transcribed by Hiram Morgan
Electronic edition compiled by Benjamin Hazard
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Prefatory Note and transcription of text by Hiram Morgan; with annotations by Kenneth W. Nicholls and Hiram Morgan.
Text has been checked and, proof-read three times.
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Created: By H. C. Date range: 15971598.
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
Julianne Nyhan (ed.)
Peter Flynn (tech.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Beatrix Färber (ed.)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
Benjamin Hazard (ed.)
Hiram Morgan (ed.)
Hiram Morgan (transcr.)
This lost work of Elizabethan literature is a major source on the Nine Years War, 1593-1603. Its unusually detailed account of County Offaly in the late 1590s provides new evidence about Gaelic society. It was probably written by Hugh Collier, a messenger and spy in government service. This work exists in a unique manuscript copy amongst the Irish State Papers at the Public Records Office, Kew, London.
I have transcribed the text below as the orthography and punctuation appear in the original. The transcription has been checked by my colleague, Kenneth Nicholls. We are working on a fully-annotated, modernized edition of the text for publication in the near future.
Artaxerxes, that great Persian kinge right honorable was better pleased with a handfull of water, presented him by his poore vassall forthe of the River of Cyrus, (then contented with the mighty courser moste richly furnished, and given him by a greate personage of that countrie, Aswell for the first brouight his gift forth of the said River, that toke the name of his worthie predecessor, as being given him of perfect zeale and goodwill, whereas the other to the contrary gave a riche gift unto his Prince, not with the lyke affection as the poore man did, but hoaped to receaue a far greater rewarde, at his soveraignes handes, then many horsses were in worthe whose drift that wyse kinge well perceaued. So right honorable for myne owne parte, I must say as Aeschynes, the condisciple of Socrates said to his master, who seeing many of his ffellowes, present him with verry rich gifts and he himself so poore, that hee was not Able to yielde him any whit at al, cam to him and saide, that he had no other gift, that was of pryce but his dutiefull service duringe lyfe which remayned at his comaunde. Which kynde of Offer made by poore Aeschynes, was better esteemed, with that wyse philosopher
I am meightely deceaued, but yonder walketh my frende Peregrynne, to whom I will drawe nere, for he hath bene missinge, full one yeare and a half, and assured I am that he hath not spent so greate a tyme in vayne. God save you gentle brother Peregrinne, In what clymat of the worlde haue you made your abydinge., your frends haue bene greately discontented, and much grieved was myself lykewyse, of your longe discontynuance, but now I haue caught you once againe, you may not so lightly departe my companie, before I haue sownded the cause of your absence., and therefore I pray you tell me where you haue spent your tyme, for you must thinck you are not a litle wellcome unto me.
My good brother, I am as glad to see you in health, as any frende whatsoeuer that I haue now in the worlde, and to be brief with you, I arryved not past two howers sithence at Sprignolls shopp, where I made greate enquirye for you, and after I was tryumded I went to paules, then to the Exchaunge, and now I thanck God, I haue met hym at Westminster whom I honour with my harte: and whereas your desyer to knowe where I haue spent my tyme this yeare and this half, you shall understand, that I haue bene in Ireland.
In Irelande man[brvbar] Oh[brvbar] what a country of wrath is that it hath not the addicion of the sillable Ire in vayne, but I pray you tell me., where and how haue you spent your tyme in that land of trouble., and what is the best newes from thence.
My chiefest abydinge, whilest I was there, was in Aphaley (a parcell of the Kinges County.
Why[brvbar] the inhabitantes there, be for the moste English as I haue harde, and men of good accompte.
So they are, for the moste parte, but some of them as honest men (as your oulde acquayntaunce Jherome Son/uher, who was throwne ouer the barre for forgery.
A Shame take them for theire labour (but it maketh no greate skill, for there are men of all sorts good and badd, but I pray thee deliuer, some of that countrie newes.
I am contented, to satisfie thy request, towching such accydentes as haue happened in the Kinges County, duringe my aboade there (myself beeing an eye witnes of many calamyties there happeninge, especially to the poore English and theire adherentes, And first will I begynne, with one Sir Edwarde Harbert of a place called the Durrough.
I remember not longe sithence, I saw him a sutor at the Court and had verry good countenance of her maiestie, beinge mightely befrended with the best sorte and especially with the Erle of Pembrooke, and Doctor Harbert, one of the masters of the requestes.
It is even the verry same gentillman, and god knoeth her maiestie hath to few such in the realme of Ireland (for if shee had the greate devill of the North (the traitor Tyroane I meane) had not continved his malice so longe, But now to the matter, Aboute the ende of harvest 1597 in cometh that graceles bud Bryan Reogh from the Northerne Lucifer (or Belzebub if you will) I much care not, and he lyke a myninge devill, with a nomeber of spirittes
I promis you that knave was bothe hardy, and pollitique, and well frended besydes and I pray you what did hee then.
When that Invisible Jugler saw, that all his trickes, feictes and conceiptes, toke no small effectes, he then imitate Allexander the greate, in whose meryment Lais the Curtyzen provoaked hym to burne Persepolis, which he presently went in hand with. The rumor whereof beinge spread thorough the army (the nobles and chieftaines with theire companies, thinckinge the fyer to haue happened by some mischaunce, came rrvning with water & other matter to quench the same, but seeinge themperour to further the destruction of so Noble a cittie, with his owne handes, threwe downe theire water, and other matters for help and departed with grief. And so my myninge devill burned all the whole parish of the Durrough, to the greate hurte of the good knight, and his tenantes, a losse of no small reconinge and yet never a personne, rich nor poore, small or greate, came either with help of water, or other matter as aforesaid, to the remedy and quenchinge of the premisses, vntill all was with fyer consvmed.
Alas good gentillmean, the more is the pittie that his Lyvinge should ly in such a remoate place., and emongst such vyle neighbours, but I pray you proceed farther, & tell me when this master Engyner will pack him away.
After he had performed all at the Durrough as aforesaid he addresseth himself into the harte of the countrie of Phercall, being otherwyse named Omoloyes countre, and there one Donell McArt Omoloy had some small bickeringe with hym. In which skirmish the said Donell was hurte with an enchaunted weapon in the Arme: so that neither he nor his brother Callogh were euer true to her maiestie sithence.
Now truely as I remember, you and I, aboute some xxiii yeares agon, were walking in yealde hall, at which tyme there cam thither, An ancient fatherlye gentillman, called Capten Cowlye, in company with Master Browne an officer under the maior of the said
Now truly brother Sylvynne thee passest for good remembraunce, for the said Robert was slaigne at the forte bridge (by Shane roa Omoloy and his company, being a brother by the father syde unto the said Donell and Callogh., The last of the two (by some witchcraft as I take it) married the widdowe of one Donnell Omoloy a gallant servitieur of her maiesties who was slaigne by the Connors at the Durrough longe sithence, and shee was the eldest daughter of the said Robert Cowley.
Seene we haue digressed a litle from Brian Reogh whose daughter was mother, to the said Donell and Callogh.
As I haue hard, shee was a sister to a knight called Sir John Tirrell.
But I pray the tell the truth, are theire right Tirrelles in that country.
Why is that such a matter, there are ould Tirrells and New Tirrelles, a whole countrie full in a county called westmeath.
Ould Tirrelles and new Tirrelles[brvbar] I pray you make a destinction of them.
I am content to satisfie they request, as nere as I canne, for havinge had some conference with a gentillman of westmeath, towching those
Now I ensuer you there is some hidden mistery in this name, they have bene such untowarrd people for I remember one myself in Quene Maries tyme (called Sir Edmond Tirrell, as meete a companion for bonner in the persecucion of the protestantes, as might be.
It apereth you would fayne knowe the Irish phrase of that name: I protest unto you, the said gentillman tould me, they call it in Irish Treealh, which signifieth banished for murder or threasonne.
Well brother Peregrynne, I was suer there was some darke meaninge in it, which I am afraid will come to an exchange matter, before it be longe. But what[brvbar] me thinckes we haue bene so far in with the Omoleyes, and the Tirrelles, that wee haue cleane forgotten brian Reogh.
A mischief take his sconce for his labour, for after his thanckles paynes taken at the Currough, he taketh vpp his refections in Pharall, Odoynbes countrie, and the borders there aboutes, and passeth by degrees with more favour then feare
But me thinckes one conceipt or another, still dryves us away, from endinge with Brian Reogh, a plague take his greatnes, for I rem-ber you and I, saw the miscreant, in the counter, being comitted by one Sir Charles Ocarroll.
You say true, but two greate ones, were suters for his enlardgment, the first of them pervayled and the latter reiected, but the service had bene agreate deale better for her maiestie, and the poore Ireland subiect, that he had made his Ultimum Vale at Tybourne.
Truly brother you say true, but we English menne, either we cannot, or we will not see, what is
Well now entreth Brian Reogh agayne, havinge gathered togither a greate nomeber of caterpillers, meete as he thought to goe thorough with his intended villany (accordinge to his oathe anbd promise made to the Traytor Tyroane, so that vppon the last of September 1597, he havinre in his comepany the nomeber of some CCC or fower hundredth reprobates of all sortes, arived into that countrie of Aphaley, with allmoste as greate cvnninge, as he com to the Durrough, withowt either hue and cry made, or blowe gived vntill he cam within half a myle of Phillipstowne, where then lay in garrysonne Capten Henry Cowleys hundredth fote, but yet by the way, he forgot not to enterteigne, Teig Roegh Odoyne, being a whelp of a good kynde, for he is no worse a man, then Shane Oneales daugthers sonne: and in his passinge by Geshill, the Connors in token of a boone voyadge strykes of William Ahaillers headd, because he had spoken blasphemy, agaynst some of their vipoers, Then draweth he on towardes Knockbaleybooy, a towne of Nicholas Tutes, and there my forstallinge companions worke theire pleasures., but yet somewhat before this Master Dempsy came to the towne and tould Lientenant Rushen, that if he woulde take forth some xxtie or xxxtie shot to skirmish with thenemy, he might gall verry many of them, and retourne back agayne in safety (vppon which mocion, and rather rather that the said Dempsy was of credit in that countrie, he was contented to awnswere his request, and therevppon[brvbar] made choyce of his most tryed soldiers, and to encoradge them the better, the said M-r Dempsy bestowed some stoare of sack vppon them, which wyne by gods providence, was the sweetest, that euer they tasted in theire lyves, for that beinge a greate delay, that they went not
I promis you brother, perceaue there be a nomeber of dissemblinge hippocrittes in that countrie, for it apeth, the said m-r dempsies foreknowledge of thenemies strength, and to provoake the said lieutenant and his compay, to goe forth., from the Queens maiesties fforte and towne, to endanger themselues against a multitude: and lay all vppon six and seaven, showed no good meaninge in him, neither the other much to be comended, for his too much forwardnes but god a mercy a cupp of sack, once a mans tyme, thoiugh he neuer meddle with that liquour afterwardes: but I perceaue those forstallinge vipers brake not forthe of theire Cave but to worke an honeste mans woe. But proceede with the skirmish.
Now truely there was a whot skirmish, betwene the Lieutenant and the Enemy, yet allthough
I perceaue the garrysonne soldiers had much adoe to kepe the forte and towne, from destruction, but where were all your greate knightes and gentlemen of that countrie for me thinckes the verry shewe of them if they had not fought, would haue done much to haue dismayed the Enemy.,
I must needes say that the soldiers did what in them lay, for Seriant Phillips skirmished with the enemy at beggars bush, but being overlaied by the caterpillers was driven to retier, and whereas you speake of knightes and gentillmen you shall vnderstand, that an hower after that skirmish at beggars bush, in cometh mr Dempsies brother and some xx or xxxtie kearne and shot with hym (with greate hast and litle speede, as though they had slept all the tyme the enemy was in theire country, and not mynded to follow the vipers, drew towardes mr Phillips, for theire dynners and so returned ouer the bog into theire owne country withowt blow given or taken.
Now truly brother if I were to distinguish the abouesaide comepanions, (with Lucyfers crewe, I woulde make litle difference, betwene bothe parties, for the black disciples worke theire mailce openly with swoorde and fyer: and the other
After that these broode of vypers passed beggars bush, they devyded theire loose companions vnder diuers leaders, and so went through the hart of the countrie burninge and spoylinge my Archvyper kepinge himself with his mayne battle at harmes (for the rescue of such flyinge spirittes, as he had sente abroade (three or fowerscore of which, came to a farme called Cloneireill, within as myle of the forte, and there thought to haue wrought wonders, for that it was in a manner better then a bare towne but thre it well appered, the difference betwene god and mammon, the good and the bad: for in that place, an ould gentillman named Peter Leicester, with some vii or eight lusty fellowes so tickled my vypers that wnet thither, that well was that devill that coulde fly fastest havinge one of theire best ymbes slayne, with some thre or fower other of the comon sorte and divers hurte besydes, which accident somewhat dismaied the Lucifermen., and from thence they poasted towardes Sir Thomas Moores landes, and there they burned some of his townes, but the greatest losse there, happened to one Donogh O Sherin which was estemed to amunte to some CCth markes: the cause of whose mishappe was, that not longe before., he refused the aforesaid Teig Reogh Odoyne for one meales meate, but it had bene better for him, to haue given him a yeares diet.
Now truly brother that was a good ould
To tell the trouthe Sir Thomas Moore was then at Dublin, and Sir Henry Warren, high Sherif, Sir George Cowley, M-r Wakeleys brother with some xxx horssmen made a stande at a place called Tippordalty (Vppon the ende of a togher, being the said Sir Henries lande, and the greatest pece of service that there was done, was an enterpryse perfourmed by the said M-r Wakeleis man, who adventured to ryde ouer the said togher or cauesey, beinge better then a flight shot in length, the Enemy burninge hard by, and so passed to Croghan, And at his retourne., the enemy was on the bog adioyningee to the said togher, and there dicharged a volew of shot at hym, but as god woulde, missed the man and killed the horsse, and yet he lyke a lustie fellowe, escaped from the enemy with his saddle and brydell vnto his comepany: Then some of the flyinge vypers were marching ouer the bog, to haue burned some of Mr Wakeleis land: but were prevented by John Wakeley his brother: for he espyinge there intentes rid form the sherif, with such of his comepany as he had of his owne, and commaunded a nomeber of his brothers tenantes to get vppon to get vppon garrondes, some havinge a stake, a pole or the lyke in theire handes, and so drooped lyke gald fellowes to the top of a hill in view of the Enemy: at which strange and unlooked for shewe, it was no boote to bid my flyinge vipers retyer to their mayne stand.
I promis you the matter was verry well handled aswell of the horsman, as by Mr Wakeley, and truly, allthough I was neuer there in that
Well brother it grieued me to the harte, to see the slacknes of those gentillmen, for no doubt, they are men good enough, and such as hathe sene service, and hae bene captens of good desert, but in this poynte they erred greately, for if they had made but a shew as formerly you haue said, vpon some height at a place called Killadurrey, some half myle by north the towne, they shoulde both haue encoraged the soldiers and townsmen, to haue adventured more then they did, driven M-r dempsies men for shame to haue done somewhat, and they themselues haue engaaged all theire straglers, the grownde being champaigne and harde, yea and by your favour, haue made the Archvyper more affraid then his flyinge spiritts were of Mr Wakelies spearemen, for I assured myself, that they woulde all haue fledd back ouer the bog, and then of necessitie must needes haue loste many of their Idle lymbs in the pursuite, for after they had tasted of the oulde gentillmans banquet at Cloneirieff theire march was so timerous, and their lymbs and eies so weary with travaile, and lokinge aboute, that they thought euery bush had bene a man. But when they saw, there appered no let, and for that the day was somewhat spent, they burned the towne at the togher, and so passed ouer the bog to the two heskers, and there made bonfyers at theire willes and pleasures, but were so wearied with travaile by credible reporte, that fiftie able soldiers would haue discomfited them all.
I protest vnto you, I am weary to heare how our poore countreymen and theire adherentes are
Yea[brvbar] and more and tyme to, but for all that. hee with his black discyples of the Northe, pact themselues into the mountaignes by Dublin, to conferre with Feugh McHughes sonne, aboute some good dishonest matters (I warrant your) yet he forgot not to send the Connors, with the three forstallinge vypers and diuers other reprobates besydes, to molest the Easterly partes of that country, for his vyldnes had not somuch leasure, himselfe, but passinge by the County of Kildare, he forgot not to plvmbe vppon one William Gogh of Dublin, who well paied for his meetinge of so honest a crewe.
Will this goe currant contynvally withoet remedy, that assone as one miscreant goeth owt, another cometh in, but what manner of caterpillers be those Connors.
Marry Sir: these Connors be cosen vermaignes to the wethercock of Paules, for they[brvbar] if the worlde hit not right for theire purposes: they will deney both name and countrey: but to be shorte, a nomeber of these Philistynes now newly hatched, haue tasted the benefit of her maiesties pay, being many of them fostred and brought vp in the bosomes of some of our greate seigniors of the Aphaley, and others. And these rabble of rascalls, begynne to burne, prea, and spoyle, aboute Sir George Cowlies, Mr ffraunces Harbertes, and those Easterly partes, to the greate hinderaunce of those two gentillmen. (and especially to the said Sir George. And to agravate his heavynes the more, the said miscreantes, fyndinge a pretty youth of one trulocks who was married vnto the said Sir George his niece, lyinge sick of an Ague in a bare towne that
I must needes be so boulde, to say thus much, agaynste those gentillmen that nourisheth and bringeth vpp, such Adders broodes in theire bosomes, to the distruction of themselues and discredit of their children, and posteritie: which kynde of nourishers, beinge duly convicted thereof, are no more to be lamented or pittied, (except they amende theire errors, then that personne, which bothe willingly & willfully massacreth himself, for by this meanes they doe undre themselues and theires, and heape contynwall chardges vppon theire prince and soueraigne.
