Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1003


Kalends of January sixth feria twenty-fourth of the moon. AD 1002 alias 1003.


Flannchad ua Ruadáin, successor of Ciarán, Dúnchad ua Mancháin, successor of Caemgein, Donngal son of Beoán, superior of Tuaim Gréine, Eogan son of Cellach, superior of Ard Brecáin, rested in Christ.


Sínach ua hUargusa, king of Uí Méith, and Cathal son of Labraid, tributary king of Mide, fell by one another.



Cellach son of Diarmait, king of Osraige, Aed ua Con Fhiachla, king of Tethba, Conchobor son, of Mael Sechnaill, king of Corcu Modruad, and Aicher na Traighthech were killed.


Aed son of Echthigern was killed in the oratory of Ferna Mór Maedóc.