Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition: G202001

Saltair na Rann

Author: Unknown

Background details and bibliographic information

File Description

Whitley Stokes

Electronic edition compiled by Caomhín Ó Dónaill , Benjamin Hazard

Funded by University College, Cork and
The Higher Education Authority via the LDT Project

2. Second draft.

Extent of text: 38800 words


CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork
College Road, Cork, Ireland—

(2005) (2011)

Distributed by CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.
Text ID Number: G202001


Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.


    Manuscript Source
  1. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B. 502, ff. 19–40; olim The Book of Glendalough (written c. AD 1130). For MS details see Brian Ó Cuív (ed.), Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford College Libraries, 2 volumes (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies, 2001–2003) volume 1, MS 34, 163–200. For a facsimile edition with an introduction and indexes, see Kuno Meyer (ed.), Rawlinson B. 502; a collection of pieces in prose and verse in the Irish language compiled during the eleventh and twelfth centuries (Oxford 1909).
    Secondary Literature
  1. Whitley Stokes, 'Emendations of Saltair na Rann', The Academy, July 14, 1883, no. 584, 31–32.
  2. Rudolf Thurneysen, 'Saltair na Rann', RC 6 (1883/5) 96–109.
  3. John Strachan, 'The Verbal System of the Saltair na Rann', Transactions of the Philological Society', 1895–7, 1–76.
  4. Kuno Meyer, 'A Dé dúilig adateoch', Gaelic Journal 7 (1897) 130.
  5. Kuno Meyer, 'Zum Wortschatz des Saltair na Rann', Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1914, 947–52.
  6. Kuno Meyer, 'Besserungen und Erläuterungen zu Saltair na Rann', Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1917, 632–53.
  7. Kuno Meyer, 'Zur Metrik von Saltair na Rann', Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1918, 874–87.
  8. St John D. Seymour, 'The Sign of Doomsday in the Saltair na Rann', Proc RIA 36C (1923) 154–163.
  9. William W. Heist, The Fifteen signs before Doomsday (1952) [including text and translation of SR 153–62].
  10. Eleanor Knott, An index to the proper names in Saltair na rann, Ériu 16 (1952) 99–122.
  11. Gerard Murphy (ed.) 'Isam aithrech (febda fecht)' by Óengus céile Dé, in idem (ed.) Early Irish lyrics: eighth to twelfth century (Oxford 1956) 36–9 [SR 151].
  12. Myles Dillon (ed.) 'Scél Saltrach na rann', Celtica 4 (1958) 1–43.
  13. Gearóid Mac Eoin, The date and authorship of Saltair na rann, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 28 (1960/61) 51–67.
  14. David Greene, The religious epic [especially Féilire Oengusso and Saltair na rann] in: James Carney (ed.), Early Irish poetry (Thomas Davis lectures, 1959/60: Cork 1965) 73–84.
  15. Gearóid Mac Eoin (ed.), A poem by Airbertach Mac Cosse and its relationship to Saltair na rann, Ériu 20 (1966) 112–39.
  16. David Greene and Frank O'Connor (eds. and trans.), A golden treasury of Irish poetry: A.D. 600 to 1200 (London 1967) 115–22 [SR 1717–60, 1777–1804, 1813–24, 1829–52].
  17. David Greene, Fergus Kelly and Brian Murdoch (eds.), The Irish Adam and Eve Story from Saltair na rann (2 vols, Dublin 1976).
  18. Review of 10: Máire Herbert, Éigse 17, Part 3, 1978, 411.
  19. Pádraig Ó Néill, Airbertach Mac Cosse's poem on the Psalter ['A Dé dúlig, adat-teoch:'], Éigse 17 (1977–8) 19–46.
  20. Francis John Byrne, 1000 years of Irish script (Oxford 1979) 13 (section 4).
  21. Gearóid S. Mac Eoin, Observations on Saltair na rann, in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 39 (1982) 1–28.