I woulde haue spent the pryce of my hose in Chauncery Lane, that thou haddest bene with mee in Irelande thy Judgement and rememberaunce is so good, but I assure myself, thou art allmoste weary of this Ireland stuffe.
No brother, it is not my meaninge to be weary of your occurrances, if it cost a montehes attendaunce and therefore proceede.
Within a fewe dayes after, those base borne Conors were departed Aphaley, vpp cometh Richard Tirrell, forth of the north, And lyke another myninge devill, never descryed nor countermyned (by any whatsoeuer, vntill he came to Killtubber (an honest comonwealth I warrant you) which way he travayled, Well[brvbar] then was he prosecuted by Sir Edward Harbert, Sir John Tirrell, Sir Thomas Moore and gentle Capten Gifforde, with his vntowardly erected comepany from Connaght, but Sir Thomas and Sir John, drew theire headdes forth of
I doe greately pittie, both Sir Edwarde Harbert and Capten Gifforde, that they shoulde adventure themselues with such kynde of people (yet are somewhat to be blamed, that knowinge theire natures, could no leaue when they were well but what became then of Tirrell.
After he had spedd, as aforesaid, away he poasteth to that bluddy spirit Owny Omoore, to whom
Did not I pronosticat, that there was a secreate meaning (in the name of Tirrells, which woulde proue an exchainge matter, or euer it were longe (Alas good Queene full litle knowest thou the cry of thy distressed servauntes and subiectes in that countrie, for if thou knewest it at the full, or but in that measure as my brother hath set it downe, I assure myself present reformacion woulde be had, but I shall desyer thee, to acquaynt me with one thinge more happened in the last revells, allthough thou makest, all matters happening forthe of the kinges countie forreigne accydentes thy busynes., I trust there is no sea betwene them: Nor greately any preiudice can it be to thy history, somewhat to interlace it, with remanents of other services effected in any qaurter of the realme besydes, but I knowe well enough what mettle thou art made of: for thou thinckest there be remembrances, in every shiere, and countrie throughowt the Realme, (by which meanes thou mayst bee misprooued., but if Fabian, Froysart., Hall, Grafton or any other of the rest that wrote the rememberances of tyme, werre now lyvinge: or any of them that now dothe wryte: would doie nothinge vppon reports, the printer, had not had, somuch labour aboute theire
Well my goo brother: as opportvnitie will serve I will looke vpp my notes, that somewhat towtheth diuers actes effected in other partes of the realme but they are matters by heresay, and yet taken for currant, at church market and mill: As for Lieutenant Vickers, he went into Ireland, with Capten Thomas Morgan, when he and Capten George Acres, arryvinge forthe of holland, some xxv yeares sithence, with a gallant crew of soldiers were directed thither by her maiestie and councell, to assist that noble and thryse Renowned, Walter Erle of Essex in his warres in Ulster. And sithence the dischardge of his said Capten Morgan from thence: he served with Capten Mackworth and after his massacre with Sir Warham Sctledger, and stept up by degrees, from a private soldier, to be his lieutenant and had as greate commendacions, for his towardnes in service (before he matched with this last wyfe who is cosen vermaigne, to the bluddy spirit Owny Omoore., as any man of his tyme in the realme.
Well[brvbar] I am sorry for him: for I knew him before he went into that country, and mightely was he overseene, to Ally himself with the kinrad of Traytors, in place where he servid, and no more to be pittied, then those Ophalians you formerly spoke of: that nourisheth vpp the snake in their owne bosomes: but proceed agayne to Tirrell, for this last victory hath set him aloft, and vntymely death be his confusion.
Agh brother[brvbar] this luciferian, will loose no tyme, for beinge puft vpp with pryde with his late gotten victory in Leix, and thereby annymated lyke Julyan the Apostate, to become infamous
I merveiele greately, how he durst trust him so fast when he left the countrie last.
Yea well enough: for he and his vnblessed crew, were protected the same night, that the ouerthrowe was given in Leix: and then might he come withowt feare to any place, and bothe parle and speake, with his ould frendes, and greate reasonne he had, to visit and make boulde, to encampe himself vppon his uncles landes.
I pray you by whom was he protected.
By Sir Warham SentLedger, lieutenaunt of the fforte and Queenes county called Leix.
Now truly if I had receaued so greate a misfortvne as hee did, I shoule haue bene somuch troubled with my oulde disease of the palsey, that I should haue adventured, lyfe, governement and all, before I shoulde haue subscribed to such a protection.
The knight coulde doe no otherwyse: consideringe the whole state of that countrie lyinge thereupon might otherwyse haue receaued a greater meschief but yet for all this: within a small tyme after all the whole country (the forte excepted) was even as good as clerely loste.
Retourne we agayne to Seigneur Tirrell, for the poore Leisyans had bad luck.
For a night or two, he went a visittinge (and at a place, was saluted and bid right hartely wellcome by the seconde light of the house, Tirrell at that
A half penny halter hange that devyner, and kepe the poore deere forthe of the lyke toyles, but I pray the tell me this mistery, and I thinck, I shall never neede to vse the help, vntill the story be done.
Harke in thyne eare.
If John Wailes (Bonners chief somner had bene alyve, he coulde not haue plaied the knave more in his office, then my hee Devilles the Oracler did, as it may appere by his subtill sconce: but I woulde wish the poore deere to take heede, least by ouermuche trust he catch an untymely death. But proceede to the xlti beoues.
But first I must tell thee, that the tetrarches of the kinges countie, who imatate the way of Allexander the greate his princes and captens when theire master was
I am sorry to such a reporte of the English, and English race, god knitt them in a better league of frendship if it be his pleasure you still forgett the beoves.
But now retourne I agayne to Mr Tirrelles, masterships worship as honest a man as the English Tirrells were, which formerly I entreated of, well boeues were vnsent, whereuppon he advaunceth himself forwarde with his Antichistians, and encampeth at the hill of Mvllagh Rush, imitating haman to learne to clyme aloft, but I though a stranger, could haue wished that hill to haue borne such fruite as hamans gallowes did, then when he was assured that the country woulde give him no beoues owt goeth his currours for provision, some for beof, some for porke, some for muttonne some for small achates for the kitchen. Then owt poasts Lisagh his licour taster, being a degree and a half aboue the knave tapster and he with a nomeber of hellhowndes, visittes poore Killclonfert and the hamlets thereaboutes for aquavitie, ale, bere and other licour, but emongst all the good subiectes in those partes abydinge, one Henry Sumpter a tryed soldier on her maiesties behalf, and then collector of the barony of Phillipstowne was not forgotten, for he passed a ceassinge, and was besiedged in his mannor of Killduff.
I pray you by whom, for now I see there bee sweepstakes abroade.
By no worse man then king obrone, a well nvrtoured gentleman, for all Courtlyke, bringinge upp, who lyke Judas that betrayed Chryst held the poore collector with a tale, whylest the rest of his hellhownds assaulted his fortresse and there toke him prisoner, notwithstanding they had bene fellowes a longe tyme togither: and so carried him before their graunde commander at harmes, then fell they a spoylinge his Christmas stoare, no corner of the house was vnsought, his wyfe stripped stark naked, and one of his daughters vsed, as the persecutors vsed Sct Lawrence, layinge her vppon a Clieue in steadde of a gridiron to be broyled, to make her confes, where her fathers mony lay (and alas the more pittie) he knoweth not where as yet, to make his threasury, but to be shorte, they turned him back to his Chryst Cross row agayne, for they left neether cattell in the fielde, nor goodes in his house, for all was fish that came to net, and now not as collector but as one collected: standeth before that mahomet Tirrell, cravinge for restitution, consideringe they were vnder protection, but all the remedy he had was the levynge of his good swoirde, and pistolls behynde him, for all the rest of his furnytvre was taken away before. And had lost his lyfe lykewyse, and had it not bene for one of the Ocarrolles, that conveyed him away., but as cleane pluct as though he had come from the poulterers, And for that his brother fraynes tenauntes Nere neighbours of his shoulde not laugh him to scorne, my minsinge devilles shaved them so cleane, as if they had newely come from the barbers.
I pray you brother, was neuer a one of your knights or justices, that woulde take the advauntage for breakinge his protection, for I ensure you these accydentes be moste miserable.
In deede a faier advauntadge to be taken by them, for glad was he, that might best shrowde himself
I neuer harde of the lyke confusion in a countrie in my lyfe.
Nay brother you here not the tenth parte of the proceedinges in this country, for Tirrell beinge master of the fielde, cannot want any thinge that is to his lykinge: yet for order sake, if one may so terme it, he causeth streight warninge to be given, throughtout his camp that no gent take aboue ii s. a meale, a kearne or shot xii d, a boy six pece, and such meate as the poore tenantes hath besydes, which is to good for such traytorly villaynes., but for himself and his disworshipfull leaders, they so fill pawnch and purse that nothinge is to whot or to heavy for them.
Now in sooth brother, I haue harde so much euill of some of that countrey, that were it not for such that had not bowed theire knee to Baall, I would never be sorry for any harde accydent that might happen vnto them., but I pray thee when will that hellish brande pack forthe of that countrie.
I am allmoste, at an ende, with this journey of his.
I pray you say on.
Then followeth the doynes and the omoloyes, some of them as honest men, as their predecessors were, who scaled her maiesties forte of Phillipstowne, when the vallyant Robert Cowley was slaigne, and they as principall purveyors to lay vp in stoare against Tirrelles retourne into the kinges county, they take vp fat beaues for the kitchin, leaue cattell for stoare, porkes muttonnes, wheate, maulte, poultry and all other necessaries, not as the countie collectors doe with indifferency, but take all sayinge: that the
Now truly brother as thou knowest, I haue reade ouer many histories, aswell such, as haue tended to the subversion, of empiers, kingdomes, provinces,
Truly brother, thou shootest nere the marke, for in all the tyme that I was there (which was vntill the spoyle of good burrough of Phillipstowne. And country aboute it, the care of the same was so litle reguarded, that neither pledges nor bandes of the borderers was taken except a litle boy of Callogh McArte Omoloyes formerly intreated of: who was brought vpp for a moneth or two at scole at Croghan with Sir Thomas Moore who married his grandmother but at Tirrelles next comminge into the country gaue his custos the slipp: anmd went to the forrest.
It is no mervaiele though that country goe to wrack, as it doth, when such careles gouernment is emongst them, but I pray you what aucthors did that youinge novice reed duringe his aboade at Croghan, for I doubt not, but there was greate care taken of his well doinge.
Truly I know not as yet, but if he take after Donell Omoloyes sonnes (which are his bretheren by the mother syde, he will quickly be owt of his birdinge pece, which he must first vse, for fowle for the kitchin, the next aucthor must bee caliuer boare, to learne to skirmish hande to hand, and the thirde aucthor must fully furnish him for horse and foote, and one of his foster brothers to carry his currior, and then is hee armed to hunt for the comon game of the country, as his father and kyndred on that syde did before him.
I well perceaue, that there are so many of those scollers brought vp in that Realme: that vnles the lorde vouchsafe, to assist vs with his mighty hand, the scollers will be to harde for their masters, well proceede.
Now brother I will match you with an excellent bludd hownde, who neuer gaue ouer huntinge, untill he was knockt in the headde with a halter.
A faier deathe in that country[brvbar] I pray you what is his name, and what be his actes.
Within some fower or fyve daies, after Tirrells departure, being aboute the last of September 1597 in commeth Thomas base gerraldyne, beinge accompanied with the worthy kinge Obroane (euery knaues follower) havinge some CCth scorpions in their comepanie, and he Seignour bastard, playeth rex in the poore countrie of Aphaley (havinge neither protection nor pardonne, and the garrysonne being but Captain Cowlies hundreth: durst not venter vppon them, in respect of theire chardge of the forte and towne, and when he had pawnched himself, and his, with victualles mony and spoyle, he poasted from thence I cared not whither.
I protest unto thee brother. I doe much mervaiele, how either rich or poore, can houlde owt where such extorcion is vsed: and I pray you what bignes is Aphaley [gt ]
I take it to be aboute tenne myle in length, east and west and in breadth north and south fyve myles.
Alas poore people, I haue readde of a cittie, that hath bene more then somuch grownde and well envyroned with a stronge wall. I coulde wish the honest subiect so well fencid, as for the hollow harted companions, my care is no so much (for I compare them but to droanes. Well now to a freash chardge, for I gesse you haue matter enough for a moneth at leaste.
After that folish hardy bastards departure, about the middle of January 1597, in commeth the three Murtoghes and Teig McMurrough Oconnors, with the puissant king Obroane, who beareth rule and aucthoritie in the courtes of all fower quartered devilles.
I pray you before you goe forwarde with the rest, tell me, what is that king obrone, for he is in every mans company, it should seeme that his protection is generall.
Now truly brother you know him allmost aswell as my self for if you be remembered, he was in comepany with us, at the herraulds aboute some six yeares sithence, and woulde haue had the gentillman to drawe forthe his armes, and he woulde content him largely for his paynes. Wherevppon the herrald was contented and required his name, and what countryman he was: he toulde him he was borne in Ireland, and his name was Daniell Raleigh, wherevppon the gentleman willed dubble diligence his servaunt to fetch his bookes: Well Sir quoth king Obrone for that I haue much besynes otherwyse: I will send a frende of myne for them (whom you knowe) who shall se you well satidfied for the doinge of them: who went for them at his request and paid the gentleman, but he kepeth them as yet in
Now I remember the varlet well, for he was sometyme Sir John Norres his foteboy, then came from him to the Prince of Parma and was his sworne man and then I thinck he served Sir George Bowrchier but what caused the villaigne to play the rebell in Ireland.
You haue hit him pat, the cause of his startinge owt (as was alledged agaynst him, that he should supply Brian Reogh with powder leade, match, and other wantes, for he was matcht with one of Omoloyes where that traytor dayly haunted, vpon which Sir Henry Warren then sherif, ceazed vppon all his goodes, but missed himself, and then he shewed, a faier paiere of heeles, and fled into England, and fyndinge small comforte there went ouer into Irelande againe privilie, as honest a man as he went and takinge the advauntage of the tyme aforesaid, enriched himself with the sweate of other mens browes: and when he saw his companions declyninge (havinge filled his purse (with the help of M-r Lucre) procured his pardonne, but neuer durst ask Mr Sherif for his goodes for feare of an after reconinge.
Well I perceaue the worlde is naught in those partes, but because the same teig mc murrough standeth by him self, it shoulde seeme he hath bene a travayler and what was his facultie as you harde.
This is one of the moste daungerouse villaignes that euer was harde of, and bothe he and the other haue passed muster, many a faier yeare togither, and in his noneage cometh into England (as a greate many other of his countreymen doe, and diuers yeares footed it owt with many a geldinge, but in the ende, havinge a months mynde to his country of libertie, (as some say) robbed his master bothe of his apparrell and goulde with other wealthe, and poasteth homewardes, and beinge arryved at Phillipstowne, entred into pay forthwith with Sir George Bowrchier, and not longe after marryed an honest woman in that towne, beinge tempted with his goulden pictures, of which he had some stoare, and so contynved some six or seaven yeares, vntill these broyles began, and for that he was one of the right stamppe: he was receaiued by his cosen vermaigne with greate ioye: but this southerne spirit was not inferiour, to any whatsoeuer to play the collector, for fiftie or threescore powndes a moneth was nothinge with this mate, as he woulde crake himself: he had levyed vppon the countries for his owne purse, for this is that villaigne that betrayed Rathangan in the county of Kildare: but yet by the way one fegarie he played, is not to be forgotten.
I pray thee tell me that, and then ende with the varlet.
Uppon a certayne tyme in this theire black progresse, this divellish desciple, with some other of his fraternitie at his comaunde, came to one Redmondes ffraynes, who beinge apprentice in London, after his yeares expyred marryed, an English woman, and kepeth a victuallinge house, at a church towne called Killucan in the terrytory of forbell, and there ceassinge himself and his, beinge more boulde then wellcome, after that they had dyned with soade, roaste, wyne aquavitie, and other licoure, This blasinge varlet, demaunded forty shillinges of the poore honest woman: she awnswered him, she had no money, thou lyest, quoth he for there is
And hath not the gallowes, eaten vpp, that caterpiller of a comon wealth as yet[brvbar]
I perceaue brother you are somewhat forgetfull, for I toulde you not longe sithence (he betrayed Rathanghan: which was many moneths afterwardes but in the meane tyme he had as a good a carde at a pintch (as Rawleigh had: for when he sawe his consortes declyninge, he being armed at the full, with the threasure of the subiect: bothe he and others of that vnblessed crewe (beinge somewhat interladed lykewyse, with the help of the said M-r Lucre, were receaued in, as though the service had bene greate, to draw them from the enemy, and so had theire pardonnes with small labour.
