


Druim-cliabh was pillaged by the son of Mael-Sechlainn Ua Ruairc (namely, by Aedh), king of Ui-Briuin and Conmaicni and by the son of Cathal Ua Ruairc and by the Foreigners of Meath along with them. But God wrought a wonderful deed for Colum-cille therein,—that is, the son of Mael-Sechlainn Ua Ruairc (namely, Aedh) was killed (in Conmaicni) before the end of a fortnight thereafter. And the son of Cathal Ua Ruairc, with whom came the hosting into the house of Ua Maeldoraidh, was blinded in reparation to Colum-cille. And six score of the minions of the son of Mael-Sechlainn were killed throughout the length of Conmaicni and Cairpri of Druimcliabh, through miracle of Colum-cille.


(Mael-Isu Ua Cearbhuill, bishop of Oirghialla, rested.


Muirghius, son of Tadhg Ua Mailruanaigh, king of Magh-Luirg, died.)
