Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U629


Kalends of January first feria, first of the moon. AD 628.


The battle of Fid Eóin in which Mael Caích son of Scannal, king of the Cruithin, was victor. The Dál Riata fell. Connid Cerr, king of Dál Riatai, fell.


The battle of Dún Ceithirn, in which Congal Caech took flight, and Domnall son of Aed was victor, in which Guaire son of Forinnán fell.


Or, the battle of Fid Eóin, in which fell the grandsons of Aedán, Rigullon and Failbe.


Death of Echaid Buide son of Aedán, king of the Picts. Thus I have found in the Book of Cuanu.