Oh brother[brvbar] a man may smell: this counterfeit devocion to to far of[brvbar] but proceede to the Murtaghs.
These three mighty fyerbrandes, viz murtogh og mcTirlagh, murtagh Mcowen and murtogh mc liese with the forstallinge vypers, and many other cangrenaes to the nomeber of CCCCth and aboue overspreadde all the weste parte of Aphaley: many of the chiefest hellhowndes, well knowne to haue lived vppon her maiesties pay a longe tyme and these put men to fynes, and toke all at theire pleasures, as mony beofe, muttonne, porke horse hackney, garrandes, mault, brewinge pannes,
Here is a kynde of domynieringe in deed, I ensuer you it was pittie that such an anctient father should haue dwelt in such a romoat place
He plaid his scoller pryce, vnder Sir Henry duke, that worthy gentillman, againste her maiesties enemies in the northe with many other of that vnblessed crew and his provoast prynce vnder his sonne in law Capten Gifforde in Connaght, where he receaued many a hungrie veany (but the dyet and enterteignement for such scvmme of libertynes, was all to good, but he and his associattes, thinckinge that to scarce a countrie, for theire capten (and retourned into Aphaley, where my master devill, expert in all kynde of villainies forsooke his alleadgeance, and plaid his master pryce in that country, against her highnes and her good subiectes.
I haue said enough of my adder breeders before, but what did this miscreant then.
Marry this graunde devill, vnderstandinge, that moste of the poore tenantes of those partes were fledd into Phillipstowne from the malice of those libertynes, he sendeth his currour 4 o the burrough master and to lieutenant Rushen, to sende them away to theire dwellinge places, with speede where for doinge the contrary he woulde vse his extremitie vppon the towne. A wofull thinge god wot, when the Quenes garrysone towne coulde not be a sufficient sanctuary, to defend the subiect from the handes of the wicked, god of his goodnes, relieue our deere bretheren and sisters in chryste there dwellinge, when he shall se tyme.
Why brother this is a diabulo magnifico indeede, for he excelles in his villany, and I perceaue no body durst fynde fault with his protection, for I see it was generall by his retinew (if there were a thousand hoales in it, but what haue we donne with him
I haue allmoste done with him for tyme, but yet by the way, some of his unblessed rabble, forgot to not to visit poore Mr Luther, he havinge neither mony, meate, nor any thinge else to giue them, a way went his plough of garrondes, his brewinge panne, his tenantes w/vyves, all stranungers cattell, vppon his lande (for all his owne except those garrondes was gon before.
Nay I thinck that poore gentillman, had not much left, for I remember (he was allmost cleane shaued by Teig Reogh Odoyne, and his night croes, when Tirrell departed, I pray you end with him.
After dynner tyme on Soneday and revell tyme past in the countrie, these Imps of evill drew towardes the poore burrough, and vnderstandinge by some dishonest varlettes that the gates of the towne were shut against them, the master devell sent graceles his expedicioner, to the burrough master and Lieutenant Rushen: that if they woulde not condiscende, to let him and his comepany passe through the town, he woulde enter the towne perforce. Well the comepany of the caterpillers were so greate that our hartes were in our heeles and glad to suffer them, to passe thorough the key of the country into dempsies countruy, but they in theire passinge, vsed the most villanous wordes that might bee, and proferringe theire peces against her maiesties fortes, to the greate grief of the honest subiect that stood by (my self by chaunce being then in the towne, the garrysones soldiers got wot half naked, and many of them sick, and allmoste starved got them to the forte, and so far this tyme I leaue him to his master Lucifer.
Now truly brother, I neuer saw, readde nor hard of a greater disorder in a country then there is but suerly there must needes be some privy packing where there is so greate a shofelinge: bit I trust we are past the worst.
No not by odds as shall appere by the sequels
A moste lamentable mistry, what thraldome may be worse, to a people conquerors of kingdomes and renowned throughout the worlde then this is, to see our deere bretheren thus contynually vexed, by their vassalles, and no reformacion had, now I ensuer thee brother, it maketh my Intrailes, to turne in my boddy, but I pray thee whither did these pharises, carry that good ould father.
Not to Anna and Caiphas, for thy are part away longe agon, but to the camelion, and the second Barrabas.
And what entereignement had he at those wicked Iudges handes.
When that they had brought him before those bluddy butchers, Mr Donogh Reogh O Pherall nor none of his trayne neede not to declare against him, for those two Crocodilles, had slept vppon the matter, beinge the directors of the tragedy themselues. And beganne not as vassalles as the oulde man had sene them (in whose pryme not many such reprobates coulde abyde his countenaunce to reprehende his sayinge[brvbar] that he had demeaned himself verry ill, in nor gevinge meate and drinck to such as they had sent, And toulde him, that if hee would not put in his sonne or some of his sonnes children in pledg with them, vntill the man hurte might be recouered, he shoulde stay with them himself. Which the ould father manfully accepted, alledginge that he coulde not live longe by course of nature, and the lesser tyme in that plight, And protested that rather then he woulde put in any hostadge as aforesaid, he had rather suffer death the which: the Iudasses perceavinge., that they coulde wrest no more from him, grew to councell and beinge resolued in the ende. for that such a combersome carridge, woulde be an Impediment to theire longe Iourney, to tourne him home agayne, with the hurt man. With especiall chardge to se him well cured. to which agreement the ould man condiscended: And for that the spirit had so faier a wounde, he was so farer healed, that he saved Mr Fludd, a greate deale of chardges, for he breathed forth his ultimum vale the next morninge. Vppon which[brvbar] Slipwith his boy posted to the luciferians to tell them what had befallen, wherevpon theire Mr Chirurgian was called for, and mightely reproued, in tellinge them, there was no cause of death in theire spirit, and then grew mightely discontented that they had let the ould man go. Yet notwithstandinge that they had pread and spoyled him as before, and no restitucion made of one pennyworth that he had lost, were not
Well brother, as thou formerly touldst mee, I should here of more notable and cunninge knaves in theire facultie, the farther wee proceeded, but I pray you did the ould man sende them a hundreth markes.
If he did it was vppon a stick, for his contynuall chardge of houskeepinge, was to greate to be moouyed: yet vppon the misvsadge of this oulde gentillman, the Lord Lieutenant came into the country, to see the estat of thinges there, & so departed to Dublin.
What haue we done with the vipers for I thinck we cannot here of worse.
Yes by oddes, for now begynneth the bluddy and fyery serpentes to play theire partes, but first will I pack these rascalles away, omittinge what a nomeber of villanies, were comitted by them at Clonecreill and other places there aboutes, which is the perfixed day, they allwaies obserue to worke theire treacheries, after they had dischardged Mr ffludd they poasted to Croghan, where I doubt not Sir Thomas Moores purse was the weaker and his tenauntes the worser, what revell they kept vppon the lande of Balleybrittaigne, Balleyburleigh and Coulcor, with exacting of mony, takeing vpp of beoues, and other achates the spoyle was so greate, that I cannot set it downe to my lykinge. And so for this tyme I comende them and theires to theire Master Lucyfer to whom after pawnches and purses full they poasted. And lykwyse with a crosse caper the good thinck to the gallowes, the bastard Thomas Fitzgerald (to become acquanynted with the master of worldely misrule, addresseth himself with them, to the lande of Horeb, he hearinge so greate a reporte of that goulden calf and what his no good busynes is there to be done, for this tyme I recomend both himself, his cursed abettors, maynteigners and receauers, to the tuicion of Antechrist, whom those wicked desciples doe dayly adoare
What a sorte of blynd foulded vermyne be theise that cannot discerne god from mammon, the good from the bad, were not they a greate deale better to serve her maiestie, against her fforeigne enemies then thus traitorusly to kick against theire soueraigne, for I perceaue it is such a country of liberty, that the moste parte vuse no honest meanes to live. Well proceede.
The soneday seu'night followinge, which is the perfixed day they observe, to the contempt of god, theire prince and all good christians (as sabaoth
What a mockery is this, for now I perceaue, that moste of all the chiefest of these caterpillers haue nourished and brought vp as scvllions and horseboyes by many of those partes, and growinge vpp to be past theire papps, are by them entrid as supplymentes into shorte bandes, and there brought vpp at scoole, vntill they canne skillfully handle theire weapons, at her maiesties no small charges, and then apt to fight against her self and subiectes but I will comforte some of those nourishers, with this rude verse:
- Self doe, Self haue,
Downe master, Starte vp knave
Belieue me brother you you will make a prettie poet and learne to shute nere the marke before the story is done.
Well haue yuu done with theise Gallymauffry knaves.
I euen now. I will pack them away for a tyme but yet I had allmoste forgotten one trick of youth shewed by Shane horsboy, for the same villaigne to make the saide Mr Phillips amendes for his good chiere the next soneday followinge, visited him againe and then beinge denyed meate, in respect of his often resorte, made no greate parlinge, but for his farewell, saluted the gentillman with a volew of shot (at the castell chamber windowe (a verry good peace I warrant you) but allthough he and his vypers counde get no victualles, yet in liew thereof, he toke away from him, and his tenauntes the nomber of fiftene garrondes, and caried them cleare away to his graunde Seignour Murtogh oge mcTirlagh, who then lyke a mightly prince of darknes with the forstallinge vypers were no small fooles at Croghan. And so from thence they poasted to Castell Jourdane to visit Gentle Gifforde.
Good brother, tell me is that Mr Phillips one of the mighty pillers of that country: it shoulde seeme so to me, that had rather imparte with xv garrondes then giue them a meales meate?
Allthough his lyvinge be of the leaste assyse in the countrue (yet spoken by an Irroince) he is supposed to be as greate as any in Aphaley.
Now truly because I came in with my stillyarde verse, you will requyte me with a leaden hall fygure I pray thee be playne with me, for otherwyse I shall breake my chynish wittes aboute it, but stay? I haue fownde it, in one of the vaultes of my furthest hollow tooth, and as I take the sence he is the mightiest man of personadge in that country.
In truth brother if you measure your cloathes nor gage your rennesh wynes no better, both you and your
I confes my self, to haue erred, for I tooke naturall for morall, well I hope we haue done with the reprobates.
Now entreth in the bluddy vypers never open actors in this tragedy before, And for lack of other worke, Nicholas Tutes death must needs be staned on, for notwithstandinge the losse of all his howses, cattell and corne he must not live any longer to follow the suite against these adversaries of her maiestie and himself, whose terror is so greate (withowt exception) that it maketh the mountaignes to quiuer and shake but may I be so boulde as to name the murderers.
Yes brother, I warrant you may well enough[brvbar] for here in London, is neither costermonger, gardyner, nor plasterer of their kynne, for I haue harde themelues say, that they come moste owt of the counties of Kilkenny, Waterforde, Cork, and Limberick.
Well then three of them were one Dermoud James O Dempsy his sonnes of Baleynekill within two myles of
I had allwaies thinck that that forstallinge spirit Cormick Oge O Dempsy forsooke not his cave but to worke some private mans distruction, for it shoulde seme aswell by his and his fellowes, burning of the said Tutes townes, when they were in comepany with Brian Reogh, as making chalendge to his towne, that he maligned him: and by all lyklehood was the originall cause of his death. but I pray you was it possible for the murderers to carry away so greate fact vnpvnished.
Now I pray who durst looke out a doares that was willinge to follow them, not one I warrant you for feare of Intrappinge, but marke what a gallant Terrence Mc Teige O Connor was for he standinge still vppon poyntes of peace, vnder cullor whereof, he wilbe no loser, and to prove him to be the same hippocriticall varlet before expressed, doe but looke into his
Now there is a knave semper in deede there is no doubt but he woulde doe good service to her maiesty with that crew: where is it possible for him to fynde an enemy of a worsser sorte then himself, and those bluddy butchers are. Well I pray you proceede for I am weary to here any more of them.
It was a wonder to see, that notwithstandinge it was manyfest, and an open thinge to the worlde what mighty somes of mony, hath bene there exacted by those base borne villaignes, what preas of cattell, spoyles of corne, victualles and other goodes (byesydes theire burninges) taken from the gentillmen and inhabitantes of that poore distressed Aphaley since the begynninge of the troubles cannot amounte in value to lesse, then six thowsandes VC powndes (A particuler note whereof, was presented to the Erle of Ormonde which by chaunce, cam to my handes to haue a view thereof (in which Sir Edwarde harbertes losses were not incerted., beinge owt of the tyme of that note: and for certaine he and his tenantes coulde not leese lesse then worthe MM markes at the leaste, Yet for all this that towardly gentillman, Capten Gifforde (in this poynt (leaue bias) must entermeddle to be murtogh oge mc tirlaghes conducter to kilkenny to the Lord Lieutenant Generall, to procure a further protection, for him and a nomeber of his caterpillers (and who must be speedely smoothered and thrust in) but the murtherers of Nicholas Tute with theire abetter Cormick Og O Dempsy and his crew: which was done by the instant labour of Terence Mc Teige
It is verry strange, that a man of his birthe & parentage (and one whose profession is martiall, will not rather advaunce himself to procure theire banneshment by way of armes., his chardge beinge by her maiesty, bestowed vppon him to that ende, then so to become an vphoulder and contynvner of so wicked a broode: who tendeth nor meaneth nothinge els, but distruction to him and the lyke for theire labour: And I ensuer if it were my case (allthough happely the gentillman is free) I shoulde thinck that my neighbors coulde do no otherwyse, but haue me in greate iealosy, that I should saue myne owne stake by my neighbors losses.
Now truly brother what the gentillmans inwarde purpose or purpose was I know not, but I haue credibly assured: that there was asmuche valure, in that litle carcas of his, either tryable on horsback or one foote, as may be part vp in so sclender a moulde: but in fyne it will fall owt, that he brought vp a snake to stinge himself.
Then happely it proceedeth, but of youth, and ill councell, and no Impeachment to his credit, if he leave of the lyke offices in tyme, for feare of an aftr reconninge, for as the oulde proverbe is, it is not for nothinge, the cat wincked when her eyese were owt, and as much good will and amitie, ought to be betwene the honest subiect, and those forlorne libertynes (if it be well construed) as frendshipp betwene the hownde and the hare. But I smell he will pay for his zeale, before we haue ended.
Well good brother if you will walk home to my lodginge, I will bestowe a pece of muttonne and a capon on
I will not refuse your offere, allthough, the mocion shoulde haue come from mee, but both the fare and company is far better, then your Ireland Lucyfer hath, for all his dronken deominieringe, for as I here say, he must be in traunce once a day or els his licour faieles him.
In this you erre not brother, for it is his profession once in a day, to be of the culler of the Carnalles hat withowt Newgate, but I woulde we had him, in the Gaylors keeping there, and then I trust we should call him to accompt for all his former transgressions.
Now brother is all our tragicall discourses ended yet.
I haue but even now, newly entred into them for now my revyninge spirites, the bastard Giraldyne, Donogh Poape, Morrish Oge, Roarey Oge Omeloy of the Pallace and Donnogh Reogh O Pherrall with some CCC vypers, havinge bene with theire Master Lucifer, who hath caused one of Antechruste his Chapleynes, to dispence with them, aswell for all former synnes and offences, by them comitted, as for all other, of what nature, sorte or condicion soeuer they may or shalbe, and by them or any of theire vypers, acted or comitted hereafter, to be frustrate, voyde & none effect in their demonicall law, and so vppon receapte of the said dispenacion with their comission at harmes, they repaire to Aphaley, where they arryved, the iiii of march 1597.
I am affraid that those sathanistes, come for a farther revenge against the ould man, therefore I pray you proceede.
And first you shall vnderstande, that Lucyfer neuer lyethe Idyle, but even as the roaringe and hungrie lyon, disapointed of his prea, seeketh and courseth throughout all his abydinges, to suffice his hungrie maw, neither sparinge the innocent lambe, the kid, the ewe, the weather, the hee and shee goate, the cow, the ox, the horse the garronde, or any other beaste that is to his lykinge. For nothinge cometh amis, to so cruel a ravenour. As for ensample, I must needes nowe declare vnto thee, one of the moste dolefullest tragedies, that hath bene lightly sene or harde or spoken, either in Europa, Asia, Affrica or the new founde America, for after those reprobates, with a nomeber of those Infidelles, beinge receaued into the favour of theire master of the northe (notwithstanding the articles of peace concluded and agreed vppon betwene the lorde lieutenant generall and his demonicall dishonour (accordinge his wonted treachery, addresseth those fyery allcumistes, privy myners, and invesable vypers to coniure themselues in whole heardes, rysinge behynde, that moste serviceable peere beinge now gon downe northward agayne vppon a latter intreaty. To abate as it were his demaundes, on her maiesties behalf for the securitie of her realme and honor, furnishinge those hellybrandes, with powder in small caske, match in bedsackes, and bullets in succet barrelles (a plague take his unworthynes for his labour) and they beinge so furnisht, lyke Sir Thorollo de Listra, who in one night, was conveyed by an easterne spirit, at the comaundment of Salendyne of Soria, from Acres to Pavia but not for so good an intent as Sir Thorello was, ivmps the
I ensuer you brother those homicides exceede the tygre in his cruelty, for the beastes owtradge proceedes of nature, and those Luciferians, the greater and more heynouser that theire wicked enterpryses are the more pryde and vaynglory, they attribute to themselues, as though they were artificiall ministers in theire bluddy and fyery profession, cesse not to furthe any villany that may breede the English subiectes confusion, as for the gentillmen and others before, I haue daid so much agaynst allready that I leaue theire demeanors to be censured by others. But I pray you what strength of soldiers was in the towne, for I am suer that woefull tragedy was not comitted, owt of their sight and hearinge: and I mervaiele what escuse they had for themselues, that they neuer made a bravado, (for a servitieur could neuer hit vppon a fitter opportvnitie to haue gayned reputaction in his lyfe.