  22. Pádraig Ó Riain, The Book of Glendalough or Rawlinson B. 502, Éigse 18 (1981) 161–76.
  23. Pádraig Ó Riain, NLI G 2 f.3 and the Book of Glendalough, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 39 (1982) 29–32.
  24. Proinsias Mac Cana, A note on the use of direct speech in Saltair na rann, Ériu 35 (1984) 206–208.
  25. Martin McNamara, Tradition and creativity in early Irish psalter study, in Próinséas Ní Chatháin and Michael Richter (eds.), Ireland and Europe: the early church/Irland und Europa: die Kirche im Frühmittelalter (Stuttgart 1984) 283–328.
  26. John Carey, Cosmology in Saltair na rann, Celtica 17 (1985) 33–52.
  27. John Carey, The Heavenly City in Saltair na rann, Celtica 18 (1986) 87–104.
  28. John Carey, 'A Tract on Creation', Éigse 21 (1986) 1–9.
  29. John Carey, Questions of interpolation in the opening cantos of Saltair na rann, in: Brian R. Frykenberg and Kaarina Hollo (eds.), Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium vi–vii (1986/87).
  30. John Carey, Angelology in Saltair na rann, Celtica 19 (1987) 1–8.
  31. John Carey, 'Visio Sancti Pauli and the Saltair's Hell', Éigse 23 (1989) 39–44.
  32. Brian Murdoch, From the Flood to the Tower of Babel: some notes on Saltair na rann XIII–XXIV, Ériu 40 (1989) 69–92.
  33. Brian Murdoch, Saltair na Rann XXV–XXXIV: from Abraham to Joseph, Ériu 46 (1995) 93–119.
  34. Catherine Karkov, Adam and Eve on Muiredach's cross: presence, absence and audience, in: Cormac Bourke (ed.) From the isles of the north: early medieval art in Ireland and Britain, Proceedings of the third International Conference on Insular Art held in the Ulster Museum, Belfast, 7–11 April 1994 (Belfast: Her Majesty's Stationary Office 1995) 205–12.
  35. Caoimhín Breatnach, Rawlinson B. 502, Lebar Glinne dá Locha and Saltair na Rann, Éigse 30 (1997) 109–132.
  36. Pádraig Ó Riain, Rawlinson B 502 alias Lebar Glinne Dá Locha: a restatement of the case, Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 51 (1998) 130–47.
  1. Whitley Stokes (ed.), The Saltair na rann: a collection of early middle Irish poems edited from MS. Rawlinson B 502, in the Bodleian Library (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1883)
    The edition used in the digital edition
  1. Whitley Stokes, The Saltair na rann in Anecdota Oxoniensia: Texts, documents, and extracts chiefly from manuscripts in the Bodleian and other Oxford Libraries: Mediaeval and Modern Series. Volume 1—part 3, Oxford, Clarendon Press (1883) page vi + 155 pp.


Project Description

CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts

Editorial Declaration


Text has been proof-read twice.


The electronic text represents the text as edited by Whitley Stokes. Expansions are marked ex. Names are capitalized in line with CELT practice. The editor's corrections are marked corr sic resp="". Footnotes are marked note type="auth" and numbered.


Direct speech is not marked.


When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page break or line break, the break is marked after the completion of the hyphenated word.


div0=the verse psalter; div1=the tract; div2=the section. Page-breaks are marked pb n="". Foliation is tagged mls unit="folio". The editor's preface is contained in an unnumbered div outside the div0.


Names are not tagged, nor are terms for cultural and social roles.

Canonical References

This text uses the DIV2 element to represent the poem.

Profile Description

Created: By (an) unknown Irish monastic author(s). Date range: 1000–1070.

Use of language

Language: [GA] The text is in Middle Irish.
Language: [LA] Some passages are in Latin.
Language: [EN] Preface and footnotes are in English.

Revision History