Now truly brother the place was not fully three English myles from Phillipstowne, And theire lay in garrysone for the keepinge of the forte & towne, but some fiftie of Capten Cowlies comepanie, and Capten Giffordes half hundreth, for the rest of Capten Cowlies, were gon to Dublin for municion (being his best men, that was the first escuse, the seconde was for that neither sherif, knight, gentillman or other
Indeede I confes that the comaunders of the forte and twone, had reasonne to doe as they did: but as fot the country seigniors, I will not once remember them, as Plato said to the prince of Tarent, but yet I must needs cry and say, O moste lamentable Tragedy, why should such greate griefes as these, be smothered and kept secrete, but published through owt the worlde, that revendge might be taken. for these contynuall miseries now befallen, vppon our deere bretheren, and no tymely redresse taken, (proceedeth from vayne pitty, detraction, and tolleraunce. As Lucre doctor receipts man, was wonte to say to his patientes, when they woulde say mony was scarce: tush my master has rather haue an angell in hand then trust you with viiid, his master dyed many yeares agon, and since I neuer saw him: and I haue wondered full often which way he is poasted.
I neuer cared much for his comepany as you knowe, but it was my chaunce to meete with him at Dublin at my comyinge away, and so after small salutations betwene vs, for oulde acquayntaunce sake, I toke my leave of him, and left him there, where he said he was to contynew.
Well Let him alone in Ireland. but what became of those perverse tyrantes.
It was a wonder to see, that after those moaths of mischief, had compassed that they cam for, and chiefly for the death of a
Now truly brother, but that the lorde of Chabry and his sonnes with the doctors wife were murdered by the Lady, the Doctor and theire hierlings (and theise by her maiesties enemies. the first against nature, and the second inhvntagne, there is litle difference in the tragedyes consideringe the fact, and the greate nomeber of soules that theire perished, but proceede, and tell me what became of those murderers.
Nay[brvbar] Noe wee will leave them, for a brace of nights, to talke of their winnyings, and allthough the mighty ones, and garrysonne aforesaid, performed
It is the thinge I most desyere to hereof., wherefore I pray you proceede.
Now will I declare vnto you, how those murderers spedd, after theire two nightes rest for vppon theire goinge from the kill, they themselues toke ouer a bog to the tomebrelles of the toagh and sent all theire carreadge and groase spoyle, with theire Qneanes and knaves, by the harde way, and so into the fox his country: of whose demeanour, Capten William Fitzeustace and Capten Pettit heryinge thereof, they then lyinge in garrysonne at Mullingar, some eight myles from the Kill, with theire companies on ffoote, havinge Conly Duff McGoghegan and other of that sept in theire company, vppon Tewsday in the morninge after the massacre donne vppon Mr ffludd and his, And havinge good espiall vppon the enemy advaunced themselues forwardes, and overtooke those reprobates, at a place called Lesmoyne, a house of MaGoghegans standinge vppon a river called Brosnagh where the said Captens and Conly Duff with theire comepanies, gave such a sharpe onsett vppon those roages, that mavgre theire beardes, allthough at the first, they made some resistance, were broken and scattered, many of them put to the sworde, bu the greater sorte that perished were drowned, the river then beinge very high, ouer which our people followed not, partely by reasonne of the water, and the greate stoare of fvrnyture and rich spoyle, that those infernalles threwe away: asswell to tempt the soldiour as otherwyse to fly the lighter, but if they had ffollowed them ouer, as they could not withowt some perill, they had verry nere made an ende of that vnblessed crew, but as it fell owt, they beinge once so broken, were amased and confounded that they coulde neuer gather themselues togither againe, but naked as they were, and devyded into diuers companies, shrowded themselues in the
Now I ensuer you, it was the lorde, that woulde not lett, the lyke offence go longe vnpunished: the execucion whereof[brvbar] both the captens, conly duff, and theire retyniewes did verry well performe and the said Conly Magoghegan, the more to be comended, aswell for that he was no inhabitant of the kinges county, as otherwyse had no enterteignment from her maiestie: but I pray you: mee thinckes, after those enemies of god, her maiestier and comon welth, beinge thus scattered, with the losse of their furniture and other necessaries, might easely haue bene cut of, (if it had pleased the borderers.
I haue toulde you still, that the borderers are another themselues, (for there is none of them that is a borderer, but hath a brother, a sonne or a kinsman, with other of theire countries in accion (and theire meaninges are as I gather it, that if the goale goe on her maiesties syde as I haue no doubt, but that it will and shall then my rezident seigniors with their brasen faces, thinck they haue done her maiestie greate service: in being not actors in personne themselues, aswell for the saueguarde of theire lyvinge as also to haue opportvnitie, to be sutors for their frendes, that haue bene in accion., and if it fall on that contrary parte (as the lorde forbid it shoulde) then are my start owtes to deale for them with the archspirites, that no disparridgement may fall vnto them, and thus by this privie cloakinge and netwyse Iuglinge, they thinck allwaies to haue two stringes to their bowe.
It will neuer be well: vntill a nomeber of those hippocrittes: ask her maiestie forgivenes at the signe of three trees, and hemptonne brydle, well I pray you proceede, was none of them snatcht vpp by the way, as they went to seek theire dishonest ffrendes.
Not yet, before this act now in hand be plaied after those fearefull vipers had intelligence that
I am loath to trouble you with any circvmstances vntill I here the ende of this pageant, but that Terence O Connor and the forestalling Cormick, are two daungerous companions, well proceede.
Now these light armed roages, being disapointed of theire purpose, and vengeably iahungred, were in worse case now, then euer they were before, beinge even as naked as Esoaves Jaye, with that another chappell of ill councell was called (where speedely it was determyned, to take a coashery in Gessill and Clanvaleery, and then euery spirit, to shift for himself, now theire progresse was not so certaine, nor theire councell so secreatly kept: but Mr Terence O Dempsy, James Fitzgerald, his brother Edward and one Patrick Cusack had newes thereof, & met at Geshill, with sufficient comepany of men, wherevppon havinge so good an opportvnitie and so faier an advauntage of those naked roages, it was thought good by the said Edwarde
This archonestles mendes as sower ale dothe in somer from better to worse, for I warrant you his country was neuer burned yet. That were a pretty sporte and two of his brothers in accion. I pray what became of those villaignes, was there never a good fellow, that would play the takers office.
Yes that there did, for within a few wiekes after the basterde Giraldyne was taken by his brother Edward Fitzgerrald aforesaid, morris oge, by the lynaghs and donogh Reogh O Pherrall by others, who being carried to Dublin, receaiued theire country death, withowt any farther ceremony.
And had those bluddy butchers no worse a deathe (for comittinge so abhobymynable a mureder as that of Mr Fluddes, and so many Christian soales, Oh that they had bene in England, or any other country that I haue bene in, each of them, shoulde haue slunge?/swunge/sunge half a foote longer before they shoulde haue acted, so favourable
Now truly brother to easy a death indeede, and after they were taken downe (some of them had buriall, better perfourmed a greate deale: then the murthered had who rather should have bene vsed as the good merchant dothe his rennishe wyne, who thincketh it never good nor vendable, except it be ract, but rackinge tyme in Irelande is stale and a torture not to be vsed, agaynst souche vnmeeke harted people aas the Irish is, for the moste parte of theire offences, is but threasonne and high threasonne, for robberies and other owtradges: they are accompted but jeastes.
Well brother[brvbar] as I was never in Ireland yet so God willing, and for ought knowe: my purpose is never to come there, but you left a companion behynde you there: that let him be armed with countenance will in a few yeares (be so well furnished with the drosse of that kingdome) that at his last darke voyadge., Cerberus will set hell gates wydes open: when he heareth of his cominge: for his trayne will be greate that will follow his loare. Well haue we done with theise unblessed crew, as yet.
In deede brother the party you speake of, so he may haue it, careth not how he dothe come by it. There was another spiritt of that coate, but not of that fraternitie (named Phelim Reogh O Connor) taken by the lorde of Dellvynes men, and after execvted, ads doubty a rebell as the best (and one of the chief of that broode. Many others of that dampnable crew were after taken, kild and hanged, and so after this for the space of three monethes, those that remayned pact into South Leympster, to Ioigne themselues with that archtraytor Brian Reogh.
But I pay you tell me what became of that forstallinge vyper Cormuck O Dempsy that
What[brvbar] and a safe caue for a rescue so nie.
I hoape he coulde neuer enter there againe.
I would I had as many fat oxen, as he hath bene tyme there, sithence his first departure, then shouldest you see me in Smithfielde, on Friday sellinge fat ware for in this vacant tyme, Donell Mc Art Omoloy, was in the north with his master lucyfer, and then had he his protection agayne, in which the forstallinge vyper was not forgotten to be incerted.
I smell one a farr of, that will neuer leave his Iuglinge vntill, he have Iugled himself cleane away: but I pray let me here what newes in that country of South Leimster, for that I perceaue it towcheth much of their doinges.
I will show you a letter that by chaunce cam to my view, being written by a poore travayler, named Seignior bonycomo to his frend Vadwyne Cedary. I pray you let me here it.
My moste redoubted brother, the greate frendship, that hathe allwaies contynved inviolate betwene vs, from the begynninge of our firste acquayntaunce, vntill the day and date hereof; and now fyndinge my self quyetly seated in the fayer towne of kilkenny: the staple place for all occurrences in these partes happeninge: I coulde doe no lesse, aswell for that my longe contynvaunce in those partes: mooued me thervnto: as hearinge of the ouerthrow and banishment of the graceles O Connors, who all this longe whyle; hathe wrought the rvyne of that most wealthy country: And lastly for that I lately receaued thy letters for my retourne., togither with the newes of those partes, all which if I should haue omitted, I might happely haue fallen into lapse of ingratitude: thy kynde epistle was better wellcome to me then a dozen of ember wiekes, for I haue tasted to much of that costly fare, since the forstallinge vypers, burned me at Clonad in harvest last: and so to the matter.
After that the right honourable the Lorde Lieutenant Generalles goinge from Phillipstowne to Dublin, and Brian Reogh havinge played his pageantes (notwithstandinge his protection (with the slaughter of many of her maiesties good subiectes, yet for all that, it was thought fit, that so evill a companion as hee shoulde not lodge behynde his honour in these partes: his lordship then goinge northwarde, to parlee with the traitor Tyroane, sent him his protection, with comaundement besydes, to repaire forthwith to Dublin: and to attende his honnour: in this expedicion, which he presently did: and after the effectinge of thinges there, he stand a whyle to recreate himself with the Grando diabulo of the northe, vnder whose banner he still fought for all his faier
Then beinge elevated, with this good successe, furnisht his wynde shaken rascalles with the apparell and furniture, that he toke from the soldiers, and so strykes vpp to the borders of Ormonde, where he plaied his pranckes in as good sorte, as in any other place; vppon which that towardly younge gentillman, Capten James Butler, nephew to the Lorde Lieutenant, with his comepany of foote, and some assistaunce of the country, followed the vypers, thinckinge not onely, to haue recouered a prea by the enemy taken, but to haue done some service vppon them; but he lyke companion, haue more trickes in his budget then one, caused his light spirites, to dryve away the prea, whylest he with his moste tryed vypoers, weare seated in ambushe: Now the right worthy gentillman, not mistrusting any such fals measures: neither half Argos eyes aboute him, followed the prea so farre, that he lighted in the middest; betwene the prea and the ambush before he was once aware, and then cvnninge mates gaue an onset bothe before and behynde, agaynst whom that valyant youngling fought verry manfully, with some others aboute him: but the remnant of his people seeinge the Capten engadgt, toke them too theire heeles, one of the best exercyses of that country, where after he beinge soere wounded was taken prisoner with some of their chiefest men aboute him, and many other slaigne; and so not keepinge him longe was released vppon certaine condicions (to me unknowne) vppon the bandes of Sir Charles Ocarroll and others.
After this conflict for avoyding of farther harmes, the Lorde Lieutenant generall, hearinge that one Daniell Spanniagh, a pencioner of her maiesties, and chief seignour emongst the McMurghoes: the ill successor of the greate McMurgho the last Leinsterian kinge., in Irelande (was started from his alleadgiaunce: and not onely a perillous fellowe: but a borderer upon Ormonde thought it most fit, (and the rather to avoynde the Combynacion of those two basiliskes;, once againe to protect the said Brian Reogh and his
Then for that his people shoulde not lye Idle, for feare of catchinge the fever Hurdayne, he addresseth himself towardes Sir Charles Ocarrolles, with some of his trustiest crew., (where a greate Quagge myer met with him, and there was much adoe, with quiveringe and shakinge of hands/heads betwene them two; the rest of his sweepstakes went downe into Pherrall, to visit theire oulde ffrendes the Omoloyes, whereby Chaunce, Sir Christener Sct Lawrence his comepany, Sir Edwarde Fitzgerralds, and parte of Capten Henry Cowlies were, And at Balleybooy, some of Sir (sic) comepany, and some of Brian Reoghs met togither and stroave who shoulde carry away the bucklers, the kearne seeinge they were stronge enough for them, stoodde to theire tacklinge; bothe sortes takinge the advauntage of some place of strength, but lieutenant Fitzsymmones remembringe himself, what service might be done, by somewhat delayinge the tyme, sent a swift boy, for lieutenant Lyons, and James Philipps Capten Cowlies seriant, to come vnto him with their companies with all expedicion, which accordingly they did vppoin which[brvbar] the kearne fearinge to (sic) entrapped toke them to theire heeles, leavinge some of theire spirittes behynde for a witnes they had bene there, and chaced them into the bosome of theire Master Brian. who cam forth to the rescue, but a tall fellow of the soldiers going somewhat to farre: caught some stoare of blowes but yet rescued and recouered; then Brian sent his messenger vnto the officers of the bandes, to signifie
Then when the terme of his visitacion was expyred in those partes, and thinkinge it longe that his greate trayne shoulde lye Idle and doe nothinge, drawes towardes, his new companion in harmes Donell Spannyagh, and after some conference had betwene them., they agree to take a prea in the county of washforde. And so beinge some viii or nyne hundreth caterpillers, advaunceth themselues forweardes. (consideringe that Brian Reogh should haue the vawarde, And Donnell Spanniagh should stay in the entraunce of a fastnes vndescryed and not to shewe himself, before he sent him worde or that he saw him distressed: allottinge him his owne people the Cavenaughs, alias McMurghoes, with some of his own spirittes.
Thus havinge given order for all thinges away he addresseth himself with some fyve hundreth in his comepany and rayseth a mighty prey, not farre from Inishcorfy, where Mr Treasuers comepany of foote then lay. with some CCth of the piccardyne soldiers placed in the country thereaboutes: who hearinge the Alarum vppon the gatheringe of the prea, the said three companies, made towardes the cry, and so did Sir Thomas Coakeley and his brother, with many other gentillmen and inhabitantes of the country besides: who lyke valyant people chardged the enemy home And had the slaughter of a nomeber of Brian Reoghes vypers and rescued the prea: but not beinge contented with such good succes, chased the Enemy bothe loose and disorderedly, which that Crafty Engyner espynge., beinge then on horsback, caused a swift foteman, to call in Donell Spannyagh (who cominge in vnlooked for (with his freash cavenaughes: and that in good oder, chardged the soldiers, the country gentillmen and theire people, havinge spent themselues
Then vppon the neck of this vpp poasteth Owny O moore, and then he and his seneschalles plaies their fegaries in Leix, that allmoste all the houldes and castelles of that country are in theire owne power., the forte and some few as yet excepted, so that there neddeth a new conquest there (the more pitty if it pleased the lorde.
Now much aboute this tyme vpp cometh John Lystonne; that Trayterous mounsterman, from the north, and what a notable companion he hath bene (all the worlde knoweth, and yet hatched emonge the english, well in the Erle of desmondes warres, as well for comittinge sundry threasones as otherwyse at the murderinge of Englishmen since that country was given, then a greate servitieur under the Traytor Tyroane 7, then by him poasted into Spaigne, aboute some honeste busynes., and at his retorne againe vnto him: had in greate estymacion, but not forgettinge his oulde cvnninge slightes, seinge that in the ende, his graunde master mighte happely
Then not longe after, the lorde Lieutenant Generall, repaired to Dublin, and Donell Spannyagh beinge somewhat anymated to become infamous after his late gotten victory in the county of Wexforde, combyneth himself, with Feugh McHughes sonne, to make a bravado aboute Saggard, being some Vii myles from Dublin, the which the Erle of Ormonde vnderstanding, drew towardes them with such forceies, as he might make in the Citty, and sent Capten George Greame before to descry, bothe the nomeber of the Enemy, and the place where they were: which he undertooke to doe, now Mr Oliuer Wallop, and other gentillmen to the nomeber of xx or there aboutes, desyrous to goe in comepany
And lastly after the Lord Lieutenant generall cominge from Dublin to Kilkenny, and understandinge what villainies were comitted by Owny O Moore, Bryan Reogh and theire vnblessed crewe: vppon his tenantes and followers of the county of Kilkenny and the borders of Tipporarrey levied a force of such soldiers, which were neerest vnto him, and so sent them vnder the conduct of his nephew Capten James Butcher, to coape with the enemy: who vnderstandinge thereof, mynded not to make any flight, allthough he was assisted by many of the piccardyne soldiers but drew resolute to fight havinge some advauntadge of a bog and a woode for a back, which as you know they doe comonely vse, which is greate an advauntadge against our comepanies, that must kepe
Brother how lyke these Lempster matters,
Truely I comend the ould seigniuor for his paynes. But what will you towch any other parte of the lande.
No not, before I haue made an ende with kinges county for now my he devilles of Aphaley, begynnes to take hart of grasse, for the former succes in which they were assistantes, and now must? I haue an other flinge at tirrell, a shame take for his paynes, for now he is come fourth of the north againe.
I thinck we shall neuer haue done with these villaynes, well proceed.
Well now you shall here of other sporte: for all this vacant tyme, sythence the viii of March 1597 vntill the ixth of July 1598, the Connors neuer medled in that country, some shrowdynge themselues in the northe, and others fought vnder Brian reoghs banner, vntill he
Now I ensuer you it was verry well perfourmed of the gentillman, and if the rest of the dissembling hippocrittes (which way they travayled, had shewed themselues but half so annymated he could not haue come with such a scum of Cannyballs so far vnfought with but I pray you what did he then
His Journey lay so, that needs he must passe harde by the Durrough, or els haue gone aboute
It appereth that Sir Ed: Harbert hath bene mightly back frended, that being allwaies willing to serve, and the man they moste shot at, could not haue some CCth men in pay (which no doubt if that he had, as it seemeth fit to me (allthough neuer there) he woulde haue perfourmed more then those that promised much, and perfourmed nothinge, for it was a verry easy matter, to haue ouerthrown them, beinge so wearied with travaiele, lack of victualles, and want of sleepe, but as for those sly companyons that with such curtesy enterteigned him and his cursed crew, I never had better hoape of them, since the begynning of your history., but what did the garrysone soldiers of Phillipstowne for I am suer they were not gon, far forthe of the country.
As I toulde you before they were sent for before by the lorde generall, and hearing of the approach of
Nowe comes there vpp with Tirrell, a worthye back slyder named Lishagh McCallogh O Connor, & he beinge longe maynteigned and better brought vp, then his deserts requyed, with Sir G. Bowrchier, now standes vppon tearmes to be O Conner himself: and to him cleaues all the rest of those graceles crewe, of that title, takinge vp theire lodginge in the fastnes of moylith, moste parte thereof, belonginge to his eldest brother Barnaby O Connor, leaving Seignior Tirrell the Apostat in Leix, with the blouddy spirit Owny O Moore., And then he and his caterpillers begynne to prye abroade into Aphaley, havinge so good a back as Tirrell was.
It is a wonder to see, how commaunders and men of aucthoritie may be ouerulde, by such hippocrittes as Terence O Conner was, for as I remember, he is bothe a kynne to Tirrell, and behouldinge to hym for his lyfe, when Sir Edward Harbert, and capten Gifford, followed him into Leix, at which tyme he was taken prisoner in the retreict, therefore of all men, his worde shoulde
Then when Tirrell was passed into Leix, he was safe enough. for Owny O moore was not a litle glad of his cominge; in respect of my Lord Generalles expedicion: and that his senesholl Brian Reogh was passed to the Sulphure mynt: and so a freash commaundment was sent for Sir Christoner Sct Lawrence, and the garrysonne of Phillipstowne, and none left bhynde, but xxxti of Capten Cowleyes soldiers to kepe the forte, and sixtene of the said knight to assest the townsmen., but they were no sooner gon towardes the Lorde Generall, but the vyperly connors at Moylith peepes owt of theire denne; and takes victualles, in Mr Dempsies countrie and Geshill, at theire pleasures: and then growes to councell how they should burne Phillipstowne: in which matter of weight Terence O Connors councell was not behynd, for that poore burrough was in no small pearle in their eyes, and so vppon the xviiith day of July 1598 ii houers before day a hundreth of those vypers, vnder the heading of Lyshagh O Connor, Murtogh og McTirlagh, Murtogh McOwen, Donogh Poape and Patrick O Darmot, were brought into the waste of the town by the threasone of the watch (beinge Irish) and none to guard the same, but ix men: which stoode in the market place with the burrough master, who seing the shot of the enemy light vppon some of his trusty frendes, and not able to make the place good, and in especially, for that sixtene soldiers aforesaid came not to rescue, according to theire promis, was driven to repaier to the fforte, and to the south gatehouse, from whence a tryed soldier shot at Patrick O Darmot (being then theire martyall, and slew him, wherevppon the enemy reculed, but yet burnt all the town, except some howeses (which parte of them hath bene fyered sythence, but that single mischaunce of Patrick Darmot so grieved them: that for hast they stripp Mr Martiall, and left him in pleadge for the croes., it was a greate pittie to se how the poore people and inhabitantes of the towne, beinge awaked forthe
Now truly brother I was assured that after Tirrelles departure: beinge afforded him in such favourable manner, I shoulde here of, some notable exployte sone after., for I ensuer you the losse of a garrysone towne, cannot chuse, but be the ouerthrowe of the English and other the good subiectes adiogninge: being the verry high way to bringe that country equall with Leix: so that if it be not buylt againe in tyme: and some favourable respect had of the poore inhabitantes by the high powers, her maiestie shalbe driven shortely, to victuall the same, (to her no small chardges) as she doth now the fforte in Leix: for take away theire market, and the concourse of buyinge and sellinge; there must of necessitie follow greare hurte to the soldiers for want of victualles, fyer and lodginge; and vtter distruction to the poore inhabitantes, not knowinge elswhere to get theire livinges: as for your seignieurs of Dempsies country, I haue said enough of them allready, and withowt there be some hanginge emongst them, and the rest of the borderers, it canne be no otherwyse but naught still, for there hath bene neuer pleadge taken in at any tyme hertofore for the securitie of those partes, but the birding boy; which argueth greate weaknes of care and preservacion of those partes (wheresoeuer the fault is, well for that there was nothinge effected in the greate expedicion, but turninge taiele to taiele, what after ensved.
After those base Cockatriticall base Connors had burned Phillipstowne, and assured of theire ffrendes good successe in Leix., then they setled themselues to be lordes of Aphaley indeed, and fell a preaing of brymieghams country, and other places belonging to the English, and for that they woulde be suer, that the poore Inhabitantes of Phillipstowne should not take the advauntadge of any waste houses standinge on the south syde, thereof, vppon the
Vppon this good success Terence McTeig O Connor knowinge himself to be (Ipse Carnifex) aboue the rest (notwithstanding the favour his father had from her maiestie and her awncestors, for his services in Scotland, and otherwyse, his owne lyvinge, his enterteignment, and his wyfe and many children, relyinge vppon him., put in for the best gaine, and would needes thrust owt his cosen Lishagh McCallogh, and take the halter vppon himself, And so refusinge the premisses for the bare name, of a forlorne title of O Connor had ?land?, was about the xvi of August 1598 crowned with a cooniagh of bone clabbagh Rex Basiliscus of all those fyery serpentes, And to shew himself in his cullers, thinckinge that his verry bare name woulde make the trees to tremble, the bogs to quake, the poore churles and callioghes to kneele and all beastes of the field, to be to him obedient, drawes the night ffollowinge to the Durrough (a place neuer owt of rememberaunce) and
It is an easy matter to vanquish those vypers, if order had bene first taken with the borderers for sufficient pledges: for ffrom them, proceedthe all their, help and a perillous thing it is, for her maiesties people to fight with them in theire owne fastnesses: they knowing full well how to devyde themselues to annoy our people: and to retourne to theire places of rest when they shall thinck it good, and her maiesties army driven to kepe the high way lest being d they be ouertaken, & so not permitted to gather themselues into one boddy againe., besydes this, for that theire hath bene no meanes taken to provoake the borderers to serve vppon them, or to call in such of theire kinred and affinity, as they haue emongst the enemy: which be the verry instrumentes: that they svstaigne no harme, either in theire boddies houses or cattell. (except victuall) they happely vnder cullour of subiectes help them with powder, municion and other wantes, for they cannot be so conynvally supplied therwith, withowt the helpe of such people as they are, for whom it is lawfull to haue entercourse into townes and citties, where the premisses is sould, as for Terence O Connor I had neuer better hoape of him. And yet I perceaue these fellowes are in generall burners, for that you name but some particular townes in that country: whereby it apereth thy vse some favour, they vse some ffavour
Well, allthough some kynde of favour is shewed for the tyme: it is but to cullour a greate pece of mischief, intended: as the sequele will declare.
Nowe truly I am of that opynion; but what is become of Tirrell.
After he had so well escaped from the Lord Lieutenant generall as aforesaid, he and his vnblessed crew made ouer into the kinges county, and there visites his friends in all places, takinge theire pledges and oathes to be true to Lucyfer, but Sir Charles O Carroll somewhat disquieted himself and rablement, in sleaing some of his worthiest spirites: for I tell you, that same knight hath shewed himself, right well to her maiestie in this broken tyme, and his brother in law McCoghlan for ought that I coulde learne, medleth verry litle or nothinge at all with the enemy, for his countruy is bothe fast and stronge, and his people hardy, There is a demi lord in that country called the ffox; who in all these broyles (allthough verry valyant, never yielded to be a consorte with the wicked: and yet so pinched with penury, and crossed by a mighty seignieur, that it would haue provoaked most men of his coate to haue revolted., In all Tirrell lyinge here for this tyme, litle or nothinge was effected, except the killinge of Conly Duff McGoghegan and so after this Tirrell, hearing of the Lord Lieutenant generalles goinge into Leix to victuall the New forte repaiers towardes Owny O Moore.
Well, I perceaue Tirrell canne teach our Greate Segnieurs what they should doe, for he will breake no parte of his masters commision and a happy thinge it is that we haue lighted vppon some honest Ireland lordes in those partes,
Macoghlan hathe a fyne faste country as I said before and bordereth vppon Sir Charles and for that he lay still, and never gaine nor toke in these last warrs, I may not bluse him forth; emongst the rest of the wicked borderers, yet as I remember, An arch ruynour romish prelate (as it is reported) should bringe him a dispensacion from Lucyfer, at his beinge in the Northe.
There muste needes be somewhat in it: that he lay still as a newter, and neither gave nor tooke, but gaped to see which way the world would wag, but proceed.
After Tirrelles departure, carynge Donell McArte Omoloy with him into Leix: Sir Chrisoners and Capten baptist comepanies, were sent for by the Lord Lieutenant generall, to awnswere the Journey to the new forte, being in the pryme tyme of wheate harvest in Aphaley, yet the locustes left behynde, did no exployt neither by fyer nor otherwyse, vntill the iourney was perfourmed in Leix, at which expedicion the best of the Connors were.
Aboute the begynninge of September the Lord Lieutenant generall vnderstandinge that victualles grew scarce, with those of the new forte, raysed some xviC horse and foote: and went himself in personne with them: whose purpose being well knowne to the enemy: Owny O Moore, Tirrell, Mcgennis his sonne, the O Connors & other theire accomplices shrowded themselues betwene the blackforde and Stradbally, theire accustomed place, of assembly to annoy the convoy, and so our
What a chardge is it to her maiestie, the losse of that country of Leix: being now contynvally dreven, to victuall the forte with an Army: And allthough the expedicion was well perfourmed by the Lord Lieutenant and his comepany, to the foyle of the Enemy, yet Consideringe the great chardges and losse of her highnes people it is but deerly bought: Also it seemeth to me that Owny O Moore and Tirrell, are Ioygned in one comyssion from theire Master Lucyfer, for the Actes of Leix are and haue bene, awnswered with greater resolucion by the Enemy, then in any other place where they haue come, but it ap-eth there as honest borderers vppon that coaste, as vpon Aphaley for there is the haven of rest.
You may be suer of that, for three of the Aphalian fronters, as the doynes, the dempsyes and barnaby connor (but especially the two first haue most of theire lyvinges in the Queenes County called Leix; There is also a noble gentillman, called the
Why[brvbar] I pray you how hould they theire landes, that they are not affraid, to harbour and countenaunce the enemy as aforesaid.
They houlde by knight service, as the rest of the English doe; especially Mr Dempsy.
A moste anctient an honorable houldinge, if it were perfourmed accordinge the true meaninge) of theire patentes, ffrom her maiesties and awncestors: but as they vse the matter, it may be termed no better, if not worse then hippocriticall service, but truly I thinck that they & others of their coate, haue privy dispenacions lyinge by them, or els they durst not be so boulde; And if there were no wyser men then my self, I could wish that some Temporall Martynne Lvther might be poasted ouer into that country, to suppresse, pardonnes, protectiones and dispenacions, for as I haue harde not longe tyme sithence: they haue bene as currantethers for the Quantitie of the place, as they are in Roome, and some of the chiefect pillers that vphouldes those libetynes:, And no dout but
In faith brother well remembered for there are a comepany of martlemas men, dwelling not farre from trym, whereas if that Sir Richard Bingham had lived he should haue beene seated there, and these kynde of people, are the best victuallers of the connors when Aphaley affordes them naught.
What meane you by martlemas men, it shoulde seeme they lovue well hangd meat: for as I take it: they are stoared with beof and bacon, which will requier good stoare of Lycour.
These martlemas men, dwell aboute the river of the Boyne and are fat fellowes in deed and for that the redmoore, the blacksharde, with other places of fastnes, be meete for the cursed Connors, they are receaued by the aforesaid Seigniours withe greate favour (when freash victualles in other places, waxeth scarce.) and emongst them harboured, aswell for ould allyance and acquayntance as for that the Connors make some of them theire threasurers, of such spoyle as is gotten in other places, so theise fellowes will neuer be good except they be hanged vpp in the sonne in stedd
Well brother I am sorry of Good Sir Richard Binghams death, for his going ouer as I did here with wonderfull credit woulde haue daunted all his enemies on that syde of the sea; for now it appeared to the worlde: how he was wronged, and what want Ireland had of him (I meane the good subiect) but what haue we done with Tirrell.
After the victuallinge of the new forte (the cursed connors) drawes into Aphaley againe (but Mr Terence Connor had paid his way) so that the foresaid Lishagh McCallogh taketh in hand to rule the roaste and in the absence of the garrysonne, that then was not come home, he with his vypers taketh away: from Phillipstowne some xxxtie cowes: whom such soldiers as were left at home skirmisht with and no greate harme but that one Andrew Linch a corporall in Capten Cowlies band was slaigne., And much aboute this tyme Capten Richard Gifforde entred the enemies aboute Clonbaley and had some bickering with the Connors, where he slew that vyper Shane Ballogh with some ii or three other, himself
I ensuer you, I am right glad of Capten Giffordes good succes, but what is become of the archtraytor Tirrell. for now I thinck he be cleane poasted away.
What[brvbar] and teig oge O doyne keper of Clare passidge, for you must understant that the base connors cam before to make provision for his greatnes: for nowe he entreth the kinges county by the aforesaid straight, havinge Owny O Moore, Magennis his sonne, and some vii or viiiC vypers in theire comepanies, and svmmons all the borderers as the Omoloyes, the Magoghegan the worme eaten Omelaughans, & diuers others nedles to rehearse, and even at this instant goeth away from Croghan the birding boye.
What[brvbar] and but that one pleadge for the securitie of so many countries, in deede theire lacked provident care the porter to stand by Capten Careles his shoulder.
Peregryn scored out
No doubt, there wanted, a provident care bothe in the begynninge, and contynvance of those broyles, how to haue suppressed those malladies for now the disease, withowt gods help (as many tymes is saide before is allmoste growen incvarable and no doubte, the meane how to redresse those matters in tyme., was well knowne to many if opportunitie had bene taken. but I haue many tymes before this, thought to haue asked you, whither the Lorde Generall at his beinge at Phillipstowne; never smelt owt such, as fostered vpp the base Connors, he havinge receaued the complaynantes of the country inhabitantes.
The Lord Lieutenant Generall as I haue bene for truth ascertayned, handled some of my greate masters of Aphaley in theire kynde, for he assembled as many of them togither as were then in the country, and sware them vpoon the evangelist, that they shoulde truly deliuer vnto him, vnder their handes, by whom and with whome, those wicked Connors had bene fostered and bredde vpp: which was effected a Phillipstowne, and iustified agayne, before the lord Justices and councell at Dublin, but some emongst the rest allthough that course was daungerous vnto them, yet lyke honest Christians, rather ventured to play the barristers, then to be fownd periurates.
This was a verry wyse course to bringe owt the truth, but I thinck those that be guilty of that cryme, woulde haue bene contented to haue paied, tenne fifteenes, & as many subsidies, as houres in the day, that, that recorde were metamorphosed, to a blanck charter for feare of venias mecum, but I warrant you Sir Edwarde Harbert was none of the forlorne seigniors.
No nor doiers otherrs neither, for you haue harde that Sir Edwarde Harbert was allwaies shor at by them and others, but if he might haue had, both men and countenaunce to haue prosecuted the kinges county affaiers he would quickly haue cleered that roaste.
It is greate pittie but that the vertuous and true meaninge man shoulde be employed in such a daungerous tyme, but I may never forget, what a passion some of your greate seigniers suffer, that had subscribed, there was some helpinge frendes that farthered this devyse.
Your may well be assured of that for the woulf was neuer better matcht with a leash of greyhoundes, then one of the subscribers was bayted with a fox, a fitcher and a raven, from which three verymine, he lyke a moore cock that shrowdes himself in the bottom of a rotten hedge, when he espieth the spannyell, tooke such a feuer/feder? lurdayne that he kept sanctuary till huntinge tyme was passed, and pact away lyke a rat that had stowlen a candle.
I will never ask you no more interpretacions for I smell him as farre as the ould baley but now I trust we huae allmoste deone with Aphaley for the yeere is neere hande ended.
Now truly brother, I haue not far to proceede but I will growe to an ende with those partes, but as yet Mr Tirrell kepeth his estate there as yet: And in the meane tyme vppon the xv of September 1598 vpp cometh Orowrk that periurate basilisk into Westmeath, and enters Sir John Tirrelles country, with a hundreth horsmen, and as many shot mounted behynde them: which he let slip vppon the svddaigne, and he preas all that quarter where Tirrelles ffrendes dwelt, and kild sundry gentillmen of his kindred, with some burninge done besydes and so departed, and for that the other parte of the country beinge enemies to Richard Tirrelles proceedinges, should not laugh his ffrendes to scorne on the next daye followinge, he preaed and spoyled them, and so betwene ii imperious miscreantes that country was spoyled.
Why what did Sir John Tirrell in the meane time
What did he marry both himself and his vntrayned rysinges owt, adventured vppon Orowrke
I thinck so indeede, but pittie it is, that the well meaninge man, and true subiect, should be thus vsed withowt revendge, but it cannot be otherwyse as longe as theire neighbours will not assist them.
Ogh Sir a many of them, will not stick to say, why shoulde we serve, and have no enterteignment of her maiestie, as though they were not bownde by theire tenures to doe the same; but as Teige oge o doynes awnswere was, when he was willed by some greate man to certifie of the enemies proceedinges, and to barre them from intercourse into the country, by reasone of his advauntage of the straight at Clare: and to doe as much, as in him did lye: he certified by his letter, that all his men were gon to the rebelles, and no boddy to kepe his castell but a boy & himself: and so canne his next neighbour haue threscore men in warde: and yet suffer to passe to and fro quietly. withowt any impeachment.
I pray the speake no more of them, for then hast plagued them to much allreadye and hardly they two are to be matched.
Matched[brvbar] yes I warrant you. I cane fynde one that carieth away his estate with greate credit, but not of so open and groase a condicion as they are: but yet for a subtill wit exceed them bothe: and may doe more with a worde then they with a sworde.
What a goodyeere is hee, hathe this greate volvme neuer made mencion of him as yet.
No Sir not by name yet a mighty one indeede, and raunger of the two forrestes: which the oulde Sir Henry Cowley: sometymes seneshall of the kinges countye, the Christmas before he dyed, toulde to certaine of his ffrendes then present, that when any hurte shoulde happen vnto Aphaley, it shoulde proceede from one of those two forrestes, and so I toulde vnto the Erle of Sussex, when the countrie was first given, for that Englishmen were planted therein: which nowe is come to passe: this ranger kepeth a dozen brace of foresters, who will not let a deere go owt of that chace where is lodge is, without barking and byting too except thy, be such as be of the other forrest and then they eate theire venysonne togither with greate mirth and Iollytie; but not longe sithernce, a certaine keper of Stoane downe Parke, whose deere were consvmed by heavy hande, had warrant from the masters of the forrests and chaces, to take vp as many deere, as shoulde stoare his parke againe, who understandinge, what good stoare there was in the forrest with the lodge, drew thither with two brace of greyhowndes and eight capple of howndes, and so toke livery and seasonne of fower deere of Awntcleere; which he toke away with him, vppon which the forresters boyes, certified theire masters, who presently lyke robin hoodde and his merry men, being furnished ad omnia quare, woulde haue rescued the deere (notwithstandinge the warrant, with that a fierce greyhounde much lyke Mister Hall of Granthams clarke of his kitchin, seeing one of the forresters to encoradge the rest to werry both the keeper, himself and company gaue the same forrester, such an assay of an enchaunted potion, that he will neuer ryse againe till doomes day, at which heavy mischaunce, the rest of his companions in harmes, retyred back to theire lodge with grief, Now when the ranger come hom, and hard what was happened, sware by no beggars, that it should coste him CCli but he would hange bothe the keeper and his greyhownd and so with all expedicion poasteth to the masters of the forrests and chaces: and theire exhibited a most heynous complaynt, especially agaynst the keper., who was driven to awnswere the bill, wherin
I partely knowe him, for I haue sene him at Masters/Mistress? GG in honye lane. What we done yet with Aphaley.
Yea. allmoste for now Tirrell havinge made all suer in those coastes: sends for Owny O moore and so they pack into Mounster with aucthority from Lucifer to create a new desmonde, and after that ceremony done overthrowes and banisheth allmost all the Englishmen in Mounster, in a moment, the conqueringe whereof: coste both her maiestie many thousand powndes. Besydes the losse of a greate nomeber of her soldiers and for that travayled not all into those partes, I will referre that to them, that was there present.
Now sone after mighellmas, that notorious Cannyball Teig Mc Murrough: being pardoned as aforesaid, notwithstandinge all his villainies and owtradges, formerly comitted: and remaigning sometymes at Dublin, and sometymes at Rathangan, a manner belonging to Erle of Kildare: where he was verry well acquaynted, and beinge had in no mistrust betraies that stately house, with all the riches and goodes therein, and shares it with his cosen vermaignes the connors to the greate hinderance of her maiesties service in those partes the house standinge so aptly therefore.
And nowe with one dolefull tragedy more I mean to ende with Aphaley.
Yea[brvbar] I thought somuch: that your conclusion woulde tende to no other purpose.
Now aboute Allhallautyde 1598; when the viperous O Connors thought; that all thinges were theire owne in Aphaley, if they coulde accomplish Croghan, and Baley Brittaigne, havinge enterteigned Teig McCales sonnes into theire fraternity, being bretheren to Terence O Connor formerly spoken of & so they with the honest Omoloyes: Ioygne themselves togither and enterteignes one William O Meoney, an onely follower, and servaunt of Sir Thomas Moores, whose credit with his master and wealth by him gotten was such; that any honestman, might haue lived contented with the tythe thereof., yet when the devill hath entred a breach into such kynde of people, he neuer leaueth them; till they performe somewhat to their owne distruction, so this vngracious disciple, with other his consortes to the nomeber of tenne more/nowe? in the housse: drawes in those reprobates ouer the ditches and watters aboute some three howers before day at a place by west the house nere adiogninge to a chamber, where gentle Gifford with his wyfe, then lay: who heeringe such a mighty noyse: And the enemy ready to enter the chamber where they were: came downe from thence into the hall which is wyde and spacious, where fyndinge his weaponnes, stood to his defence: buit being ouerlaid was their throwne downe, with many a wounde, his wyfe to saue him was also moste grevously hurte in many places of her body: Sir Thomas Moore then lyinge in the Castell, heeringe such a noyse in the hall, came forth and fought but being ouermatched, thinckinge to haue recouered himseld from them, withowt harme at the enteringe of the castell doare; was thrust in it a sworde into the boddy: the ould lady his wyfe being abroade was taken prisoner: then the enemy, hauvinge entred within the first dore, thought to haue wonne the castell, but Capten Giffords
I neuer thought otherwyse, but theise villaignes would requyte their ffosterers in this kynde of sorte in the ende, but now sithence you haue made ane ende with the country: I pray you shew me what kynde of thinges is the castell and forte of Phillipstowne: for I doe assure myself, they be places of greate pryce, and famous in those partes
The fforte is but a slight thinge, sometyme envyroned aboute with a stoane wall of small strength., havinge a gatehouse; and three Other flanckers in the middest of euery quarter, and a house for the lieutenant (when any was there.) to ly in called the frame, And in the middest, standeth the castell, which was raysed vppon an oulde fowndacion: when the country was first conquered, but bothe castell and forte growe alltogether rvynous, and allmoste not worthy to be spoken of.
Why that is a greate pittie, that such thinge should not be maynteigned, and I am suer though that some parte of the wall be fallen, yet the fowndacion was stronge enough, to haue borne the stoanes againe.
Yea brother; but there was a farther meaninge in it, for I take the forte to be no lesse then sixtene score yardes aboute: and when the wynde was at the easte (especially in winter tyme, the estates that then lay there, could not well abyde, neather the vigor thereof., nor be ffree from the contynvall concourse of suiters & others, that presvmed to enter before they were called. (and for the speedy preventinge of those inconvenyences, and to be at more ease for want of other matter, they quartered forth a courte yarde, with the decayed wall of the forte; leavinge the breach lyke elbow lane and so it contynved vntill these warrs, which was rampiered vpp with earthe by the forsight of Lieutenant Rushen. And as for the deepe ditches, about the walles, they haue bene so providently lookt vnto, from tyme
Why then I perceaue, there hathe bene careles husbandry (ab origine: but I pray you tell me; is the castell gor to wrack in the lyke sorte, or who wayted shee vppon for her repaired suites.
The castell, when she was first espoused was an inheritance, of some fower plough land a half, with some comodities therto belonginge, duringe which tyme she was maignteigned verry well in apparrell: with her costly felt of leade: but after shee had buryed her first husbande, she was marryed to a seconde, who vppon some especiall ocasion him mightely moovinge toke away her landes and put her to her pencion; which is growne to be so small and her ?land? [something metaphorical] so longe to come before it will retourne into her handes againe: that shee was driven for pure neede to sell away her leaden felt, that couered the platfourmed hed from all weathers, and learne to imitate the churles of fengall: being glad to weare a strawe hat of half a crowne in steed of her good felt, so that now beinge driven to this shift, shee hath often sued for a divorce, but yet canne get none: by reasonne that she
Nowe. owt alas, whom is that good Quene delt with, (yet it is no mervaiele, as the oulde proverbe is, every man for himself and god for vs all. And so it doth well appeere by the former relacion, now I perceaue: you haue done with the kinges county, I pray you let me here somewhat of Connaght.
Thus endeth the seconde booke.
ffor matters happeninge in Connaght, I canne say litle: more then it was fortvne to be in place, where I harde a discourse betwene an oulde soldiour, of those partes in tymes paste, and a travayler accustomed to buy cattell, in the said province.
I pray you let me here it, for I haue allwaies desyred to here of such thinges, that haue happened there, and the rather that Sir Richard Bingham served there sometymes, whose government as I haue harde reported, was to easy for such a stiff necked people: but no doubt he hath bene wished by the English there rezidinge many tymes sithence his departure, And now to the matter.
Mr Jacob, you are moste hartely wellcom from Conaght, I pray you what is the best newes there.
Noe truly fellow soldier, I haue litle or nothing worthe the tellinge, for I loue not to entermeddle, with any mans matters but with myne owne privie affaiers.
Yet I pray you let me but ask you how my oulde ffrendes doe, as Mr John Croftonne, Mr George Goodeman, Mr Martyne Lisley, Mr John Newtonne, Mr Richard Graftonne, Mr Birchell and honest Phinehes Clay, the provoaste martialles deputy, Mr Henry Ormesby, and diuers others of mynde acquayntance, for you knowe it is longe sithence I was in those partes.
I knowe it right well, and as for those gentillmen with a nomeber of others, whose names are to tedious here to set downe, haue prayed for oulde Sir Richarde Binghame (though now Antragh, as the Irish proverbe is (to late.
It is a greate matter, for many of them, which here shalbe nameles (coulde not kepe him whilst they had him, but must needes bee in theire innovacions: so that some of them, coulde never a true Anthem of Legum pone sithence:, It is tould me by a frend that the province of Conaght is verry quyet in these daies.
It muste needes be quyet, for a man may travaiele longe enough there, before he see any boddy, to fall owt with him for a night ceasse.
Then it apperes that the country is waste, how doe they then pay the soldiers.
Marry then let them live vpon theire lendinges (if they can get it from Mr Threasurer, for Mr composicion: And Mr Revenew with theire
I ensuer you I am glad, I cam away when I did; and how went the Journey forwarde at Baleyshannon.
I was not there, and loathe I am to declare any particularities towchinge the Journey: but suer I am that governor now there, had a greate army, aswell of soldiers as of the rysinges owt. But whither for want of provision of victuall or mvnicon, or by what chaunce I knowe not; after he had thought to haue recouered the same. He was forced to repaier away with speed, the enemy comminge so freashely vppon him: with the losse of the Lorde of Inchequyn that was drowned by venturinge ouer somewhat to rashley, and his lieutenant Mr Osborne and Sir Henry Norrices lieutenant named Maunde, with diuers others slaigne; and glad so to escape.
Well Jacob, I seur the day: the enemy coulde not easely haue prevayled against our people, but since these farlandish deuyses, trickes, conceipts and termes (as fylinges, haltes, randevooes. and a nomeber the lyke (came in vse here, the enemy neuer so muche florished, well I pray you tell me, how that rascell Haggerd shiftes, emongst them that towers so high.
Let him alone for he soares aloft still, for whosoeuer is huntsman in those partes, he will not be the hindmost hownde., but for all his sweete mouthe It is naturally given him to hunt counter still.
It is agreate fault in such, that when they haue had, so longe experience of such vnworthy guestes: they leaue them not to suffer, for theire dissemblinge huntinge, but he must live to play some other pageant, for if happely theire chaunceth
He hath a chardge; and hath done feates of armes in the county of Maio, and hath put wardes in castle barre, Clonnegashill Mc Jourdaynes chief house, and diuers other places, and is well countenaunced by the governour, with promis that he will assist him in the procuring of the gift, of any such places as he shall recouer from the enemy:
What favour in shorte time: will make him aspyere to be a mac william, and thence once at the highest: he will foregt from whence he cam, but I had allmost let slipp a braue harmefull creature Hugh McTirlagh roe.
He is a greate man, and bothe he and hugh O Connor dvnne hath kearne and shot in pay.
No doubt but they will doe greate service emongst the bullies.
Yes but they will, for the gouernour hath taken in all the best pledges (in the province, and sent them to gallway: for beinge the better assured of the countries alledgeance.
In that poynt the Governour doeth, as beseemeth, , but for the erecting of such kynde of people as they are (especially that Crocodill Hugh McTirlagh roa: a noted traytor against good government, I mervaiele not a litle.
Well Sir those two fellowes scornes the names of captens, thinckinge it to base
Why what other name, doe they attribute to themselues.
Marry Seignieur Soldato, they call themselues Territory comaunders, havinge theire Lieutenant Traynors vnder them, to bringe vp theire followers to learne the feates of Armes, to ouertoppe such as you are.
Now truly I thinck so indeede; for theire hathe bene so many such scollers, trayned vp in that province, that moste of the bandes (except the new supplies forth of England (are Conaght men. And of the right stampe for treacherye for some of them were at the murtheringe of Capten George Bingham, and Capten ffieldew, at the Rasing of Sligo, and betrauyinge of Arran, but moste of them actors in rebellion as I haue hard, but I pray you canne you tell me, what the chiefest cause was that so many of those provinciall libertynes, should drawe into all partes of the realme. and the governour havinge cause to vse them there.
As I haue bene informed, the first cause was that in respect the provynce was wasted, by the entercourse, aswell of the northerne enemy: as by those libertynes of the province themselues, victualles and other necessaries (where comon hostillitie is grew scarce.) so that theire first abetters and setters on, cast them of and submitted themselues, to her maiesties mercy, (by which meanes havinge no goodes of theire owne, neither any employment from her maiesty in those partes, made suite to the governour that they might passe into Leinster, and to serve there against her maiesties enemies; who wysly wayinge the offer to be good., to ridd his governement of such a reabble, poasted them over the bridge of Athloane into Leymster, where now they swarme not onely in bandes, but in
Well Seignieur Jacob you shall here that these kynde of subtle companions now entred Leimpster and other places to serve in her maiesties pay: doe but even counterfeict the grasier of England: who devydeth his pasture into cloases, the sooner to make his cattell fit for the shambles, forseing theire owne country of Connaght, overrunn, and nothing therein left, to suffice theire myndes and belllies, shiftes themselues into other countries, takinge the sweetnes thereof, vntill theire owne be growne rype againe; and some of the right stampe haue busynes for them, and then a suddayne retreict is sounded, home, home., for her maiesties pay is nothing then with them, vnles they may haue the spoyle of towne and country where they come. And no pvnishment for any owtradge they comit because they are so stronge whereas they serve, but in deede one Thomas Bourke with the yellow lockes, that was at Sligo when Capten George Bingham was slaigne, was taken tardy, for strykinge of Ensigne Ashley and hanged by Sir Warham Sctledger.
I protest vnto thee soldier, thou saieth true, and a verry good pece of service, in doing the same.,
Truely Seignieur Jacob, it is a perillous world, for you remember how the bases condicioned rouges of Connaght (when Sir John Norris was there) thundered owt
I remember there was a solider of Sir George Bowrchiers: that figure owt, that if Sir Richard Bingham had bene there; it shoulde either bene his, or Odonelles.
In deede there was such a matter, but the fellow had bene hanged if he had bene knowne for speakinge the truthe., but as these caterpillers of Connaght said, that Sir Richard Bingham was neuer well, but when he was in Armes, yet I canne tell you this muche: that he that thincketh to make an established Comon wealth in Connaght with the worde; and put away the sworrde, may make vpp his accompte with him, that coulde bringe tenne to nothinge, ffor I tell you the worlde had experience, in that oulde Seignieur, that bothe in martiall, and pollitique causes, he might not easely be ouerreached, And as for the mannadginge of the affaiers of that province: duringe the tyme the generall (which was longe) and the yearely
Well my good soldier, I canne say thus much in mynde owne knowledge, that as longe as the Connacians were kept vnder, and not suffered to swarne in troopes but forced to followe the plough and grasinge of cattell, all thinges florished, and her maiestie was well paied her rent, but once they got the reyne and permitted to take Armour and weapin vppon them (a greate parte whereof Sir Richarde had depryued them of before, then woulde they enduer no cvrbe, and what will become of those erected bandes of the Irish within a whyle I know not: except to rebellion againe: for thye looke suer upon theire dischardge, to haue either landes or pencions.
By the pittie of a pilcharde that is true: And I ensuer you, I know not to waht vse they will serve, except they may be shipt for Nova hispania, China or any other of those goulden places that be farre of, for you knowe her maiestie hath no gallies to exercyese theire Armes (and if she had, they woulde doe ther greate service, for theire lymbs are bothe lardge and stronge:, And if they be let a grasinge agayne, they will quickly make fyer enough, though the subiect pay for the roaste., but I had allmoste forgot my self to ask you of the estate of Athloane.
The Towne was burned by mischaunce and Sir Conyers Clifford gaue the inhabitants Cli towardes the buyldinge of the same againe.
That was well donne, of the Governour but I pray you what is become of Balleymoate.
Marry Sir[brvbar] even gon ffrom vs, to her oulde masters, the Clondonaghes agayne, for Sir Conyers as he thought, has placed there as counstable a verry sufficient gentillman of his owne retynew, who coulde neuer take rest in his bedde, for the greate lamentacion that the desolate Sligo made beinge abandoned of all her good English frendes, and neuer a sister of hers of any reputacion (except Coolooney) woulde either comfort her, or mourne with her for comepany.
Why I am suer the constable, coulde neither here or be troubled with such fantasies, being twelve longe myles off., and as I take it, this is but some of your ould Kilkenny visions.
Well, for all your sportinge quibbes, he was not withowt thre vesselles of Kilkenny potions when he toke so greate pitty of the lamentacion aforesiad, that either by negligence or fatall destenye, some of my cosen Clondonaghs, beinge there mixed emongst the warde: betrayed mr counstable, withdrawinge forthe of his trustieth people, leavinge few within; but himself and the porter, who was killed by one of that graceles crew, and so bothe house, counstable and all Englishmen taken (with mighty spoyl besydes.
And is that good houlde gone, that hath coste the Good Quene Elizabeth so much, with the carefull gettinge thereof by Sir Richard Bingham, and buyldinge vp and maynteigned by hym and his brother Sir George., to theire no litle
I protest vnto thee, thou saieth true: for I lyke not the loosinge of such places, for now the county of Sligo is wholy gon, but I must needs say the governor had ill fortvne, to loase it for as I remember he was lieutenant of Sir Richarde foteband when Balleymoate was first wonne
It is very true, but it is longe sithence, for his small aboade in Connaght at the first: And his greate discontynvauncies sithence; brought him some what owt of square, to maundge and governe; suche a treacherous people In whom except the Erles of Thoemonde, Clanricarkard and the Lorde Birmindgham: with some of theire dependantes there is small helpe of theire alledgeances, for as I vnderstand by others, the governour giues them landes, feeds them with mony, and fayer wordes, which if he withdrew neuer so litle from them, away they are gon, if they had giuen in: never so many pleadges, or taken a thowsand oathes to be true., but if he mynde to reforme them, he must follow the course of his Anctient commaunder and predecessor, (who as oulde as he was) kept no saunctuary in Athloane, nor in Roscommon, when he was there, but in campe day and night, takinge tenne tymes more paynes, then moste men
Well fellow souldier, it had bene better for her maiestie, and the good subiect of Irelande, by more mony then I will speake of, that good Sir Richard had not bene so remoued nor so vexed and overtopped as he was:, And his councell followed., well knowinge and forseinge of the eventes of thinges to come, but he was to good for this country, And so it apereth, for we are allmoste, as nere to seeke Ireland, as at the first conquest, God amend all that is amis.
You haue said the truth, but I pray you how escapes George Lane at Tulsk.
Marry not longe sithence that Archtraytor Hugh McTirlagh Roa O Connor, had gotten the vpper parte of the Castell, and George havinge left some bourdes loose of the hall loft to come into the seller, discended downe thither with some of his people vnknown to the traytor and his comepany. They drew vpp the bourdes, and thought to come into the seller, but he slew six of them at one clapp, wherevppon the fearfull rascall with his comepany pact then away: and so the castell and house recouered againe.
That was well done in deede, but in what credit is Brian O Rourke with the governor.
He, I marry, was hee: with Sir Conyers, but he serued him as good a trick as any
I moste hartely thanck you good brother Jacob, and if I live, I will make you parte of the amendes for the greate paynes taken in this matter.
Fyinis Conacie
Now good brother Sylvynne, how lyke you these Connaght ocurrances.
I protest vnto you: I lyke their discourse well: but for ought I canne perceaue, her maiestie is as farr to seeke, in Connaght as shee is in other places., you haue treated of, and all for the displacinge and disgracinge of father experience (for as I perceaue this that gouerneth there is a valyant gentillman but he is to much ouertaken, with gevinge trust to the wicked and enterteigning of those country people: one to serve against another, not rememberinge the ould proverbe, that one wolf will not prea vppon another, now I pray you Let me here of some Vlster newes: for I am suer you are acquaynted with some honest man that hath Travayled the northe.
I haue nothinge. but a coppy of a letter that a frend of mynde gave mee, at my being in Irelande.
I pray you Let me here it: for I longe to knowe the proceedinges of Lucyfer.
Vlster Occurrences
After my verry harty comendacions &. I haue receaued your kynde epistle; wherein I vnderstand all the estate of Aphaley: with the succes of our ffrendes there., which grieveth me not a litle, And allthough the newes be not greately to any lykinge: ywt for that I woulde be loath to dye in your debt: not knowinge when I shall repaier homewardes, beinge also by your self therevnto required, straigned my groase capacitie, to acquaynte you with some of these northerne affaiers: And allthough I cannot make a particular declaracion of every accident theire happeninge, yet will I briefly roave at them, as neere as I may, not doubtinge but they shalbe well accepted at your masterships handes, how rude soeuer they be set downe, and so ad rem.
First as it shoulde seme, when relacion had bene in England, what small succes the cessacions had: betwene Sir John Norris then Lieutenant Generall, And the traitor Tyroane: in which tyme of peace, most treacheries were effected; and tyme worne owt to no other purpose, but to thadvantadge of the enemy: and the greate chardge of her maiestie: with the Impouerishinge of all the English Pale., and the borders adioigning, by the often recourse; to and fro of the Army, besydes the intollerable somes of mony, and victualles extorted (by the brittaigne troopes, duringe the tyme they were ceassed in the pale or in any other place whersoeuer, for all was fish that came to net, As for theire infantry footemen, (as they
After this noble gentillman had surrendered the sworde, and the right honorable the Lorde Burgh established in the governement, he lingered not the tyme, but as conveniently as he might, drewe downe his fforceis towardes the fforte at Blackwater: beinge then in the possession of the Traytor Tyroane, and encampinge at Armagh, toke forthe of his Army some thowsande of his moste approued soldiers, and left the rest, in that place till farther direction from him., and so in the night tyme marched towardes the fforte with such expedicion that before Tyroanes warde was once aware, he was vppon theire walles, and ready to enter, At which svddaine and vnlooked for greetinge, after the dischardginge of some few shot away the warde ffledd and left the forte to his lordship, killing but one only soldior.
When that his honor had wonne the same he razed it with the grownde and buylded one not farre from the same, of a larger scoape, In the meane tyme he was assayinge, how he might passe to Dvngannon: and so ffrom thence to Loghfoyle, where he had appointed many barkes with victuall and other necessaries to meet him., but in respect of the greate pace, which he with his Army must passe: and the Erle Traitor with his forceis, withstandinge him to the vttermoste, knowinge that if his honour did passe there, he were in great possibilitie to loese all, made that place good, and fronted his honour in moste warlyke manner, well
After this mishapp, his honour seinge no possible meanes to Accomplish his desier, except he had bene able to haue had another convenient Army, to haue landed at Loghfoyle and so to haue set vppon the Erle Traytor on all sydes, victualled the fforte placinge therein as Counstable, a valyant gentillman named Capten Williams, with some CCth soldiers, And after brake vp campe, and retourned to the Newry, where making but small aboade, drew towardes the Cavan in Awreyleis country, and there placed Sir Christopher Sct Lawrence, comaunder of certaine comepanies there laied in garrysone, And then repaiered to Dublin., And there not contynvinge longe, for that hee considered the proporcion of victuall left with Capten Williams at the forte, was neere hand consvmed, drew thitherwardes agayne with as much expedicion as might be, And even the same day he cam to Armagh, Tyroanes fforceis had beleaguered the forte, and in the ende; the most valyantest men in his retynewe vndertook to wynne the same, for that they had perfect intelligence, that the warde was not onely sick and vnserviceable for the moste parte but all theire victualles consvmed, And so advauncing
Vppon the next day the Lord Deputy drew towardes the forte, And at his arryvall made by oracion to the constable and soldiors greately comendinge bothe him and them, for theire good services, And after he had victualled the forte, and supplyed the same, with freash and able soldiers, he staied there not longe (havinge no farther determynacion at that tyme to seeke the enemy: yet at his retourne towardes the newry, a comepany of loose knaves beinge shrowded in shrubbes, dischardged a volew of shot, emongst certaine horssmen (emongst whom was slaigne that valiant man Capten Brit Sarient maior of Army.,
After my Lord Deputy was come to the Newry, he fell sick of what disease I knowe not, but even harde vppon michaellmas, lyinge but a small tyme afterward he dyed: to the greate grief of all her maiesties good subiectes, But it is even a scourge comonely incident to this land, that when a noble man, or worthy gentillman cometh ouer hither to doe the country good: Then either he is called away: when he intendeth moste the benefit of this naked Comon wealthe: beinge happely accused for dealinge with to much rigor, (which these libertynes cannot abyde) or els it pleaseth the allmighty to call him to his mercy, to our greater scourge that meane well to her maiesties? soveraigne: but if he be evill, and give the country the raynes, he doth bothe tarry longe, and not departe empty fisted, or els many reportes ar fals)., What a coyle was there in this Realme before the arryvall, of that most renowned the Lorde Arthur Grey, who came ouer in tyme, for if it ploughed but a small tyme longer, it was lyke to haue bene a black day with the English, but allthough his fortvne was somewhat hard at this first entry at the Glynnes, yet or euer he departed he measured, both the length and breadth of the myndes and doinges of the wicked (aswell appered by the gentillmen of the English Pales conspiracy, who well payd for their treachery yet must he needes poaste away before his full tyme. After he had vanquished the spanyardes at Smerick, hunted the rebelles in Mounster, and purposely was mynded to haue restoared this disordered kingdome, to a perfect comonwealth, if longer he had contynved. And truly I could recon vpp a nomeber more of the lyke good governors, but these before rehearsed, shalbe sufficient.
Not longe after the death of this moste noble man the Lord Burgh, that ffyerbrande of the Northe, beinge not a litle exulted with our bad hap, deales with the Traytor James McSorley booy, that faithles Scot, to Joygne in Amity, with him, being then in great trust with the estate, that he would worke some stratageme against Sir John Chichester, Governor of Clandeboy, and the Garrysonne of Carickphergus, well knowinge that if he might surprise them, And be master of that houlde, he might then haue all safe behynde him., And though the said periurate after the death of the Lord Deputy: well seing the traitor Tyroane was somewhat in better case to saue himself then before, wrote vnto him that he would doe him any service he might yet the Archtraitor Tyroane was loathe to trust him for all his frendly letters before he had effected some bluddy matter vppon the English, (the which he consented to doe, and to bringe his threasonne the better to passe, sends to Tyroane for more forces which he had sent him: vppon which[brvbar] that periured villaigne, beinge in no mistrust with Sir John Chichester, sendes him worde that he shoulde meete with him at a place some six myles from Carickphergus and he would bringe him a pece of service, whose offer the knight toke to be gospell, and so when the tyme apointed cam: advaunced himself forwarde, havinge Capten Mansfield, Capten Constable, and Capten Marieman and others in his company and the nomeber of CCCth soldiers, but beinge come nere hand the place of meetinge, he might descry an extraordinary nomeber of ennemies, laid ready for him,
Ffor any greate accident in the Northe, vntill August followinge, except some few delaies and parleyes, betwene the right honorable the Lord Lieutenant Generall and the Traytor Tyroane (which fell owt to purpose at all, but chardgeable to her maiestie, I here not of any worthe the wrytinge, for he lying secure in his Tyrannycall denne, dothe nothinge but poaste Tirrell, Brian Reogh and other southerly Rvnnagates to disquiet Liempster, to kepe theire handes in vre?, against he shall haue, need, to vse them himself.
And now to draw to an ende of theise my raw intelligences, Capten Williams before rehearsed, lyinge longe in that vnhappye
And so vppon this Capten Williams havinge no meanes to be relieued was driven for the saueguarde of himself and comepany, to yield vpp the forte, vpon condicions, and come his way, the remaigne of our Army hembed in by the Enemy at Armagh, withall theire victuall and cariadge, and the boddy of that worthy knight, were vppon agrement betwene the enemy and them, (which I desyred not to knowe) lycenced to departe towardes the newry. Whereby the way, Capten Bonney going asyde aboute some busynes he had, was theire slaigne, And for that I was not present in that Journey myself wryte vnto you other mens reportes, I will
Finis Vltonie
How say you brother, is it not tyme to top this lofty pyne.
Yea and cropp the underwood too, or els all wilbe naught shortely: Now I pray you if I may be so bould, to desier you to shewe mee where the best estate of that comon wealth lyeth, & what be the causes of these greate troubles.
The fourthe and last booke, intreateth of matters towching the Comon weale of the Countrie (and where it hath contynued in the beste sorte: and how decayed againe, withe other necessarie noates concerninge the recouery of the same: with a declaracion of voluntary rebelles startinge owt, who hath bene maynteigned by her maiesties purse, a longe tyme togither.
My verry good brother: (which pardonne craved) in respect I vndertake to be a begynner, and the last that spake, yet presvminge somuch vppon you zeale and affection towardes mee: I haue embouldened my self to begynne in this sorte.
Ffirste, that consideringe there hathe bene divers Parlyamentes, houlden in that Realme of Ireland, (by sundry wyse and discreete noble men there, governing, tendinge to the advauncement and furtherance of that Comon Wealth. The Actes of which; theire seuerall cessions before them houlden, I am suer appereth at Lardge; which no doubt if they had bene duly effected, ffrom tyme to tyme. (accordinge the makers good meaninges: the Realme of Ireland coulde neuer haue growne thus owt of fframe., wherfore I shall desyer you, if you haue harde, or canne by your small contynvance there, acquaynt me, with some efficient causes, that hath breadd these calamities, I wilbe verry well contented to give you the hearinge.
Truly brother those be matters, farre overeachinge my groase capacitie: but yet emongst my noates I will shewe you one, beinge the opinion of an oulde man of the English Pale, whose chaunce it was to come to myne hoastes house in Dublin, accompanied with three or fower of his neighbours; who after dynner, talking of theire greate hinderances in this broken tyme: and he beinge Cock of that comepany, beganne in this manner.,
I remember sayeth hee, that within these threescore yeares, it was not tollerable emongst vs of the English Pale, to permit or suffer, any of the O Neales, O donelles, maguyers, mc mahowndes, o realies or any other Irish borderer to Inhabit emongst vs: by which meanes, wee weare so fast tyed in Consanguintie, alliaunce and amitie, one to another that it was as harde a matter to snapp a shefe of Arrowes in pieces, beinge fast bownde togither at one Instant force; as to separate our generall resolucion, to attempt any daunger in the princes behalf whatsoeuer; I neede not to fetch our ensample so far, as Edwarde the Seconde tyme, (all Irelande yealdinge to the Scot Edwarde le Bruse (savinge our Awncestors of the Englishe Pale; which stuck to the Lorde Justice brimdgham in that manner (beinge the last carde in the buntch) that by theire meanes the prowde scot and his army was ouerthrowne, At Carickbraddogh not far from Dundalk, And also in the lord Leonarde Greaies tyme by Ardee, Against Oneale and all his power of the North: and diuers tymes sithence to longe to rehearse.
But now within these fewe yeares: by the Instigacion of the devill, the wicked & covetous personne: that had more reguarde of his owne private gayne, then respect to the comon wealth, his offspringe and neighbors, made fosteridge, gossipred and marriadges with the Irish aforesaid: which strange monsters (contrary to the statutes) and our Awncestors leaste meaninges, once crept in emongst vs) it became so generall, that glad was hee, that might first retayne them to Inhabit under themselues., but marke, what mischief hath ensued thereof; which wee and others of latter tymes, that haue bene here established by her maiestie, and her predecessors doe now to late repent the reasonnes whereof; accordinge to my groase skill are presentely as followeth.
Ffirst by reasonne of combynacion, with the Irish as aforesaide, in crept theire languadge to be allmoste generall emongst vs, & that within a shorte
Secondly when we were acquaynted, with the Irish reteigned emongst vs, as a nomeber of others, by reasonne of Intercourse into theire countries: And for that wee are nyer and better acquaynted with the estate, then they are., we must stand as advocates, ffor them, they prefer to foster vnto vs, where there sundry condicions in that league:
The ffirst is miltch nvrses, that fostereth vpp our children with theire breastes, and any chylde that is so taken with, must haue as good a porcion (landes excepted) as any of the fosterers children, and this Irish mylke: worketh such effect in our children, that are so fostered, that moste of them neuer careth for Englishmen, or English civilitie euer afterwardes, for they make so greate accompt of theire fosterfather, fostermother, fosterbrethern
The Seconde kynde of fosterers, are of the meaner sorte of people, and these beinge poore tenantes, cloaze in with theire landlordes, and to curry favour with them, take with one of the children, and promissieth him a chyldes porcion, and this is called a dry fosterer (of which sorte) one chylde may haue a dozen, theise looke also for some extraordynary kynde of favour, at theire landlord, and foster sonnes handes (but yet nothinge in measure, to the first fosterer., for theise kynde of people desyrethe help, but for petty matters.
The thirde is muche lyke the laste, but beinge of a better callinge (combyneth nor taketh with none) but with greate mens children, (Aswell for that hee must give a lardge porcion, with his fostersonne: And having his matters and suites (in courte as otherwyse, of greate effect, then the meaner fosterer hath (which must be followed ( ad omnia quare) by those he taketh with (be the cause good or bad (or els hee will slipp his headd forthe of the collor and cry. A new master, a New, for a nomeber of these cannot drinck of all water (yet verry bountyfull if you please theire humours (which happely may bringe theire patrones to play the barrysters.
The fourthe is a man, that by greate industrye and paynes, is growne to be wealthy, and willingly if he might, would be contented, to live honestly of his owne, withowt entermeddlinge, with other mens matters: but beinge so aspyred, and his name in no greate requeste, beinge
Here be a fifth kynde of fosterers: and they take not onely with one chylde: but with my master and all his whole houshould, and theise pay mr maynteigner, contynvally with the sweate of other mennes browes (and if any of theise kitchen fosterers come vnder coram (he mr maingtener will labour verry hard, but he will get them at liberty agayne: vpon easy bandes. And yet carieth not a poynte; to forfeict xxli, rather then a meane rascall of that coare, shoulde once come in daunger of the lawe. (there be of theise kynde of people, that bringeth in better stuffe then kitchin matters, and they take prisoners to rawnsome, for mony, apparell, victuall, and any other necessaryes, as powder, mvncion and such lyke, (of which ill gotten pelfe, mr maytneigner hath his childrens partes: And thus much ffor fosterers.
Then to say somethinge of Gossepride a moste pestylent monster to a comon wealth, then fosteriidge is, (though that be bad enough: And of that there be fower kyndes
The first and moste tollerablst is at the fynt stoane., wherein is a shew of Christianytie and called Publique Gossiprid, and in great
The seconde gossipride is by breakinge of breade betwene partie and partie: and in this is concluded some smack of mischief intended, which; when any such matter falleth owt, we must doe our best endeavour to remedy the same: for entermedlinge with which sometymes wee are taken vp for halting, yet we neuer come in daunger as wee thinck, till venias mecum ?onceth?: and still for our paynes some salary cometh for playinge the bolsterers.
The thirde gossipride is, by seuerall oathes voluntarie taken, betwene partie and partie, for the fullfillinge of any covenant betwene them., though it smell as farre as felony, and then sometymes we bringe our selues in daunger to play the barristers.
The fourth and last poynte of Gossipride cannot be thoroughly effected, but by abusinge the holy sacrament of the comvnion: which all parties in that league combyned (most receaue the same to confirme any thinge, that is or shalbe from thence forth, agreed vppon, betwene them, yea though it smell of rebellion, murder, threasonne, burninges etc or any other capitall degree of what nature soeuer, so that by the illusion,
Then last of all. when we haue thoroughly performed, these ceremonies aforesaid, yet that cannot be thought sufficient unles we marry one with another, And there cometh in kinred, Allyance and affynitie of bludd, and then when this mixture hath taken thorough roote, we ffeare not any daunger whatsoeuer, but whylest we thinck our selues in greatest securitie, owt startes our fosterers, gossips and Allies, of the Irish pale into rebellion, and then some of vs, that haue traced these galliardes aforesaid, must adventure our selues in respect of the premisses, to be assistant vnto them, aswell private and publique, though we venture both lyfe, goodes, landes, and perpetuall Infamy besydes, yet you must vnderstand, I speake not this onely of the English Pale, but of all other partes of the Realme where Englishmen haue bene planted, Well accordinge to our tenvres, we are called to serve against the Enemy: and then not as we were wont to doe in proceedinge tymes (as formerly I repeated beinge compared to a sheafe of Arrowes of one makinge: but lyke a field of corne all overgrowne with wiedes: beinge so troubled in our myndes, how to make choyce of our enemies to fight with, many of them beinge our fosterers, gossips and Allies, so that
I had allmoste forgotten, the county of Ormonde which aboue all other places in Irelande, moste representeth the shew of a comon wealth, for therein; are many faier townes, the Inhabitantes whereof, are contynually exercysed, in makinge of Caddowes, blancketes, mantles of all sotes, rugges freises, and any other comoditie that the country doth yield, by reasonne whereof, the country men haue mony for theire comodities, youth trayned vpp to learne to live, when they come to ryper yeares; and for that both there; in the citty of Waterforde and other good townes, the weomen are the ouerseers and chiefest doers in these exercyses, the men traffick for England, ffraunce, Spaigne & flanders, and to other places where the comodities, are moste vendible, havinge many faiers in that country besides where much is vttered, And for that they are contynuall dealers, with merchantes and others of England, whereby groweth acquayntance.
A nomeber of theire children, are brought vp in diuers, citties and townes there, who scorneth not to get theire livinges, and so it is in many other places of the west besydes, as Limberick, Corck, Killmalock, Yoghall and others which follow the same order, that those of the townes of Ormonde dothe, but not so generall.
Now happely it may be said, why should not all other countries besydes, of that kingdome, be brought to the lyke stay that those westerne places are, to that I awnswere that as it shoulde seme, the Erles of Ormonde discending of English bloud, and noble from the first, brought ouer in theire comepanies many gentlemen, and others of meaner sorte, as merchantes, handycraftes men, and others: who not cominge ouer for a monethe; but for euer, first strengthened themselues by fortfyinge of many townes, which as I haue said before, are good stoare in that country, which was not onely a defence for theire personnes, if the Irish whom they cam to subdue (had bene able to kepe the field, but a succor for theire people and goodes., who might apply theire trades and craftes, withowt any impeachment of the enemy, which was an especial ocasion to abandon idlenes, the chiefest maistris, that attends vpon the meere Irish.
Ffor they for the moste parte, are all gentillmen and beggers: for they will say we may not worke, for that we are men of name and landes, In deede, many of them, haue verry greate lyvinges, for in most places emongst them they devyde their landes by gauell kynde; so that if a man haue twelve sonnes, and
There is a statute that the Irish lordes and gentillmen that houlde theire landes in this kynde, might appeale to the lord deputy and councell, and haue it graunted, vnder the broade seale, houldinge theire landes from her maiestie, as the manner of England is, from the father to the eldest sonne, and to his heire etc., which no doubt was enacted to a verry good purpose, that the rest of the bretheren or children, might apply themselues to live as in other good comon wealthes, but that as it falleth owt, did more hurt then good, except order had bene taken, that the terrytory lordes, shoulde haue bene forcid, to haue erected some stronge market townes in each of theire countries, accordinge to theire scoapes of landes, to haue trayned vpp theire youth as formerly is spoken of. In Ormond for now havinge neither landes, nor good educacion, they must needes follow theire oulde occupacions of filtchinge & stealinge: and from ii criminall factes into rebellion, to the which poynt it is now come to., there is neuer a one of these terrytory lordes. But if I were able to be harde, but should put in two principall pledges, aswell for the performance of her maiesties peace, quiet of all the well meaninge subiect, as the performinge and accomplishinge, of all the said market townes, for the purposes aforesaid, all which, if any of them did not performe, accordinge as it shoulde be laid downe, by the higher powers, I woulde hange vp one of his pledges, and take
Well now I caste at Monnsieur Tyroane, and then an ende; It is not vnknowne vnto vs all, that be here, how graciously and bountifully the noble Queene Elizabeth, hath delt with that Archtraitor, first raysinge him vp, from the dunghill, to the type and name of an Erle, the countenancinge him with horse and fote in pay, notwithstandinge he had livinge to much before, No honour was to much to bestowe, vppon this shameles companion. (who when ensample of most duty and thanckfullnes, should haue bene, expected, for her maiesties greate graces bestowed vppon him, he lyke an hippocriticall backslyder, havinge filled his cofers, with her maiesties coyne, stoared him self with furnyture, aswell forth of her maiesties office of ordynance, as from such creakers as served vnder him and Tirlagh Lenogh, in theire civill contencions, which kynde of freebootinge Capten with theire comepanies tollerated to reare and take vp Irish soldiers was the chiefest cause of martiall dyscyplyne emongst them, and then the castinge away of the Spannyardes vppon the coastes of Odonell country and
Well to be shorte those Northerne miscreantes, within these fewe yeares, knew not what the due order of fighting was and now it is a professed arte emongst the cowheardes of Vlster, God send some Good man to vnarme these roages (and put them to cow kepinge againe, for any other worke that is good they canne doe none., hemb them in with stronge townes at Collrane, the dirry, Duneluce, Clonarne, Olderfleete, and other necessary places, that the traffick that the scot hath with them may to turned to our profittes, doe the same at balleyshannon, and other necessarie places in Odonnelles country, and when the intercourse of strangers is taken from them, front them with stronge garrysonnes ffrom dundalk to the edge of Orowrkes country, and cut of the intercourse that theire kinsmen the merchantes (black and grey) that dwelleth emongst ourselues haue with them, for they are the master Badgers that help them at a pinch, with wyne, aquavitie, salt weapones, mvnicion, powder, apparrell, and other necessaries (and so doth the scot to, all which beinge but a small tyme
Now brother, how lyke you this oulde fellow of the English Pale.
I promis you I lyke him well for his playne dealinge; for he hath shewed many good reasons, that hath bene the overthrowe of that country, and some meanes presently how it may be remedied if matters were put in execucion: which nowe cannot easely be effected, withowt greate chardges of men victualles and mony. And sufficient personnes to mannadge the services with uprightnes, aswell forseinge that euery man haue his due., accordinge to equitie and justice: as on the contrary receavinge the same in that measure, faiele not to acomplish any thinge, that is beseeminge; vpon payne of extreame pvnishment, by the law to be
Even savinge a litle, towchinge the soldier revolted to the enemy and so an ende.
I pray you say on; for I longe to here what they canne say for themselues.
It is was my chaunce to be at an ordinary in Phillipstowne, where some of the owt start Oconnors and others, that had served longe tyme in her maiesties Garrysonne bandes (beinge then protected (came in for some refreashing for theire mony, at which tyme there chaunced to be two strangers & myself: yet they were well acquaynted with them., and emongst other talk the elder of the two, demaunded of them why they had forsaken theire alledgiances to her maiesty,
With that; one emongst the rest made awnswer; in the excurse of himself and companions, & said, that theire officers misvsed them, theire Captens stole theire pay, and if they chaunced to get a ticket in a yeare or two, it was a greate favour, as they thought, but beinge so obteigned they were driven to sell them to some clarke or merchant for half stake, and how those two kynde of petty foggers, shift for the other moitye, I referre to such, that hath better skill therein then I haue, but we all that haue served in bandes are assured the Quenes maiesty payeth the whole: Also we were kept shorte for our victuallinge mony, so that lyinge
Then falles he in hand with a younglinge, that had bene a merchantes mans servaunt, what ocasion he had to follow that course of lyfe; to whom he made awnswere, that he thought it a better gaine to be clarke to CC men, and to haue two shillinges a meale, and three shillinges for wrytinge of a letter, then to follow tadey maley his horse heeles. 9
Then the younger of the two, strangers fell in hande with a principall vyper emongst them, that had served longe in her maiesties pay in some reputacion, and demaunded of him why of all men: he would forsake her maiestie having bene so well delt with him.
Tush, quoth he; when the Capten hath a shorte band, and hath poasted away his Englishmen, he must needes of necessitie make vp his nomeber, what shift soeuer he makes, and then he sendes forth his scowtes, to harken where any of our sorte are, to be enterteigned who at length cvninge in that faculty, understandes of some xx or thirty of our sorte, whose behaviour hath bene such, that they may not come in withowt a protection; for the present, and after theire pardonnes (which matter is perfourmed with all expedicion, neither serchinge after any of bringing vp, either of our parentes or
Now I ensuer you brother, there is some groase kynde of dealinge in that land, in whom soeuerr the fault is, to suffer her maiesties ffourceis, to be chosen owt of so wicked a people (whose country beinge the verry picture of Idlenes it self (except in few places) there canne be neither an ende of warrs: nor meanes to reduce that state to civilitie, as longe as they are suffered to remayne armed. But what saith the muster master to it for he is a man of greate experience.
I had neuer any conference with him my self nor with any of his officers, but I haue sene some that hath had speeches, with some of his new fraternitie of commissaries towchinge the allowinge of so many Irishmen: theire awnswere was that they did nothinge but by warrant which was bothe sufficient for their master and themselues, for you must thinck that they haue a care of themselues
As I haue said before: I am right hartely sorry, that the Good Quene shoulde be delt with in this manner, And grieued I am to here, that which I haue harde, I pray god shall (sic) amended for I perceaue these fellowes in rebellion (nor many of these miscreantes in pay neither, wilbe driven to throwe away their weapons, for the sight of our whips, as the Scithians made theire bondsmen doe, at their cominge forthe of Asia, for they beinge longe abroade in the warrs, (moste of theire wyues thinking they had bene slaigne or dead, marryed themselues
No I warrant you., for these fellow will not be scared with weaponnes, much lesse with whipps, and as for their peces, murrions, and swordes, they farr passe our mens for the moste parte, bothe in goodnes and well kepinge, I pray God loke vppon our deere bretheren there if it be his pleasure, And suffer them not to fall into theire handes, as our predeccessors did in ffraunce, in Henry the VIth tyme, after that diuers provinces there, had remayned many yeares in our handes, some by inheritance, and others got with the sworde, with the losse of many a mans lyfe, and yet all gon ffrom vs in a moment, And in the same manner went Callice too. In Quene Maries tymes; after it remaygned Ccxxtie yeares in our possession, being a yeare agettinge, by the renowned Kinge Edward the thirde, and lost againe in eight daies, I pray God those may serve for ensamples, towchinge the better keepinge of Irelande, beinge the parte (allthough chardgeable) that doth serve for a back armour to England.
It is verry certaine, that if that back parte of the Armour should miscarry and be cut of from England (as God forbid it should) it would make the ould
Well Brother I haue deteigned you a greate whyle, with this my Ireland newes. And now will ende with this one ensample.
A chief piller of myne sometymes, havinge had good experience, aswell by travaiele as otherwyse to give a sownde Judgement, concerninge matters of estate, havinge one other in his comepany besydes my self., fortvned emongst other matters (then fittinge for the tyme, to discourse of certaine services effected in the Ile of Creete alias Candie. I served sometymes saieth he: vnder Counte Peter, and Counte Sebastian Generalles, at suerall tymes of the Venecians Armyes, both by sea and lande, for the space of six yeares, against the enemies of that estate, beinge chiefly the Turke, but emongst all theire warrs, they were moste troubled with the Cretans (a province belonginge to the said Venecians; for they a greate tyme togither, had waged the country people there, (as we vse in Ireland now) aswell to warre against forreigne Enemies, as otherwyse against some of that nacion which did rebell. the chieftains of which comotion, were certaine Bishops of beinge nobly borne of the Greeke and Latyne churches, who many tymes bickeringe with the venecians deputies there, sometymes to theire gayne, sometymes to theire losse, At length not prevaylinge to theire expectacion, drew in the turkes, who burned one of theire chiefest citties called Rethimo, but made no longe stay there, after the doinge thereof. For which fact, emongst others by them comitted, they loked for no mercy, if they were subdued by the deputy there: And therefore as a people disparringe, gaue out by way of proclamacion, liberty to all cretans, that would take parte
ffor your greate paynes taken, herein, I doubt not, but the honest subiect, will give you your due, and as for my self, havinge receaued the first taste thereof, I yield you a thowsandes thanckes, and so Adieu., but yet could I wish that the rebell of necessitie (that haue bene drawne forcibly into accion, by the voluntary rebell (shoulde be assisted vppon his Inocency, & maynteigned to serve against the other.